Пример #1
    def test_02_update(self):
        # Do updates on the ApiRequest object

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        # do an update on blank one (unlikely use case)
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account is None
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one, and then update it
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source2
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make a valid one, and then do something invalid to it
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.update({"whatever" : "here"})
Пример #2
    def test_02_request(self):
        # Check we can instantiate and work with a Request

        # first make a blank one
        req = Request()

        # now make one around the fixture
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)

        # make one with a broken source
        broken = {"whatever" : "broken"}
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = Request(broken)

        # now make one bit by bit
        req = Request()
        req.record = source.get("record")
        req.owner = "test1"
        req.action = "update"
        req.public_id = "abcdefg"

        assert req.owner == "test1"
        assert req.action == "update"
        assert req.public_id == "abcdefg"

        # now make it broken
        req = Request()
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.record = {"random" : "stuff"}
Пример #3
    def test_09_remove_permanent(self):
        # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC, leaving no owners, thus deleting the record

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        req.owner = "test"

        # create a record with 2 distinct apcs from different owners
        source2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(source2)
        pub.remove_apcs_by_owner("abcdefg")  # clear the existing apc record

        apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()
        del apc_record["ref"]  # do this so that the ref gets created correctly later
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record)  # add a new, known one


        # now request the removal

        dao = PublicAPC()
        pub2 = dao.pull(pub.id)
        assert pub2 is None
Пример #4
    def test_10_request_refs(self):
        # Check that APC refs are handled correctly by Reuqests

        # first check that refs are stripped automatically on construction
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        source["record"]["jm:apc"][0]["ref"] = "1234567890"
        req = Request(source)
        assert "ref" not in req.apc_records[0]

        # now do it again, setting the record explicitly
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        record = source.get("record")
        record["jm:apc"][0]["ref"] = "123456789"
        req = Request()
        req.record = record
        assert "ref" not in req.apc_records[0]
Пример #5
    def test_01_create(self):
        # Create instances of the ApiRequest object

        # construct a blank one, just to make sure we can
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw is None
        assert req.account is None
        assert req.json() is None

        # make one using valid source data
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(csource, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one with some invalid data
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest({"whatever" : "here"}, account=acc)
Пример #6
    def test_08_append(self):
        # Check that append works, which is the same as update

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        # do an update on blank one (unlikely use case)
        req = ApiRequest()
        assert req.raw == source
        assert req.account is None
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make one, and then update it
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == source2
        assert req.account.id == acc.id
        assert isinstance(req.json(), basestring)

        # make a valid one, and then do something invalid to it
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req.append({"whatever" : "here"})
Пример #7
    def test_02_find_public_record(self):
        # Find a public record with a variety of identifiers

        source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        pub = PublicAPC(source)

        # document to form the basis of the queries
        source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.example()

        # create sources with one of each kind of identifier, then look them up using the
        # find_public_record and find_public_record_by_identifier methods
        pid = deepcopy(source2)
        del pid["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        req = Request(pid)
        req.public_id = pub.id
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None

        doi = deepcopy(source2)
        doi["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/me"}]
        req = Request(doi)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me")
        assert pub11 is not None

        pmid = deepcopy(source2)
        pmid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmid", "id": "87654321"}]
        req = Request(pmid)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321")
        assert pub11 is not None

        pmcid = deepcopy(source2)
        pmcid["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "pmcid", "id": "PMC1234"}]
        req = Request(pmcid)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234")
        assert pub11 is not None

        url = deepcopy(source2)
        url["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "url", "id": "http://example.com/whatever"}]
        req = Request(url)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is not None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever")
        assert pub11 is not None

        # finally, ensure that you don't get a match when you shouldn't
        null = deepcopy(source2)
        null["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": "10.1234/another"}]
        req = Request(null)
        pub1 = PublicApi.find_public_record(req)
        assert pub1 is None
        pub11 = PublicApi.find_public_record_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/another")
        assert pub11 is None
Пример #8
    def test_03_publish_new(self):
        # Publish a new request

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        pub = PublicApi.publish(req)

        dao = PublicAPC()
        pub2 = dao.pull(pub.id)
        assert pub2 is not None
Пример #9
    def test_10_validate(self):
        # Check the various validation routines

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()

        # first prove that our source record validates
        csource = deepcopy(source)
        csource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        req = ApiRequest(csource, account=acc)
        assert req.raw == csource

