def test_prop_doesnt_exist(): """Should return original JSON when prop doesn't exist.""" x = {"aaa": "BBB"} r, c = _get_server_response(json.dumps(x), 'aaa%2Fddd') pinfo(x, r, c) print_error_log() assert_same_jsons(c, x)
def test_unset_prop6(): """Should unset prop since conditions are met for multiple condition props""" action = "unset" prop = "_id" condition = "hathi_exclude" condition_prop = "dataProvider%2CsourceResource%2Ftype" INPUT = { "_id": "12345", "dataProvider": ["Hathitrust", "University of Minnesota"], "sourceResource": { "type": "image" } } EXPECTED = { "dataProvider": ["Hathitrust", "University of Minnesota"], "sourceResource": { "type": "image" } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), action=action, prop=prop, condition=condition, condition_prop=condition_prop) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert json.loads(content) == EXPECTED
def test_iso639_3_substitution(): """ Should add "name" to language """ INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "language": [{ "iso639_3": "eng" }, { "iso639_3": "ara" }] } } EXPECTED = { "sourceResource": { "language": [{ "iso639_3": "eng", "name": "English" }, { "iso639_3": "ara", "name": "Arabic" }] } } prop = "sourceResource%2Flanguage%2Fiso639_3" targ = "sourceResource%2Flanguage%2Fname" subs = "iso639_3" resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), prop, targ, subs) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED)
def test_year_month(): """Should recognize YYYY-MM and not YYYY-YY""" INPUT = [ "1940/2", "1940/02", "1940 / 2", "1940 / 02", "1940-2", "1940-02", "1940 - 2", "1940 - 02", "2/1940", "02/1940", "2 / 1940", "02 / 1940", "2-1940", "02-1940", "2 - 1940", "02 - 1940", ] url = server() + "enrich_earliest_date?prop=date" for date in INPUT: d = "1940-02" input = {"date": date} expected = {"date": {"begin": d, "end": d, "displayDate": date}} resp, content = H.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(input)) print_error_log() assert str(resp.status).startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(expected, content)
def test_prop_doesnt_exist(): """Should return original JSON when prop doesn't exist.""" x = {"aaa": "BBB"} r, c = _get_server_response(json.dumps(x), 'aaa%2Fddd') pinfo(x,r,c) print_error_log() assert_same_jsons(c, x)
def test_set_spec_type(): """Should set the specType to include Book, Government Document, and Serial """ INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "type": [ "something Books", " GOVERNMENT something", " Something periodicals", " Another periodicals" ] } } EXPECTED = { "sourceResource": { "type": [ "something Books", " GOVERNMENT something", " Something periodicals", " Another periodicals" ], "specType": [ "Book", "Government Document", "Serial" ] } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert resp["status"] == "200" assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, json.loads(content))
def test_contentdm_identify_object_usc(): """ Should add a thumbnail URL made of the source URL. """ INPUT = { u"something": "x", u"somethink": "y", u"originalRecord": {"handle": ["aaa", "http://some.url/cdm/ref/12345"] }, u"left": "right now!" } EXPECTED = { u"something": "x", u"somethink": "y", u"originalRecord": { "handle": ["aaa", "http://some.url/cdm/ref/12345"] }, u"object": ("http://some.url/utils/getthumbnail/12345"), u"admin": {u"object_status": 0}, u"left": "right now!" } url = contentdm_url("False") resp, content = H.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert str(resp.status).startswith("2") result = json.loads(content) assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, result)
