Пример #1
def process_key(key):
    dkey = as_deterministic(key)
    keystr = encode(dkey)
    keyhash = hash_str_to_u64(keystr)
    return keystr, keyhash
Пример #2
def hashing(obj):
    return hashlib.sha256(pickling(as_deterministic(obj))).digest()
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        look up a hierachical key object
        fill in the missing parts, and perform the computation at the leaf if so required
        if self.hierarchy:
            #apply the structure in hierarchy to the arguments
            fkey = kwargs.copy()
            hkey = [[fkey.pop(a) for a in level] for level in self.hierarchy]
            if fkey: hkey.append(fkey)  #any arguments not part of the hierarchy spec are placed at the end
            hkey = [args + ((kwargs,) if kwargs else ())]   #put all args in a single key
        #preprocess subkeys. this minimizes time spent in locked state
        hkey = map(as_deterministic, hkey)

        with self.lock:     #fairly stupid thread locking. dont use threads; how about that?
            while True:
                    with self.lock_file:
                        #hierarchical key lookup; first key is prebound environment key
                        previouskey = Partial(self.envrowid)
                        for ikey, subkey in enumerate(hkey[:-1]):
                            partialkey = previouskey, subkey
                            rowid = self.shelve.getrowid(partialkey, *process_key(partialkey))  #read lock?
                            previouskey = Partial(rowid)
                        #leaf iteration
                        ikey = len(hkey)-1
                        leafkey = previouskey, hkey[-1]
                        value = self.shelve[leafkey]                                            #read lock?

                    if isinstance(value, Deferred):
                        if value.expired(self.deferred_timeout):
                            raise Exception()
                        if self.validate:
                            #check if recomputed value is identical under deterministic serialization
                            newvalue = self.operation(*args, **kwargs)

                                #note; new may differ from old in case aliasing in an ndarray was erased
                                #by original serialization. is this an error?
                                #id say so; depending on wether we have a cache hit, downstream code may react diffently
                                #perhaps its best to use custom serializating for values too
                                print 'Cache returned invalid value!'
                                print 'arguments:'
                                print args
                                print kwargs
                                print 'cached value'
                                print value
                                print 'recomputed value'
                                print newvalue

                        #yes! hitting this return is what we are doing this all for!
                        return value

                    #lock for the writing branch. multiprocess does not benefit here, but so be it.
                    #worst case we make multiple insertions into db, but this should do no harm for behavior

                    if self.lock_file.is_locked():
                        #if lock not available, better to go back to waiting for a deferred to appear
                        with self.lock_file:
                            #hierarchical key insertion
                            for subkey in hkey[ikey:-1]:
                                partialkey = previouskey, subkey
                                kstr, khash = process_key(partialkey)
                                self.shelve.setitem(partialkey, None, kstr, khash)      #wite lock
                                rowid = self.shelve.getrowid(partialkey, kstr, khash)   #read lock
                                previouskey = Partial(rowid)
                            #insert leaf node
                            leafkey = previouskey, hkey[-1]
                            kstr, khash = process_key(leafkey)
                            self.shelve.setitem(leafkey, Deferred(), kstr, khash)       #write lock

                        #dont need lock while doing expensive things
                        value = self.operation(*args, **kwargs)

                        with self.lock_file:
                            self.shelve.setitem(leafkey, value     , kstr, khash)       #write lock
                            return value
Пример #4
def hashing(obj):
    return hashlib.sha256(pickling(as_deterministic(obj))).digest()
Пример #5
def process_key(key):
    dkey = as_deterministic(key)
    keystr = encode(dkey)
    keyhash = hash_str_to_u64(keystr)
    return keystr, keyhash