class Api(UsesLog):
    def __init__(self):
        self.wc_session = WC_Session()
        self.wc_protocol = WC_Protocol()

        self.mm_session = MM_Session()
        self.mm_protocol = MM_Protocol()


        #TODO get rid of this; blank problem is fixed in
        self.validate = validictory.SchemaValidator(blank_by_default=True).validate

    #   Authentication:

    def is_authenticated(self):
        """Returns whether the api is logged in."""

        return self.wc_session.logged_in and not (self.mm_session.sid == None)

    def login(self, email, password):
        """Authenticates the api with the given credentials.
        Returns True on success, False on failure.

        Two factor authentication is currently unsupported.

        :param email: eg "`[email protected]`"
        :param password: plaintext password. It will not be stored and is sent over ssl."""

        self.wc_session.login(email, password)
        self.mm_session.login(email, password)

        if self.is_authenticated():
            #Need some extra init for upload authentication.
            self._mm_pb_call("upload_auth") #what if this fails? can it?
  "logged in")
  "failed to log in")

        return self.is_authenticated()

    def logout(self):
        """Logs out of the api.
        Returns True on success, False on failure."""

        self.mm_session.logout()"logged out")

        return True

    #   Api features supported by the web client interface:

    @utils.accept_singleton(basestring, 2) #can also accept a single string in pos 2 (base 0 - song_ids)
    def add_songs_to_playlist(self, playlist_id, song_ids):
        """Adds songs to a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to add to.
        :param song_ids: a list of song ids, or a single song id.

        return self._wc_call("addtoplaylist", playlist_id, song_ids)

    def change_playlist_name(self, playlist_id, new_name):
        """Changes the name of a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to rename.
        :param new_title: desired title.

        return self._wc_call("modifyplaylist", playlist_id, new_name)

    def change_song_metadata(self, songs):
        """Changes the metadata for songs given in `GM Metadata Format`_.

        :param songs: a list of song dictionaries, or a single song dictionary.

        The server response is *not* to be trusted. Instead, reload the library; this will always reflect changes.

        These metadata keys are able to be changed:
        * rating: set to 0 (no thumb), 1 (down thumb), or 5 (up thumb)
        * name: use this instead of `title`
        * album
        * albumArtist
        * artist
        * composer
        * disc
        * genre
        * playCount
        * totalDiscs
        * totalTracks
        * track
        * year

        These keys cannot be changed:
        * comment
        * id 
        * deleted
        * creationDate
        * albumArtUrl
        * type
        * beatsPerMinute
        * url

        These keys cannot be changed; their values are determined by another key's value:

        * title: set to `name`
        * titleNorm: set to lowercase of `name`
        * albumArtistNorm: set to lowercase of `albumArtist`
        * albumNorm: set to lowercase of `album`
        * artistNorm: set to lowercase of `artist`

        These keys cannot be changed, and may change unpredictably:

        * lastPlayed: likely some kind of last-accessed timestamp

        return self._wc_call("modifyentries", songs)
    def create_playlist(self, name):
        """Creates a new playlist.

        :param title: the title of the playlist to create.

        return self._wc_call("addplaylist", name)

    def delete_playlist(self, playlist_id):
        """Deletes a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to delete.

        return self._wc_call("deleteplaylist", playlist_id)

    def delete_songs(self, song_ids):
        """Deletes songs from the entire library.

        :param song_ids: a list of song ids, or a single song id.

        return self._wc_call("deletesong", song_ids)

    def get_all_songs(self):
        """Returns a list of `song dictionaries`__.
        __ `GM Metadata Format`_

        library = []

        lib_chunk = self._wc_call("loadalltracks")
        while 'continuationToken' in lib_chunk:
            library += lib_chunk['playlist'] #misleading name; this is the entire chunk
            lib_chunk = self._wc_call("loadalltracks", lib_chunk['continuationToken'])

        library += lib_chunk['playlist']

        return library

    def get_playlist_songs(self, playlist_id):
        """Returns a list of `song dictionaries`__, which include `entryId` keys for the given playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to load.

        __ `GM Metadata Format`_

        return self._wc_call("loadplaylist", playlist_id)["playlist"]

    def get_playlists(self, auto=True, instant=True, user=True):
        """Returns a dictionary mapping playlist types to dictionaries of ``{"<playlist name>": "<playlist id>"}`` pairs.

        Available playlist types are:

        * "`auto`" - auto playlists
        * "`instant`" - instant mixes
        * "`user`" - user-defined playlists

        Playlist names can be unicode strings.

