def populateChannels(self, alphaSort = False): channels = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(OTT_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: return channels
def getAllChannels(alphaSort = False): channels = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(TVP_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: return channels
def populateChannels(self, alphaSort=False): channels = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(OTT_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: return channels
def newChannel(): title = '' while True: title = getText('Please enter channel name', title) if not title : return False id = createID(title) try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(TVP_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: return False duplicate = False for file in files: if id.lower() == file.lower(): duplicate = True break if not duplicate: break utils.DialogOK('%s clashes with an existing channel.' % title, 'Please enter a different name.')
def _locateSuperFavourites(self, title, folder, items): import sfile import settings import urllib current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) for dir in dirs: folder = os.path.join(current, dir) if dir.lower() == title: cfg = os.path.join(folder, 'folder.cfg') autoplay = settings.get('AUTOPLAY', cfg) if autoplay: uTitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) mode = 5400 uFolder = urllib.quote_plus(folder) toAdd = 'plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/?label=%s&mode=%d&path=%s' % (uTitle, mode, uFolder) else: uTitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) mode = 400 uFolder = urllib.quote_plus(folder) toAdd = 'plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/?label=%s&mode=%d&path=%s' % (uTitle, mode, uFolder) toAdd = '__SF__ActivateWindow(10025,"%s",return)' % toAdd items.append(['SF_'+folder, toAdd]) self._locateSuperFavourites(title, folder, items)
def _locateSuperFavourites(self, title, folder, items): import sfile import settings import urllib current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) for dir in dirs: folder = os.path.join(current, dir) if dir.lower() == title: cfg = os.path.join(folder, 'folder.cfg') autoplay = settings.get('AUTOPLAY', cfg) if autoplay: uTitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) mode = 5400 uFolder = urllib.quote_plus(folder) toAdd = 'plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/?label=%s&mode=%d&path=%s' % ( uTitle, mode, uFolder) else: uTitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) mode = 400 uFolder = urllib.quote_plus(folder) toAdd = 'plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/?label=%s&mode=%d&path=%s' % ( uTitle, mode, uFolder) toAdd = '__SF__ActivateWindow(10025,"%s",return)' % toAdd items.append(['SF_' + folder, toAdd]) self._locateSuperFavourites(title, folder, items)
def isPlayable(path, ignore, maxAge=-1): if not sfile.exists(path): return False if sfile.isfile(path): playable = isFilePlayable(path, maxAge) return playable try: if sfile.getfilename(path)[0] in ignore: return False except: pass current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(path) for file in files: if isPlayable(os.path.join(current, file), ignore, maxAge): return True for dir in dirs: try: if isPlayable(os.path.join(current, dir), ignore, maxAge): return True except: pass return False
def _locateSuperFavourites(self, title, folder, items): import sfile import settings import urllib current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) for dir in dirs: folder = os.path.join(current, dir) # check against SF list, if it exists then match up if dir.upper() == title: # cfg = os.path.join(folder, 'folder.cfg') # autoplay = settings.get('AUTOPLAY', cfg) if autoplay == 'true': uTitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) mode = 5400 uFolder = urllib.quote_plus(folder) toAdd = 'plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/?label=%s&mode=%d&path=%s' % (uTitle, mode, uFolder) else: uTitle = urllib.quote_plus(title) mode = 400 uFolder = urllib.quote_plus(folder) toAdd = 'plugin://plugin.program.super.favourites/?label=%s&mode=%d&path=%s' % (uTitle, mode, uFolder) toAdd = '__SF__ActivateWindow(10025,"%s",return)' % toAdd xbmc.log('##### FOLDER: %s' % folder) if os.path.exists(xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(folder,'favourites.xml'))): items.append(['SF_'+folder, toAdd]) self._locateSuperFavourites(title, folder, items)
def _parseFolder(folder, root, subfolders, ignore, maxAge=-1): items = [] if not folder: folder = getExternalDrive() if isPlayable(folder, ignore, maxAge): items.append([root, folder, False, True]) return items current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) if subfolders: for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(current, dir) if dir.endswith('_PLAYALL'): items.append([dir.rsplit('_PLAYALL', 1)[0], path, True, True]) elif isPlayable(path, ignore, maxAge): items.append([dir, path, False, True]) for file in files: path = os.path.join(current, file) if isPlayable(path, ignore, maxAge): items.append([removeExtension(file), path, True, False]) return items
