def runTest7():

    L = 4e-4  # length of the system in the x-direction [m]
    dd = .05e-4
    Ly = 2e-4

    # Mesh
    x = np.concatenate(
        (np.linspace(0, 1e-4 - dd, 70, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(1e-4 - dd, 1e-4 + dd, 20, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(1e-4 + dd, 3e-4 - dd, 140, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(3e-4 - dd, 3e-4 + dd, 20,
                     endpoint=False), np.linspace(3e-4 + dd, L, 70)))
    y = np.concatenate(
        (np.linspace(0, 1e-4 - dd, 70, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(1e-4 - dd, 1e-4 + dd, 20,
                     endpoint=False), np.linspace(1e-4 + dd, 2e-4, 70)))

    #x = np.linspace(0,L, 1000)

    # Create a system
    sys = sesame.Builder(x, y)

    tau = 1e-8
    vt = 0.025851991024560

    Nc1 = 1e17
    Nv1 = 1e18

    Nc2 = 1e17
    Nv2 = 1e18

    # Dictionary with the material parameters
    mat1 = {
        'Nc': Nc1,
        'Nv': Nv1,
        'Eg': 1.,
        'epsilon': 10,
        'Et': 0,
        'mu_e': 100,
        'mu_h': 40,
        'tau_e': tau,
        'tau_h': tau,
        'affinity': 4.15

    mat2 = {
        'Nc': Nc2,
        'Nv': Nv2,
        'Eg': 1.1,
        'epsilon': 100,
        'Et': 0,
        'mu_e': 100,
        'mu_h': 40,
        'tau_e': tau,
        'tau_h': tau,
        'affinity': 4.05

    junction = 2e-4  # extent of the junction from the left contact [m]

    def region1(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = x <= 1e-4
        return val

    def region2(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = (x > 1e-4) & (x < 3e-4) & (y >= 1e-4)
        return val

    def region3(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = (x > 1e-4) & (x < 3e-4) & (y < 1e-4)
        return val

    def region4(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = x >= 3e-4
        return val

    # Add the material to the system
    sys.add_material(mat1, region1)
    sys.add_material(mat1, region2)
    sys.add_material(mat2, region3)
    sys.add_material(mat2, region4)

    # Add the donors
    nD1 = 1e15  # [cm^-3]
    sys.add_donor(nD1, region1)
    sys.add_donor(nD1, region2)
    nD2 = 1e15  # [cm^-3]
    sys.add_acceptor(nD2, region3)
    sys.add_acceptor(nD2, region4)

    # Define the surface recombination velocities for electrons and holes [m/s]
    sys.contact_type('Ohmic', 'Ohmic')
    SS = 1e50
    Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right = SS, SS, SS, SS
    sys.contact_S(Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right)

    # Electrostatic potential dimensionless

    solution = sesame.solve_equilibrium(sys, periodic_bcs=False, verbose=False)
    veq = np.copy(solution['v'])

        'x': sys.xpts,
        'y': sys.ypts,
        'eg': sys.Eg,
        'Nc': sys.Nc,
        'Nv': sys.Nv,
        'epsilon': sys.epsilon

    # IV curve

        'efn': np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny, )),
        'efp': np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny, ))

    G = 1 * 1e18
    f = lambda x, y: G

    solution = sesame.solve(sys,
    az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, solution)
    tj = -az.full_current()

    voltages = np.linspace(.0, .8, 9)

    result = solution

    # sites of the right contact
    nx = sys.nx
    s = [nx - 1 + j * nx + k * nx * sys.ny for k in range( \
         for j in range(sys.ny)]

    # sign of the voltage to apply
    if sys.rho[nx - 1] < 0:
        q = 1
        q = -1

    j = []
    # Loop over the applied potentials made dimensionless
    Vapp = voltages /
    for idx, vapp in enumerate(Vapp):