        :param auto: make an "`auto`" entry in the result.
        :param instant: make an "`instant`" entry in the result.
        :param user: make a "`user`" entry in the result.

        playlists = {}
        #Only hit the page once for all playlists.
        res = self.wc_session.open_authed_https_url("")
        markup =

        if auto:
            playlists['auto'] = self._get_auto_playlists()
        if instant:
            playlists['instant'] = self._get_instant_mixes(markup)
        if user:
            playlists['user'] = self._get_user_playlists(markup)

        return playlists
    def _get_auto_playlists(self):
        """For auto playlists, returns a dictionary which maps autoplaylist name to id."""
        #Auto playlist ids are hardcoded in the wc javascript.
        #If Google releases Music internationally, this will be broken.
        return {"Thumbs up": "auto-playlist-thumbs-up", 
                "Last added": "auto-playlist-recent",
                "Free and purchased": "auto-playlist-promo"}

    def _get_playlists_in(self, ul_id, markup=None):
        """Returns a dictionary mapping playlist name to id for the given ul id in the markup.

        :param ul_id: the id of the unordered list that defines the playlists.
        :markup: (optional) markup of the page."""
        #Instant mixes and playlists are built in to the markup server-side.
        #Generally, we don't use open_https_url directly; this is an exception.

        #There's a lot of html; rather than parse, it's easier to just cut
        # out the playlists ul, then use a regex.

        if not markup:
            res = self.wc_session.open_authed_https_url("")
            markup =

        ul_start = r'<ul id="{0}" class="playlistContainer">'.format(ul_id)

        #Cut out the unordered list containing the playlists.
        markup = markup[markup.index(ul_start):]
        markup = markup[:markup.index(r'</ul>') + 5]

        id_name = re.findall(r'<li id="(.*?)" class="nav-item-container".*?title="(.*?)">', markup)
        playlists = {}
        for p_id, p_name in id_name:
            playlists[utils.unescape_html(p_name)] = p_id

        return playlists
    def _get_instant_mixes(self, markup=None):
        """For instant mixes, returns a dictionary which maps instant mix name to id."""
        return self._get_playlists_in("magic-playlists", markup)

    def _get_user_playlists(self, markup=None):
        """For user-created playlists, returns a dictionary which maps playlist name to id."""
        return self._get_playlists_in("playlists", markup)

    def get_song_download_info(self, song_id):
        """Returns a tuple ``("<download url>", <download count>)``.

        GM allows 2 downloads per song.

        :param song_id: a single song id.

        #The protocol expects a list of songs - could extend with accept_singleton
        info = self._wc_call("multidownload", [song_id])

        return (info["url"], info["downloadCounts"][song_id])

    def get_stream_url(self, song_id):
        """Returns a url that points to a streamable version of this song. 

        *This is only intended for streaming*. The streamed audio does not contain metadata. Use :func:`get_song_download_info` to download complete files with metadata.

        Reading the file does not require authentication.
        :param song_id: a single song id.

        #This call is strange. The body is empty, and the songid is passed in the querystring.
        res = self._wc_call("play", query_args={'songid': song_id})
        return res['url']

    def remove_songs_from_playlist(self, song_ids, playlist_id):
        """Removes songs from a playlist.

        :param song_ids: a list of song ids, or a single song id.

        #Not as easy as just calling deletesong with the playlist;
        # we need the entryIds for the songs with the playlist as well.

        playlist_tracks = self.get_playlist_songs(playlist_id)

        entry_ids = []

        for sid in song_ids:
            matched_eids = [t["playlistEntryId"] for t in playlist_tracks if t["id"] == sid]
            if len(matched_eids) < 1:
                self.log.warning("could not match song id %s to any entryIds")

        return self._wc_call("deletesong", song_ids, entry_ids, playlist_id)

    def search(self, query):
        """Searches for songs, artists and albums.
        GM ignores punctuation.

        :param query: the search query.