def getAllChannels(self): channels = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(channelPath) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels' % str(e)) return channels
def populateChannels(self, alphaSort=False): channels = [] channelarray = [] SFchannelarray = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(OTT_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('### Failed to scan master channel list: %s' % str(e)) return channelarray
def sf_check(channels,weight): sfchans = [] newchans = [] # Grab a list of all the SF folders with a favourites.xml dixie.log('Checking for new SF folders') try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(SF_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels - SF List: %s' % str(e))
def populateChannels(self, alphaSort = False): channels = [] channelarray = [] SFchannelarray = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(OTT_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('### Failed to scan master channel list: %s' % str(e)) return channelarray
def sf_check(channels, weight): sfchans = [] newchans = [] # Grab a list of all the SF folders with a favourites.xml dixie.log('Checking for new SF folders') try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(SF_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels - SF List: %s' % str(e))
def CheckForChannels(): dir = dixie.GetChannelFolder() folder = os.path.join(dir, 'channels') files = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) except: pass if len(files) == 0: dixie.SetSetting('updated.channels', -1) # force refresh of channels backup = os.path.join(dir, 'channels-backup') if not sfile.exists(backup): dixie.BackupChannels()
def SF_Folder_Count(foldermode): channelFolder = GetChannelFolder() channelPath = os.path.join(channelFolder,'channels') channels = [] channelarray = [] SFchannelarray = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(channelPath) except Exception, e: log('Error in getAllChannels - Master List: %s' % str(e)) return channels
def _getAllPlayableFiles(folder, theFiles): current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(current, dir) _getAllPlayableFiles(path, theFiles) for file in files: path = os.path.join(current, file) if isPlayable(path, ignore=[]): size = sfile.size(path) theFiles[path] = [path, size]
def SF_Folder_Count(foldermode): channelFolder = GetChannelFolder() channelPath = os.path.join(channelFolder, 'channels') channels = [] channelarray = [] SFchannelarray = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(channelPath) except Exception, e: log('Error in getAllChannels - Master List: %s' % str(e)) return channels
def _getAllPlayableFiles(folder, theFiles): current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(current, dir) _getAllPlayableFiles(path, theFiles) for file in files: path = os.path.join(current, file) if isPlayable(path): size = sfile.size(path) theFiles[path] = [path, size]
def patchSkins(): skinPath = os.path.join(extras, 'skins') srcImage = os.path.join(RESOURCES, 'changer.png') srcFile = os.path.join(RESOURCES, 'script-tvguide-changer.xml') current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(skinPath) for dir in dirs: dstImage = os.path.join(current, dir, 'resources', 'skins', 'Default', 'media', 'changer.png') dstFile = os.path.join(current, dir, 'resources', 'skins', 'Default', '720p', 'script-tvguide-changer.xml') sfile.copy(srcImage, dstImage, overWrite=False) sfile.copy(srcFile, dstFile, overWrite=False)
def restoreChannels(): src = os.path.join(datapath, 'channels-backup') dst = os.path.join(datapath, 'channels') if not sfile.exists(src): return False try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(src) for file in files: full = os.path.join(current, file) sfile.copy(full, dst) except Exception, e: print str(e) return False
def _removePartFiles(folder, recurse=True): current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) for file in files: if file.endswith('.part'): file = os.path.join(current, file) tidyUp(file.rsplit('.part', 1)[0]) #sfile.remove(file) #sfile.remove(file.rsplit('.part', 1)[0]) if not recurse: return for dir in dirs: folder = os.path.join(current, dir) _removePartFiles(folder, recurse)
def extract(src, dp): success = False try: src = xbmc.translatePath(src) import zipfile update = os.path.join(PROFILE, 'update') update = xbmc.translatePath(update) sfile.makedirs(update) zin = zipfile.ZipFile(src, 'r') nItem = float(len(zin.infolist())) index = 0 for item in zin.infolist(): index += 1 percent = int(index / nItem *100) #filename = item.filename zin.extract(item, update) if dp: dp.update(percent, utils.GETTEXT(30118), utils.GETTEXT(30080)) addons = os.path.join('special://home', 'addons') current, folders, files = sfile.walk(update) for folder in folders: ori = os.path.join(addons, folder) src = os.path.join(current, folder) dst = os.path.join(addons, folder + '.temp') sfile.copytree(src, dst) sfile.rmtree(ori) while not sfile.exists(dst): xbmc.sleep(100) while sfile.exists(ori): xbmc.sleep(100) sfile.rename(dst, ori) success = True except: success = False sfile.delete(update) return success