        # Apply the voltage on the right contact
        result['v'][s] = veq[s] + q * vapp
        # Call the Drift Diffusion Poisson solver
        result = sesame.solve(sys,
        # Compute current
        az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, result)
        tj = az.full_current() * sys.scaling.current * sys.scaling.length / (

    jcomsol = np.array([
        0.50272, 0.48515, 0.40623, -0.16696, -5.1204, -58.859, -819.11,
        -7024.4, -27657
    jcomsol = jcomsol * 1e-4
    error = np.max(
            (jcomsol - np.transpose(j)) / (.5 * (jcomsol + np.transpose(j)))))
Пример #2
# add donor defect along GB
sys.add_line_defects([p1, p2], rho_GB, S_GB, E=E_GB, transition=(1, 0))
# add acceptor defect along GB
sys.add_line_defects([p1, p2], rho_GB, S_GB, E=E_GB, transition=(0, -1))

# Solve equilibirum problem first
solution = sesame.solve_equilibrium(sys)

# define a function for generation profile
f = lambda x, y: 2.3e21 * np.exp(-2.3e4 * x)
# add generation to the system

# Solve problem under short-circuit current conditions
solution = sesame.solve(sys, solution)
# Get analyzer object to compute observables
az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, solution)
# Compute short-circuit current
j = az.full_current()
# Print Jsc
print(j * sys.scaling.current * sys.scaling.length * 1e3)

# specify applied voltages
voltages = np.linspace(0, .1, 1)
# find j-v
j = sesame.IVcurve(sys, voltages, solution, '2dGB_V')

# save the result
result = {'voltages': voltages, 'j': j}'IV_values', result)
Пример #3
def runTest4():

    rhoGBlist = np.linspace(1e6*1e-4,1e18*1e-4,2)

    sys = system(rhoGBlist[0])

    solution = sesame.solve_equilibrium(sys, periodic_bcs=False, verbose=False)

    s0 = 1e-18*1e4
    rhoGBlist = [1e6*1e-4, 1e18*1e-4]
    for idx, rhoGB in enumerate(rhoGBlist):
        sys = system(rhoGB,s0)
        solution = sesame.solve_equilibrium(sys, solution, maxiter=5000, periodic_bcs=False, verbose=False)
    veq = np.copy(solution['v'])

    efn = np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny,))
    efp = np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny,))
    solution.update({'efn': efn, 'efp': efp})

    junction = .1e-6*1e2
    # Define a function for the generation rate

    G = 1
    phi0 = 1e21 * G * 1e-4
    alpha = 2.3e6 * 1e-2  # alpha = 2e4 cm^-1 for CdTe
    f = lambda x, y: phi0 * alpha * np.exp(-alpha * x)

    slist = [1e-18 * 1e4]

    sys = system(rhoGBlist[1],slist[0])

    solution = sesame.solve(sys, solution, maxiter=5000, verbose=False)
    az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, solution)
    tj = -az.full_current()

    voltages = np.linspace(.0, .8, 9)

    result = solution

    # sites of the right contact
    nx = sys.nx
    s = [nx - 1 + j * nx + k * nx * sys.ny for k in range( \
         for j in range(sys.ny)]

    # sign of the voltage to apply
    if sys.rho[nx - 1] < 0:
        q = 1
        q = -1

    j = []
    # Loop over the applied potentials made dimensionless
    Vapp = voltages /
    for idx, vapp in enumerate(Vapp):

        # Apply the voltage on the right contact
        result['v'][s] = veq[s] + q * vapp
        # Call the Drift Diffusion Poisson solver
        result = sesame.solve(sys, result, maxiter=1000, periodic_bcs=False, verbose=False)
        # Compute current
        az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, result)
        tj = az.full_current() * sys.scaling.current * sys.scaling.length / (3e-6*1e2) * 1e4

    jcomsol = np.array([-136.07, -135.73, -135.30, -134.73, -133.61, -129.76, -119.33, -83.149, 115.90])
    jcomsol = -jcomsol
    error = np.max(np.abs((jcomsol - np.transpose(j)) / (.5 * (jcomsol + np.transpose(j)))))
    print("error = {0}".format(error))
def runTest2():
    L = 4e-6*1e2 # length of the system in the x-direction [m]
    dd = .005e-6*1e2