        Example response, where <hits> are matching `song dictionaries`__:

        __ `GM Metadata Format`_

        return self._wc_call("search", query)

    def _wc_call(self, service_name, *args, **kw):
        """Returns the response of a web client call.
        :param service_name: the name of the call, eg ``search``
        additional positional arguments are passed to ``build_body``for the retrieved protocol.
        if a 'query_args' key is present in kw, it is assumed to be a dictionary of additional key/val pairs to append to the query string.

        protocol = getattr(self.wc_protocol, service_name)

        #Always log the request.
        self.log.debug("wc_call %s(%s)", service_name, args)
        body, res_schema = protocol.build_transaction(*args)

        #Encode the body. It might be None (empty).
        #This should probably be done in protocol, and an encoded body grabbed here.
        if body != None: #body can be {}, which is different from None. {} is falsey.
            body = "json=" + urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(body))

        extra_query_args = None
        if 'query_args' in kw:
            extra_query_args = kw['query_args']

        if protocol.requires_login:
            res = self.wc_session.open_authed_https_url(protocol.build_url, extra_query_args, body)
            res = self.wc_session.open_https_url(protocol.build_url, extra_query_args, body)
        res = json.loads(

        #Protocols don't need to set schemas.
        if res_schema:
                self.validate(res, res_schema)
            except ValueError as details:
                self.log.warning("Received an unexpected response from call %s.", service_name)
                self.log.debug("full response: %s", res)
                self.log.debug("failed schema: %s", res_schema)
                self.log.warning("error was: %s", details)
        if protocol.gets_logged:
            self.log.debug("wc_call response %s", res)
            self.log.debug("wc_call response <suppressed>")

        return res

    #   Api features supported by the Music Manager interface:

    #This works, but the protocol isn't quite right.
    #For now, you're better off just taking len(get_all_songs)
    # to get a count of songs in the library. 20,000 songs is the limit for free users.

    # def get_quota(self):
    #     """Returns a tuple of (allowed number of tracks, total tracks, available tracks)."""

    #     quota = self._mm_pb_call("client_state").quota

    #     #protocol incorrect here...
    #     return (quota.maximumTracks, quota.totalTracks, quota.availableTracks)

    def upload(self, filenames):
        """Uploads the MP3s stored in the given filenames. Returns a dictionary with ``{"<filename>": "<new song id>"}`` pairs for each successful upload.

        Returns an empty dictionary if all uploads fail.

        :param filenames: a list of filenames, or a single filename.

        Unlike Google's Music Manager, this function will currently allow the same song to be uploaded more than once if its tags are changed. This is subject to change in the future.

        #filename -> GM song id
        fn_sid_map = {}

        #Form and send the metadata request.
        metadata_request, cid_map = self.mm_protocol.make_metadata_request(filenames)
        metadataresp = self._mm_pb_call("metadata", metadata_request)

        #Form upload session requests (for songs GM wants).
        session_requests = self.mm_protocol.make_upload_session_requests(cid_map, metadataresp)

        #Try to get upload sessions and upload each song.
        #This section is in bad need of refactoring.
        for filename, server_id, payload in session_requests:

            post_data = json.dumps(payload)

            success = False
            already_uploaded = False
            attempts = 0

            while not success and attempts < 3:
                #Pull this out with the below call when it makes sense to.
                res = json.loads(

                if 'sessionStatus' in res:
                    self.log.debug("got a session. full response: %s", str(res))
                    success = True

                elif 'errorMessage' in res:
                    self.log.debug("upload error. full response: %s", str(res))

                    error_code = res['errorMessage']['additionalInfo']['uploader_service.GoogleRupioAdditionalInfo']['completionInfo']['customerSpecificInfo']['ResponseCode']

                    #This seems more like protocol-worthy information.
                    if error_code == 503:
                        #Servers still syncing; retry with no penalty.
              "upload servers still syncing; trying again.")
                        attempts -= 1

                    elif error_code == 200:
                        #GM reports that the file is already uploaded, probably because the hash matched a server-side file.
                        self.log.warning("GM upload server reports %s is already uploaded as sid: %s", filename, server_id)
                        success = True
                        already_uploaded = True

                    elif error_code == 404:
                        #Bad request. I've never seen this resolve through retries.
                        self.log.warning("GM upload server")

                        #Unknown error code.
                        self.log.warning("upload service reported an unknown error code. Please report this to the project.\n  entire response: %s", str(res))
                    self.log.warning("upload service sent back a response that could not be interpreted. Please report this to the project.\n  entire response: %s", str(res))
      "trying again for a session.")
                attempts += 1

            if success and not already_uploaded:
                #Got a session; upload the actual file.
                up = res['sessionStatus']['externalFieldTransfers'][0]
      "uploading file. sid: %s", server_id)

                res = json.loads(
                        {'Content-Type': up['content_type']}).read())

                if res['sessionStatus']['state'] == 'FINALIZED':
                    fn_sid_map[filename] = server_id
          "successfully uploaded sid %s", server_id)

            elif already_uploaded:
                fn_sid_map[filename] = server_id

                self.log.warning("could not upload file %s (sid %s)", filename, server_id)

        return fn_sid_map

    def _mm_pb_call(self, service_name, req = None):
        """Returns the protobuff response of a call to a predefined Music Manager protobuff service."""

