Пример #1
def main(args, keys):
    if args.mode == MODE_ENCRYPT:
        # check if destination exists
        if args.force is False and os.path.exists(args.outputfile):
            if ask_overwrite(args.outputfile) is False:

        # args.inputfile is a list of files
        for f in args.inputfile:
            if not os.path.exists(f):
                raise SesameError('File doesn\'t exist at {0}'.format(f))

        encrypt(args.inputfile, args.outputfile, keys)

    elif args.mode == MODE_DECRYPT:
        # fail if input file doesn't exist
        if not os.path.exists(args.inputfile):
            raise SesameError('File doesn\'t exist at {0}'.format(args.inputfile))

        # check input not zero-length
        statinfo = os.stat(args.inputfile)
        if statinfo.st_size == 0:
            raise SesameError('Input file is zero-length')

        decrypt(args.inputfile, args.force, args.output_dir, args.try_all)
Пример #2
def decrypt(inputfile, keys, force=False, output_dir=None, try_all=False):
    with make_secure_temp_directory() as working_dir:
        # create a temporary file
        working_file = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=working_dir)

        success = False

        # iterate all keys; first successful key will break
        for key in keys:
                # decrypt the input file
                with open(inputfile, 'rb') as i:
                    data = zlib.decompress(key.Decrypt(i.read()))

                # write into our working file
                with os.fdopen(working_file[0], 'wb') as o:

                success = True
            except InvalidSignatureError as e:
                if try_all is False:
                    raise SesameError('Incorrect key')
            except KeyczarError as e:
                raise SesameError(
                    'An error occurred in keyczar.Decrypt\n  {0}:{1}'.format(
                        e.__class__.__name__, e
        # check failure
        if success is False:
            raise SesameError('No valid keys for decryption')

        # untar the decrypted temp file
        with tarfile.open(working_file[1], 'r') as tar:

        # get list of all files in working dir, including their full path
        working_items = [
            os.path.join(rootdir[len(working_dir)+1:], filename)
            for rootdir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(working_dir)
            for filename in filenames if filename != os.path.basename(working_file[1])

        # move all files to the output path
        for name in working_items:
            # create some full paths
            path = os.path.join(working_dir, name)
            dest = os.path.join(output_dir, name)

            # ask user about overwrite
            if force is False and os.path.exists(dest):
                if ask_overwrite(dest) is False:

            # ensure destination dirs exist

            # move file to output_dir
            shutil.copy(path, dest)