    # Mesh
    x = np.concatenate((np.linspace(0,L/2-dd, 100, endpoint=False),
                        np.linspace(L/2-dd, L/2+dd, 20, endpoint=False),
                        np.linspace(L/2+dd,L, 100)))

    # Create a system
    sys = sesame.Builder(x, input_length='cm')

    tau = 1e8
    vt = 0.025851991024560;

    Nc1 = 2.2*1e18
    Nv1 = 2.2*1e18

    Nc2 = 2.2*1e18
    Nv2 = 2.2*1e18

    # Dictionary with the material parameters
    mat1 = {'Nc':Nc1, 'Nv':Nv1, 'Eg':1.5, 'epsilon':1000, 'Et': 0,
            'mu_e':100, 'mu_h':40, 'tau_e':tau, 'tau_h':tau,
            'band_offset': 4.05}

    mat2 = {'Nc':Nc2, 'Nv':Nv2, 'Eg':1.5, 'epsilon':10000, 'Et': 0,
            'mu_e':100, 'mu_h':40, 'tau_e':tau, 'tau_h':tau,
            'band_offset': 4.05}

    junction = 2e-6*1e2 # extent of the junction from the left contact [m]

    def region1(pos):
        return pos < junction

    # Add the acceptors
    region2 = lambda pos: 1 - region1(pos)

    # Add the material to the system
    sys.add_material(mat1, region1)
    sys.add_material(mat2, region2)

    # Define Ohmic contacts
    sys.contact_type('Ohmic', 'Ohmic')

    # Add the donors
    nD1 = 1e15 # [m^-3]
    sys.add_donor(nD1, region1)
    nD2 = 1e15 # [m^-3]
    sys.add_acceptor(nD2, region2)

    # Define the surface recombination velocities for electrons and holes [m/s]
    SS = 1e50
    Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right = SS, SS, SS, SS
    sys.contact_S(Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right)

    # Electrostatic potential dimensionless
    solution = sesame.solve_equilibrium(sys, verbose=False)
    veq = np.copy(solution['v'])

    G = 1*1e24*1e-6
    f = lambda x: G

    solution = sesame.solve(sys, solution, verbose=False)
    solution.update({'x': sys.xpts, 'chi':, 'eg': sys.Eg, 'Nc': sys.Nc, 'Nv': sys.Nv})

    voltages = np.linspace(0, 0.9, 10)

    result = solution

    # sites of the right contact
    nx = sys.nx
    s = [nx-1 + j*nx + k*nx*sys.ny for k in range(\
                                   for j in range(sys.ny)]

    # sign of the voltage to apply
    if sys.rho[nx-1] < 0:
        q = 1
        q = -1

    j = []
    # Loop over the applied potentials made dimensionless
    Vapp = voltages /
    for idx, vapp in enumerate(Vapp):
        # Apply the voltage on the right contact
        result['v'][s] = veq[s] + q*vapp
        # Call the Drift Diffusion Poisson solver
        result = sesame.solve(sys, result, maxiter=1000, verbose=False)
        # Compute current
        az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, result)
        tj = az.full_current()* sys.scaling.current

    jcomsol = np.array([0.55569,0.54937,0.5423,0.53436,0.52535,0.51499,0.50217,0.4622,-0.47448,-31.281])
    jcomsol = jcomsol * 1e-4
    error = np.max(np.abs((jcomsol-np.transpose(j))/(.5*(jcomsol+np.transpose(j)))))
    print("error = {0}".format(error))
Пример #5
import sesame
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import savemat