        self.log.debug("mm_pb_call: %s(%s)", service_name, str(req))

        res = self.mm_protocol.make_pb(service_name + "_response")

        if not req:
                req = self.mm_protocol.make_pb(service_name + "_request")
            except AttributeError:
                req = self.mm_protocol.make_pb(service_name) #some request types don't have _request appended.

        url = self.mm_protocol.pb_services[service_name]

        res.ParseFromString(self.mm_session.protopost(url, req))

        self.log.debug("mm_pb_call response: [%s]", str(res))

        return res
Пример #2
class Api(UsesLog):
    def __init__(self):
        self.wc_session = WC_Session()
        self.wc_protocol = WC_Protocol()

        self.mm_session = MM_Session()
        self.mm_protocol = MM_Protocol()


    #   Authentication:

    def is_authenticated(self):
        """Returns whether the api is logged in."""

        return self.wc_session.logged_in and not (self.mm_session.sid == None)

    def login(self, email, password):
        """Authenticates the api with the given credentials.
        Returns True on success, False on failure.

        Two factor authentication is currently unsupported.

        :param email: eg "`[email protected]`"
        :param password: plaintext password. It will not be stored and is sent over ssl."""

        self.mm_session.login(email, password)        
        if not self.mm_session.sid:
  "failed to log in.")
            return False

        #MM now logged in.
        #Try to bump mm auth first - it's faster than browser emulation.        
        sid = self.mm_session.sid.split('=')[-1]
        lsid = self.mm_session.lsid.split('=')[-1]

        if not self.wc_session.sid_login(sid, lsid): 
  "failed to bump mm auth; trying browser emulation.")
            self.wc_session.login(email, password)

        if self.is_authenticated():
            #Need some extra init for upload authentication.
            self._mm_pb_call("upload_auth") #what if this fails? can it?
  "logged in")
  "failed to log wc in")

        return self.is_authenticated()

    def logout(self):
        """Logs out of the api.
        Returns True on success, False on failure."""

        self.mm_session.logout()"logged out")

        return True

    #   Api features supported by the web client interface:

    def change_playlist_name(self, playlist_id, new_name):
        """Changes the name of a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to rename.
        :param new_title: desired title.

        return self._wc_call("modifyplaylist", playlist_id, new_name)

    def change_song_metadata(self, songs):
        """Changes the metadata for songs given in `GM Metadata Format`_.

        :param songs: a list of song dictionaries, or a single song dictionary.

        The server response is *not* to be trusted. Instead, reload the library; this will always reflect changes.

        These metadata keys are able to be changed:
        * rating: set to 0 (no thumb), 1 (down thumb), or 5 (up thumb)
        * name: use this instead of `title`
        * album
        * albumArtist
        * artist
        * composer
        * disc
        * genre
        * playCount
        * totalDiscs
        * totalTracks
        * track
        * year

        These keys cannot be changed:
        * comment
        * id 
        * deleted
        * creationDate
        * albumArtUrl
        * type
        * beatsPerMinute
        * url

        These keys cannot be changed; their values are determined by another key's value:

        * title: set to `name`
        * titleNorm: set to lowercase of `name`
        * albumArtistNorm: set to lowercase of `albumArtist`
        * albumNorm: set to lowercase of `album`
        * artistNorm: set to lowercase of `artist`

        These keys cannot be changed, and may change unpredictably:

        * lastPlayed: likely some kind of last-accessed timestamp

        return self._wc_call("modifyentries", songs)
    def create_playlist(self, name):
        """Creates a new playlist.

        :param title: the title of the playlist to create.

        return self._wc_call("addplaylist", name)

    def delete_playlist(self, playlist_id):
        """Deletes a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to delete.

        return self._wc_call("deleteplaylist", playlist_id)

    def delete_songs(self, song_ids):
        """Deletes songs from the entire library.

        :param song_ids: a list of song ids, or a single song id.

        return self._wc_call("deletesong", song_ids)

    def get_all_songs(self):
        """Returns a list of `song dictionaries`__.
        __ `GM Metadata Format`_

        library = []

        lib_chunk = self._wc_call("loadalltracks")
        while 'continuationToken' in lib_chunk:
            library += lib_chunk['playlist'] #misleading name; this is the entire chunk
            lib_chunk = self._wc_call("loadalltracks", lib_chunk['continuationToken'])

        library += lib_chunk['playlist']

        return library

    def get_playlist_songs(self, playlist_id):
        """Returns a list of `song dictionaries`__, which include `playlistEntryId` keys for the given playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to load.

