Пример #1
class NestedSamplingSA(NestedSampling):
    """overload get_starting_configuration() in order to introduce sampling from known minima
    system : pele system object
    nreplicas : int
        number of replicas
    takestep : callable
        object to do the step taking.  must be callable and have attribute takestep.stepsize
    minima : list of Minimum objects
    def __init__(self, replicas, mc_runner, minima, ndof,
                  config_tests=None, debug=False,
                  minprob=None, energy_offset=None, copy_minima=True, 
                  center_minima=False, energy_onset = None, **kwargs):
        super(NestedSamplingSA, self).__init__(replicas, mc_runner, **kwargs)
        self.minima = minima
        self.bh_sampler = SASampler(self.minima, ndof, copy_minima=copy_minima, 
        if minprob is None:
            raise ValueError("minprob cannot be None")
        self.minprob = minprob
        if energy_offset is None:
            self.energy_offset = 2.5
            self.energy_offset = energy_offset
        self.debug = debug
        self.config_tests = config_tests
        self._energy_max_database = energy_onset
        if self.debug and self.config_tests is None:
            print "warning, not using config tests"
        self.count_sampled_minima = 0
#    def get_starting_configuration_minima_HA(self, Emax):
#        """using the Harmonic Approximation sample a new configuration starting from a minimum sampled uniformly according to phase space volume
#        Notes
#        -----
#        displace minimum configuration along its eigenvectors
#        """
#        m = self.bh_sampler.sample_minimum(Emax)        
#        x = self.bh_sampler.sample_coords_from_basin(m, Emax)
#        pot = self.system.get_potential()
#        e = pot.getEnergy(x)
#        return x, e
    def get_starting_configuration_minima_single(self, Emax):
        """return a minimum sampled uniformly according to phase space volume"""
        m = self.bh_sampler.sample_minimum(Emax)
        x, e = m.coords.copy(), m.energy
#        self.system.center_coords(x)
        if self.config_tests is not None:
            for test in self.config_tests:
                t = test(coords=x)
                if not t:
                    print "warning: minimum from database failed configuration test", m.energy
                    raise ConfigTestError()
        return x, e

    def get_starting_configuration_minima(self, Emax):
        """return a minimum sampled uniformly according to phase space volume

        some of the minima in the database don't satisfy the configuration
        checks.  So we sample over and over again until we get one that

        self.count_sampled_minima += 1
        while True:
                return self.get_starting_configuration_minima_single(Emax)
            except ConfigTestError:

    def onset_prob_func(self, Emax):
        """return the probability of sampling from a minimum
        The probability depends on Emax. For high Emax the probability is 0.  the probability
        increases as Emax get's lower, reaching a maximum of self.minprob.  

        value of Emax where the probabilty starts to get large is energy_max_database + energy_offset where
        energy_max_database is the maximum energy minimum in the database.  This behaviour
        can be adjusted with parameter energy_offset.
        parameter <energy_onset_width> determines the speed at which it turns on.
        the optimal probability of sampling from the database scales approximately as 1/nreplicas, 
        this has been shown analytically (see Stefano's thesis pp.29-32). 
        #if not hasattr(self, "_energy_max_database"):
        if self._energy_max_database == None:
            self._energy_max_database = float(max([m.energy for m in self.minima]))
        max_prob = float(self.minprob)
        energy_onset_width = 1.
        dE = self._energy_max_database + self.energy_offset - Emax
        f = dE / energy_onset_width
        if np.log(np.finfo('d').max) <= (-f):
            onset_prob = 0.
            onset_prob = max_prob / (1. + np.exp(-f))
        return float(onset_prob)/self.nreplicas
    def get_starting_configurations(self, Emax):
        """this function overloads the function in NestedSampling"""
        # choose a replica randomly
        configs = self.get_starting_configurations_from_replicas()
        # replace each starting configuration with a one chosen
        # from the minima with probability onset_prob
        onset_prob = self.onset_prob_func(Emax)
        for i in range(len(configs)):
            if np.random.uniform(0,1) < onset_prob:
                x, energy = self.get_starting_configuration_minima(Emax)
                configs[i] = Replica(x, energy, from_random=False)
                if self.verbose:
                    print "sampling from minima, E minimum:", energy, "with probability:", onset_prob
        return configs
Пример #2
class NestedSamplingSA(NestedSampling):
    """overload get_starting_configuration() in order to introduce sampling from known minima
    system : pele system object
    nreplicas : int
        number of replicas
    takestep : callable
        object to do the step taking.  must be callable and have attribute takestep.stepsize
    minima : list of Minimum objects
    def __init__(self,
        super(NestedSamplingSA, self).__init__(system, nreplicas, mc_runner,
        self.minima = minima
        self.bh_sampler = SASampler(self.minima, self.system.k)
        if minprob is None:
            raise ValueError("minprob cannot be None")
        self.minprob = minprob
        if energy_offset is None:
            self.energy_offset = 2.5
            self.energy_offset = energy_offset