def test_removing_multiple_invalid_date_dicts(): INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "date": [ { "begin": "1959-01-01", "end": "1959-01-01", "displayDate": "1959-01-01" }, { "begin": "2008-11-18", "end": "2008-11-18", "displayDate": "2008-11-18" }, { "begin": "1959-01-01", "end": None, "displayDate": "1959-01-01" }, { "begin": "2008-11-18", "end": "", "displayDate": "2008-11-18" }, { "begin": None, "end": "1959-01-01", "displayDate": "1959-01-01" }, { "begin": "", "end": "2008-11-18", "displayDate": "2008-11-18" }, "aaa", "bbb", "ccc", ] } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = { "sourceResource": { "date": [ { "begin": "1959-01-01", "end": "1959-01-01", "displayDate": "1959-01-01", }, { "begin": "2008-11-18", "end": "2008-11-18", "displayDate": "2008-11-18" }, ] } } resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "sourceResource/date") print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_substitute_with_list_of_dictionaries(): """ Should convert all dicts in a list. """ data = { "xxx": "yyy", "aaa": { "bbb": "ccc", "xxx": [ {"eee": "aaa"}, {"xxx": "eee"}, {"eee": "bbb"} ] } } INPUT = json.dumps(data) data["aaa"]["xxx"] = [ {"eee": "AAA222"}, {"xxx": "eee"}, {"eee": "BBB222"}, ] EXPECTED_OUTPUT = json.dumps(data) resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa/xxx/eee", "aaa/xxx/eee", "test2") print_error_log() pinfo(resp, content) assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED_OUTPUT)
def test_contentdm_identify_object_without_download(): """ Should add a thumbnail URL made of the source URL. """ INPUT = { u"something": "x", u"somethink": "y", u"originalRecord": {"handle": ["aaa", ",104"] }, u"left": "right now!" } EXPECTED = { u"something": "x", u"somethink": "y", u"originalRecord": { "handle": ["aaa", ",104"] }, u"object": ("" + "thumbnail.exe?CISOROOT=/scp&CISOPTR=104"), u"admin": {u"object_status": 0}, u"left": "right now!" } url = contentdm_url("False") resp, content = H.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert str(resp.status).startswith("2") result = json.loads(content) assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, result)
def test_not_remove_valid_date_dict(): INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "date": { "begin": "1959-01-01", "end": "1959-01-01", "displayDate": "1959-01-01" }, } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = { "sourceResource": { "date": { "begin": "1959-01-01", "end": "1959-01-01", "displayDate": "1959-01-01" }, } } resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT) print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_unset_prop2(): """Should unset prop since condition is met""" action = "unset" prop = "sourceResource/rights" condition = "is_digit" INPUT = { "_id": "12345", "key1": "value1", "sourceResource": { "key1": "value1", "rights": "20010983784" }, "key2": "value2" } EXPECTED = { "_id": "12345", "key1": "value1", "sourceResource": { "key1": "value1" }, "key2": "value2" } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), action=action, prop=prop, condition=condition) assert resp.status == 200 print_error_log() assert json.loads(content) == EXPECTED
def test_unset_prop2(): """Should unset prop since condition is met""" action = "unset" prop = "sourceResource/rights" condition = "is_digit" INPUT = { "_id": "12345", "key1": "value1", "sourceResource": { "key1" : "value1", "rights": "20010983784" }, "key2": "value2" } EXPECTED = { "_id": "12345", "key1": "value1", "sourceResource": { "key1" : "value1" }, "key2": "value2" } resp,content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), action=action, prop=prop, condition=condition) assert resp.status == 200 print_error_log() assert json.loads(content) == EXPECTED
def test_suppress_creator_value_for_string(): """Should remove creator value if the is 'creator'.""" INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "creator": "creator", "aaa": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = { "sourceResource": { "aaa": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_populating_publisher_field(): INPUT = { "freetext": { "publisher": [ { "#text": "Glossary of Coins and Currency Terms", "@label": "Publication title" }, { "#text": "", "@label": "Publication URL" }, { "#text": "xx", "@label": "Publisher" } ], } } EXPECTED_PUBLISHER = { "publisher": ["xx"] } resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT) print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") CONTENT = json.loads(content) pinfo(content) assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_PUBLISHER, CONTENT["sourceResource"])