        __ `GM Metadata Format`_

        return self._wc_call("loadplaylist", playlist_id)["playlist"]

    def get_playlists(self, auto=True, instant=True, user=True, always_id_lists=False):
        """Returns a dictionary mapping playlist types to dictionaries of ``{"<playlist name>": "<playlist id>"}`` pairs.

        Available playlist types are:

        * "`auto`" - auto playlists
        * "`instant`" - instant mixes
        * "`user`" - user-defined playlists

        :param auto: make an "`auto`" entry in the result.
        :param instant: make an "`instant`" entry in the result.
        :param user: make a "`user`" entry in the result.
        :param always_id_lists: when False, map name -> id when there is a single playlist for that name. When True, always map to a list (which may only have a single id in it).

        Google Music allows for multiple playlists of the same name. Since this is uncommon, `always_id_lists` is False by default: names will map directly to ids when unique. However, this can create ambiguity if the api user doesn't have advance knowledge of the playlists. In this case, setting `always_id_lists` to True is recommended.

        Note that playlist names can be unicode strings.

        playlists = {}
        #Only hit the page once for all playlists.
        res = self.wc_session.open_authed_https_url("")
        markup =

        if auto:
            playlists['auto'] = self._get_auto_playlists()
        if instant:
            playlists['instant'] = self._get_instant_mixes(always_id_lists, markup)
        if user:
            playlists['user'] = self._get_user_playlists(always_id_lists, markup)

        return playlists
    def _get_auto_playlists(self):
        """For auto playlists, returns a dictionary which maps autoplaylist name to id."""
        #Auto playlist ids are hardcoded in the wc javascript.
        #If Google releases Music internationally, this will probably be broken.
        #TODO: how to test for this? if loaded, will the calls just fail?
        return {"Thumbs up": "auto-playlist-thumbs-up", 
                "Last added": "auto-playlist-recent",
                "Free and purchased": "auto-playlist-promo"}

    def _get_playlists_in(self, ul_id, always_id_lists, markup):
        """Returns a dictionary mapping playlist name to id for the given ul id in the markup.

        :param ul_id: the id of the unordered list that defines the playlists.
        :markup: (optional) markup of the page."""
        #Instant mixes and playlists are built in to the markup server-side.
        #Generally, open_https_url isn't used directly; this is an exception.

        #There's a lot of html; rather than parse, it's easier to just cut
        # out the playlists ul, then use a regex.

        if not markup:
            res = self.wc_session.open_authed_https_url("")
            markup =

        ul_start = r'<ul id="{0}" class="playlistContainer">'.format(ul_id)

        #Cut out the unordered list containing the playlists.
        markup = markup[markup.index(ul_start):]
        markup = markup[:markup.index(r'</ul>') + 5]

        id_name = re.findall(r'<li id="(.*?)" class="nav-item-container".*?title="(.*?)">', markup)
        playlists = {}
        for p_id, p_name in id_name:
            readable_name = utils.unescape_html(p_name)
            if not readable_name in playlists:
                playlists[readable_name] = []

        #Break down singleton lists if desired.
        if not always_id_lists:
            for name, id_list in playlists.iteritems():
                if len(id_list) == 1: playlists[name]=id_list[0]
        return playlists
    def _get_instant_mixes(self, always_id_lists, markup=None):
        """For instant mixes, returns a dictionary which maps instant mix name to id."""
        return self._get_playlists_in("magic-playlists", always_id_lists, markup)

    def _get_user_playlists(self, always_id_lists, markup=None):
        """For user-created playlists, returns a dictionary which maps playlist name to id."""
        return self._get_playlists_in("playlists", always_id_lists, markup)

    def get_song_download_info(self, song_id):
        """Returns a tuple ``("<download url>", <download count>)``.

        GM allows 2 downloads per song.

        :param song_id: a single song id.

        #The protocol expects a list of songs - could extend with accept_singleton
        info = self._wc_call("multidownload", [song_id])

        return (info["url"], info["downloadCounts"][song_id])

    def get_stream_url(self, song_id):
        """Returns a url that points to a streamable version of this song. 

        :param song_id: a single song id.

        *This is only intended for streaming*. The streamed audio does not contain metadata. Use :func:`get_song_download_info` to download complete files with metadata.

        Reading the file does not require authentication.        

        #This call is strange. The body is empty, and the songid is passed in the querystring.
        res = self._wc_call("play", query_args={'songid': song_id})
        return res['url']
    def copy_playlist(self, orig_id, copy_name):
        """Copies the contents of a playlist to a new playlist. Returns the id of the new playlist.