J = []
for i in range(10):
    filename = "../tutorial3/2dGB_V_%d.gzip" % i
    sys, results = sesame.load_sim(filename)
    az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, results)
    J.append(az.full_current() * sys.scaling.current * sys.scaling.length)
print("current [A/cm] = ", J)


sys, results = sesame.load_sim("2dGB_V_0.gzip")
az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, results)

# Line endpoints of the grain boundary core
p1 = (20e-7, 1.5e-4)  #[cm]
p2 = (2.9e-4, 1.5e-4)  #[cm]
# get the coordinate indices of the grain boundary core
X, sites = az.line(sys, p1, p2)

# obtain solution data along the GB core
efn_GB = results['efn'][sites]
efp_GB = results['efp'][sites]
v_GB = results['v'][sites]

#In this code we compute the integrated defect recombination along the grain boundary core::
def runTest3():

    rhoGBlist = np.linspace(1e6 * 1e-4, 1e18 * 1e-4, 2)

    sys = system(rhoGBlist[0])

    solution = sesame.solve_equilibrium(sys, verbose=False)

    s0 = 1e-18 * 1e4
    rhoGBlist = [1e6 * 1e-4, 1e18 * 1e-4]
    for idx, rhoGB in enumerate(rhoGBlist):
        sys = system(rhoGB, s0)
        solution = sesame.solve_equilibrium(sys,
    veq = np.copy(solution['v'])

    efn = np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny, ))
    efp = np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny, ))
    solution.update({'efn': efn, 'efp': efp})

    junction = .1e-6 * 1e2
    # Define a function for the generation rate

    G = 1
    phi0 = 1e21 * G * 1e-4
    alpha = 2.3e6 * 1e-2  # alpha = 2e4 cm^-1 for CdTe
    f = lambda x, y: phi0 * alpha * np.exp(-alpha * x)

    slist = [1e-18 * 1e4]

    sys = system(rhoGBlist[1], slist[0])

    solution = sesame.solve(sys, solution, maxiter=5000, verbose=False)
    az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, solution)
    tj = -az.full_current()

    voltages = np.linspace(.0, .8, 9)

    result = solution

    # sites of the right contact
    nx = sys.nx
    s = [nx - 1 + j * nx + k * nx * sys.ny for k in range( \
         for j in range(sys.ny)]

    # sign of the voltage to apply
    if sys.rho[nx - 1] < 0:
        q = 1
        q = -1

    j = []
    # Loop over the applied potentials made dimensionless
    Vapp = voltages /
    for idx, vapp in enumerate(Vapp):

        # Apply the voltage on the right contact
        result['v'][s] = veq[s] + q * vapp
        # Call the Drift Diffusion Poisson solver
        result = sesame.solve(sys, result, maxiter=1000, verbose=False)
        # Compute current
        az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, result)
        tj = az.full_current() * sys.scaling.current * sys.scaling.length / (
            3e-6 * 1e2)

    jSesame_12_4_2017 = np.array([
        135.14066065175203, 134.97430561196626, 134.70499402818209,
        134.28271667573679, 133.27884008619145, 129.49875552490002,
        119.14704988797484, 83.157765739151415, -114.57979137988193
    jSesame_12_4_2017 = jSesame_12_4_2017 * 1e-4
    error = np.max(
        np.abs((jSesame_12_4_2017 - np.transpose(j)) /
               (.5 * (jSesame_12_4_2017 + np.transpose(j)))))
    print("error = {0}".format(error))
Пример #7
def runTest1():

    L = 3e-4 # length of the system in the x-direction [cm]

    dd = 1e-7*1e2
    # Mesh
    x = np.concatenate((np.linspace(0,5e-7*1e2-dd,50, endpoint=False),
                        np.linspace(5e-7*1e2-dd,5e-7*1e2+dd,20, endpoint=False),
                        np.linspace(5e-7*1e2+dd,1e-6*1e2, 100, endpoint=False),
                        np.linspace(1e-6*1e2, L, 200)))

