Пример #1
class Renderer():

  ORIGIN = QPoint(230, 230)

  def __init__(self):
    self.commands = None
    self.animations = None
    self.paths = []
    self.angle = 0
    self.position = Renderer.ORIGIN

  def set_commands(self, cmds):
    self.commands = cmds

  def paint(self, painter):
    if self.animations:

  def reset(self):
    self.paths = []
    self.angle = 0
    self.position = Renderer.ORIGIN

  def render(self, commands=None, loop=False):
    if not loop:

    if commands is None and self.commands is not None:
      commands = self.commands

    for i in range(len(commands)):
      cmd = commands[i]
      action = cmd.get('action', None)
      magnitude = cmd.get('magnitude', None)
      direction = cmd.get('direction', None)

      x, y = self.position.x(), self.position.y()

      if action == 'move':
        self.move_action(cmd, x, y)
      elif action == 'draw':
        self.draw_action(cmd, x, y)
      elif action == 'rotate':
      elif action == 'jumpto':
      elif action == 'circle':
        self.circle_action(magnitude, x, y)
      elif action == 'repeat':
        self.repeat_action(commands, magnitude, i)
      elif action == 'endrepeat' or action == 'pass':
        print("UNKNOWN RENDER ACTION")

  def move_action(self, cmd, x, y):
    magnitude = self.calculate_magnitude(cmd)
    end_point = self.calculate_end_point(x, y, magnitude)
    self.position = end_point

  def draw_action(self, cmd, x, y):
    magnitude = self.calculate_magnitude(cmd)
    end_point = self.calculate_end_point(x, y, magnitude)
    self.position = end_point
    self.paths.append(LinePath(QPoint(x, y), end_point))

  def rotate_action(self, angle):
    self.angle += float(angle)

  def jumpto_action(self, magnitude):
    coords = magnitude.split(',')
    x, y = self.normalize(int(coords[0])), self.normalize(int(coords[1]))
    self.position = QPoint(x, y)

  def normalize(self, i):
    return min(max(i, 0), 460)

  def circle_action(self, radius, x, y):
    self.paths.append(CirclePath(x, y, float(radius)))

  def repeat_action(self, commands, iterations, index):
    start = index + 1   # Index of cmd after 'repeat' statement
    end = len(commands) - start
    looped_cmds = 0  # Amounts of commands within the loop

    for j in range(end+(start)-1, start, -1):
      if commands[j]['action'] == 'endrepeat':
        end = j - 1  # Don't want to render 'endrepeat'
        looped_cmds = end - start + 1

    if int(iterations) == 0:
      for j in range(looped_cmds+1):
        commands[j] = {'action': 'pass'}
      looped_cmds_list = []
      for j in range(int(iterations)-1):
        for cmd_index in range(start, end+1):
      self.render(looped_cmds_list, loop=True)

  def start_animations(self, speed):
    self.animations = SequentialAnimationGroup(self.paths, speed)

  def calculate_magnitude(self, cmd):
    magnitude = int(cmd['magnitude'])
    if 'b' in cmd['direction']:
      magnitude *= -1
    return magnitude

  # Returns end point of line dependant on angle of drawing_point
  def calculate_end_point(self, x, y, magnitude):
    #angle = self.drawing_point.get_angle()
    end_x = round(x + magnitude * sin(radians(self.angle)))
    end_y = round(y - magnitude * cos(radians(self.angle)))
    return QPoint(end_x, end_y)

  def get_x(self):
    return self.position.x()

  def get_y(self):
    return self.position.y()
Пример #2
 def start_animations(self, speed):
   self.animations = SequentialAnimationGroup(self.paths, speed)