        :param orig_id: id of the playlist to be copied.
        :param copy_name: the name of the new copied playlist.

        Useful for making backups of playlists before modifications.
        orig_tracks = self.get_playlist_songs(orig_id)
        backup_id = self.create_playlist(copy_name)["id"]

        #Copy in all the songs.
        self.add_songs_to_playlist(backup_id, [t["id"] for t in orig_tracks])

    def change_playlist(self, playlist_id, desired_playlist, safe=True):
        """Changes the order and contents of an existing playlist. Returns True on success, False if the playlist could be in an inconsistent state due to a problem.
        :param playlist_id: the id of the playlist being modified.
        :param desired_playlist: the desired contents and order as a list of song dictionaries, like is returned from :func:`get_playlist_songs`.
        :param safe: if True, ensure playlists will not be lost if a problem occurs. This may slow down updates.

        The server only provides 3 basic (atomic) playlist mutations: addition, deletion, and reordering. This function will automagically use these to apply a list representation of the desired changes.

        However, this might involve multiple calls to the server, and if a call fails, the playlist will be left in an inconsistent state. The `safe` option makes a backup of the playlist before doing anything, so it can be rolled back if a problem occurs. This is enabled by default. Note that this might slow down updates of very large playlists.

        There will always be a warning logged if a problem occurs, even if `safe` is False.
        #We'll be modifying the entries in the playlist, and need to copy it.
        #Copying ensures two things:
        # 1. the user won't see our changes
        # 2. changing a key for one entry won't change it for another - which would be the case
        #     if the user appended the same song twice, for example.
        desired_playlist = [copy.deepcopy(t) for t in desired_playlist]
        server_tracks = self.get_playlist_songs(playlist_id)

        ##Make the backup.
        if safe:
            #The backup is stored on the server as a new playlist with "_gmusicapi_backup" appended to the backed up name.
            #We can't just store the backup here, since when rolling back we'd be relying on this function - which just failed.
            names_to_ids = self.get_playlists(always_id_lists=True)['user']
            playlist_name = (ni_pair[0] 
                             for ni_pair in names_to_ids.iteritems()
                             if playlist_id in ni_pair[1]).next()

            backup_id = self.copy_playlist(playlist_id, playlist_name + "_gmusicapi_backup")

        ##Try to change.
            #Counter, Counter, and set of id pairs to delete, add, and keep.
            to_del, to_add, to_keep = tools.find_playlist_changes(server_tracks, desired_playlist)

            ##Delete unwanted entries.
            to_del_eids = [pair[1] for pair in to_del.elements()]
            if to_del_eids and not utils.call_succeeded(self._remove_entries_from_playlist(playlist_id, to_del_eids)):
                raise PlaylistModificationError

            ##Add new entries.
            to_add_sids = [pair[0] for pair in to_add.elements()]
            if to_add_sids:
                res = self.add_songs_to_playlist(playlist_id, to_add_sids)
                if not utils.call_succeeded(res):
                    raise PlaylistModificationError

                ##Update desired tracks with added tracks server-given eids.
                #Map new sid -> [eids]
                new_sid_to_eids = {}
                for sid, eid in ((s["songId"], s["playlistEntryId"]) for s in res["songIds"]):
                    if not sid in new_sid_to_eids:
                        new_sid_to_eids[sid] = []

                for d_t in desired_playlist:
                    if d_t["id"] in new_sid_to_eids:
                        #Found a matching sid.
                        match = d_t
                        sid = match["id"]
                        eid = match.get("playlistEntryId") 
                        pair = (sid, eid)

                        if pair in to_keep:
                            to_keep.remove(pair) #only keep one of the to_keep eids.
                            match["playlistEntryId"] = new_sid_to_eids[sid].pop()
                            if len(new_sid_to_eids[sid]) == 0:
                                del new_sid_to_eids[sid]

            ##Now, the right eids are in the playlist.
            ##Set the order of the tracks:

            #The web client has no way to dictate the order without block insertion,
            # but the api actually supports setting the order to a given list.
            #For whatever reason, though, it needs to be set backwards; might be
            # able to get around this by messing with afterEntry and beforeEntry parameters.
            sids, eids = zip(*tools.get_id_pairs(desired_playlist[::-1]))

            if sids and not utils.call_succeeded(self._wc_call("changeplaylistorder", playlist_id, sids, eids)):
                raise PlaylistModificationError

