Пример #1
def upload_comment(patientid, doctorid, post_data):
    Upload an comment in the system. The post data is a dict.

    :param post_data: dict
    :returns: a status, a str( comment's info on success, err info on failure)
    # print(post_data)
    comment = ''
        logger.debug('in upload_comment')

        resp_dict = {}
        with database.atomic():
            comment = CommentModel.create_by_dict(patientid, doctorid, post_data)
            logger.debug('in database.atomic')
    # except peewee.IntegrityError:
    #     logger.warning('in doctor model create except')

        # # `username` is a unique column, so this username already exists,
        # # making it safe to call .get().
        # old_user = AccountModel.get(AccountModel.username == username)
        # logger.warning('user exists...')
        # resp_dict['info'] = 'user exists, did not create user:%s' % username
        # resp.status = falcon.HTTP_409
        # try:
        #     change_user = AccountModel.get(AccountModel.username==username,
        #                     AccountModel.password==password)
        # except:
        #     logger.debug('change user data failed...')
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.error('Exception: ', ex)
        q = CommentModel.delete().where(CommentModel.drug_id==
            patientid + '-' + doctorid + '-' + post_data['datetime'])
        return 0, {'errinfo':'create comment failed, did not create comment'}

        # resp_dict['info'] = 'make PUT request to storage_url with auth_token as "x-storage-token" in headers'
        resp_dict['comment_id'] = comment.comment_id
        return 1, resp_dict