    # Create a system
    sys = sesame.Builder(x,input_length='cm')

    tau = 1e-8
    vt = 0.025851991024560

    Nc1 = 8*1e17
    Nv1 = 1.8*1e19

    Nc2 = 8*1e17
    Nv2 = 1.8*1e19

    # Dictionary with the material parameters
    mat1 = {'Nc':Nc1, 'Nv':Nv1, 'Eg':2.4, 'epsilon':10, 'Et': 0,
            'mu_e':320, 'mu_h':40, 'tau_e':tau, 'tau_h':tau,
            'affinity': 4.15}

    mat2 = {'Nc':Nc2, 'Nv':Nv2, 'Eg':1.5, 'epsilon':10, 'Et': 0,
            'mu_e':320, 'mu_h':40, 'tau_e':tau, 'tau_h':tau,
            'affinity': 4.05}

    junction = 5e-7*1e2 # extent of the junction from the left contact [m]
    def region1(pos):
        x = pos
        return x < junction

    # Add the acceptors
    region2 = lambda pos: 1 - region1(pos)

    # Add the material to the system
    sys.add_material(mat1, region1)
    sys.add_material(mat2, region2)

    # Add the donors
    nD1 = 1e17 # [cm^-3]
    sys.add_donor(nD1, region1)
    nD2 = 1e15 # [cm^-3]
    sys.add_acceptor(nD2, region2)

    # Define Ohmic contacts
    sys.contact_type('Ohmic', 'Ohmic')

    # Define the surface recombination velocities for electrons and holes [m/s]
    SS = 1e50*1e2
    Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right = SS, SS, SS, SS
    sys.contact_S(Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right)

    solution = sesame.solve(sys, compute='Poisson', verbose=False)
    veq = np.copy(solution['v'])

    G = 1*1e24*1e-6
    f = lambda x: G

    solution = sesame.solve(sys, guess=solution, verbose=False)
    solution.update({'x': sys.xpts, 'chi':, 'eg': sys.Eg, 'Nc': sys.Nc, 'Nv': sys.Nv})

    voltages = np.linspace(0, 0.8, 9)

    result = solution

    # sites of the right contact
    nx = sys.nx
    s = [nx-1 + j*nx  for j in range(sys.ny)]

    # sign of the voltage to apply
    if sys.rho[nx-1] < 0:
        q = 1
        q = -1

    j = []
    # Loop over the applied potentials made dimensionless
    Vapp = voltages /
    for idx, vapp in enumerate(Vapp):

        # Apply the voltage on the right contact
        result['v'][s] = veq[s] + q*vapp
        # Call the Drift Diffusion Poisson solver
        result = sesame.solve(sys, guess=result, maxiter=1000, verbose=False)
        # Compute current
        az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, result)
        tj = az.full_current()* sys.scaling.current

    jcomsol = np.array([0.32117,0.31672,0.31198,0.30683,0.30031,0.28562,0.20949,-0.39374,-7.0681])
    jcomsol = jcomsol * 1e-4 # converting to A/cm^2

    error = np.max(np.abs((jcomsol-np.transpose(j))/(.5*(jcomsol+np.transpose(j)))))
    print("error = {0}".format(error))
def runTest8():

    L = 4e-4  # length of the system in the x-direction [m]
    dd = .05e-4
    Ly = 2e-4

    # Mesh
    x = np.concatenate(
        (np.linspace(0, 1e-4 - dd, 70, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(1e-4 - dd, 1e-4 + dd, 20, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(1e-4 + dd, 3e-4 - dd, 140, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(3e-4 - dd, 3e-4 + dd, 20,
                     endpoint=False), np.linspace(3e-4 + dd, L, 70)))
    y = np.concatenate(
        (np.linspace(0, 1e-4 - dd, 70, endpoint=False),
         np.linspace(1e-4 - dd, 1e-4 + dd, 20,
                     endpoint=False), np.linspace(1e-4 + dd, 2e-4, 70)))

