def get_hand_joint_states(self, all_poses): """Get joint states for both hand. :param all_poses: PoseArray Poses of all segment. Derived from @get_all_poses :return: JointState/None JointState/None. Left hand joint states (10), right hand joint states (10) """ if self.header is None or not self.header.is_valid: return None, None if self.header.finger_segments_num != 40: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 3, "Finger segment number is not 40: {}".format( self.header.finger_segments_num)) return None, None left_hand_js = SensorMsg.JointState() right_hand_js = SensorMsg.JointState() left_hand_js.header = all_poses.header right_hand_js.header = all_poses.header # Here the hand joint states are defined as j1 and j2 for thumb to pinky # j1 is the angle between metacarpals (parent) and proximal phalanges (child) # j2 is the angle between proximal phalanges and intermediate/distal phalanges (distal is only for thumb) base_num = self.header.body_segments_num + self.header.props_num for i in [1, 4, 8, 12, 16]: meta_id = base_num + i left_hand_js.position.extend( self._get_finger_j1_j2(all_poses.poses, meta_id)) for i in [1, 4, 8, 12, 16]: meta_id = base_num + 20 + i right_hand_js.position.extend( self._get_finger_j1_j2(all_poses.poses, meta_id)) return left_hand_js, right_hand_js
def __init__(self): self.odom = None # Range translation Rapiro -> ROS self.range_msg = sensor.Range() self.range_msg.header.frame_id = 'usr_frame' self.range_msg.radiation_type = sensor.Range.ULTRASOUND self.range_msg.field_of_view = math.radians(45.0) self.range_msg.min_range = 0.02 self.range_msg.max_range = 4.0 self.range_pub = rospy.Publisher('range', sensor.Range, queue_size=10) self.range_sub = rospy.Subscriber('range_raw', rapiro.Range, self.range_cb) # JointState translation Rapiro -> ROS self.joint_state_msg = sensor.JointState() = [ self.joint_names[id] for id in range(rapiro.JointIDs.N_JONTS) ] self.joint_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', sensor.JointState, queue_size=10) self.joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber('joint_states_raw', rapiro.JointState, self.joint_state_cb) # JointTrajectroy translation ROS -> Rapiro self.active_trajectory = None self.trajectory_msg = None self.trajectory_pub = rospy.Publisher('traj_cmd_raw', rapiro.Trajectory, queue_size=10) self.trajectory_sub = rospy.Subscriber('traj_cmd', traj.JointTrajectory, self.trajectory_cb)
def _writeMessages(self, Bag, Data): # Create a a list of messages from joints [num_samples x num_joints]. # That's one message per position. numJoints = self.Data.joints().shape[1] messages = [] for pdx in range(len(Data.joints())): js = rosmsg.JointState() = map(lambda x: "joint_%d" % (x + 1), range(numJoints)) #js.position = self.Data.Joints[pdx].tolist() js.position = self.joints()[pdx].tolist() messages.append(js) for msg in messages: Bag.write(self._TopicName, msg)
def move_to_target_client(value): # Creates the SimpleActionClient, passing the type of the action # (MoveToTargetAction) to the constructor. client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/move_to_target', thorp_msgs.MoveToTargetAction) # Waits until the action server has started up and started listening for goals client.wait_for_server() # Depending on value's type, create a goal to send to the action server. if type(value) is list: target = sensor_msgs.JointState() = [ 'arm_shoulder_pan_joint', 'arm_shoulder_lift_joint', 'arm_elbow_flex_joint', 'arm_wrist_flex_joint' ] target.position = value goal = thorp_msgs.MoveToTargetGoal( target_type=thorp_msgs.MoveToTargetGoal.JOINT_STATE, joint_state=target) elif type(value) is str: goal = thorp_msgs.MoveToTargetGoal( target_type=thorp_msgs.MoveToTargetGoal.NAMED_TARGET, named_target=value) elif type(value) is tuple: target = geometry_msgs.PoseStamped() target.pose.position.x = value[0] target.pose.position.y = value[1] target.pose.position.z = value[2] target.header.frame_id = 'arm_shoulder_lift_servo_link' goal = thorp_msgs.MoveToTargetGoal( target_type=thorp_msgs.MoveToTargetGoal.POSE_TARGET, pose_target=target) else: print "Invalid target value: ", value return None # Sends the goal to the action server. client.send_goal(goal) # Waits for the server to finish performing the action. client.wait_for_result() # Prints out the result of executing the action return client.get_result()