        self.count_sampled_minima = 0

    def get_starting_configuration_minima_HA(self, Emax):
        """using the Harmonic Approximation sample a new configuration starting from a minimum sampled uniformly according to phase space volume
        displace minimum configuration along its eigenvectors
        m = self.bh_sampler.sample_minimum(Emax)
        x = self.bh_sampler.sample_coords_from_basin(m, Emax)
        pot = self.system.get_potential()
        e = pot.getEnergy(x)
        return x, e

    def get_starting_configuration_minima_single(self, Emax):
        """return a minimum sampled uniformly according to phase space volume"""
        m = self.bh_sampler.sample_minimum(Emax)
        x, e = m.coords, m.energy
        if True:
            accept_tests = self.system.get_config_tests()
            for test in accept_tests:
                t = test(coords=x)
                if not t:
                    print "warning: minimum from database failed configuration test", m._id, m.energy
                    raise ConfigTestError()
        return x, e

    def get_starting_configuration_minima(self, Emax):
        """return a minimum sampled uniformly according to phase space volume

        some of the minima in the database don't satisfy the configuration
        checks.  So we sample over and over again until we get one that

        self.count_sampled_minima += 1
        while True:
                return self.get_starting_configuration_minima_single(Emax)
            except ConfigTestError:

    def onset_prob_func(self, Emax):
        """return the probability of sampling from a minimum
        The probability depends on Emax. For high Emax the probability is 0.  the probability
        increases as Emax get's lower, reaching a maximum of self.minprob.  

        value of Emax where the probabilty starts to get large is energy_max_database + energy_offset where
        energy_max_database is the maximum energy minimum in the database.  This behavior
        can be adjusted with parameter energy_offset.
        parameter b determines the speed at which it turns on.
        if not hasattr(self, "_energy_max_database"):
            self._energy_max_database = float(
                max([m.energy for m in self.minima]))
        max_prob = float(self.minprob)
        energy_onset_width = 1.
        dE = self._energy_max_database + self.energy_offset - Emax
        f = dE / energy_onset_width
        if f > 100:
            onset_prob = 0.
            onset_prob = max_prob / (1. + np.exp(-f))
        return onset_prob

    def get_starting_configurations(self, Emax):
        """this function overloads the function in NestedSampling"""
        # choose a replica randomly
        configs = self.get_starting_configurations_from_replicas()
        # replace each starting configuration with a one chosen
        # from the minima with probability prob
        onset_prob = self.onset_prob_func(Emax)
        prob = onset_prob / float(self.nreplicas)
        for i in range(len(configs)):
            if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < prob:
                x, energy = self.get_starting_configuration_minima(Emax)
                configs[i] = Replica(x, energy, from_random=False)
                if self.verbose:
                    print "sampling from minima, E minimum:", energy, "with probability:", prob
        return configs
Пример #3
class TestBuildDatabase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.natoms = 6
        self.system = LJCluster(self.natoms)
        # create a database
        self.database = self.system.create_database()
        # add some minima to the database
        bh = self.system.get_basinhopping(self.database, outstream=None)
        while self.database.number_of_minima() < 2:
        get_thermodynamic_information(self.system, self.database)
        get_all_normalmodes(self.system, self.database)
        self.ndof = self.natoms * 3 - 6
        self.sampler = SASampler(self.database.minima(), self.ndof)

