Пример #1
def get_culprit(frames):
    # We iterate through each frame looking for a deterministic culprit
    # When one is found, we mark it as last "best guess" (best_guess) and then
    # check it against SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS. If it isnt listed, then we
    # use this option. If nothing is found, we use the "best guess".
    def contains(iterator, value):
        for k in iterator:
            if value.startswith(k):
                return True
        return False

    modules = get_installed_apps()
    if settings.INCLUDE_PATHS:
        modules = set(list(modules) + settings.INCLUDE_PATHS)

    best_guess = None
    for frame in frames:
            culprit = ".".join([frame.f_globals["__name__"], frame.f_code.co_name])
        if contains(modules, culprit):
            if not (contains(settings.EXCLUDE_PATHS, culprit) and best_guess):
                best_guess = culprit
        elif best_guess:

    return best_guess
Пример #2
def get_culprit(frames):
    # We iterate through each frame looking for a deterministic culprit
    # When one is found, we mark it as last "best guess" (best_guess) and then
    # check it against SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS. If it isnt listed, then we
    # use this option. If nothing is found, we use the "best guess".
    def contains(iterator, value):
        for k in iterator:
            if value.startswith(k):
                return True
        return False

    modules = get_installed_apps()
    if settings.INCLUDE_PATHS:
        modules = set(list(modules) + settings.INCLUDE_PATHS)

    best_guess = None
    for frame in frames:
            culprit = '.'.join([frame.f_globals['__name__'], frame.f_code.co_name])
        if contains(modules, culprit):
            if not (contains(settings.EXCLUDE_PATHS, culprit) and best_guess):
                best_guess = culprit
        elif best_guess:

    return best_guess
Пример #3
    def create_from_exception(self, exc_info=None, **kwargs):
        Creates an error log from an exception.
        if not exc_info:
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()

        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = exc_info

        reporter = ExceptionReporter(None, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
        frames = varmap(shorten, reporter.get_traceback_frames())

        if not kwargs.get('view'):
            # This should be cached
            modules = get_installed_apps()
            if settings.INCLUDE_PATHS:
                modules = set(list(modules) + settings.INCLUDE_PATHS)

            def iter_tb_frames(tb):
                while tb:
                    yield tb.tb_frame
                    tb = tb.tb_next
            def contains(iterator, value):
                for k in iterator:
                    if value.startswith(k):
                        return True
                return False
            # We iterate through each frame looking for an app in INSTALLED_APPS
            # When one is found, we mark it as last "best guess" (best_guess) and then
            # check it against SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS. If it isnt listed, then we
            # use this option. If nothing is found, we use the "best guess".
            best_guess = None
            view = None
            for frame in iter_tb_frames(exc_traceback):
                    view = '.'.join([frame.f_globals['__name__'], frame.f_code.co_name])
                if contains(modules, view):
                    if not (contains(settings.EXCLUDE_PATHS, view) and best_guess):
                        best_guess = view
                elif best_guess:
            if best_guess:
                view = best_guess
            if view:
                kwargs['view'] = view

        data = kwargs.pop('data', {}) or {}
        if hasattr(exc_type, '__class__'):
            exc_module = exc_type.__class__.__module__
            exc_module = None
        data['__sentry__'] = {
            'exc': map(transform, [exc_module, exc_value.args, frames]),

        if (isinstance(exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError) and \
            isinstance(getattr(exc_value, 'source', None), (tuple, list)) and isinstance(exc_value.source[0], LoaderOrigin)):
            origin, (start, end) = exc_value.source
                'template': (origin.reload(), start, end, origin.name),
            kwargs['view'] = origin.loadname
        tb_message = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))

        kwargs.setdefault('message', transform(force_unicode(exc_value)))

        return self.process(
Пример #4
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        "Processes the message before passing it on to the server"
        from sentry.utils import get_filters

        if kwargs.get('data'):
            # Ensure we're not changing the original data which was passed
            # to Sentry
            kwargs['data'] = kwargs['data'].copy()
            kwargs['data'] = {}

        if '__sentry__' not in kwargs['data']:
            kwargs['data']['__sentry__'] = {}

        request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
        if isinstance(request, HttpRequest):
                post_data = not request.POST and request.raw_post_data or request.POST
                post_data = request.POST


            if hasattr(request, 'user'):
                if request.user.is_authenticated():
                    user_info = {
                        'is_authenticated': True,
                        'id': request.user.pk,
                        'username': request.user.username,
                        'email': request.user.email,
                    user_info = {
                        'is_authenticated': False,

                kwargs['data']['__sentry__']['user'] = user_info

            if not kwargs.get('url'):
                kwargs['url'] = request.build_absolute_uri()

        kwargs.setdefault('level', logging.ERROR)
        kwargs.setdefault('server_name', settings.NAME)

        versions = get_versions()
        kwargs['data']['__sentry__']['versions'] = versions

