def _saveImageSequenceToQ(self, aCount, aDeltaTime): if self._getCurrentBrightness() < self.brightnessThreshold: sensor.activateIRLED() queueFilename = self._getQueueFilename(self.queueIndex) captureCount = 0 while(captureCount < aCount): imgPath = self.queuePath + queueFilename + \ "_" + str(captureCount) + ".jpg" captureCount += 1 time.sleep(aDeltaTime) # Increments the index used for filename convention self.queueIndex += 1 # Increments the actual number of image sets in the queue self.imgSetsInQ += 1 sensor.deactivateIRLED()
def _doTimelapse(self): if self.debug: print("Performing timelapse") fileName = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.jpg") savePath = os.path.join(self.timelapseFilePath, fileName) # tempFilePath = os.path.join(self.tempFilePath, # self.timelapseLatestImage) if self._getCurrentBrightness() < self.brightnessThreshold: sensor.activateIRLED() # TODO(geir): Evaluate if we should apply a visual indication of the # current ROI in the image before saving it? # Ensure LED is off sensor.deactivateIRLED()
def _saveImageSequenceToQ(self, aCount, aDeltaTime): #TM: Boolean indicates that images are being saved (used by run loop) self._savingImageSequence = True if self._getCurrentBrightness() < self.brightnessThreshold: sensor.activateIRLED() queueFilename = self._getQueueFilename(self.queueIndex) captureCount = 0 sequenceTimeStamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") while (captureCount < aCount): imgPath = self.queuePath + queueFilename + \ "_" + str(captureCount) + ".jpg" pictureCurrentTime = time.time() afterPictureCurrentTime = time.time() PictureDeltaTime = afterPictureCurrentTime - pictureCurrentTime #print PictureDeltaTime if (PictureDeltaTime < aDeltaTime): time.sleep(aDeltaTime - PictureDeltaTime) captureCount += 1 #TM: records time image taken self.sequenceTimeStampList.append(sequenceTimeStamp) #TM: records brightness at time image taken imageBrightness = self._getCurrentBrightness() self.imageBrightnessList.append(imageBrightness) # Increments the index used for filename convention ##CircularQ if self.queueIndex < 999: self.queueIndex += 1 else: self.queueIndex = 0 # Increments the actual number of image sets in the queue self.imgSetsInQ += 1 sensor.deactivateIRLED() self._savingImageSequence = False
def _doBackgroundRefresh(self): if self.strProcessor == "backSub": tempFilePath = os.path.join(self.tempFilePath, self.timelapseLatestImage) backgroundCurrentTime = time.time() if (backgroundCurrentTime - self.lastBackgroundRefrestTime ) > self.backgroundRefreshWaitTime: self.lastBackgroundRefrestTime = backgroundCurrentTime if self.debug: print("Refreshing background") if self._getCurrentBrightness() < self.brightnessThreshold: sensor.activateIRLED() # IR: Downsample background image self.backgroundDownSample(self.downLevel) sensor.deactivateIRLED() # IR: Reset variables to defaults self.resolutionX = self.originalResolutionX self.resolutionY = self.originalResolutionY self.motionMinArea = self.defaultMotionMinArea