Пример #1
    def test_path_maneuver_increases_velocity(self):
        This method is intended to be a direct translation of the
        test in testpath.cc of the same name.
        body = PyBody(gm=const.G * 1.98891691172467e30, r=10)
        system = PySystem(root=body)
        r = PyVector(617244712358.0, -431694791368.0, -12036457087.0)
        v = PyVector(7320.0, 11329.0, -0211.0)
        path_ = path.PyFlightPath(system, r, v, 0)

        half_orbit_t = 374942509.78053558 / 2
        performance = path.PyPerformanceData(3000, 20000)  # ve, thrust
        dv = 2000
        maneuver = path.PyManeuver(path.PyManeuver.Types.Prograde, dv,
                                   performance, 150, half_orbit_t)

        # Predict orbit of 1/2 period from t0.
        prediction0 = path_.predict(half_orbit_t)
        # Predict orbit at end of burn
        prediction1 = path_.predict(maneuver.t1)

        # This test doesn't try to determine a precise velocity, just that
        # it has increased a roughly expected amount.
        v0 = prediction0.v
        v1 = prediction1.v

        self.assertAlmostEqual(v1.norm, v0.norm + dv, -1)  # within ~10
Пример #2
    def test_path_can_be_calculated_with_a_maneuver(self):
        This method is intended to be a direct translation of the 
        test in testpath.cc of the same name.
        body = PyBody(gm=const.G * 1.98891691172467e30, r=10)
        system = PySystem(root=body)
        r = PyVector(617244712358.0, -431694791368.0, -12036457087.0)
        v = PyVector(7320.0, 11329.0, -0211.0)
        path_ = path.PyFlightPath(system, r, v, 0)

        half_orbit_t = 374942509.78053558 / 2
        performance = path.PyPerformanceData(3000, 20000)  # ve, thrust
            path.PyManeuver(path.PyManeuver.Types.Prograde, 2000, performance,
                            150, half_orbit_t))

        # predict orbit of 1/2 period from t0.
        prediction1 = path_.predict(half_orbit_t)

        # This test doesn't try to determine a precise position, just that
        # the calculation can complete, and results in a changed orbit.
        position1 = prediction1.r
        self.assertAlmostEqual(-719081127257.4052, position1.x, 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(364854624247.8101, position1.y, 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(14595231066.51168, position1.z, 0)

        # predict orbit of 3/2 period from t0.
        # Orbit should have changed notably
        prediction2 = path_.predict(374942509.78053558 * 3.0 / 2.0)
        position2 = prediction2.r
        self.assertNotAlmostEqual(-712305324741.15112, position2.x, 0)
        self.assertNotAlmostEqual(365151451881.22858, position2.y, 0)
        self.assertNotAlmostEqual(14442203602.998617, position2.z, 0)
Пример #3
    def test_r_and_v_between_segment_groups_match(self):
        body = PyBody(gm=const.G * 1.98891691172467e30, r=10)
        system = PySystem(root=body)
        r = PyVector(617244712358.0, -431694791368.0, -12036457087.0)
        v = PyVector(7320.0, 11329.0, -0211.0)
        path_ = path.PyFlightPath(system, r, v, 0)

        period0 = 374942509.78053558
        performance = path.PyPerformanceData(3000, 200)  # ve, thrust
        burn_start_t = period0 / 2
        maneuver = path.PyManeuver(
            path.PyManeuver.Types.Prograde,  # Maneuver Type
            2,  # DV
            150.0,  # m0
            burn_start_t)  # t0

        seg0_end_data = path_.predict(burn_start_t - 0.001)
        seg1_start_data = path_.predict(burn_start_t)

        # Roundabout check to make sure both predictions were different
        self.assertNotEqual(seg0_end_data.v.x, seg1_start_data.v.x)

        # Check that velocities nearly match
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seg0_end_data.v.x, seg1_start_data.v.x, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seg0_end_data.v.y, seg1_start_data.v.y, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seg0_end_data.v.z, seg1_start_data.v.z, 6)
Пример #4
def burn_plot() -> None:
    body = PyBody(gm=const.G * 1.98891691172467e30, r=10)
    system = PySystem(root=body)
    r = PyVector(617_244_712_358.0, -431_694_791_368.0, -12_036_457_087.0)
    v = PyVector(7320.0, 11329.0, -0211.0)
    path_ = path.PyFlightPath(system, r, v, 0)

    period0 = 374942509.78053558
    performance = path.PyPerformanceData(3000, 2000)  # ve, thrust
    burn_start_t = 2

    maneuver = path.PyManeuver(path.PyManeuver.Types.Prograde, 10, performance,
                               150, burn_start_t)
    maneuver = path.PyManeuver(path.PyManeuver.Types.Prograde, 10, performance,
                               150, burn_start_t + 2)

    # Get Data to plot

    t_pts = []
    v_pts = []
    apo_pts = []
    a_pts = []

    t0 = maneuver.t0 - 3
    tf = maneuver.t1 + 3
    plot_duration = tf - t0
    for i in range(N_POINTS):
        t = plot_duration / N_POINTS * i + t0

        t_pts.append(t - maneuver.t0)  # Time relative to burn t0

        orbit_data = path_.predict_orbit(t)

    # Plot

    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2)
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.35)

    # Velocity plot
    plt.subplot(gs[0, 0])
    plt.plot(t_pts, v_pts, 'r-')

    # Apoapsis plot
    plt.subplot(gs[1, 0])
    plt.plot(t_pts, apo_pts)

    # Semi major axis plot
    plt.subplot(gs[0, 1])
    plt.title('Semi Major Axis')
    plt.plot(t_pts, a_pts)

Пример #5
def position_plot() -> None:
    body = PyBody(gm=const.G * 5.972e24, r=10)
    system = PySystem(root=body)
    r = PyVector(617_244_712.0, -431_694_791.0, -12_036_457.0)
    v = PyVector(132.00, 632.90, -21.1)
    path_ = path.PyFlightPath(system, r, v, 0)

    period0 = 374942509.78053558 / 25
    performance = path.PyPerformanceData(3000, 20000)  # ve, thrust
    burn_start_t = period0 / 4

    maneuver = path.PyManeuver(path.PyManeuver.Types.Prograde, 100,
                               performance, 150, burn_start_t)

    # Get points to plot
    x_pts = []
    y_pts = []

    for i in range(N_POINTS):
        t = period0 / N_POINTS * i
        kinematic_data: path.PyKinematicData = path_.predict(t)

    burn_start_prediction = path_.predict(burn_start_t)
    burn_start_pos = burn_start_prediction.r

    # Plot

    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.35)
    plt.plot(0, 0, 'ro')  # Body position.
    plt.plot(x_pts, y_pts, 'r-')  # line
    plt.plot(burn_start_pos.x, burn_start_pos.y, 'ro')  # current pos