        # Shorten lists/strings
        for k, v in kwargs['data'].iteritems():
            if k == '__sentry__':
            kwargs['data'][k] = shorten(v)

        # if we've passed frames, lets try to fetch the culprit
        if not kwargs.get('view') and kwargs['data']['__sentry__'].get('frames'):
            # This should be cached
            modules = get_installed_apps()
            if settings.INCLUDE_PATHS:
                modules = set(list(modules) + settings.INCLUDE_PATHS)

            def contains(iterator, value):
                for k in iterator:
                    if value.startswith(k):
                        return True
                return False

            # We iterate through each frame looking for an app in INSTALLED_APPS
            # When one is found, we mark it as last "best guess" (best_guess) and then
            # check it against SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS. If it isnt listed, then we
            # use this option. If nothing is found, we use the "best guess".
            best_guess = None
            view = None
            for frame in kwargs['data']['__sentry__']['frames']:
                    view = '.'.join([frame['module'], frame['function']])
                if contains(modules, view):
                    if not (contains(settings.EXCLUDE_PATHS, view) and best_guess):
                        best_guess = view
                elif best_guess:
            if best_guess:
                view = best_guess

            if view:
                kwargs['view'] = view

        # try to fetch the current version
        if kwargs.get('view'):
            # get list of modules from right to left
            parts = kwargs['view'].split('.')
            module_list = ['.'.join(parts[:idx]) for idx in xrange(1, len(parts) + 1)][::-1]
            version = None
            module = None
            for m in module_list:
                if m in versions:
                    module = m
                    version = versions[m]

            # store our "best guess" for application version
            if version:
                    'version': version,
                    'module': module,

        if 'checksum' not in kwargs:
            checksum = construct_checksum(**kwargs)
            checksum = kwargs['checksum']

        (is_thrashing, message_id) = self.check_throttle(checksum)

        if is_thrashing:
            if request and message_id:
                # attach the sentry object to the request
                request.sentry = {
                    'id': '%s$%s' % (message_id, checksum),
                    'thrashed': True,

            return message_id

        for filter_ in get_filters():
            kwargs = filter_(None).process(kwargs) or kwargs

        # create ID client-side so that it can be passed to application
        message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
        kwargs['message_id'] = message_id

        # Make sure all data is coerced
        kwargs['data'] = transform(kwargs['data'])

        if 'timestamp' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.now()


        if request:
            # attach the sentry object to the request
            request.sentry = {
                'id': '%s$%s' % (message_id, checksum),
                'thrashed': False,

        # store the last message_id incase we hit thrashing limits
        self.set_last_message_id(checksum, message_id)

        return message_id
Пример #5
    def create_from_exception(self, exc_info=None, **kwargs):
        Creates an error log from an exception.
        if not exc_info:
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()

        exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = exc_info

        reporter = ExceptionReporter(None, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
        frames = varmap(shorten, reporter.get_traceback_frames())

        if not kwargs.get('view'):
            # This should be cached
            modules = get_installed_apps()
            if settings.INCLUDE_PATHS:
                modules = set(list(modules) + settings.INCLUDE_PATHS)

            def iter_tb_frames(tb):
                while tb:
                    yield tb.tb_frame
                    tb = tb.tb_next

            def contains(iterator, value):
                for k in iterator:
                    if value.startswith(k):
                        return True
                return False