            ##Clean up the backup.
            #Nothing to do if this fails (retry?), so assume it succeeds.
            if safe: self.delete_playlist(backup_id)
            return True

        except PlaylistModificationError:
            self.log.warning("a subcall of change_playlist failed - playlist %s is in an inconsistent state", playlist_id)
            reverted = False

            if safe:
                self.log.warning("attempting to revert changes from playlist '%s_gmusicapi_backup'", playlist_name)

                if all(map(utils.call_succeeded,
                            self.change_playlist_name(backup_id, playlist_name)])):
                    reverted = True
            if reverted:
                self.log.warning("reverted changes safely; playlist id of '%s' is now '%s'", playlist_name, backup_id)
            return reverted
    @utils.accept_singleton(basestring, 2)
    def add_songs_to_playlist(self, playlist_id, song_ids):
        """Adds songs to a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to add to.
        :param song_ids: a list of song ids, or a single song id.

        return self._wc_call("addtoplaylist", playlist_id, song_ids)

    @utils.accept_singleton(basestring, 2)
    def remove_songs_from_playlist(self, playlist_id, sids_to_match):
        """Removes all copies of the given song id from a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: id of the playlist to remove songs from.
        :param sids_to_match: a list of songids to match, or a single song id.

        Note that this can have unexpected behavior when there is more than one copy of the song id in a playlist.
        For example, if the playlist begins as ``[song1, song2, song3]``, and ``song1`` is added, removing song1 will remove both copies in the list, leaving ``[song2, song3]``.

        For more control, get the playlist tracks with :func:`get_playlist_songs`, modify the list of tracks, then use :func:`change_playlist` to push changes to the server.

        playlist_tracks = self.get_playlist_songs(playlist_id)
        sid_set = set(sids_to_match)

        matching_eids = [t["playlistEntryId"]
                         for t in playlist_tracks
                         if t["id"] in sid_set]
        if matching_eids:
            return self._remove_entries_from_playlist(playlist_id, matching_eids)
    @utils.accept_singleton(basestring, 2)
    def _remove_entries_from_playlist(self, playlist_id, entry_ids_to_remove):
        """Removes entries from a playlist.

        :param playlist_id: the playlist to be modified.
        :param entry_ids: a list of entry ids, or a single entry id.

        #GM requires the song ids in the call as well; find them.
        playlist_tracks = self.get_playlist_songs(playlist_id)
        remove_eid_set = set(entry_ids_to_remove)
        e_s_id_pairs = [(t["id"], t["playlistEntryId"]) 
                        for t in playlist_tracks
                        if t["playlistEntryId"] in remove_eid_set]

        num_not_found = len(entry_ids_to_remove) - len(e_s_id_pairs)
        if num_not_found > 0:
            self.log.warning("when removing, %d entry ids could not be found in playlist id %s", num_not_found, playlist_id)

        #Unzip the pairs.
        sids, eids = zip(*e_s_id_pairs)

        return self._wc_call("deletesong", sids, eids, playlist_id)
    def search(self, query):
        """Searches for songs, artists and albums.
        GM ignores punctuation.

        :param query: the search query.

        Example response, where <hits> are matching `song dictionaries`__:

        __ `GM Metadata Format`_

        return self._wc_call("search", query)

    def _wc_call(self, service_name, *args, **kw):
        """Returns the response of a web client call.
        :param service_name: the name of the call, eg ``search``
        additional positional arguments are passed to ``build_body``for the retrieved protocol.
        if a 'query_args' key is present in kw, it is assumed to be a dictionary of additional key/val pairs to append to the query string.

        protocol = getattr(self.wc_protocol, service_name)

        #Always log the request.
        self.log.debug("wc_call %s %s", service_name, args)
        body, res_schema = protocol.build_transaction(*args)

        #Encode the body. It might be None (empty).
        #This should probably be done in protocol, and an encoded body grabbed here.
        if body != None: #body can be {}, which is different from None. {} is falsey.
            body = "json=" + urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(body))

        extra_query_args = None
        if 'query_args' in kw:
            extra_query_args = kw['query_args']

        if protocol.requires_login:
            res = self.wc_session.open_authed_https_url(protocol.build_url, extra_query_args, body)
            res = self.wc_session.open_https_url(protocol.build_url, extra_query_args, body)
        res = json.loads(

        #Calls are not required to have a schema.
        if res_schema:
                validictory.validate(res, res_schema)
            except ValueError as details:
                self.log.warning("Received an unexpected response from call %s.", service_name)
                self.log.debug("full response: %s", res)
                self.log.debug("failed schema: %s", res_schema)
                self.log.warning("error was: %s", details)
        if protocol.gets_logged:
            self.log.debug("wc_call response %s", res)
            self.log.debug("wc_call response <suppressed>")

        #Check if the server reported success.
        #It's likely a failure will not pass validation, as well.
        if not utils.call_succeeded(res):
            self.log.warning("call to %s failed", service_name)
            self.log.debug("full response: %s", res)

        return res

    #   Api features supported by the Music Manager interface:

    #This works, but the protocol isn't quite right.
    #For now, you're better off just taking len(get_all_songs)
    # to get a count of songs in the library. 20,000 songs is the limit for free users.

