Пример #1
def check_cmd_perms(ctx):
    # Checking for appropriate permissions
    # Only check if the bot type is a member of a server
    if not utils.check_perms(ctx, discord.Permissions(
        read_message_history = True,
        attach_files = True,
        send_messages = True
        raise UserError("`read_message_history`, `attach_files`, and `send_messages` permissions required.", True)
Пример #2
async def remove_invocation(cog, ctx):
    if CONFIG["commands"]["hug"]["delete-message"] and check_perms(ctx, discord.Permissions(
        manage_messages = True
            await ctx.message.delete()
        except discord.Forbidden:
            print("Invalid permissions: Bot needs manage_messages to delete user messages.")
        except discord.NotFound:
            print("Message not found. Something went wrong during command invocation.")
        except discord.HTTPException as e:
            print(f"HTTP Exception: {e}")
Пример #3
    async def find_wordcloud(self, ctx, in_time, one_channel=True, case_insensitive=True, stop_after_usermsg=False):
            await self.check_cooldown(ctx)
            if not utils.check_perms(ctx, discord.Permissions(
                read_message_history = True,
                attach_files = True,
                send_messages = True
                raise UserError("`read_message_history`, `attach_files`, and `send_messages` permissions required.", True)

            seconds = utils.parse_time_to_seconds(in_time)
            if  seconds > utils.parse_time_to_seconds(CONFIG["commands"]["whatdidimiss"]["maxtime"]) or seconds < 1:
                raise UserError(f'Thats too much time! {CONFIG["commands"]["whatdidimiss"]["maxtime"]} Maximum!', True)
            # Getting the earliest time that should be used
            timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)

            # And now for the slow stuff
            with ctx.typing():
                # Next, recursively grabbing messages and appending them to a long ass string
                result = await utils.collect_messages(
                    ctx, one_channel, timestamp, CONFIG["commands"]["whatdidimiss"]["stopwords"], case_insensitive, stop_after_usermsg
                # Depending on if stop_after_usermsg is set, it'll either just return the frequency dict, or a tuple with more information
                words = result[0]
                msg_count = result[1]
                if stop_after_usermsg:
                    if result[2].total_seconds() == 0:
                        time_diff = f'Hit max time of {CONFIG["commands"]["whatdidimiss"]["max-lookback-time"]}'
                        time_diff = utils.parse_seconds_to_time(int(result[2].total_seconds()))
                with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
                    image = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(pool, create_wordcloud, words)
                    if stop_after_usermsg:
                        await ctx.send(f"Heres what happened since your last post {time_diff} ago ({msg_count} messages)", file=discord.File(fp=image, filename="wordcloud.png"))
                        await ctx.send(f"Heres what happened in the past {utils.prettify_time(in_time)} ({msg_count} messages)", file=discord.File(fp=image, filename="wordcloud.png"))
        except UserError as e:
            await ctx.send(f":warning:  {e.message}")
            # Removing the cooldown as an act of mercy
            if e.no_cooldown:
Пример #4
def server_admin_check(ctx):
    "Checks if the command caller is a server admin."
    # Defining a discord server admin as someone with administrator permissions for that server
    return check_perms(ctx, Permissions(administrator=True), ctx.author)