            # We iterate through each frame looking for an app in INSTALLED_APPS
            # When one is found, we mark it as last "best guess" (best_guess) and then
            # check it against SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS. If it isnt listed, then we
            # use this option. If nothing is found, we use the "best guess".
            best_guess = None
            view = None
            for frame in iter_tb_frames(exc_traceback):
                    view = '.'.join(
                        [frame.f_globals['__name__'], frame.f_code.co_name])
                if contains(modules, view):
                    if not (contains(settings.EXCLUDE_PATHS, view)
                            and best_guess):
                        best_guess = view
                elif best_guess:
            if best_guess:
                view = best_guess

            if view:
                kwargs['view'] = view

        data = kwargs.pop('data', {}) or {}
        if hasattr(exc_type, '__class__'):
            exc_module = exc_type.__class__.__module__
            exc_module = None
        data['__sentry__'] = {
            'exc': map(transform, [exc_module, exc_value.args, frames]),

        if (isinstance(exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError) and \
            isinstance(getattr(exc_value, 'source', None), (tuple, list)) and isinstance(exc_value.source[0], LoaderOrigin)):
            origin, (start, end) = exc_value.source
                'template': (origin.reload(), start, end, origin.name),
            kwargs['view'] = origin.loadname

        tb_message = '\n'.join(
            traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))

        kwargs.setdefault('message', transform(force_unicode(exc_value)))

        return self.process(class_name=exc_type.__name__,
Пример #6
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        "Processes the message before passing it on to the server"
        from sentry.utils import get_filters

        if kwargs.get('data'):
            # Ensure we're not changing the original data which was passed
            # to Sentry
            kwargs['data'] = kwargs['data'].copy()
            kwargs['data'] = {}

        if '__sentry__' not in kwargs['data']:
            kwargs['data']['__sentry__'] = {}

        request = kwargs.pop('request', None)
        if isinstance(request, HttpRequest):
                post_data = not request.POST and request.raw_post_data or request.POST
                post_data = request.POST


            if hasattr(request, 'user'):
                if request.user.is_authenticated():
                    user_info = {
                        'is_authenticated': True,
                        'id': request.user.pk,
                        'username': request.user.username,
                        'email': request.user.email,
                    user_info = {
                        'is_authenticated': False,

                kwargs['data']['__sentry__']['user'] = user_info

            if not kwargs.get('url'):
                kwargs['url'] = request.build_absolute_uri()

        kwargs.setdefault('level', logging.ERROR)
        kwargs.setdefault('server_name', settings.NAME)

        versions = get_versions()
        kwargs['data']['__sentry__']['versions'] = versions

        # Shorten lists/strings
        for k, v in kwargs['data'].iteritems():
            if k == '__sentry__':
            kwargs['data'][k] = shorten(v)

        # if we've passed frames, lets try to fetch the culprit
        if not kwargs.get('view') and kwargs['data']['__sentry__'].get(
            # This should be cached
            modules = get_installed_apps()
            if settings.INCLUDE_PATHS:
                modules = set(list(modules) + settings.INCLUDE_PATHS)

            def contains(iterator, value):
                for k in iterator:
                    if value.startswith(k):
                        return True
                return False

            # We iterate through each frame looking for an app in INSTALLED_APPS
            # When one is found, we mark it as last "best guess" (best_guess) and then
            # check it against SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS. If it isnt listed, then we
            # use this option. If nothing is found, we use the "best guess".
            best_guess = None
            view = None
            for frame in kwargs['data']['__sentry__']['frames']:
                    view = '.'.join([frame['module'], frame['function']])
                if contains(modules, view):
                    if not (contains(settings.EXCLUDE_PATHS, view)
                            and best_guess):
                        best_guess = view
                elif best_guess:
            if best_guess:
                view = best_guess

            if view:
                kwargs['view'] = view

        # try to fetch the current version
        if kwargs.get('view'):
            # get list of modules from right to left
            parts = kwargs['view'].split('.')
            module_list = [
                '.'.join(parts[:idx]) for idx in xrange(1,
                                                        len(parts) + 1)
            version = None
            module = None
            for m in module_list:
                if m in versions:
                    module = m
                    version = versions[m]

            # store our "best guess" for application version
            if version:
                    'version': version,
                    'module': module,

        if 'checksum' not in kwargs:
            checksum = construct_checksum(**kwargs)
            checksum = kwargs['checksum']

        (is_thrashing, message_id) = self.check_throttle(checksum)

        if is_thrashing:
            if request and message_id:
                # attach the sentry object to the request
                request.sentry = {
                    'id': '%s$%s' % (message_id, checksum),
                    'thrashed': True,

            return message_id

        for filter_ in get_filters():
            kwargs = filter_(None).process(kwargs) or kwargs

        # create ID client-side so that it can be passed to application
        message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
        kwargs['message_id'] = message_id

