def set_default_values( self ): # Default values. if not self.datatypes_by_extension: self.datatypes_by_extension = { 'ab1' : binary.Ab1(), 'axt' : sequence.Axt(), 'bam' : binary.Bam(), 'bed' : interval.Bed(), 'coverage' : coverage.LastzCoverage(), 'customtrack' : interval.CustomTrack(), 'csfasta' : sequence.csFasta(), 'fasta' : sequence.Fasta(), 'eland' : tabular.Eland(), 'fastq' : sequence.Fastq(), 'fastqsanger' : sequence.FastqSanger(), 'gtf' : interval.Gtf(), 'gff' : interval.Gff(), 'gff3' : interval.Gff3(), 'genetrack' : tracks.GeneTrack(), 'interval' : interval.Interval(), 'laj' : images.Laj(), 'lav' : sequence.Lav(), 'maf' : sequence.Maf(), 'pileup' : tabular.Pileup(), 'qualsolid' : qualityscore.QualityScoreSOLiD(), 'qualsolexa' : qualityscore.QualityScoreSolexa(), 'qual454' : qualityscore.QualityScore454(), 'sam' : tabular.Sam(), 'scf' : binary.Scf(), 'sff' : binary.Sff(), 'tabular' : tabular.Tabular(), 'taxonomy' : tabular.Taxonomy(), 'txt' : data.Text(), 'wig' : interval.Wiggle(), 'xml' : xml.GenericXml(), } self.mimetypes_by_extension = { 'ab1' : 'application/octet-stream', 'axt' : 'text/plain', 'bam' : 'application/octet-stream', 'bed' : 'text/plain', 'customtrack' : 'text/plain', 'csfasta' : 'text/plain', 'eland' : 'application/octet-stream', 'fasta' : 'text/plain', 'fastq' : 'text/plain', 'fastqsanger' : 'text/plain', 'gtf' : 'text/plain', 'gff' : 'text/plain', 'gff3' : 'text/plain', 'interval' : 'text/plain', 'laj' : 'text/plain', 'lav' : 'text/plain', 'maf' : 'text/plain', 'memexml' : 'application/xml', 'pileup' : 'text/plain', 'qualsolid' : 'text/plain', 'qualsolexa' : 'text/plain', 'qual454' : 'text/plain', 'sam' : 'text/plain', 'scf' : 'application/octet-stream', 'sff' : 'application/octet-stream', 'tabular' : 'text/plain', 'taxonomy' : 'text/plain', 'txt' : 'text/plain', 'wig' : 'text/plain', 'xml' : 'application/xml', } # super supertype fix for input steps in workflows. if 'data' not in self.datatypes_by_extension: self.datatypes_by_extension[ 'data' ] = data.Data() self.mimetypes_by_extension[ 'data' ] = 'application/octet-stream' # Default values - the order in which we attempt to determine data types is critical # because some formats are much more flexibly defined than others. if len( self.sniff_order ) < 1: self.sniff_order = [ binary.Bam(), binary.Sff(), xml.GenericXml(), sequence.Maf(), sequence.Lav(), sequence.csFasta(), qualityscore.QualityScoreSOLiD(), qualityscore.QualityScore454(), sequence.Fasta(), sequence.Fastq(), interval.Wiggle(), images.Html(), sequence.Axt(), interval.Bed(), interval.CustomTrack(), interval.Gtf(), interval.Gff(), interval.Gff3(), tabular.Pileup(), interval.Interval(), tabular.Sam(), tabular.Eland() ]
else: self.log.warning( "Error appending sniffer for datatype '%s' to sniff_order: %s" % ( dtype, str( exc ) ) ) self.upload_file_formats.sort() # Persist the xml form of the registry into a temporary file so that it # can be loaded from the command line by tools and set_metadata processing. self.to_xml_file() # Default values. if not self.datatypes_by_extension: self.datatypes_by_extension = { 'ab1' : binary.Ab1(), 'axt' : sequence.Axt(), 'bam' : binary.Bam(), 'bed' : interval.Bed(), 'coverage' : coverage.LastzCoverage(), 'customtrack' : interval.CustomTrack(), 'csfasta' : sequence.csFasta(), 'fasta' : sequence.Fasta(), 'eland' : tabular.Eland(), 'fastq' : sequence.Fastq(), 'fastqsanger' : sequence.FastqSanger(), 'gtf' : interval.Gtf(), 'gff' : interval.Gff(), 'gff3' : interval.Gff3(), 'genetrack' : tracks.GeneTrack(), 'interval' : interval.Interval(), 'laj' : images.Laj(), 'lav' : sequence.Lav(), 'maf' : sequence.Maf(), 'pileup' : tabular.Pileup(), 'qualsolid' : qualityscore.QualityScoreSOLiD(), 'qualsolexa' : qualityscore.QualityScoreSolexa(),
"Error appending sniffer for datatype '%s' to sniff_order: %s" % (dtype, str(exc)) ) self.upload_file_formats.sort() # Persist the xml form of the registry into a temporary file so that it # can be loaded from the command line by tools and set_metadata processing. self.to_xml_file() # Default values. if not self.datatypes_by_extension: self.datatypes_by_extension = { "ab1": binary.Ab1(), "axt": sequence.Axt(), "bam": binary.Bam(), "bed": interval.Bed(), "coverage": coverage.LastzCoverage(), "customtrack": interval.CustomTrack(), "csfasta": sequence.csFasta(), "fasta": sequence.Fasta(), "eland": tabular.Eland(), "fastq": sequence.Fastq(), "fastqsanger": sequence.FastqSanger(), "gtf": interval.Gtf(), "gff": interval.Gff(), "gff3": interval.Gff3(), "genetrack": tracks.GeneTrack(), "interval": interval.Interval(), "laj": images.Laj(), "lav": sequence.Lav(), "maf": sequence.Maf(), "pileup": tabular.Pileup(), "qualsolid": qualityscore.QualityScoreSOLiD(), "qualsolexa": qualityscore.QualityScoreSolexa(),