def getFaves(self): file = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, FILENAME).decode('utf-8') faves = [] index = 0 label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC if self.MODE == 'folder': folderCfg = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, FOLDERCFG) numeric = parameters.getParam('NUMERICAL', folderCfg) if numeric: label_numeric = numeric.lower() == 'true' if label_numeric: label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC_QL if self.MODE != 'xbmc': try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(self.FULLPATH) dirs = sorted(dirs, key=str.lower) for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, dir) folderCfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) folderCfg = parameters.getParams(folderCfg) lock = parameters.getParam('LOCK', folderCfg) if lock: continue colour = parameters.getParam('COLOUR', folderCfg) thumb = getFolderThumb(path) label = dir if colour and colour.lower() <> 'none': label = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (colour, label) label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel( index, label, label_numeric) fave = [label, thumb, os.path.join(self.PATH, dir), True] faves.append(fave) except Exception, e: pass
def parseFolder(folder, subfolders=True): items = [] current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) if subfolders: for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(current, dir) if isPlayable(path): items.append([dir, path, False]) for file in files: path = os.path.join(current, file) if isPlayable(path): items.append([file, path, True]) return items
def getFaves(self): file = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, FILENAME).decode('utf-8') faves = [] index = 0 label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC if self.MODE == 'folder': folderCfg = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, FOLDERCFG) numeric = parameters.getParam('NUMERICAL', folderCfg) if numeric: label_numeric = numeric.lower() == 'true' if label_numeric: label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC_QL if self.MODE != 'xbmc': try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(self.FULLPATH) dirs = sorted(dirs, key=str.lower) for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, dir) folderCfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) folderCfg = parameters.getParams(folderCfg) lock = parameters.getParam('LOCK', folderCfg) if lock: continue colour = parameters.getParam('COLOUR', folderCfg) thumb = getFolderThumb(path) label = dir if colour and colour.lower() <> 'none': label = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (colour, label) label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, label, label_numeric) fave = [label, thumb, os.path.join(self.PATH, dir), True] faves.append(fave) except Exception, e: pass
def getAllChannels(self): channels = [] if showSFchannels == 'true': try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(SF_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels - SF List: %s' % str(e)) return channels # Grab a list of SF folders not in the channels folder and add as dummy channels for dir in dirs: try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS,dir,'favourites.xml')): channels.append(dir) except: dixie.log("Special characters in directory, skipping: "+dir)
def parseFolder(folder): try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(folder) except: return [] items = [] for file in files: try: path = os.path.join(current, file) file = file.rsplit('.', 1) ext = file[-1] file = file[0] if ext in PLAYLIST_EXT: items.append([path, file]) except: pass return items
def isPlayable(path): if not sfile.exists(path): return False if sfile.isfile(path): playable = isFilePlayable(path) return playable current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(path) for file in files: if isPlayable(os.path.join(current, file)): return True for dir in dirs: if isPlayable(os.path.join(current, dir)): return True return False
def doAdd(): root, folders, files = sfile.walk(XBMCHOME) list = [] for folder in folders: file = os.path.join(root, folder, 'addon.xml') if sfile.exists(file): if not folder in WHITELIST: list.append(folder) option = xbmcgui.Dialog().select(GETTEXT(35041), list) if option < 0: return folder = list[option] whitelist = WHITELIST + SEPARATOR + folder ADDON.setSetting('WHITELIST', tidy(whitelist))
def Grab_Providers(): fail = 0 final_array = [] # Walk through files in the providers folder if os.path.exists(PROVIDER_PATH): current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(PROVIDER_PATH) for file in files: if fail != 1: # Turn each line into an array then go through the array and search for keywords with open(os.path.join(PROVIDER_PATH, file),'rb') as fin: content = name = Find_In_Lines(content, '"name"', '"') repository = Find_In_Lines(content, '"repository"', '"') plugin = Find_In_Lines(content, '"plugin"', '"') playertype = Find_In_Lines(content, '"id"', '"') # If this is a valid live tv provider with relevant info we add to the array for line in content: if '"live"' in line and '[' in line and not ']' in line and plugin != 'Unknown' and repository != 'Unknown' and repository != 'na' and name != 'Unknown' and playertype != 'Unknown': final_array.append([name, repository, plugin, playertype]) return final_array
