Пример #1
 def delete_record(self, hrn, type):
     # delete the record
     table = SfaTable()
     record_list = table.find({'type': type, 'hrn': hrn})
     for record in record_list:
         self.logger.info("Import: removing record %s %s" % (type, hrn))
Пример #2
def remove(api, xrn, origin_hrn=None):

    table = SfaTable()
    filter = {'hrn': xrn.get_hrn()}
    if type and type not in ['all', '*']:
        filter['type'] = type

    records = table.find(filter)
    if not records: raise RecordNotFound(hrn)
    record = records[0]
    type = record['type']

    credential = api.getCredential()
    registries = api.registries

    # Try to remove the object from the PLCDB of federated agg.
    # This is attempted before removing the object from the local agg's PLCDB and sfa table
    if hrn.startswith(api.hrn) and type in ['user', 'slice', 'authority']:
        for registry in registries:
            if registry not in [api.hrn]:
                    result=registries[registry].remove_peer_object(credential, record, origin_hrn)
    if type == "user":
        persons = api.plshell.GetPersons(api.plauth, record['pointer'])
        # only delete this person if he has site ids. if he doesnt, it probably means
        # he was just removed from a site, not actually deleted
        if persons and persons[0]['site_ids']:
            api.plshell.DeletePerson(api.plauth, record['pointer'])
    elif type == "slice":
        if api.plshell.GetSlices(api.plauth, record['pointer']):
            api.plshell.DeleteSlice(api.plauth, record['pointer'])
    elif type == "node":
        if api.plshell.GetNodes(api.plauth, record['pointer']):
            api.plshell.DeleteNode(api.plauth, record['pointer'])
    elif type == "authority":
        if api.plshell.GetSites(api.plauth, record['pointer']):
            api.plshell.DeleteSite(api.plauth, record['pointer'])
        raise UnknownSfaType(type)


    return 1
Пример #3
    def call(self, cred, record, origin_hrn=None):
        user_cred = Credential(string=cred)

        #log the call
        if not origin_hrn:
            origin_hrn = user_cred.get_gid_caller().get_hrn()
        self.api.logger.info("interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s"%(self.api.interface, origin_hrn, record['hrn'], self.name))

        self.api.auth.check(cred, "remove")

        # Only allow the local interface or record owner to delete peer_records 
        try: self.api.auth.verify_object_permission(record['hrn'])
        except: self.api.auth.verify_cred_is_me(cred)
        table = SfaTable()
        hrn, type = record['hrn'], record['type']
        records = table.find({'hrn': hrn, 'type': type })
        for record in records:
            if record['peer_authority']:
        return 1
Пример #4
def update_cert_records(gids):
    Make sure there is a record in the registry for the specified gids. 
    Removes old records from the db.
    # import SfaTable here so this module can be loaded by ComponentAPI
    from sfa.util.table import SfaTable
    from sfa.util.record import SfaRecord

    if not gids:
    table = SfaTable()
    # get records that actually exist in the db
    gid_urns = [gid.get_urn() for gid in gids]
    hrns_expected = [gid.get_hrn() for gid in gids]
    records_found = table.find({"hrn": hrns_expected, "pointer": -1})

    # remove old records
    for record in records_found:
        if record["hrn"] not in hrns_expected and record["hrn"] != self.api.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN:

    # TODO: store urn in the db so we do this in 1 query
    for gid in gids:
        hrn, type = gid.get_hrn(), gid.get_type()
        record = table.find({"hrn": hrn, "type": type, "pointer": -1})
        if not record:
            record = {
                "hrn": hrn,
                "type": type,
                "pointer": -1,
                "authority": get_authority(hrn),
                "gid": gid.save_to_string(save_parents=True),
            record = SfaRecord(dict=record)