        # 1 - a record with no identifiers
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        del asource["dc:identifier"]
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 2 - a record with no apc
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        del asource["jm:apc"]
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 3 - an apc with no inc vat amount
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        del asource["jm:apc"][0]["amount_inc_vat_gbp"]
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 4 - a record with a date in the wrong format
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        asource["dcterms:dateAccepted"] = "sometime last week"
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 5 - a record with an unparseable number
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        asource["jm:apc"][0]["amount_inc_vat_gbp"] = "three fifty"
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)

        # 6 - a record with an invalid currency code
        asource = deepcopy(source)
        asource["jm:apc"][0]["currency"] = "XXX"
        asource["@context"] = app.config.get("API_JSON_LD_CONTEXT")
        with self.assertRaises(dataobj.DataStructureException):
            req = ApiRequest(asource, account=acc)
Пример #10
    def test_09_responses(self):
        # Check that we get appropriate JSON responses

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        # have a look at what we'd expect the responses to be if this was a create
        cr = req.created_response()
        assert cr.get("status") == "created"
        assert cr.get("request_id") is not None
        assert cr.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # now look at the responses if this was an update/append
        ur = req.updated_response()
        assert ur.get("status") == "updated"
        assert ur.get("request_id") is not None
        assert ur.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # now look at a delete
        dr = req.deleted_response()
        assert dr.get("status") == "deleted"
        assert dr.get("request_id") is not None
        assert dr.get("public_id") == "10.1234/me"

        # just make a quick check to be sure that if no DOI is present, we get the right kind of info in the public_id
        source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        source2["dc:identifier"] = [{"type" : "pmcid", "id" : "PMC1234"}]
        req2 = ApiRequest(source2, account=acc)

        cr = req.created_response()
        assert cr.get("public_id") == req.id

        ur = req.updated_response()
        assert ur.get("public_id") == req.id

        dr = req.deleted_response()
        assert dr.get("public_id") == req.id
Пример #11
    def test_05_request_dao(self):
        # Check the DAO methods on the Request object

        dao = Request()

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        req.owner = "test1"
        req.action = "update"
        req.public_id = "abcdefg"

        req2 = dao.pull(req.id)
        assert req2 is not None

        # check successful queries for identifiers
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 1

        # check unsuccessful ones
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/you", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC5678", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "123456789", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/this", "test1")
        assert len(res) == 0

        # and check using the wrong owner
        res = dao.find_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0

        res = dao.find_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever", "test2")
        assert len(res) == 0
Пример #12
    def test_10_find_request(self):
        # Find a Request through a number of routes

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)


        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req1 = Request(source)

        # document to form the basis of the queries
        source2 = RequestFixtureFactory.example()

        # create sources with one of each kind of identifier, then look them up using the
        # find_request_by_identifier method
        result = RequestApi.find_request_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "abcdefghij")
        assert result is not None
        assert result.created_date == req1.created_date

        result = RequestApi.find_request_by_identifier("pmid", "87654321", "abcdefghij")
        assert result is not None
        assert result.created_date == req1.created_date

        result = RequestApi.find_request_by_identifier("pmcid", "PMC1234", "abcdefghij")
        assert result is not None
        assert result.created_date == req1.created_date

        result = RequestApi.find_request_by_identifier("url", "http://example.com/whatever", "abcdefghij")
        assert result is not None
        assert result.created_date == req1.created_date

        # finally, ensure that you don't get a match when you shouldn't
        result = RequestApi.find_request_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/another", "abcdefghij")
        assert result is None

        result = RequestApi.find_request_by_identifier("doi", "10.1234/me", "test")
        assert result is None
Пример #13
    def test_11_process_requests_exception(self):
        # What happens when the process_reuests method fails for a variety of reasons

        sources = RequestFixtureFactory.request_per_day("2001-01", 9)

        dois = ["10.1234/first", "10.1234/second", "10.1234/third"]

        # we're going to construct a series of requests for each doi
        # starting with a create, then an update, followed by a delete
        # (not that it matters, as we're going to pump them through a mock)
        for i in range(len(sources)):
            s = sources[i]
            doi_idx = i % 3  # iterate over the dois 3 times
            doi = dois[doi_idx]
            s["record"]["dc:identifier"] = [{"type": "doi", "id": doi}]
            if i < 3:
                s["record"]["dc:title"] = "Create"
                req = Request(s)
                req.action = "update"
            elif i < 6:
                s["record"]["dc:title"] = "Update"
                req = Request(s)
                req.action = "update"
                s["record"]["dc:title"] = "Delete"
                req = Request(s)
                req.action = "delete"