def test_georgia_set_spec_type(): """Should set the specType to include Book, Government Document, and Serial """ INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "type": [ "something Books", " GOVERNMENT something", " Something periodicals", " Another periodicals" ] } } EXPECTED = { "sourceResource": { "type": [ "something Books", " GOVERNMENT something", " Something periodicals", " Another periodicals" ], "specType": [ "Book", "Government Document", "Serial" ] } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert resp["status"] == "200" assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, json.loads(content))
def test_cleanup_value_for_list(): INPUT = { "aaa": { "bbb": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = { "aaa": { "bbb": [ "Fisker, Kay", "Fisker, Kay", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), "aaa/bbb") print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_substitution_using_scdl_format_dict(): formats = \ ("Pamphlets", "Pamphlets"), \ ("Pamphlet", "Pamphlets"), \ ("pamphlets", "Pamphlets"), \ ("Manuscripts", "Manuscripts"), \ ("Manuscript", "Manuscripts"), \ ("manuscripts", "Manuscripts"), \ ("Photograph", "Photographs"), \ ("Photographs", "Photographs"), \ ("Photograph", "Photographs") \ data = { "xxx": "yyy", "aaa": "" } for f in formats: data["aaa"] = f[0] INPUT = json.dumps(data) data["aaa"] = f[1] EXPECTED_OUTPUT = json.dumps(data) print "Checking: %s" + repr(f) resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa", "aaa", "scdl_fix_format", None, False) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_default_prop_value(): """Should convert default field only.""" INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "creator": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ], "aaa": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = { "sourceResource": { "creator": ["Fisker, Kay", "Fisker, Kay", "bbb", "ccc"], "aaa": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_suppress_creator_value_for_list(): """Should remove creator value if the is 'creator'.""" INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "creator": [ "creator", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ], "aaa": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = { "sourceResource": { "creator": ["Fisker, Kay", "Fisker, Kay", "bbb", "ccc"], "aaa": [ "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", "bbb", "ccc" ] } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_changing_values(): INPUT = [ "hello there", "123", ". hi ", ". hi", " . hi there ", "a banana", "''.more complicated....", '""""....even more complicated....."\'""""', "hello there;;", ";;hello there;;", "aaa--bbb", "aaa --bbb", "aaa-- bbb", "aaa -- bbb", "aaa -- bbb -- ccc - - ddd -- ", ["aaa", "bbb"], [" - aaa", " bbb -- "], "aaa bbb -- ccc", "...,,,;;;;..,;'''\t\t\t aaa -- bbb ccc ddd;;;..;,,,,,;;;..... \t ", "aaa -- bbb ccc\t\t\t\t\tddd", " aaa -- bbb\t\t \t\t ccc\t\t\t ", "\t\taaa\tbbb\t\t", """.. \t\t sss ddd \t\t .. """ ] EXPECTED = [ "hello there", "123", "hi", "hi", "hi there", "a banana", "more complicated", 'even more complicated', "hello there", "hello there", "aaa--bbb", "aaa--bbb", "aaa--bbb", "aaa--bbb", "aaa--bbb--ccc - - ddd--", ["aaa", "bbb"], ["- aaa", "bbb--"], "aaa bbb--ccc", "aaa--bbb ccc ddd", "aaa--bbb ccc ddd", "aaa--bbb ccc", "aaa\tbbb", """sss ddd""" ] for i in xrange(0, len(INPUT)): data = {} data["aaa"] = {"bbb": INPUT[i]} r, c = _get_server_response(json.dumps(data), 'aaa%2Fbbb') exp = {} exp["aaa"] = {"bbb": EXPECTED[i]} print_error_log() assert_same_jsons(exp, c)
def test_range_with_brackets(): """Should transform date range with brackets.""" ranges = [ ("1960-05-01 - 1960-05-15", "1960-05-01 - 1960-05-15"), ("[ 1960-05-01 - 1960-05-15 ]", "1960-05-01 - 1960-05-15"), ("[1960-05-01 - 1960-05-15]", "1960-05-01 - 1960-05-15"), ("[1960-05-01 / 1960-05-15]", "1960-05-01 / 1960-05-15"), ("[1960-05-01/1960-05-15]", "1960-05-01/1960-05-15"), ] for r in ranges: INPUT = {"date": r[0]} EXPECTED = { u'date' : { u'begin' : u'1960-05-01', u'end' : u'1960-05-15', "displayDate" : r[1] } } url = server() + "enrich_earliest_date?prop=date" resp, content = H.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(INPUT)) assert str(resp.status).startswith("2") print_error_log() assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, content)