    # Create a system
    sys = sesame.Builder(x, y)

    tau = 1e-8
    vt = 0.025851991024560

    Nc1 = 1e17
    Nv1 = 1e18

    Nc2 = 1e17
    Nv2 = 1e18

    # Dictionary with the material parameters
    mat1 = {
        'Nc': Nc1,
        'Nv': Nv1,
        'Eg': 1.,
        'epsilon': 10,
        'Et': 0,
        'mu_e': 100,
        'mu_h': 40,
        'tau_e': tau,
        'tau_h': tau,
        'affinity': 4.15

    mat2 = {
        'Nc': Nc2,
        'Nv': Nv2,
        'Eg': 1.1,
        'epsilon': 100,
        'Et': 0,
        'mu_e': 100,
        'mu_h': 40,
        'tau_e': tau,
        'tau_h': tau,
        'affinity': 4.05

    junction = 2e-4  # extent of the junction from the left contact [m]

    def region1(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = x <= 1e-4
        return val

    def region2(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = (x > 1e-4) & (x < 3e-4) & (y >= 1e-4)
        return val

    def region3(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = (x > 1e-4) & (x < 3e-4) & (y < 1e-4)
        return val

    def region4(pos):
        x, y = pos
        val = x >= 3e-4
        return val

    # Add the material to the system
    sys.add_material(mat1, region1)
    sys.add_material(mat1, region2)
    sys.add_material(mat2, region3)
    sys.add_material(mat2, region4)

    # Add the donors
    nD1 = 1e15  # [cm^-3]
    sys.add_donor(nD1, region1)
    sys.add_donor(nD1, region2)
    nD2 = 1e15  # [cm^-3]
    sys.add_acceptor(nD2, region3)
    sys.add_acceptor(nD2, region4)

    # Define the surface recombination velocities for electrons and holes [m/s]
    sys.contact_type('Ohmic', 'Ohmic')
    SS = 1e50
    Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right = SS, SS, SS, SS
    sys.contact_S(Sn_left, Sp_left, Sn_right, Sp_right)

    # Electrostatic potential dimensionless

    solution = sesame.solve(sys,
    veq = np.copy(solution['v'])

        'x': sys.xpts,
        'y': sys.ypts,
        'eg': sys.Eg,
        'Nc': sys.Nc,
        'Nv': sys.Nv,
        'epsilon': sys.epsilon

    # IV curve

        'efn': np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny, )),
        'efp': np.zeros((sys.nx * sys.ny, ))

    G = 1 * 1e18
    f = lambda x, y: G

    solution = sesame.solve(sys,
    az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, solution)
    tj = -az.full_current()

    voltages = np.linspace(.0, .8, 9)

    result = solution

    # sites of the right contact
    nx = sys.nx
    s = [nx - 1 + j * nx for j in range(sys.ny)]

    # sign of the voltage to apply
    if sys.rho[nx - 1] < 0:
        q = 1
        q = -1

    j = []
    # Loop over the applied potentials made dimensionless
    Vapp = voltages /
    for idx, vapp in enumerate(Vapp):

        # Apply the voltage on the right contact
        result['v'][s] = veq[s] + q * vapp
        # Call the Drift Diffusion Poisson solver
        result = sesame.solve(sys,
        # Compute current
        az = sesame.Analyzer(sys, result)
        tj = az.full_current() * sys.scaling.current * sys.scaling.length / (

    jSesame_12_4_2017 = np.array([
        0.51880926865443222, 0.49724822874328478, 0.38634212450640715,
        -0.41864449697811151, -7.1679242861918242, -76.107867495994327,
        -919.58279216747349, -7114.3078754855478, -28453.412760553809
    jSesame_12_4_2017 = jSesame_12_4_2017 * 1e-4
    error = np.max(
        np.abs((jSesame_12_4_2017 - np.transpose(j)) /
               (.5 * (jSesame_12_4_2017 + np.transpose(j)))))
    print("error = {0}".format(error))