Пример #1
    def setPWM(self, pwm):
        # Do not execute if PWM is out of range or if in PID mode
        if (pwm < -255) or (pwm > 255) or self.isPID:
            return False

        # Update internal memory of direction
        if pwm < 0:
            self.cw = False
        elif pwm > 0:
            self.cw = True

        # Calculate absolute value
        pwm = abs(pwm)

        # Assemble packet and write to USB, return true for success
        #packet = pu.getPacket(0x00, self.cid, list([pwm, int(self.cw)]))
        #print list(packet)
        #print packet
        #print self.calc_checksum(list(packet))
        self.send_cmd(0x00, self.cid, [pwm, int(self.cw)])
        #data = []
        data = []
        for i in xrange(9):
            data.append(ord(su.readBytes(self.ser, 1)[0]))
        print("Recieved: ")
        print data
        return True
Пример #2
    def getFault(self):
        # Assemble packet and write to SPI
        packet = pu.getPacket(0x0F, self.cid, list())

        # Read one byte
        resp = su.readBytes(1)

        # Check if the read failed, if yes, return -1
        if pu.isEmpty(resp):
            return -1

        # If read succeeded, return first element, the fault state
        return resp[0]
Пример #3
    def getCurrent(self):
        # Assemble packet and write to USB
        packet = pu.getPacket(0x04, self.cid, list())

        # Read two bytes
        resp = su.readBytes(2)

        # Check if the read failed, if yes, return -1
        if pu.isEmpty(resp):
            return -1

        # If read succeeded, return current in mA as short
        return su.BytesToShort(resp)
Пример #4
    def getEncoder(self):
        # Assemble packet and write to USB
        packet = pu.getPacket(0x08, self.cid, list())

        # Read four bytes
        resp = su.readBytes(4)

        # Check if the read failed, if yes, return -1
        if pu.isEmpty(resp):
            return -1

        # Get Integer
        return su.BytesToInt(resp[0:4])
Пример #5
    def setangle(self, angle):
        # Do not execute if angle is out of range or servo is continuous

        # Convert to proper angle range (0 to 180)
        #newangle = int(round(angle * (180.0/float(self.angle))))
        LSB = 0x00ff & angle
        MSB = (0xff00 & angle) >> 8
        # 0x10 for Servo 1, 0x12 for Servo 2
        pack_sid = 0x10
        if self.sid == 2:
            pack_sid = 0x12

        # Assemble packet and write to USB, return true for success
        #print("settign servo")
        self.send_cmd(pack_sid, self.cid, list([LSB, MSB]))
        data = []
        for i in xrange(9):
            data.append(ord(su.readBytes(self.ser, 1)[0]))
        print("Recieved: ")
        print data
        return True