Пример #1
def tasks(context, request, status=None):  # noqa
    """Returns a JSON representation of the tasks from the queue
    # Maybe the status has been sent via POST
    request_data = req.get_json()
    status = status or request_data.get("status", [])
    since = request_data.get("since", 0)

    # Get the tasks
    items = qapi.get_queue().get_tasks(status)

    # Skip ghosts unless explicitly asked
    if "ghost" not in status:
        items = filter(lambda t: not t.get("ghost"), items)

    # Skip older
    items = filter(lambda t: t.created > since, items)

    # Convert to the dict representation
    complete = request_data.get("complete") or False
    summary = get_tasks_summary(list(items), "server.tasks", complete=complete)

    # Update the summary with the created time of oldest task
    summary.update({"since_time": qapi.get_queue().get_since_time()})
    return summary
Пример #2
def delete(context, request):  # noqa
    """Removes the task from the queue
    # Get the task uid
    task_uid = req.get_json().get("task_uid")

    # Get the task
    task = get_task(task_uid)

    # Return the process summary
    msg = "Task deleted: {}".format(task_uid)
    task_info = {"task": get_task_info(task)}
    return get_message_summary(msg, "server.delete", **task_info)
Пример #3
def process(browser, task_uid):
    """Simulates the processing of the task
    request = _api.get_request()
    site_url = _api.get_url(_api.get_portal())
    url = "{}/@@API/senaite/v1/queue_consumer/process".format(site_url)
    payload = {"task_uid": task_uid}
    browser.post(url, parse.urlencode(payload, doseq=True))

    # We loose the globalrequest each time we do a post with browser

    # Mark the task as done

    return browser.contents
Пример #4
    def get_num_pending(self):
        if not api.is_queue_enabled():
            return 0

        # We are only interested in tasks with uids
        queue = api.get_queue()
        uids = map(lambda t: t.get("uids"), queue.get_tasks_for(self.context))
        uids = filter(None, list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(uids)))
        return len(set(uids))
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        """Removes the selected tasks and redirects to the previous URL
        queue = qapi.get_queue()
        map(queue.delete, uids)

        url = api.get_url(api.get_portal())
        url = "{}/queue_tasks".format(url)
        return self.redirect(url)
Пример #6
def timeout(context, request):  # noqa
    """The task timed out
    # Get the task uid
    request_data = req.get_json()
    task_uid = request_data.get("task_uid")

    # Get the task
    task = get_task(task_uid)
    if task.status not in [
        _fail(412, "Task is not running")

    # Notify the queue

    # Return the process summary
    task_info = {"task": get_task_info(task)}
    return get_message_summary(task_uid, "server.timeout", **task_info)
Пример #7
    def process(self, task):
        """Process the task from the queue
        # If there are too many objects to process, split them in chunks to
        # prevent the task to take too much time to complete
        chunks = get_chunks(task["uids"], 50)

        # Process the first chunk
        map(self.reindex_security, chunks[0])

        # Add remaining objects to the queue
        if chunks[1]:
            request = _api.get_request()
            context = task.get_context()
            kwargs = {
                "uids": chunks[1],
                "priority": task.priority,
            new_task = QueueTask(task.name, request, context, **kwargs)
Пример #8
def uids(context, request, status=None):  # noqa
    """Returns a JSON representation of the uids from queued objects
    # Maybe the status has been sent via POST
    request_data = req.get_json()
    status = status or request_data.get("status")

    # Get the uids from queued objects
    items = qapi.get_queue().get_uids(status)

    # Convert to the dict representation
    return get_list_summary(items, "server.uids")
Пример #9
def done(context, request):  # noqa
    """Acknowledge the task has been successfully processed. Task is removed
    from the running tasks pool and returned
    # Get the task uid
    task_uid = req.get_json().get("task_uid")

    # Get the task
    task = get_task(task_uid)
    if task.status not in [
        _fail(412, "Task is not running")

    # Notify the queue

    # Return the process summary
    msg = "Task done: {}".format(task_uid)
    task_info = {"task": get_task_info(task)}
    return get_message_summary(msg, "server.done", **task_info)
Пример #10
def get_task(task_uid):
    """Resolves the task for the given task uid
    if not api.is_uid(task_uid) or task_uid == "0":
        # 400 Bad Request, wrong task uid
        _fail(412, "Task uid empty or no valid format")

    task = qapi.get_queue().get_task(task_uid)
    if not task:
        _fail(404, "Task {}".format(task_uid))

    return task
Пример #11
    def __call__(self, action, uids):
        """Re-queues the selected tasks and redirects to the previous URL
        queue = qapi.get_queue()
        for uid in uids:
            task = queue.get_task(uid)
            task.retries = get_max_retries()

        url = api.get_url(api.get_portal())
        url = "{}/queue_tasks".format(url)
        return self.redirect(url)
Пример #12
def fail(context, request):  # noqa
    """Acknowledge the task has NOT been successfully processed. Task is
    moved from running tasks to failed or re-queued and returned
    # Get the task uid
    request_data = req.get_json()
    task_uid = request_data.get("task_uid")
    error_message = request_data.get("error_message")

