Пример #1
def test_auth_login():
    Test functions for auth_login


    # Register a user and then log in
    auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "registered_password", "a", "b")

    # A registered user is logged in
    login = auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", "registered_password") \

    # Check database for id and token
    user_id = get_user_by_email("*****@*****.**").u_id
    user_token = get_user_token_by_u_id(user_id)

    assert login == {"u_id": user_id, "token": user_token}

    # An invalid email is given
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid Email"):
        auth.auth_login("invalid_email", "valid_password")
    # Email is not a registered email
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Email not registered"):
        auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", "valid_password")
    # Password is incorrect
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Password Incorrect"):
        auth.auth_login("*****@*****.**", "bpas")
def auth_passwordreset_request(email):
    Given an email address, if the user is a registered user, send's them an
    email containing a specific secret code, that when entered in
    auth_passwordreset_reset, shows that the user trying to reset the password
    is the one who got sent this email.

    if not valid_email(email):
        raise ValueError("Email is not valid")

    # Preparing reset code
    user = get_user_by_email(email)
    reset_code = generate_reset_code(user)
        redirect_url = f"{request.headers['Origin']}/reset_password"
        redirect_url = ""

    # Creating mail to send
    msg = Message("Website Reset Request",
    msg.html = ("<p>Your reset code is:</p>"
                f"<p>Copy this code into the field at {redirect_url}</p>")

    # Empty dictionary is manually returned in server.py
    return msg
def test_get_user_by_email():
    Ensures the correct user is returned by email

    # Initialisation

    # Testing unsuccessful case
    assert helpers.get_user_by_email("*****@*****.**") is None

    # Testing successful case
    user = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "pass123", "Raydon", "Smith")
    u_id = user["u_id"]
    user_object = helpers.get_user_by_email("*****@*****.**")

    assert u_id == user_object.u_id
Пример #4
def test_auth_register():
    Test functions for auth_register


    #A user is registered
    user = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "a", "b")

    # Check database for id and token
    user_id = get_user_by_email("*****@*****.**").u_id
    user_token = get_user_token_by_u_id(user_id)

    # confirm that register returned the correct ID and token
    assert user == {"u_id": user_id, "token": user_token}

    # A invalid email is given
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid Email"):
        auth.auth_register("invalid_email", "valid_password", "a", "b")
    # Email given is already in use
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Email Already Registered"):
        auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "a", "b")
    # Password provided is not strong enough
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Password Not Strong"):
        auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "bpas", "a", "b")
    # First name is invalid
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid First Name"):
        invalid = "a" * 51
        auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", invalid,
    # Last name is invalid
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid Last Name"):
        auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "a",

    # Testing unique handle
    # Creating user: first_name="asd", last_name="dsa"
    user1 = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "asd", "dsa")
    user1 = get_user_by_token(user1["token"])
    assert user1.handle == "asddsa"

    # Creating user: first_name="asd", last_name="dsa"
    user2 = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "valid_password", "asd", "dsa")
    user2 = get_user_by_token(user2["token"])
    assert user2.handle == "2asddsa"
def auth_register(email, password, name_first, name_last):
    Given a user's first and last name, email address, and password, create a
    new account for them and return a new token for authentication in their
    session. A handle is generated that is the concatentation of a
    lowercase-only first name and last name. If the concatenation is longer
    than 20 characters, it is cutoff at 20 characters. If the handle is already
    taken, you may modify the handle in any way you see fit to make it unique.

    # Checking if registration details are valid
    user = get_user_by_email(email)

    if not valid_email(email):
        raise ValueError("Invalid Email")
    if user:
        raise ValueError("Email Already Registered")
    if not valid_password(password):
        raise ValueError("Password Not Strong")
    if not valid_name(name_first):
        raise ValueError("Invalid First Name")
    if not valid_name(name_last):
        raise ValueError("Invalid Last Name")

    # Adding new user details
    new_u_id = get_new_u_id()
    token = encode_token_for_u_id(new_u_id)

    user = data.User(new_u_id, email, hash_password(password), \
         name_first, name_last)

    # Make the first user slackr owner
    if new_u_id == 0:

    # Appends user to data

    # Sets token as active (user is logged in)

    return {"u_id": new_u_id, "token": token}
def auth_login(email, password):
    Given a registered user's email and password function generates and
    returns a user_id and token assigned to the account

    user = get_user_by_email(email)

    # Check validity of login
    if not valid_email(email):
        raise ValueError("Invalid Email")
    if not user:
        raise ValueError("Email not registered")
    if not user.password == hash_password(password):
        raise ValueError("Password Incorrect")

    token = encode_token_for_u_id(user.u_id)

    # Sets token as an active token

    return {"u_id": user.u_id, "token": token}
def user_profile_setemail(token, email):
    Updates the authorised user's email address

    - Email entered is not a valid email
    - Email address is already being used by another user

    user = get_user_by_email(email)

    if valid_email(email) is False:
        raise ValueError("Invalid email")
    if user:
        raise ValueError("Email already in use")

    # Changes user's email in database
    user = get_user_by_token(token)

    # Update user's email

    return {}