Пример #1
    def test_02_update(self):
        # Do updates on the ApiRequest object

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        # do an update on blank one (unlikely use case)
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account is None
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one, and then update it
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source2
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make a valid one, and then do something invalid to it
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.update({"whatever" : "here"})
Пример #2
    def test_08_append(self):
        # Check that append works, which is the same as update

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        # do an update on blank one (unlikely use case)
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account is None
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one, and then update it
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source2
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make a valid one, and then do something invalid to it
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.append({"whatever" : "here"})
Пример #3
    def test_01_create(self):
        # Create instances of the ApiRequest object

        # construct a blank one, just to make sure we can
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw is None
        assert req.account is None
        assert req.json() is None

        # make one using valid source data
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(csource, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one with some invalid data
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest({"whatever" : "here"}, account=acc)
Пример #4
    def test_10_validate(self):
        # Check the various validation routines

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()

        # first prove that our source record validates
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        req = ApiRequest(csource, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == csource

        # 1 - a record with no identifiers
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        del asource["dc:identifier"]
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 2 - a record with no apc
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        del asource["jm:apc"]
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 3 - an apc with no inc vat amount
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        del asource["jm:apc"][0]["amount_inc_vat_gbp"]
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 4 - a record with a date in the wrong format
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        asource["dcterms:dateAccepted"] = "sometime last week"
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 5 - a record with an unparseable number
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        asource["jm:apc"][0]["amount_inc_vat_gbp"] = "three fifty"
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 6 - a record with an invalid currency code
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        asource["jm:apc"][0]["currency"] = "XXX"
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)
Пример #5
    def test_04_pull_public(self):
        # Pull a PublicAPC through the ApiRequest object

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"

        acc2 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc2.id = "qwerty"

        # make a competing public version, and check that a pull on the doi works
        pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(pub_source)

        result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc)
        assert result.raw == pub.clean_record
        assert result.account.id == acc.id
        assert result.public_id == pub.id

        craw = deepcopy(pub.clean_record)
        craw["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        assert json.loads(result.json()) == craw

        # also try the pull with the wrong owner, which should work
        result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc2)
        assert result is not None
Пример #6
    def check_jobs(cls):
        Check any existing Lantern jobs for progress, and process any that have completed

        dao = LanternJob()

        delay = app.config.get("JOB_LOOKUP_DELAY_LANTERN", 3600)
        cutoff = dates.before_now(delay)
        gen = dao.list_active(cutoff, keepalive="30m")

        for job in gen:
            acc = MonitorUKAccount.pull(job.account)
            lc = client.Lantern(api_key=acc.lantern_api_key)
            prog = lc.get_progress(job.job_id)
            if prog.get("status") == "success":
                pc = prog.get("data",  {}).get("progress", 0)
                if pc != 100:
                    # this will update the last_updated date, which means we won't look at it again for a while

                # if we get here, the job is complete so we need to retrieve it
                results = lc.get_results(job.job_id)
                if results.get("status") == "success":
                    for res in results.get("data", []):
                        enhancement = LanternApi._xwalk(res)

                # set the job as complete
                job.status = "complete"
Пример #7
    def test_07_save_delete(self):
        # Work through acycle of saves and deletes to observe the outputs

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        dao = Request()
        req2 = dao.pull(req.request.id)
        assert req2 is not None
        assert req2.owner == acc.id
        assert req2.record == source
        assert req2.action == "update"

        # now publish the request

        # now pull the object as identified by its API identifier (which should be the DOI)
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        next = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)

        # now, at this point we should have 2 request objects in the index.  One for the
        # original save, and one for the new save
        req3 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req3 is not None
        assert req3.owner == acc.id
        assert req3.record == source2
        assert req3.action == "update"

        # now issue a delete on the same record

        # by now we should have 3 request objects in the index, 2 for the above updates
        # and one for the delete request
        req4 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req4 is not None
        assert req4.owner == acc.id
        assert req4.record == source2
        assert req4.action == "delete"
Пример #8
    def test_05_pull_then_update(self):
        # Pull a record through the ApiRequest object and then udpate it

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"

        pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        del pub_source["id"]
        pub = PublicAPC(pub_source)

        pub_source2 = deepcopy(pub_source.get("record"))
        pub_source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        result = ApiRequest.pull(pub.id, account=acc)
        assert result.raw == pub_source2
        assert result.account.id == acc.id
Пример #9
    def test_09_responses(self):
        # Check that we get appropriate JSON responses

