def delete(self, payment_id): """Delete a payment. This endpoint will delete a payment based the id specified in the path """'Request to Delete a payment with id [%s]', payment_id) # pylint: disable=no-member payment = Payment.find(payment_id) if payment: payment.delete() return '', status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
def delete_payment(payments_id): """ Delete a payment This endpoint will delete a Payment based the id specified in the path """'Request to delete payment with id: %s', payments_id) payment = Payment.find(payments_id) if payment: payment.delete() return make_response('', status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT)
def get_payments(payments_id): """ Retrieve a single Payment This endpoint will return a payment based on it's id """'Request for payment with id: %s', payments_id) payment = Payment.find(payments_id) if not payment: raise NotFound("Payment with id '{}' was not found.".format(payments_id)) return make_response(jsonify(payment.serialize()), status.HTTP_200_OK)
def toggle_payments_availability(payments_id): """ Toggle payment availability This toggles whether or not a payment is currently available """'Request to toggle payment availability with id: %s', payments_id) payment = Payment.find(payments_id) if not payment: raise NotFound("Payment with id '{}' was not found.".format(payments_id)) payment.available = not payment.available return make_response(jsonify(payment.serialize()), status.HTTP_200_OK)
def get(self, payment_id): """Retrieve a single payment. This endpoint will return a payment based on its id. """ # pylint: disable=no-member "Request to Retrieve a payment with id [%s]", payment_id) payment = Payment.find(payment_id) if not payment: api.abort(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, "Payment with id '{}' was not found.".format(payment_id)) return payment.serialize(), status.HTTP_200_OK
def update_payments(payments_id): """ Update a Payment This endpoint will update a Payment based the body that is posted """'Request to update payment with id: %s', payments_id) check_content_type('application/json') payment = Payment.find(payments_id) if not payment: raise NotFound("Payment with id '{}' was not found.".format(payments_id)) payment.deserialize(request.get_json()) = payments_id return make_response(jsonify(payment.serialize()), status.HTTP_200_OK)
def patch(self, payments_id): """Toggle payment availability. This toggles whether or not a payment is currently available. """ # pylint: disable=no-member 'Request to toggle payment availability with id: %s', payments_id) payment = Payment.find(payments_id) if not payment: api.abort( status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, 'Payment with id [{}] was not found.'.format(payments_id)) payment.available = not payment.available return payment.serialize(), status.HTTP_200_OK
def test_find_a_payment(self): """ Find a payment by ID""" payment = Payment(order_id="1", customer_id="1", available=True, payments_type="credit card") #adding extra row in case the find method return something randomly Payment(order_id="2", customer_id="2", available=False, payments_type="paypal").save() self.assertTrue(payment is not None) self.assertIsNot(, None) new_payment = Payment.find( self.assertEqual(,
def put(self, payment_id): """Update a payment. This endpoint will update a payment with the body that is posted. """'Request to Update a payment with id [%s]', payment_id) # pylint: disable=no-member check_content_type('application/json') payment = Payment.find(payment_id) if not payment: api.abort(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, "Payment with id '{}' was not found.".format(payment_id)) app.logger.debug('Payload = %s', api.payload) # pylint: disable=no-member data = api.payload # Still use jsonschema to validate data. jsonschema.validate(data, PAYMENT_SCHEMA) payment.deserialize(data) = payment_id return payment.serialize(), status.HTTP_200_OK
def test_find_a_payment(self): """ Find a payment by ID """ saved_payment = Payment( order_id="1", customer_id="1", available=True, type="credit card", info=self._test_credit_card_info) # adding extra row in case the find method return something randomly Payment( order_id="2", customer_id="2", available=False, type="paypal", info=self._test_paypal_info).save() payment = Payment.find( self.assertIsNot(payment, None) self.assertEqual(, self.assertEqual(payment.order_id, saved_payment.order_id) self.assertEqual(payment.customer_id, saved_payment.customer_id) self.assertEqual(payment.available, saved_payment.available) self.assertEqual(payment.type, saved_payment.type) self.assertEqual(,