    # def get_quota(self):
    #     """Returns a tuple of (allowed number of tracks, total tracks, available tracks)."""

    #     quota = self._mm_pb_call("client_state").quota

    #     #protocol incorrect here...
    #     return (quota.maximumTracks, quota.totalTracks, quota.availableTracks)

    def upload(self, filenames):
        """Uploads the MP3s stored in the given filenames. Returns a dictionary with ``{"<filename>": "<new song id>"}`` pairs for each successful upload.

        Returns an empty dictionary if all uploads fail.

        :param filenames: a list of filenames, or a single filename.

        Unlike Google's Music Manager, this function will currently allow the same song to be uploaded more than once if its tags are changed. This is subject to change in the future.

        #filename -> GM song id
        fn_sid_map = {}

        #Form and send the metadata request.
        metadata_request, cid_map = self.mm_protocol.make_metadata_request(filenames)
        metadataresp = self._mm_pb_call("metadata", metadata_request)

        #Form upload session requests (for songs GM wants).
        session_requests = self.mm_protocol.make_upload_session_requests(cid_map, metadataresp)

        #Try to get upload sessions and upload each song.
        #This section is in bad need of refactoring.
        for filename, server_id, payload in session_requests:

            post_data = json.dumps(payload)

            success = False
            already_uploaded = False
            attempts = 0

            while not success and attempts < 3:
                #Pull this out with the below call when it makes sense to.
                res = json.loads(

                if 'sessionStatus' in res:
                    self.log.debug("got a session. full response: %s", str(res))
                    success = True

                elif 'errorMessage' in res:
                    self.log.debug("upload error. full response: %s", str(res))

                    error_code = res['errorMessage']['additionalInfo']['uploader_service.GoogleRupioAdditionalInfo']['completionInfo']['customerSpecificInfo']['ResponseCode']

                    #This seems more like protocol-worthy information.
                    if error_code == 503:
                        #Servers still syncing; retry with no penalty.
              "upload servers still syncing; trying again.")
                        attempts -= 1

                    elif error_code == 200:
                        #GM reports that the file is already uploaded, probably because the hash matched a server-side file.
                        self.log.warning("GM upload server reports %s is already uploaded as sid: %s", filename, server_id)
                        success = True
                        already_uploaded = True

                    elif error_code == 404:
                        #Bad request. I've never seen this resolve through retries.
                        self.log.warning("GM upload server")

                        #Unknown error code.
                        self.log.warning("upload service reported an unknown error code. Please report this to the project.\n  entire response: %s", str(res))
                    self.log.warning("upload service sent back a response that could not be interpreted. Please report this to the project.\n  entire response: %s", str(res))
      "trying again for a session.")
                attempts += 1

            if success and not already_uploaded:
                #Got a session; upload the actual file.
                up = res['sessionStatus']['externalFieldTransfers'][0]
      "uploading file. sid: %s", server_id)

                res = json.loads(
                        {'Content-Type': up['content_type']}).read())

                if res['sessionStatus']['state'] == 'FINALIZED':
                    fn_sid_map[filename] = server_id
          "successfully uploaded sid %s", server_id)

            elif already_uploaded:
                fn_sid_map[filename] = server_id

                self.log.warning("could not upload file %s (sid %s)", filename, server_id)

        return fn_sid_map

    def _mm_pb_call(self, service_name, req = None):
        """Returns the protobuff response of a call to a predefined Music Manager protobuff service."""

        self.log.debug("mm_pb_call: %s(%s)", service_name, str(req))

        res = self.mm_protocol.make_pb(service_name + "_response")

        if not req:
                req = self.mm_protocol.make_pb(service_name + "_request")
            except AttributeError:
                req = self.mm_protocol.make_pb(service_name) #some request types don't have _request appended.

        url = self.mm_protocol.pb_services[service_name]

        res.ParseFromString(self.mm_session.protopost(url, req))

        self.log.debug("mm_pb_call response: [%s]", str(res))

        return res