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        # have a look at what we'd expect the responses to be if this was a create
        cr = req.created_response()
        assert cr.get("status") == "created"
        assert cr.get("request_id") is not None
        assert cr.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # now look at the responses if this was an update/append
        ur = req.updated_response()
        assert ur.get("status") == "updated"
        assert ur.get("request_id") is not None
        assert ur.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # now look at a delete
        dr = req.deleted_response()
        assert dr.get("status") == "deleted"
        assert dr.get("request_id") is not None
        assert dr.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # just make a quick check to be sure that if no DOI is present, we get the right kind of info in the public_id
        source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        source2["dc:identifier"] = [{"type" : "pmcid", "id" : "PMC1234"}]
        req2 = ApiRequest(source2, account=acc)

        cr = req.created_response()
        assert cr.get("public_id") == req.id

        ur = req.updated_response()
        assert ur.get("public_id") == req.id

        dr = req.deleted_response()
        assert dr.get("public_id") == req.id
Пример #10
    def test_03_pull_request(self):
        # Pull a Request through the ApiRequest object

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"

        # first make a request which contains that doi
        req_source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(req_source)

        # you can't pull a request object, so just show that that's true...

        # pull by doi should fail
        result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc)
        assert result is None

        # pull by request id should fail
        result = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)
        assert result is None
Пример #11
    def test_06_get_id(self):
        # Get the operative ID of a record

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()

        # first, provide a record which has a doi, and ensure that's the id we get back
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.id == "10.1234/me"

        # now make a public record, and check we get the right ids for it
        pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        del pub_source["id"]
        del pub_source["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        pub = PublicAPC(pub_source)

        result = ApiRequest.pull(pub.id, account=acc)
        assert result.id == pub.id
        assert result.id == result.public_id
Пример #12
    def make_new_jobs(cls):
        Send new requests to lantern, and record the jobs that are created.

        This method looks for accounts who have Lantern credentials, looks for PublicAPC records belonging to those
        accounts which could benefit from lookup in Lantern,

        dao = PublicAPC()

        gen = MonitorUKAccount.list_lantern_enabled(keepalive="1h")
        for acc in gen:
            gen2 = dao.list_by_owner(acc.id)
            identifiers = []
            for apc in gen2:
                if LanternApi._needs_lantern_data(apc):
                    idents = LanternApi._get_identifiers(apc)
                    if idents is not None:
                    apc.lantern_lookup = dates.now()

            # if there are no identifiers, no need to do any more
            if len(identifiers) == 0:

            # now check the user's quota
            lc = client.Lantern(api_key=acc.lantern_api_key)
            quota = lc.get_quota(acc.lantern_email)
            available = quota.get("data", {}).get("available", 0)
            if available == 0:

            if len(identifiers) > available:
                identifiers = identifiers[:available]

            batches = LanternApi._batch(identifiers)
            for batch in batches:
                resp = lc.create_job(acc.lantern_email, "monitor-uk", batch)
                if resp.get("status") == "success":
                    job_id = resp.get("data", {}).get("job")
                    lj = LanternJob()
                    lj.job_id = job_id
                    lj.account = acc.id
                    lj.status = "active"
Пример #13
    def test_05_low_quota(self):
        # Check what happens when the use has a low quota on Lantern

        global QUOTA
        QUOTA = 1

        acc2 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc2.email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc2.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc2.lantern_api_key = "123456789"

        # a record that needs lantern because of a missing field
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc2.id, None, None, None)
        del source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"]
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record that needs lantern because it has timed out and has a missing field
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc2.id, None, None, None)
        source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000))   # a year ago
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)



        dao = LanternJob()
        jobs = [job for job in dao.iterall()]
        assert len(jobs) == 1

        assert len(CREATED_JOBS) == 1
        job = CREATED_JOBS[0]

        assert job["email"] == "*****@*****.**"
        assert len(job["list"]) == 1
Пример #14
    def test_16_lantern_accounts(self):
        # Check that we can detect lantern accounts

        acc1 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc1.email = "*****@*****.**"

        acc2 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc2.email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc2.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc2.lantern_api_key = "123456789"

        acc3 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc3.email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc3.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc3.lantern_api_key = "987654321"

        count = 0
        gen = MonitorUKAccount.list_lantern_enabled()
        for acc in gen:
            if acc.email == "*****@*****.**":
                assert acc.lantern_api_key == "123456789"
                assert acc.lantern_email == "*****@*****.**"
                count += 1
            elif acc.email == "*****@*****.**":
                assert acc.lantern_api_key == "987654321"
                assert acc.lantern_email == "*****@*****.**"
                count += 10
                count += 100
        assert count == 11
Пример #15
    def test_07_check_jobs(self):
        # Ensure that we can check existing jobs correctly