except: silent = 0 xbmc.log('##### SILENT = %s' % sys.argv[1]) if SF_CHANNELS == '': dialog.ok('SF Folder Not Set', 'No Super Favourite location has been set, please set the folder location in your settings then run again.') else: provider_array = Grab_Providers() if len(provider_array) > 0: if SF_CHANNELS.startswith('special://'): SF_CHANNELS = xbmc.translatePath(SF_CHANNELS) try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(OTT_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Failed to run script: %s' % str(e)) if SF_METALLIQ == 'true': try: for file in files: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS, '-metalliq', file)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS, '-metalliq', file)) except: dixie.log('### Failed to create folder for: %s' % str(file)) dixie.log('## Creating xml for: %s' % file) Create_XML(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS, '-metalliq', file)) except: pass
# import xbmcgui import xbmcaddon import os import dixie import sfile AddonID = 'script.tvportal' ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=AddonID) SF_CHANNELS = ADDON.getSetting('SF_CHANNELS') OTT_CHANNELS = os.path.join(dixie.GetChannelFolder(), 'channels') dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() if SF_CHANNELS.startswith('special://'): SF_CHANNELS = xbmc.translatePath(SF_CHANNELS) try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(OTT_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Failed to run script: %s' % str(e)) for file in files: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS,file)): try: print os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS,file) os.makedirs(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS,file)) except: dixie.log('### Failed to create folder for: %s' % str(file)) dialog.ok(ADDON.getLocalizedString(30809),ADDON.getLocalizedString(30810))
except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels - SF List: %s' % str(e)) return channels # Grab a list of SF folders not in the channels folder and add as dummy channels for dir in dirs: if dir != '-_ADD_OR_REMOVE_CHANNELS': try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS,dir,'favourites.xml')): channels.append(dir) except: dixie.log("Special characters in directory, skipping: "+dir) else: try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(channelPath) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels - Master List: %s' % str(e)) return channels for file in files: if file != '-_ADD_OR_REMOVE_CHANNELS': try: channels.append(file) except: dixie.log("failed to add to array: "+file) return channels def removeCleanChannel(self, id): try: del self.channelDict[id]
class OSD(xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog): def __new__(cls, channel='', epgMode=False, osdMode=False): return super(OSD, cls).__new__(cls, XML, PATH) def __init__(self, channel='', epgMode=False, osdMode=False): super(OSD, self).__init__() = channel self.closeTimer = None self.list = None self.showInfo = False self.epgMode = epgMode self.osdMode = osdMode self.infoService = InfoService() = None = None self.other = None self.streamingService = streaming.StreamsService() def close(self): if self.closeTimer != None: self.closeTimer.cancel() channel = self.getChannel( if channel: xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CHANNEL', xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog.close(self) def resetCloseTimer(self): return if self.closeTimer != None: self.closeTimer.cancel() interval = 10 self.closeTimer = Timer(interval, self.onCloseTimer) self.closeTimer.start() def onCloseTimer(self): if self.closeTimer == None: return if self.showInfo or self.osdMode: self.resetCloseTimer() return if (not self.epgMode) and (not self.osdMode): self.playChannel( self.close() def toggleInfo(self): self.showInfo = not self.showInfo if self.epgMode: try: self.getControl(EPG_METADATA).setVisible(self.showInfo) except: pass x = self.osdX y = self.osdY # -100 if self.showInfo else self.osdY try: self.getControl(OSD_MINIGUIDE).setPosition(x, y) except: pass try: self.getControl(OSD_MINIGUIDE).setVisible(self.showInfo) except: pass def setChannel(self, text): dixie.log('Setting changer channel to %s' % text) channel = self.getChannel(text) if not channel: xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CH_LOGO', '') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CH_TITLE', '') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CH_NUMBER', '') = '' else: if channel.title.endswith(')') and channel.title[-4] == '(': test_title = channel.title[:-5].replace('_', ' ').replace( ' PLUS1', ' +1').replace(' STAR', '*').replace( 