def update_data(): """ function to update temp, humidity and Alarm data on display """ global update_interval, temperature, unit threading.Timer( update_interval, update_data).start() # to autorun function once every update interval humidity, temperature = sensorRead.get_TempHum() time ='%b-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') ui.label_updateTime.setText(time) if (unit == 1 and temperature != None): # if unit is set to degF convert temperature to degF temperature = sensorRead.todegF(temperature) if (temperature == None): # handling data not being sent ui.lcd_temperature.display("Err") else: ui.lcd_temperature.display(temperature) if (humidity == None): # handling data not being sent ui.lcd_humidity.display("Err") else: ui.lcd_humidity.display(humidity) alarm_check() update_last_temp() update_avg_temp() update_max_temp() update_min_temp() update_last_hum() update_avg_hum() update_max_hum() update_min_hum()
def addDataToDb(): """ function to update temp, humidity into database the timestamp is split into different keys for year,month , day, hour, min and sec as tinydb cannot read in the python datetime type""" global dbSamplingInterval, docId threading.Timer( dbSamplingInterval, addDataToDb).start() # to autorun function once every update interval humidity, temperature = sensorRead.get_TempHum( ) #read temperature and humidity if (temperature == None): temperature = -1 if (humidity == None): humidity = -1 db.insert({ 'timestamp_year':, 'timestamp_month':, 'timestamp_day':, 'timestamp_hour':, 'timestamp_minute':, 'timestamp_second':, 'temperature': temperature, 'humidity': humidity })
def publishTempHumidity(): """" Function to publish temp and humidity data to AWS using MQTT""" global dbSamplingInterval,topic threading.Timer(dbSamplingInterval,publishTempHumidity).start() # to autorun function once every update interval h,t= sensorRead.get_TempHum() msg = '"ts": "{}", "Temperature": "{}", "Humidity": "{}"'.format(ts, t,h) msg = '{'+msg+'}' myAWSIoTMQTTClient.publish(topic, msg, 1)
def getData(unit): """ function to get latest data from sensors , accounts for unit change from the webpage and converts temperature values accordingly""" h,t= sensorRead.get_TempHum() if(t==None): t=-1 if(h==None): h=-1 if(unit==1): t=sensorRead.todegF(t) return (str(round(t,2))+','+str(round(h,2)))