    # Get the task
    task = get_task(task_uid)
    if task.status not in [
        _fail(412, "Task is not running")

    # Notify the queue
    qapi.get_queue().fail(task, error_message=error_message)

    # Return the process summary
    msg = "Task failed: {}".format(task_uid)
    task_info = {"task": get_task_info(task)}
    return get_message_summary(msg, "server.fail", **task_info)
Пример #13
def get_task(task_uid):
    """Resolves the task for the given task uid
    if not capi.is_uid(task_uid) or task_uid == "0":
        # 400 Bad Request, wrong task uid
        _fail(412, "Task uid empty or no valid format")

    task = api.get_queue().get_task(task_uid)
    if not task:
        _fail(404, "Task {}".format(task_uid))

    if not capi.is_uid(task.context_uid):
        _fail(500, "Task's context uid is not valid")

    return task
Пример #14
def pop(context, request):  # noqa
    """Pops the next task from the queue, if any. Popped task is no longer
    available in the queued tasks pool, but added in the running tasks pool
    # Get the consumer ID
    consumer_id = req.get_json().get("consumer_id")
    if not is_consumer_id(consumer_id):
        _fail(428, "No valid consumer id")

    # Pop the task from the queue
    task = qapi.get_queue().pop(consumer_id)

    # Return the task info
    task_uid = get_task_uid(task, default="<empty>")
    logger.info("::server.pop: {} [{}]".format(task_uid, consumer_id))
    return get_task_info(task, complete=True)
Пример #15
def search(context, request):  # noqa
    """Performs a search
    # Get the search criteria
    query = req.get_request_data()
    if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)):
        query = query[0]
    elif not isinstance(query, dict):
        query = {}

    uid = query.get("uid")
    name = query.get("name")
    complete = query.get("complete", False)

    # Get the tasks from the utility
    items = qapi.get_queue().get_tasks_for(uid, name=name)
    return get_tasks_summary(items, "server.search", complete=complete)
Пример #16
def add(context, request):  # noqa
    """Adds a new task to the queue server
    # Extract the task(s) from the request
    raw_tasks = req.get_request_data()

    # Convert raw task(s) to QueueTask object(s)
    items = map(to_task, raw_tasks)
    valid = map(is_task, items)
    if not all(valid):
        _fail(406, "No valid task(s)")

    # Add the task(s) to the queue
    map(qapi.get_queue().add, items)

    # Return the process summary
    return get_tasks_summary(items, "server.add", complete=False)
Пример #17
def requeue(context, request, task_uid=None):  # noqa
    """Requeue the task. Task is moved from either failed or running pool to
    the queued tasks pool and returned
    # Maybe the task uid has been sent via POST
    task_uid = task_uid or req.get_json().get("task_uid")

    # Get the task
    task = get_task(task_uid)

    # Remove, restore max number of retries and re-add the task
    task.retries = get_max_retries()
    queue = qapi.get_queue()

    # Return the process summary
    msg = "Task re-queued: {}".format(task_uid)
    task_info = {"task": get_task_info(task)}
    return get_message_summary(msg, "server.requeue", **task_info)
Пример #18
def diff(context, request):
    request_data = req.get_json()
    status = request_data.get("status", [])
    client_uids = request_data.get("uids", [])
    client_uids = filter(api.is_uid, client_uids)

    # Get the tasks
    items = qapi.get_queue().get_tasks(status)

    # Keep track of the uids the client has to remove
    server_uids = map(lambda t: t.task_uid, items)
    stale_uids = filter(lambda uid: uid not in server_uids, client_uids)

    def keep(task):
        # Skip ghosts unless explicitly asked
        if "ghost" not in status:
            if task.get("ghost"):
                return False

        # Always include tasks that are running (client might have this task
        # already, but in queued status)
        if task.status in "running":
            return True

        # Skip the task if client has it
        return task.task_uid not in client_uids

    # Keep the tasks that matter
    items = filter(keep, items)

    # Convert to the dict representation
    complete = request_data.get("complete") or False
    summary = get_tasks_summary(list(items), "server.diff", complete=complete)

    # Update the summary with the uids the client has to remove
        "stale": stale_uids,
        # TODO Implement unknowns
        "unknown": []
    return summary
Пример #19
def handle_submit(self):
    """Handle form submission for the assignment of a WorksheetTemplate
    wst_uid = self.request.form.get("getWorksheetTemplate")
    if not wst_uid:
        return False