def _update_outputs(self, result): """ Calls callbacks, publishes to topics and to tf. This class extends the MocapTracker implementation so it can publish the joint states on the topic joint_states_topic, in addition to returning the computed state directly and via callbacks. Args: result: dict - the outputs from one step of this tracker """ # Call superclass implementation so callbacks are handled properly super(MocapUkfTracker, self)._update_outputs(result) # Publish joint states if self._estimation_pub is not None: msg = sensor_msgs.JointState(position=result['mean'].squeeze(), header=Header( self._estimation_pub.publish(msg)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('controller', anonymous=True) self.rate = 100 #[Hz] self.joy_val = cmsg.JointValues() self.joint_states = smsg.JointState() self.joy_switch = [] self.bias_current_scaling = 700.0 self.internal_impedance = 500.0 self.Kmode = False self.time_switch_last = rospy.get_rostime() self.initial_position_boom = 0.0 self.sub_joy_right = rospy.Subscriber('joy_right', smsg.Joy, self.cb_joy_right) self.sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber('joy_values', cmsg.JointValues, self.cb_joy) self.sub_joints_EPOS = rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states_EPOS', smsg.JointState, self.cb_state) self.pub_com = rospy.Publisher('commands', cmsg.JointCommand, queue_size=10)
def run(self): # Get the base marker indices base_indices = [] base_joint = self.kin_tree.get_root_joint() for child in base_joint.children: if not hasattr(child, 'children'): # This is a feature base_indices.append(int('_')[1])) # Get all the marker indices of interest all_marker_indices = [] for feature_name in self.kin_tree.get_features(): all_marker_indices.append(int(feature_name.split('_')[1])) # Set the base coordinate transform for the mocap stream desired = np.zeros((len(base_indices), 3, 1)) all_features = self.kin_tree.get_features() for i, idx in enumerate(base_indices): desired[i, :, 0] = all_features['mocap_' + str(idx)].q() self.mocap_source.set_coordinates(base_indices, desired, mode='time_varying') # Find the number of movable joints (so we know the dimension of the state space) num_joints = len(self.kin_tree.get_twists()) # Create the observation and measurement models test_ss_model = kinmodel.src.kinmodel.kinmodel.KinematicTreeStateSpaceModel( self.kin_tree) measurement_dim = len( test_ss_model.measurement_model(np.zeros(num_joints))) # Run the filter for i, (frame, timestamp) in enumerate(self.mocap_source): if self.exit: break feature_dict = {} for marker_idx in all_marker_indices: obs_point = kinmodel.src.kinmodel.kinmodel.new_geometric_primitive( np.concatenate((frame[marker_idx, :, 0], np.ones(1)))) feature_dict['mocap_' + str(marker_idx)] = obs_point if i == 0: sys.stdout.flush() initial_obs = test_ss_model.vectorize_measurement(feature_dict) uk_filter = kinmodel.src.kinmodel.ukf.UnscentedKalmanFilter( test_ss_model.process_model, test_ss_model.measurement_model, np.zeros(num_joints), # Initial state np.identity(num_joints) * 0.25, # Initial error covariance Q=math.pi / 2 / 80, R=5e-3) for i in range(50): uk_filter.filter(initial_obs) else: # print('UKF Step: ' + str(i) + '/' + str(len(ukf_mocap)), end='\r') # sys.stdout.flush() obs_array = test_ss_model.vectorize_measurement(feature_dict) joint_angles, covariance, squared_residual = uk_filter.filter( obs_array, plot_error=False) if self._callback is not None: self._callback(i=i, joint_angles=joint_angles, covariance=covariance, squared_residual=squared_residual) if self._joint_states_pub is not None: msg = sensor_msgs.JointState( position=joint_angles.squeeze(), header=Header( self._joint_states_pub.publish(msg) # Publish the base frame pose of the flexible object if self._tf_pub is not None: homog = np_la.inv(self.mocap_source.get_last_coordinates()) mocap_frame_name = self.mocap_source.get_frame_name() if mocap_frame_name is not None: self._tf_pub.sendTransform( homog[0:3, 3], tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(homog),, '/object_base', '/' + mocap_frame_name)
def test_make_topic_strings_with_array_builtin(self): strings = ez_model.make_topic_strings(sen_msgs.JointState(), '/joint_states') self.assertEqual(len(strings), 8) self.assertEqual('/joint_states/name[0]' in strings, True) self.assertEqual('/joint_states/position[0]' in strings, True)