#    def test(self):
#        for m in self.database.minima():
#            print m.energy
#        print self.sampler.compute_weights(-11.7)
#        for i in range(10):
#            m = self.sampler.sample_minimum(-11)
#            print m._id

    def compute_weights(self, Emax, k):
        print [m.energy for m in self.database.minima()], Emax
        lweights = [ - np.log(m.pgorder) + 0.5 * k * np.log(Emax - m.energy) - 0.5 * m.fvib
                    for m in self.database.minima() if m.energy < Emax]
        lweights = np.array(lweights)
        if lweights.size <= 1: return lweights
        lwmax = lweights.max()
        lweights -= lwmax
        return np.exp(lweights)

    def test1(self):
        Emax = -11.7
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(0.)
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(Emax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[0], 0.81256984, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[1], 1., 7)
        new_weights = self.compute_weights(Emax, self.ndof)
        print weights
        print new_weights

    def test2(self):
        Emax = -11.7
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(Emax)
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(Emax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[0], 0.81256984, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[1], 1., 7)
    def test3(self):
        m = self.sampler.sample_minimum(-11.7)
        self.assertIn(m, self.database.minima())
    def test4(self):
        """check that the HSA energy is computed correctly"""
        pot = self.system.get_potential()
        for m in self.database.minima():
            x = m.coords.copy()
            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
            ehsa = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
            ecompare = (ehsa - ecalc) / (ecalc - m.energy) 
            print ehsa - m.energy, ecalc - m.energy, m.energy, ecompare
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecompare, 0., 1)
    def test_rotation(self):
        """assert that the HSA energy is *not* invariant under rotation"""
        pot = self.system.get_potential()
        aa = rotations.random_aa()
        rmat = rotations.aa2mx(aa)
        from pele.mindist import TransformAtomicCluster
        tform = TransformAtomicCluster(can_invert=True)
        for m in self.database.minima():
            x = m.coords.copy()
            # randomly move the atoms by a small amount
            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
            ehsa1 = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
            # now rotate by a random matrix
            xnew = x.copy()
            tform.rotate(xnew, rmat)
            ehsa2 = self.sampler.compute_energy(xnew, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc2 = pot.getEnergy(xnew)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecalc, ecalc2, 5)
            self.assertNotAlmostEqual(ehsa1, ehsa2, 1)
#    def test_rotation_2(self):
#        """assert that the HSA energy *is* invariant under rotation *if* the initial coords are also rotated"""
#        pot = self.system.get_potential()
#        aa = rotations.random_aa()
#        rmat = rotations.aa2mx(aa)
#        from pele.mindist import TransformAtomicCluster
#        tform = TransformAtomicCluster(can_invert=True)
#        for m in self.database.minima():
#            x = m.coords.copy()
#            # randomly move the atoms by a small amount
#            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
#            ehsa1 = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
#            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
#            # now rotate by a random matrix
#            xnew = x.copy()
#            tform.rotate(xnew, rmat)
#            xmnew = m.coords.copy()
#            tform.rotate(xmnew, rmat)
#            ehsa2 = self.sampler.compute_energy(xnew, m, x0=xmnew)
#            ecalc2 = pot.getEnergy(xnew)
#            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecalc, ecalc2, 5)
#            self.assertAlmostEqual(ehsa1, ehsa2, 3)
    def test_permutation(self):
        """assert that the HSA energy is not invariant under permutation"""
        pot = self.system.get_potential()
        perm = range(self.natoms)
        from pele.mindist import TransformAtomicCluster
        tform = TransformAtomicCluster(can_invert=True)
        for m in self.database.minima():
            x = m.coords.copy()
            # randomly move the atoms by a small amount
            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
            ehsa1 = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
            # now rotate by a random matrix
            xnew = x.copy()
            xnew = tform.permute(xnew, perm)
            ehsa2 = self.sampler.compute_energy(xnew, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc2 = pot.getEnergy(xnew)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecalc, ecalc2, 5)
            self.assertNotAlmostEqual(ehsa1, ehsa2, 1)
Пример #4
class TestBuildDatabase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.natoms = 6
        self.system = LJCluster(self.natoms)