    # Do not allow the assignment of a worksheet template when queued
    if api.is_queued(self.context):
        return False

    # Current context is the worksheet
    worksheet = self.context
    layout = worksheet.getLayout()

    # XXX For what is this used?
    self.request["context_uid"] = capi.get_uid(worksheet)

    # Apply the worksheet template to this worksheet
    wst = capi.get_object_by_uid(wst_uid)

    # Are there tasks queued for this Worksheet?
    if api.is_queue_enabled():
        queue = api.get_queue()
        tasks = queue.get_tasks_for(worksheet)
        if tasks:
            return True

    # Maybe the queue has not been used (disabled?)
    new_layout = worksheet.getLayout()
    if len(new_layout) != len(layout):
        # Layout has changed. Assume the analyses were added
        return True

    return False
Пример #20
    def folderitems(self):
        states_map = {
            "running": "state-published",
            "failed": "state-retracted",
            "queued": "state-active",
            "ghost": "state-unassigned",
        # flag for manual sorting
        self.manual_sort_on = self.get_sort_on()

        # Get the items
        status = ["running", "queued"]
        if self.review_state.get("id") == "failed":
            status = ["failed"]
        elif self.review_state.get("id") == "all":
            status = ["running", "queued", "failed", "ghost"]

        items = map(self.make_item, qapi.get_queue().get_tasks(status=status))

        # Infere the priorities
        site_url = api.get_url(api.get_portal())
        api_url = "{}/@@API/v1/@@API/senaite/v1/queue_server".format(site_url)
        idx = 1
        for item in items:
            if item["status"] not in ["queued", "running"]:
                priority = 0
                priority = idx
                idx += 1

            created = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(item["created"])).isoformat()
            context_link = get_link(item["context_path"], item["context_path"])

            task_link = "{}/{}".format(api_url, item["uid"])
            params = {"class": "text-monospace"}
            task_link = get_link(task_link, item["task_short_uid"], **params)

            status_msg = _(item["status"])
            css_class = states_map.get(item["status"])
            if item.get("ghost"):
                css_class = "{} {}".format(css_class, states_map["ghost"])
                status_msg = "{} ({})".format(status_msg, _("ghost"))

                "priority": str(priority).zfill(4),
                "state_class": css_class,
                "replace": {
                    "status": status_msg,
                    "context_path": context_link,
                    "task_short_uid": task_link,
                    "created": created,

        # Sort the items
        sort_on = self.manual_sort_on in self.columns.keys() or "priority"
        reverse = self.get_sort_order() == "ascending"
        items = sorted(items, key=itemgetter(sort_on), reverse=reverse)

        # Pagination
        self.total = len(items)
        limit_from = self.get_limit_from()
        if limit_from and len(items) > limit_from:
            return items[limit_from:self.pagesize + limit_from]
        return items[:self.pagesize]
Пример #21
def consume_task():
    """Consumes a task from the queue, if any
    if not is_installed():
        return info("Queue is not installed")

    host = _api.get_request().get("SERVER_URL")
    if not is_valid_zeo_host(host):
        return error("zeo host not set or not valid: {} [SKIP]".format(host))

    consumer_thread = get_consumer_thread()
    if consumer_thread:
        # There is a consumer working already
        name = consumer_thread.getName()
        return info("Consumer running: {} [SKIP]".format(name))

    logger.info("Queue client: {}".format(host))

    # Server's queue URL
    server = api.get_server_url()

    # Check the status of the queue
    status = api.get_queue_status()
    if status not in ["resuming", "ready"]:
        return warn("Server is {} ({}) [SKIP]".format(status, server))

    if api.is_queue_server():
        message = [
            "Server = Consumer: {}".format(server),
            "Client configured as both queue server and consumer.",
            "This is not suitable for productive environments!",
            "Change the Queue Server URL in SENAITE's control panel",
            "or setup another zeo client as queue consumer.",
            "Current URL: {}".format(server),

    # Pop next task to process
    consumer_id = host
        task = api.get_queue().pop(consumer_id)
        if not task:
            return info("Queue is empty or process undergoing [SKIP]")
    except Exception as e:
        return error("Cannot pop. {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)))

    auth_key = _api.get_registry_record("senaite.queue.auth_key")
    kwargs = {
        "task_uid": task.task_uid,
        "task_username": task.username,
        "consumer_id": consumer_id,
        "base_url": _api.get_url(_api.get_portal()),
        "server_url": api.get_server_url(),
        "user_id": _api.get_current_user().id,
        "max_seconds": get_max_seconds(),
        "auth_key": auth_key,
    name = "{}{}".format(CONSUMER_THREAD_PREFIX, int(time.time()))
    t = threading.Thread(name=name, target=process_task, kwargs=kwargs)

    return info("Consumer running: {} [SKIP]".format(CONSUMER_THREAD_PREFIX))