        # set up the mocks
        PublicApi.publish = publish_mock
        PublicApi.remove = delete_mock

        # now run the process job back to the first day
        with self.assertRaises(TestException):

        # we know this died during the 6th update request being processed,
        # so just check that the workflow state reflects that
        wfs_dao = WorkflowState()
        wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests")
        assert wfs.last_request == "2001-01-05T00:00:00Z"
        assert len(wfs.already_processed) == 1
Пример #14
    def test_07_save_delete(self):
        # Work through acycle of saves and deletes to observe the outputs

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()
        acc = MonitorUKAccount()

        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)

        dao = Request()
        req2 = dao.pull(req.request.id)
        assert req2 is not None
        assert req2.owner == acc.id
        assert req2.record == source
        assert req2.action == "update"

        # now publish the request

        # now pull the object as identified by its API identifier (which should be the DOI)
        source2 = deepcopy(source)
        source2["dc:title"] = "An update"
        next = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)

        # now, at this point we should have 2 request objects in the index.  One for the
        # original save, and one for the new save
        req3 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req3 is not None
        assert req3.owner == acc.id
        assert req3.record == source2
        assert req3.action == "update"

        # now issue a delete on the same record

        # by now we should have 3 request objects in the index, 2 for the above updates
        # and one for the delete request
        req4 = dao.pull(next.request.id)
        assert req4 is not None
        assert req4.owner == acc.id
        assert req4.record == source2
        assert req4.action == "delete"
Пример #15
    def test_01_request_delete(self):
        # Create a delete request

        record = RequestFixtureFactory.record()

        acc = BasicAccount()
        acc.id = "test1"

        r = RequestApi.delete(record, acc, "01010101")

        # now check it was saved correctly
        assert r is not None

        r1 = r.pull(r.id)
        assert r1 is not None
        assert r1.owner == acc.id
        assert r1.action == "delete"
        assert r1.public_id == "01010101"
Пример #16
    def test_07_request2public(self):
        # Check the conversion of a Request to a PublicAPC

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        pub = req.make_public_apc()

        assert pub is not None
        assert pub.record is not None
        assert len(pub.apc_records) == 1

        setrefs = []
        for apc in pub.apc_records:
            assert apc.get("ref") is not None
        assert len(setrefs) == 1

        refs = pub.get_apc_refs(req.owner)
        assert len(refs) == 1
        assert refs[0] == setrefs[0]
Пример #17
    def test_03_pull_request(self):
        # Pull a Request through the ApiRequest object

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"

        # first make a request which contains that doi
        req_source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(req_source)

        # you can't pull a request object, so just show that that's true...

        # pull by doi should fail
        result = ApiRequest.pull("10.1234/me", account=acc)
        assert result is None

        # pull by request id should fail
        result = ApiRequest.pull(req.id, account=acc)
        assert result is None
Пример #18
    def test_06_get_id(self):
        # Get the operative ID of a record

        acc = MonitorUKAccount()
        acc.id = "abcdefghij"
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.record()

        # first, provide a record which has a doi, and ensure that's the id we get back
        req = ApiRequest(source, account=acc)
        assert req.id == "10.1234/me"

        # now make a public record, and check we get the right ids for it
        pub_source = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        del pub_source["id"]
        del pub_source["record"]["dc:identifier"]
        pub = PublicAPC(pub_source)

        result = ApiRequest.pull(pub.id, account=acc)
        assert result.id == pub.id
        assert result.id == result.public_id
Пример #19
    def test_04_record_methods(self):
        # Check all the Record methods work

        classes = [Request, PublicAPC]
        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        record = source.get("record")
        additional_apcs = deepcopy(record.get("jm:apc")) + deepcopy(record.get("jm:apc"))

        for c in classes:
            inst = c()
            assert isinstance(inst, RecordMethods)

            inst.record = deepcopy(record)

            assert inst.doi == "10.1234/me"
            assert inst.pmid == "87654321"
            assert inst.pmcid == "PMC1234"
            assert inst.url == "http://example.com/whatever"

            assert len(inst.apc_records) == 1

            inst.apc_records = additional_apcs
            assert len(inst.apc_records) == 2

            # now try adding and removing apc records
            withref = deepcopy(record.get("jm:apc")[0])
            withref["ref"] = "myref"
            assert len(inst.apc_records) == 3

            assert len(inst.apc_records) == 2
            for apc in inst.apc_records:
                assert "ref" not in apc

            assert inst.has_apcs() is True
            inst.apc_records = []
            assert inst.has_apcs() is False
Пример #20
    def test_01_request_update(self):
        # Create an update Request

        record = RequestFixtureFactory.record()

        acc = BasicAccount()
        acc.id = "test1"

