def setup_ui(self): """Display each setting widget with saved values from registry/ini. Todo: Renable word_wrap widget when QDelegate Sizing issue fixed. """ self.key_combo_edit = HotKeyEdit(self) # Allow user to insert <SUPER> on a Win OS self.super_check = QtGui.QCheckBox('Win') self.super_check.setToolTip('Insert <SUPER>') if '<SUPER>' in self.key_combo_edit.text().upper(): self.super_check.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) # Number of lines to display self.line_count_spin = QtGui.QSpinBox(self) self.line_count_spin.setRange(1, 10) self.line_count_spin.setValue(settings.get_lines_to_display()) # Where to open the dialog self.open_at_pos_combo = QtGui.QComboBox(self) self.open_at_pos_combo.addItem('Mouse cursor', 0) self.open_at_pos_combo.addItem('Last position', 1) self.open_at_pos_combo.addItem('System tray', 2) # Word wrap display text self.word_wrap = QtGui.QCheckBox('Word wrap') self.word_wrap.setCheckState(_check_state(settings.get_word_wrap())) # Send paste key stroke when content set to clipboard self.paste_check = QtGui.QCheckBox('Paste in active window after ' 'selection') self.paste_check.setCheckState(_check_state(settings.get_send_paste())) # Ignore applications group_box = QtGui.QGroupBox('Ignore the following applications') self.exclude_list = QtGui.QLineEdit(self) self.exclude_list.setPlaceholderText('KeePass.exe;binaryname') self.exclude_list.setText(settings.get_exclude()) # Create seperate layout for ignore applications vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.exclude_list) group_box.setLayout(vbox) # Save and cancel buttons button_box = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Save| QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) # Create form layout to align widgets layout = QtGui.QFormLayout() layout.setFieldGrowthPolicy(QtGui.QFormLayout.FieldsStayAtSizeHint) layout.addRow('Global shortcut:', self.key_combo_edit) layout.addRow('', self.super_check) layout.addRow('Open window at:', self.open_at_pos_combo) layout.addRow('Lines to display:', self.line_count_spin) # Set main layout main_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) main_layout.addLayout(layout) # main_layout.addWidget(self.word_wrap) main_layout.addWidget(self.paste_check) main_layout.addWidget(group_box) main_layout.addWidget(button_box) self.setLayout(main_layout) # LINUX: I use Windows key to move windows with my wm self.setFocus(QtCore.Qt.PopupFocusReason) button_box.accepted.connect( button_box.rejected.connect(self.cancel) self.connect(self.super_check, QtCore.SIGNAL('stateChanged(int)'), self.insert_win_key)
def _on_new_item(self, mime_data): """Append new clipboard contents to database. Performs checksum for new data vs database. If duplicate found, then the time is updated in a seperate function. Once parent data is created, the mime data is converted to QByteArray and stored in data table as a blob. Args: mime_data (QMimeData): clipboard contents mime data Returns: True (bool): Successfully added data to model. None: User just set new clipboard data trigger dataChanged() to be emited. Data does not have any text. Duplicate found. Storing data in database fails. TODO: Clean up this function as there are too many random returns. Store images. """ # Do not perform the new item process because user just set clipboard # contents if self.ignore_created: self.ignore_created = False return None # Check if process that set clipboard is on exclude list # TODO: Make class that handles platform dependency if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): proc_name = clipboards.get_win32_owner() elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'): proc_name = clipboards.get_x11_owner() else: proc_name = None # Make user entered apps lowercase and into a list if proc_name is not None: ignore_list = settings.get_exclude().lower().split(';') if proc_name.lower() in ignore_list:'Ignoring clipboard change by %s.' % proc_name) return None logging.debug('Clipboard Formats: %s' % str(mime_data.formats())) checksum = utils.calculate_checksum(mime_data) if checksum == None: return None elif self._duplicate(checksum): # If duplicate found then exit function return None text = utils.create_full_title(mime_data) # title_short used in list row view so clean it up by removing white # space, dedent, and striping uncessary line breaks title_short = utils.clean_up_text(text) title_short = utils.remove_extra_lines(text=title_short, line_count=settings.get_lines_to_display()) date = QtCore.QDateTime.currentMSecsSinceEpoch() parent_id = database.insert_main(date=date, titleshort=title_short, titlefull=text, checksum=checksum) # Store mime data into database if not parent_id: logging.error('Failed to create entry in database.') return None # Highlight top item and then insert mime data # Update view index = QtCore.QModelIndex(self.view_main.model().index(0, TITLESHORT)) self.view_main.setCurrentIndex(index) # Convert mime data based on format to ByteArray data_insert = [] for format in MIME_REFERENCES: if mime_data.hasFormat(format): byte_data = QtCore.QByteArray( data_insert.append([format, byte_data]) for format, __ in data_insert: logging.debug('Format Saved: %s' % format) # Insert mime data into database for format, byte_data in data_insert: database.insert_mime(parent_id, format, byte_data) # Free memory? # del data_insert, index, parent_id, title_short, text, codec, encoder # del bytes, checksum_string, checksum, mime_data, proc_name return True