def test_iso639_3_substitution(): """ Should add "name" to language """ INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "language": [ {"iso639_3": "eng"}, {"iso639_3": "ara"} ] } } EXPECTED = { "sourceResource": { "language": [ {"iso639_3": "eng", "name": "English"}, {"iso639_3": "ara", "name": "Arabic"} ] } } prop = "sourceResource%2Flanguage%2Fiso639_3" targ = "sourceResource%2Flanguage%2Fname" subs = "iso639_3" resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), prop, targ, subs) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED)
def test_substitution_using_scdl_format_dict(): formats = \ ("Pamphlets", "Pamphlets"), \ ("Pamphlet", "Pamphlets"), \ ("pamphlets", "Pamphlets"), \ ("Manuscripts", "Manuscripts"), \ ("Manuscript", "Manuscripts"), \ ("manuscripts", "Manuscripts"), \ ("Photograph", "Photographs"), \ ("Photographs", "Photographs"), \ ("Photograph", "Photographs") \ data = {"xxx": "yyy", "aaa": ""} for f in formats: data["aaa"] = f[0] INPUT = json.dumps(data) data["aaa"] = f[1] EXPECTED_OUTPUT = json.dumps(data) print "Checking: %s" + repr(f) resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa", "aaa", "scdl_fix_format", None, False) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_description_transform1(): INPUT = {"metadata": {"mods": {"note": "A description"}}} EXPECTED = {"description": "A description"} resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, json.loads(content)["sourceResource"])
def test_description_transform1(): INPUT = {"metadata": {"mods": {"note": "A description"}}} EXPECTED = {"description": "A description"} resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), provider="HARVARD") print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, json.loads(content)["sourceResource"])
def test_missing_value_in_dict(): """Should do nothing when there is no such value in dictionary.""" INPUT = {"a": "b"} resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), "a", "x", "test") print_error_log() pinfo(resp, content) assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, INPUT)
def test_thumbnail_url_prefix_NJP1(): hathi_record = hathi_records["njp1"] thumbnail_url = "" thumbnail_urls = [thumbnail_url, thumbnail_url + "&edge=curl"] resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(hathi_record)) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert json.loads(content).get("object") in thumbnail_urls
def test_thumbnail_url_prefix_UC1_UCSC3(): hathi_record = hathi_records["uc1_ucsc3"] thumbnail_url = "" thumbnail_urls = [thumbnail_url, thumbnail_url + "&edge=curl"] resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(hathi_record)) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert json.loads(content).get("object") in thumbnail_urls
def test_substitution_with_missing_value_and_the_same_field(): """Should remove the field if value is missing from dict.""" data = {"xxx": "yyy", "aaa": {"bbb": "ccc", "xxx": "doesnt exist"}} INPUT = json.dumps(data) data = {"xxx": "yyy", "aaa": {"bbb": "ccc"}} EXPECTED_OUTPUT = json.dumps(data) resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa/xxx", "aaa/xxx", "test2", None, True) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED_OUTPUT)
def test_no_params_with_languages(): """ Should return converted JSON for no param. """ INPUT = {"sourceResource": {"language": "aaa"}} resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT)) INPUT["sourceResource"]["language"] = {"name": "aaa"} print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(INPUT, content)
def test_simple_substitute_for_different_field(): """ Should return substituted another json field. """ INPUT = '{"aaa":"bbb"}' EXPECTED_OUTPUT = '{"aaa":"bbb", "xxx":"BBB"}' resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa", "xxx", "test") print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED_OUTPUT)
def test_substitution_with_missing_subst_dict(): """ Should return the same JSON when the key is missing from substitution. """ INPUT = '{"aaa":"bbb"}' resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa", "aaa", "aaa") print (content) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 500 assert content == "Missing substitution dictionary [aaa]"