        # Make sure all data is coerced
        kwargs['data'] = transform(kwargs['data'])

        if 'timestamp' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['timestamp'] = datetime.datetime.now()


        if request:
            # attach the sentry object to the request
            request.sentry = {
                'id': '%s$%s' % (message_id, checksum),
                'thrashed': False,

        # store the last message_id incase we hit thrashing limits
        self.set_last_message_id(checksum, message_id)

        return message_id
Пример #7
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        "Processes the message before passing it on to the server"
        from sentry.utils import get_filters

        if kwargs.get("data"):
            # Ensure we're not changing the original data which was passed
            # to Sentry
            kwargs["data"] = kwargs["data"].copy()
            kwargs["data"] = {}

        if "__sentry__" not in kwargs["data"]:
            kwargs["data"]["__sentry__"] = {}

        request = kwargs.pop("request", None)
        if isinstance(request, HttpRequest):
            if not request.POST and request.body:
                post_data = request.body
                post_data = request.POST

            kwargs["data"].update(dict(META=request.META, POST=post_data, GET=request.GET, COOKIES=request.COOKIES))

            if hasattr(request, "user"):
                if request.user.is_authenticated():
                    user_info = {
                        "is_authenticated": True,
                        "id": request.user.pk,
                        "username": request.user.username,
                        "email": request.user.email,
                    user_info = {"is_authenticated": False}

                kwargs["data"]["__sentry__"]["user"] = user_info

            if not kwargs.get("url"):
                kwargs["url"] = request.build_absolute_uri()

        kwargs.setdefault("level", logging.ERROR)
        kwargs.setdefault("server_name", settings.NAME)

        versions = get_versions()
        kwargs["data"]["__sentry__"]["versions"] = versions

        # Shorten lists/strings
        for k, v in kwargs["data"].iteritems():
            if k == "__sentry__":
            kwargs["data"][k] = shorten(v)

        # if we've passed frames, lets try to fetch the culprit
        if not kwargs.get("view") and kwargs["data"]["__sentry__"].get("frames"):
            # This should be cached
            modules = get_installed_apps()
            if settings.INCLUDE_PATHS:
                modules = set(list(modules) + settings.INCLUDE_PATHS)

            def contains(iterator, value):
                for k in iterator:
                    if value.startswith(k):
                        return True
                return False

            # We iterate through each frame looking for an app in INSTALLED_APPS
            # When one is found, we mark it as last "best guess" (best_guess) and then
            # check it against SENTRY_EXCLUDE_PATHS. If it isnt listed, then we
            # use this option. If nothing is found, we use the "best guess".
            best_guess = None
            view = None
            for frame in kwargs["data"]["__sentry__"]["frames"]:
                    view = ".".join([frame["module"], frame["function"]])
                if contains(modules, view):
                    if not (contains(settings.EXCLUDE_PATHS, view) and best_guess):
                        best_guess = view
                elif best_guess:
            if best_guess:
                view = best_guess

            if view:
                kwargs["view"] = view

        # try to fetch the current version
        if kwargs.get("view"):
            # get list of modules from right to left
            parts = kwargs["view"].split(".")
            module_list = [".".join(parts[:idx]) for idx in xrange(1, len(parts) + 1)][::-1]
            version = None
            module = None
            for m in module_list:
                if m in versions:
                    module = m
                    version = versions[m]

            # store our "best guess" for application version
            if version:
                kwargs["data"]["__sentry__"].update({"version": version, "module": module})

        if "checksum" not in kwargs:
            checksum = construct_checksum(**kwargs)
            checksum = kwargs["checksum"]

        (is_thrashing, message_id) = self.check_throttle(checksum)

        if is_thrashing:
            if request and message_id:
                # attach the sentry object to the request
                request.sentry = {"id": message_id, "thrashed": True}

            return message_id

        for filter_ in get_filters():
            kwargs = filter_(None).process(kwargs) or kwargs

        # create ID client-side so that it can be passed to application
        message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
        kwargs["message_id"] = message_id

        # Make sure all data is coerced
        kwargs["data"] = transform(kwargs["data"])

        if "timestamp" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["timestamp"] = now_with_tz_if_supported()


        if request:
            # attach the sentry object to the request
            request.sentry = {"id": message_id, "thrashed": False}

        # store the last message_id incase we hit thrashing limits
        self.set_last_message_id(checksum, message_id)

        return message_id