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc.lantern_api_key = "123456789"

        lj1 = LanternJob()
        lj1.job_id = "111111111"
        lj1.account = acc.id
        lj1.status = "complete"

        lj2 = LanternJob()
        lj2.job_id = "222222222"
        lj2.account = acc.id
        lj2.status = "active"
        lj2.last_updated = dates.format(dates.before_now(5000))

        lj3 = LanternJob()
        lj3.job_id = "333333333"
        lj3.account = acc.id
        lj3.status = "active"
        lj3.last_updated = dates.format(dates.before_now(5000))

        lj4 = LanternJob()
        lj4.job_id = "444444444"
        lj4.account = acc.id
        lj4.status = "active"
        lj4.last_updated = dates.format(dates.before_now(5000))

        lj5 = LanternJob()
        lj5.job_id = "555555555"
        lj5.account = acc.id
        lj5.status = "active"


        # check that the progress requests we expected were made
        assert len(PROGRESS_REQUESTS) == 3
        assert "222222222" in PROGRESS_REQUESTS
        assert "333333333" in PROGRESS_REQUESTS
        assert "444444444" in PROGRESS_REQUESTS

        # check that the job which received an error was just ignored
        dao = LanternJob()
        ignored = dao.pull(lj4.id)
        assert ignored.last_updated == lj4.last_updated
        assert ignored.status == "active"

        # check that the record which was not complete was touched
        touched = dao.pull(lj2.id)
        assert touched.last_updated != lj2.last_updated
        assert touched.status == "active"

        # check that results were requested only for one item
        assert len(RESULTS_REQUESTS) == 1
        assert "333333333" in RESULTS_REQUESTS

        # wait for a bit, so that enhancements have time to go in

        # check that an enhancement was registered
        edao = Enhancement()
        gen = edao.iterall()
        enhancements = [e for e in gen]

        assert len(enhancements) == 1

        result = LanternFixtureFactory.xwalk_result()
        assert enhancements[0].data["record"] == result["record"]
Пример #16
    def test_04_create_job(self):
        # Check we can create jobs correctly

        acc1 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc1.email = "*****@*****.**"

        acc2 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc2.email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc2.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc2.lantern_api_key = "123456789"

        acc3 = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc3.email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc3.lantern_email = "*****@*****.**"
        acc3.lantern_api_key = "987654321"

        # a record which does not need lantern
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc2.id, None, None, None)
        source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.now()
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record that needs lantern because of a missing field
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc2.id, None, None, None)
        del source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"]
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record that needs lantern because it has timed out and has a missing field
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc2.id, None, None, None)
        source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000))   # a year ago
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record that needs lantern but has no identifiers
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc2.id, None, None, None)
        source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000))   # a year ago
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        del source["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record which does not need lantern
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc3.id, None, None, None)
        source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.now()
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record that needs lantern because of a missing field
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc3.id, None, None, None)
        del source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"]
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record that needs lantern because it has timed out and has a missing field
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc3.id, None, None, None)
        source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000))   # a year ago
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # a record that needs lantern but has no identifiers
        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.make_record(acc3.id, None, None, None)
        source["admin"]["lantern_lookup"] = dates.format(dates.before_now(31104000))   # a year ago
        del source["record"]["rioxxterms:publication_date"]
        del source["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        pub = PublicAPC(source)



        dao = LanternJob()
        jobs = [job for job in dao.iterall()]
        assert len(jobs) == 2

        assert len(CREATED_JOBS) == 2
        count = 0
        for job in CREATED_JOBS:
            if job["email"] == "*****@*****.**":
                count += 1
                assert len(job["list"]) == 2
            elif job["email"] == "*****@*****.**":
                count += 10
                assert len(job["list"]) == 2
        assert count == 11

        # now do the same thing again.  The jobs should not change, as we've already created jobs
        # for all the public records
        jobs = [job for job in dao.iterall()]
        assert len(jobs) == 2