def test_substitution_with_missing_subst_dict(): """ Should return the same JSON when the key is missing from substitution. """ INPUT = '{"aaa":"bbb"}' resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa", "aaa", "aaa") print(content) print_error_log() assert resp.status == 500 assert content == "Missing substitution dictionary [aaa]"
def test_iso_match(): """ Should return ISO 639-3 codes """ INPUT = {"language": ["ger", "jpn", "en-US", "fr/FR", "af", "afr"]} EXPECTED = {"language": ["ger", "jpn", "eng", "fra", "afr"]} resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), prop="language") print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED)
def test_substitution_with_missing_key(): """ Should return the same JSON when the key is missing from substitution. """ INPUT = '{"aaa":"bbb"}' resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "bbb", "bbb", "test") print_error_log() pinfo(content) assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(INPUT, content)
def test_date_with_parentheses_and_question_mark(): """Should handle date like 1928 (?)""" INPUT = {"date": "1928 (?)"} EXPECTED = {"date": {"begin": "1928", "end": "1928", "displayDate": "1928 (?)"}} url = server() + "enrich_earliest_date?prop=date" resp, content = H.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert str(resp.status).startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, content)
def test_wordy_date(): """Should handle very wordy dates""" INPUT = {"date": "mid 11th century AH/AD 17th century (Mughal)"} EXPECTED = {"date": {"begin": None, "end": None, "displayDate": INPUT["date"]}} url = server() + "enrich_earliest_date?prop=date" resp, content = H.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert str(resp.status).startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, content)
def test_reversed_date_range(): """Should handle reversed date range""" INPUT = {"date": "1911/0140"} EXPECTED = {"date": {"begin": "0140", "end": "1911", "displayDate": INPUT["date"]}} url = server() + "enrich_earliest_date?prop=date" resp, content = H.request(url, "POST", body=json.dumps(INPUT)) print_error_log() assert str(resp.status).startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED, content)
def test_removing_date_string(): INPUT = { "sourceResource": { "date": "aaa", } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = {"sourceResource": {}} resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "sourceResource/date") print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)
def test_substitution_for_different_fields_and_array(): """ Should return json when original json is array. """ data = {"xxx": "yyy", "aaa": ["aa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd"]} INPUT = json.dumps(data) data["zzz"] = ["aa", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD"] EXPECTED_OUTPUT = json.dumps(data) resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa", "zzz", "test") print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED_OUTPUT)
def test_dictionary_subsitution(): """ Should substitute when there is dictionary field. """ data = {"xxx": "yyy", "aaa": {"bbb": "ccc"}} INPUT = json.dumps(data) data["aaa"] = {"bbb": "CCC"} EXPECTED_OUTPUT = json.dumps(data) resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT, "aaa/bbb", "aaa/bbb", "test") print_error_log() assert resp.status == 200 assert_same_jsons(content, EXPECTED_OUTPUT)
def test_populating_data_provider_field(): INPUT = { "descriptiveNonRepeating": { "data_source": "Smithsonian Institution Archives", } } resp, content = _get_server_response(INPUT) pinfo(content) print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") CONTENT = json.loads(content) assert CONTENT["dataProvider"] == "Smithsonian Institution Archives"
def test_cleanup_value_for_string(): INPUT = { "aaa": { "bbb": "Fisker, Kay--Architect--Danish--Male", } } EXPECTED_OUTPUT = { "aaa": { "bbb": "Fisker, Kay", } } resp, content = _get_server_response(json.dumps(INPUT), "aaa/bbb") print_error_log() assert resp["status"].startswith("2") assert_same_jsons(EXPECTED_OUTPUT, content)