Пример #1
    def List(self, api, xrn, origin_hrn=None, options={}):
        dbsession = api.dbsession()
        # load all know registry names into a prefix tree and attempt to find
        # the longest matching prefix
        hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
        registries = api.registries
        registry_hrns = registries.keys()
        tree = prefixTree()
        registry_hrn = tree.best_match(hrn)

        #if there was no match then this record belongs to an unknow registry
        if not registry_hrn:
            raise MissingAuthority(xrn)
        # if the best match (longest matching hrn) is not the local registry,
        # forward the request
        record_dicts = []
        if registry_hrn != api.hrn:
            credential = api.getCredential()
            interface = api.registries[registry_hrn]
            server_proxy = api.server_proxy(interface, credential)
            record_list = server_proxy.List(xrn, credential, options)
            # same as above, no need to process what comes from through xmlrpc
            # pass foreign records as-is
            record_dicts = record_list

        # if we still have not found the record yet, try the local registry
#        logger.debug("before trying local records, %d foreign records"% len(record_dicts))
        if not record_dicts:
            recursive = False
            if ('recursive' in options and options['recursive']):
                recursive = True
            elif hrn.endswith('*'):
                hrn = hrn[:-1]
                recursive = True

            if not api.auth.hierarchy.auth_exists(hrn):
                raise MissingAuthority(hrn)
            if recursive:
                records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter(
#                logger.debug("recursive mode, found %d local records"%(len(records)))
                records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(
#                logger.debug("non recursive mode, found %d local records"%(len(records)))
# so that sfi list can show more than plain names...
            for record in records:
            record_dicts = [
                for record in records

        return record_dicts
Пример #2
    def List (self, api, xrn, origin_hrn=None, options=None):
        if options is None: options={}
        # load all know registry names into a prefix tree and attempt to find
        # the longest matching prefix
        hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
        registries = api.registries
        registry_hrns = registries.keys()
        tree = prefixTree()
        registry_hrn = tree.best_match(hrn)
        #if there was no match then this record belongs to an unknow registry
        if not registry_hrn:
            raise MissingAuthority(xrn)
        # if the best match (longest matching hrn) is not the local registry,
        # forward the request
        record_dicts = []    
        if registry_hrn != api.hrn:
            credential = api.getCredential()
            interface = api.registries[registry_hrn]
            server_proxy = api.server_proxy(interface, credential)
            record_list = server_proxy.List(xrn, credential, options)
            # same as above, no need to process what comes from through xmlrpc
            # pass foreign records as-is
            record_dicts = record_list
        # if we still have not found the record yet, try the local registry
#        logger.debug("before trying local records, %d foreign records"% len(record_dicts))
        if not record_dicts:
            recursive = False
            if ('recursive' in options and options['recursive']):
                recursive = True
            elif hrn.endswith('*'):
                hrn = hrn[:-1]
                recursive = True

            if not api.auth.hierarchy.auth_exists(hrn):
                raise MissingAuthority(hrn)
            if recursive:
                records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter(RegRecord.hrn.startswith(hrn)).all()
#                logger.debug("recursive mode, found %d local records"%(len(records)))
                records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(authority=hrn).all()
#                logger.debug("non recursive mode, found %d local records"%(len(records)))
            # so that sfi list can show more than plain names...
            for record in records: augment_with_sfa_builtins (record)
            record_dicts=[ record.todict(exclude_types=[InstrumentedList]) for record in records ]
        return record_dicts
Пример #3
    def Resolve(self, api, xrns, type=None, details=False):

        if not isinstance(xrns, types.ListType):
            # try to infer type if not set and we get a single input
            if not type:
                type = Xrn(xrns).get_type()
            xrns = [xrns]
        hrns = [urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] for xrn in xrns]

        # load all known registry names into a prefix tree and attempt to find
        # the longest matching prefix
        # create a dict where key is a registry hrn and its value is a list
        # of hrns at that registry (determined by the known prefix tree).  
        xrn_dict = {}
        registries = api.registries
        tree = prefixTree()
        registry_hrns = registries.keys()
        for xrn in xrns:
            registry_hrn = tree.best_match(urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0])
            if registry_hrn not in xrn_dict:
                xrn_dict[registry_hrn] = []

        records = []
        for registry_hrn in xrn_dict:
            # skip the hrn without a registry hrn
            # XX should we let the user know the authority is unknown?       
            if not registry_hrn:

            # if the best match (longest matching hrn) is not the local registry,
            # forward the request
            xrns = xrn_dict[registry_hrn]
            if registry_hrn != api.hrn:
                credential = api.getCredential()
                interface = api.registries[registry_hrn]
                server_proxy = api.server_proxy(interface, credential)
                # should propagate the details flag but that's not supported in the xmlrpc interface yet
                #peer_records = server_proxy.Resolve(xrns, credential,type, details=details)
                peer_records = server_proxy.Resolve(xrns, credential)
                # pass foreign records as-is
                # previous code used to read
                # records.extend([SfaRecord(dict=record).as_dict() for record in peer_records])
                # not sure why the records coming through xmlrpc had to be processed at all

        # try resolving the remaining unfound records at the local registry
        local_hrns = list ( set(hrns).difference([record['hrn'] for record in records]) )
        local_records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter(RegRecord.hrn.in_(local_hrns))
        if type:
            local_records = local_records.filter_by(type=type)

        for local_record in local_records:
            augment_with_sfa_builtins (local_record)

        logger.info("Resolve, (details=%s,type=%s) local_records=%s "%(details,type,local_records))
        local_dicts = [ record.__dict__ for record in local_records ]

        if details:
            # in details mode we get as much info as we can, which involves contacting the 
            # testbed for getting implementation details about the record
            # also we fill the 'url' field for known authorities
            # used to be in the driver code, sounds like a poorman thing though
            def solve_neighbour_url (record):
                if not record.type.startswith('authority'): return
                for neighbour_dict in [ api.aggregates, api.registries ]:
                    if hrn in neighbour_dict:
            for record in local_records: 
                solve_neighbour_url (record)

        # convert local record objects to dicts for xmlrpc
        # xxx somehow here calling dict(record) issues a weird error
        # however record.todict() seems to work fine
        # records.extend( [ dict(record) for record in local_records ] )
        records.extend( [ record.todict(exclude_types=[InstrumentedList]) for record in local_records ] )

        if not records:
            raise RecordNotFound(str(hrns))

        return records
Пример #4
    def Resolve(self, api, xrns, type=None, details=False):

        if not isinstance(xrns, types.ListType):
            # try to infer type if not set and we get a single input
            if not type:
                type = Xrn(xrns).get_type()
            xrns = [xrns]
        hrns = [urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] for xrn in xrns]

        # load all known registry names into a prefix tree and attempt to find
        # the longest matching prefix
        # create a dict where key is a registry hrn and its value is a list
        # of hrns at that registry (determined by the known prefix tree).  
        xrn_dict = {}
        registries = api.registries
        tree = prefixTree()
        registry_hrns = registries.keys()
        for xrn in xrns:
            registry_hrn = tree.best_match(urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0])
            if registry_hrn not in xrn_dict:
                xrn_dict[registry_hrn] = []

        records = []
        for registry_hrn in xrn_dict:
            # skip the hrn without a registry hrn
            # XX should we let the user know the authority is unknown?       
            if not registry_hrn:

            # if the best match (longest matching hrn) is not the local registry,
            # forward the request
            xrns = xrn_dict[registry_hrn]
            if registry_hrn != api.hrn:
                credential = api.getCredential()
                interface = api.registries[registry_hrn]
                server_proxy = api.server_proxy(interface, credential)
                # should propagate the details flag but that's not supported in the xmlrpc interface yet
                #peer_records = server_proxy.Resolve(xrns, credential,type, details=details)
                peer_records = server_proxy.Resolve(xrns, credential)
                # pass foreign records as-is
                # previous code used to read
                # records.extend([SfaRecord(dict=record).as_dict() for record in peer_records])
                # not sure why the records coming through xmlrpc had to be processed at all

        # try resolving the remaining unfound records at the local registry
        local_hrns = list ( set(hrns).difference([record['hrn'] for record in records]) )
        local_records = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter(RegRecord.hrn.in_(local_hrns))
        if type:
            local_records = local_records.filter_by(type=type)

        for local_record in local_records:
            augment_with_sfa_builtins (local_record)

        logger.info("Resolve, (details=%s,type=%s) local_records=%s "%(details,type,local_records))
        local_dicts = [ record.__dict__ for record in local_records ]

        if details:
            # in details mode we get as much info as we can, which involves contacting the 
            # testbed for getting implementation details about the record
            # also we fill the 'url' field for known authorities
            # used to be in the driver code, sounds like a poorman thing though
            def solve_neighbour_url (record):
                if not record.type.startswith('authority'): return
                for neighbour_dict in [ api.aggregates, api.registries ]:
                    if hrn in neighbour_dict:
            for record in local_records: 
                solve_neighbour_url (record)

        # convert local record objects to dicts for xmlrpc
        # xxx somehow here calling dict(record) issues a weird error
        # however record.todict() seems to work fine
        # records.extend( [ dict(record) for record in local_records ] )
        records.extend( [ record.todict(exclude_types=[InstrumentedList]) for record in local_records ] )

        if not records:
            raise RecordNotFound(str(hrns))

        return records