        # create a database
        self.database = self.system.create_database()

        # add some minima to the database
        bh = self.system.get_basinhopping(self.database, outstream=None)
        while self.database.number_of_minima() < 2:

        get_thermodynamic_information(self.system, self.database)
        get_all_normalmodes(self.system, self.database)

        self.ndof = self.natoms * 3 - 6
        self.sampler = SASampler(self.database.minima(), self.ndof)

#    def test(self):
#        for m in self.database.minima():
#            print m.energy
#        print self.sampler.compute_weights(-11.7)
#        for i in range(10):
#            m = self.sampler.sample_minimum(-11)
#            print m._id

    def test1(self):
        Emax = -11.7
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(0.)
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(Emax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[0], 0.81256984, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[1], 1., 7)

    def test2(self):
        Emax = -11.7
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(Emax)
        minima, weights = self.sampler.compute_weights(Emax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[0], 0.81256984, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(weights[1], 1., 7)

    def test3(self):
        m = self.sampler.sample_minimum(-11.7)
        self.assertIn(m, self.database.minima())

    def test4(self):
        """check that the HSA energy is computed correctly"""
        pot = self.system.get_potential()
        for m in self.database.minima():
            x = m.coords.copy()
            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
            ehsa = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
            ecompare = (ehsa - ecalc) / (ecalc - m.energy)
            print ehsa - m.energy, ecalc - m.energy, m.energy, ecompare
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecompare, 0., 1)

    def test_rotation(self):
        """assert that the HSA energy is *not* invariant under rotation"""
        pot = self.system.get_potential()
        aa = rotations.random_aa()
        rmat = rotations.aa2mx(aa)
        from pele.mindist import TransformAtomicCluster
        tform = TransformAtomicCluster(can_invert=True)
        for m in self.database.minima():
            x = m.coords.copy()
            # randomly move the atoms by a small amount
            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
            ehsa1 = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
            # now rotate by a random matrix
            xnew = x.copy()
            tform.rotate(xnew, rmat)
            ehsa2 = self.sampler.compute_energy(xnew, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc2 = pot.getEnergy(xnew)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecalc, ecalc2, 5)
            self.assertNotAlmostEqual(ehsa1, ehsa2, 1)

#    def test_rotation_2(self):
#        """assert that the HSA energy *is* invariant under rotation *if* the initial coords are also rotated"""
#        pot = self.system.get_potential()
#        aa = rotations.random_aa()
#        rmat = rotations.aa2mx(aa)
#        from pele.mindist import TransformAtomicCluster
#        tform = TransformAtomicCluster(can_invert=True)
#        for m in self.database.minima():
#            x = m.coords.copy()
#            # randomly move the atoms by a small amount
#            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
#            ehsa1 = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
#            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
#            # now rotate by a random matrix
#            xnew = x.copy()
#            tform.rotate(xnew, rmat)
#            xmnew = m.coords.copy()
#            tform.rotate(xmnew, rmat)
#            ehsa2 = self.sampler.compute_energy(xnew, m, x0=xmnew)
#            ecalc2 = pot.getEnergy(xnew)
#            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecalc, ecalc2, 5)
#            self.assertAlmostEqual(ehsa1, ehsa2, 3)

    def test_permutation(self):
        """assert that the HSA energy is not invariant under permutation"""
        pot = self.system.get_potential()
        perm = range(self.natoms)
        from pele.mindist import TransformAtomicCluster
        tform = TransformAtomicCluster(can_invert=True)
        for m in self.database.minima():
            x = m.coords.copy()
            # randomly move the atoms by a small amount
            x += np.random.uniform(-1e-3, 1e-3, x.shape)
            ehsa1 = self.sampler.compute_energy(x, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc = pot.getEnergy(x)
            # now rotate by a random matrix
            xnew = x.copy()
            xnew = tform.permute(xnew, perm)
            ehsa2 = self.sampler.compute_energy(xnew, m, x0=m.coords)
            ecalc2 = pot.getEnergy(xnew)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ecalc, ecalc2, 5)
            self.assertNotAlmostEqual(ehsa1, ehsa2, 1)