        # without a public id
        r1 = RequestApi.update(record, acc)

        # with a public id
        r2 = RequestApi.update(record, acc, "01010101")

        # now check they were saved correctly
        assert r1 is not None
        assert r2 is not None

        r11 = r1.pull(r1.id)
        assert r11 is not None

        r21 = r2.pull(r2.id)
        assert r21 is not None
Пример #21
    def test_13_request_iterator(self):
        # Check we can iterate successfully over lists of Requests

        sources = RequestFixtureFactory.request_per_day("2001-01", 10)

        for s in sources:
            req = Request(s)


        dao = Request()
        gen = dao.list_all_since("2001-01-01T00:00:00Z", page_size=5)   # set the page size small, to ensure the iterator has to work
        results = [x for x in gen]

        assert len(results) == 10

        dates = [r.created_date for r in results]
        comp = deepcopy(dates)
        comp.sort()     # this puts the dates in ascending order (i.e. oldest first)

        # the point of this comparison is to show that the results came out in the right order.
        # that is, oldest first
        assert dates == comp
Пример #22
    def test_08_remove_separate(self):
        # Separate an incoming Request from its corresponding PublicAPC, leaving only one owner behind

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        req = Request(source)
        req.owner = "test"

        # create a record with 2 distinct apcs from different owners
        source2 = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.example()
        apc_record = PublicAPCFixtureFactory.apc_record()
        del apc_record["ref"]  # do this so that the ref gets created correctly later
        pub = PublicAPC(source2)
        pub.add_apc_for_owner("test", apc_record)

        # now request the removal

        dao = PublicAPC()
        pub2 = dao.pull(pub.id)

        assert len(pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("test")) == 0
        assert len(pub2.get_apcs_by_owner("abcdefg")) == 1
Пример #23
    def test_11_process_requests_cycle(self):
        # Run through the process of processing a Request into a PublicAPC

        source = RequestFixtureFactory.example()
        if "id" in source:
            del source["id"]

        pub_dao = PublicAPC()
        wfs_dao = WorkflowState()

        # first make a record for the first time
        first = deepcopy(source)
        del first["record"]["dc:title"]
        req = Request(first)
        req.owner = "test"
        req.action = "update"

        # run the job


        # first check that a public record was made
        pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me")
        assert len(pubs) == 1
        assert pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") is None

        # check that the workflow state was created
        wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests")
        assert wfs is not None
        assert wfs.last_request == req.created_date
        assert wfs.already_processed == [req.id]

        # now run an update with a different date
        second = deepcopy(source)
        second["record"]["dc:title"] = "Update"
        second["created_date"] = "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        req2 = Request(second)
        req2.owner = "test"
        req2.action = "update"

        # run the job again


        # check the public record was updated
        pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me")
        assert len(pubs) == 1
        assert pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") == "Update"

        # check that the workflow state was updated
        wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests")
        assert wfs is not None
        assert wfs.last_request == req2.created_date
        assert wfs.already_processed == [req2.id]

        # now run an update with the same date, to observe the difference in the workflow state
        third = deepcopy(source)
        third["record"]["dc:title"] = "Update 2"
        third["created_date"] = "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        req3 = Request(third)
        req3.owner = "test"
        req3.action = "update"

        # run the job again


        # check the public record was updated
        pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me")
        assert len(pubs) == 1
        assert (
            pubs[0].record.get("dc:title") == "Update 2"
        )  # should have been updated, as there are only apc contributions from one source

        # check that the workflow state was updated
        wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests")
        assert wfs is not None
        assert wfs.last_request == req3.created_date
        assert wfs.already_processed == [req2.id, req3.id]  # processed records should have been appended

        # finally issue a delete request
        fourth = deepcopy(source)
        fourth["created_date"] = "2003-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        req4 = Request(fourth)
        req4.owner = "test"
        req4.action = "delete"

        # run the job again


        # check the public record was updated
        pubs = pub_dao.find_by_doi("10.1234/me")
        assert len(pubs) == 0

        # check that the workflow state was updated
        wfs = wfs_dao.pull("requests")
        assert wfs is not None
        assert wfs.last_request == req4.created_date
        assert wfs.already_processed == [req4.id]  # processed records should have been appended