'PLUS1', '+1').replace('&', '&').replace('>', ' ') else: test_title = channel.title.replace('_', ' ').replace( ' PLUS1', ' +1').replace(' STAR', '*').replace( 'PLUS1', '+1').replace('&', '&').replace('>', ' ') if not 'default.png' in channel.logo: test_logo = channel.logo else: test_logo = os.path.join(logofolder, test_title.replace(' ', '_') + '.png') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CH_LOGO', test_logo) xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CH_TITLE', test_title) xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CH_NUMBER', text) self.updateProgramInfo(channel) def previousProgram(self): if not self.other: self.other = self.infoService.getPreviousProgram( else: self.other = self.infoService.getPreviousProgram(self.other) self.updateLabels() def nextProgram(self): if not self.other: self.other = self.infoService.getNextProgram( else: self.other = self.infoService.getNextProgram(self.other) self.updateLabels() def updateProgramInfo(self, channel): import info if self.epgMode: return = None = None self.other = None = self.infoService.getCurrentProgram(channel) = self.infoService.getNextProgram( self.updateLabels() def updateLabels(self): if self.other and (self.other.startDate < self.other = None if self.other and (self.other.startDate == self.other = None if self.other and (self.other.startDate == self.other = None if xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NOW_TITLE', xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty( 'OTT_NOW_TIME','%H:%M')) xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_PROG_DESC', if self.other: label = 'EARLIER' if ( self.other.startDate < else 'LATER' xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NEXT_TEXT', label) xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NEXT_TITLE', self.other.title) xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty( 'OTT_NEXT_TIME', self.other.startDate.strftime('%H:%M')) elif xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NEXT_TEXT', 'NEXT') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NEXT_TITLE', xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty( 'OTT_NEXT_TIME','%H:%M')) if not xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NOW_TITLE', '') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NOW_TIME', '') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_PROG_DESC', '') if (not and (not self.other): xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NEXT_TEXT', '') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NEXT_TITLE', '') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_NEXT_TIME', '') def playChannel(self, _channel): channel = self.getChannel(_channel) current = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('OTT_CHANNEL') if not channel: return if == current: if not self.osdMode: return streamUrl = channel.streamUrl if not streamUrl: streamUrl = self.detectStream(channel) if not streamUrl: return #xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CHANNEL', prev = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('OTT_CURR_INDEX') xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_PREV_INDEX', prev) xbmcgui.Window(10000).setProperty('OTT_CURR_INDEX', _channel) path = os.path.join(dixie.HOME, '') xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.RunScript(%s,%s,%d,%s)' % (path, streamUrl, False, 'OSD')) def detectStream(self, channel): result = self.streamingService.detectStream(channel) if type(result) == str: self.setCustomStreamUrl(channel, result) return result if len(result) < 1: dixie.DialogOK('Sorry, we could not detect a stream.', '', 'Please allocate a stream for this channel.') return None import detect d = detect.StreamAddonDialog(result) d.doModal() if not return None if not IGNORESTRM: self.setCustomStreamUrl(channel, return def playPrevious(self): prevChan = xbmcgui.Window(10000).getProperty('OTT_PREV_INDEX') if len(prevChan) == 0: return False self.setChannel(prevChan) self.playChannel(prevChan) return True def getChannel(self, channel): try: index = int(channel) - 1 if index < 0: return None return self.list[index] except: return None def onInit(self): try: self.getControl(MAIN).setVisible(False) except: pass try: self.getControl(EPG_CHANNEL).setVisible(self.epgMode) except: pass try: self.getControl(OSD_METADATA).setVisible(not self.epgMode) except: pass try: self.getControl(EPG_METADATA).setVisible(False) except: pass try: self.getControl(OSD_MINIGUIDE).setVisible(not self.epgMode) except: pass # try: self.getControl(OSD_MINIGUIDE).setVisible(self.showInfo) # except: pass try: self.getControl(OSD_TITLEBAR).setVisible(not self.epgMode) except: pass try: self.osdX = self.getControl(OSD_MINIGUIDE).getPosition()[0] self.osdY = self.getControl(OSD_MINIGUIDE).getPosition()[1] except: pass try: self.populateChannels() if == 'PREV': = '' if self.playPrevious(): self.close() return if len( < 0: = 1 self.setChannel( self.resetCloseTimer() except Exception: raise try: self.getControl(MAIN).setPosition(0, 0) self.getControl(MAIN).setVisible(True) except: pass def onAction(self, action): try: actionId = action.getId() buttonId = action.getButtonCode() if actionId != 107: dixie.log(str(actionId)) dixie.log(str(buttonId)) self.resetCloseTimer() if actionId == KEY_ESC_ID and buttonId == KEY_ESC_CODE: self.close() return if actionId == ACTION_BACK: if == '': self.close() return =[:-1] self.setChannel( if actionId in [ACTION_UP, ACTION_PAGE_UP]: self.ChannelUp() if actionId in [ACTION_DOWN, ACTION_PAGE_DOWN]: self.ChannelDown() if actionId == ACTION_LEFT: self.previousProgram() return if actionId == ACTION_RIGHT: self.nextProgram() return if actionId == ACTION_X or actionId == ACTION_STOP: self.close() return if actionId == ACTION_SELECT: if not self.epgMode: self.playChannel( self.close() return if actionId == ACTION_PLAY: self.playChannel( return if actionId >= ACTION_0 and actionId <= ACTION_9: = str( self.verifyChannel(, actionId - ACTION_0)) self.setChannel( if actionId == ACTION_SHOW_INFO: self.toggleInfo() except Exception: raise def verifyChannel(self, oldChannel, newNumber): try: oldNumber = int(oldChannel) except: return newNumber newChannel = (oldNumber * 10) + newNumber if newChannel <= len(self.list): return newChannel if newNumber <= len(self.list): return newNumber return oldChannel def ChannelUp(self): if == '': = '1' ch = int( + 1 if ch > len(self.list): ch = 1 = str(ch) self.setChannel( def ChannelDown(self): if == '': = str(len(self.list)) ch = int( - 1 if ch == 0: ch = len(self.list) = str(ch) self.setChannel( def getChannelFromFile(self, id): path = os.path.join(OTT_CHANNELS, id) if not sfile.exists(path): return None cfg = sfile.readlines(path) return Channel(cfg) def populateChannels(self, alphaSort=False): channels = [] channelarray = [] SFchannelarray = [] try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(OTT_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: dixie.log('### Failed to scan master channel list: %s' % str(e)) return channelarray for file in files: if show_social == 'false' and file == '-_ADD_OR_REMOVE_CHANNELS': pass else: channelarray.append(file) # Allows user to only show channels they have SF folders setup for if showSFchannels == 'true': try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(SF_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: return SFchannelarray dixie.log('### Failed to scan SF channel list: %s' % str(e)) for dir in dirs: if os.listdir(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS, dir)): SFchannelarray.append(dir) nk = set(channelarray).intersection(SFchannelarray) for x in channelarray: if x in nk: channels.append(x)
def GetAddons(): return sfile.walk(XBMCHOME)
except Exception, e: log('Error in getAllChannels - Master List: %s' % str(e)) return channels for file in files: try: channels.append(file) except: log("failed to add to array: "+file) if showSFchannels == 'false': return channels elif showSFchannels == 'true': try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(SF_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: log('Error in getAllChannels - SF List: %s' % str(e)) return SFchannelarray # Grab a list of SF folders not in the channels folder and add as dummy channels for dir in dirs: try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS,dir,'favourites.xml')): SFchannelarray.append(dir) if not dir in channels: channelarray.append(dir) except: log("Special characters in directory, skipping: "+dir) if debug == 'true':
except Exception, e: log('Error in getAllChannels - Master List: %s' % str(e)) return channels for file in files: try: channels.append(file) except: log("failed to add to array: " + file) if showSFchannels == 'false': return channels elif showSFchannels == 'true': try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(SF_CHANNELS) except Exception, e: log('Error in getAllChannels - SF List: %s' % str(e)) return SFchannelarray # Grab a list of SF folders not in the channels folder and add as dummy channels for dir in dirs: try: if os.path.exists( os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS, dir, 'favourites.xml')): SFchannelarray.append(dir) if not dir in channels: channelarray.append(dir) except: log("Special characters in directory, skipping: " + dir)
def getFaves(self): file = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, FILENAME).decode('utf-8') faves = [] index = 0 label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC if self.MODE == 'folder': folderCfg = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, FOLDERCFG) numeric = parameters.getParam('NUMERICAL', folderCfg) if numeric: label_numeric = numeric.lower() == 'true' if label_numeric: label_numeric = LABEL_NUMERIC_QL if self.MODE != 'xbmc': try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(self.FULLPATH) dirs = sorted(dirs, key=str.lower) for dir in dirs: path = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, dir) folderCfg = os.path.join(path, FOLDERCFG) folderCfg = parameters.getParams(folderCfg) lock = parameters.getParam('LOCK', folderCfg) if lock: continue colour = parameters.getParam('COLOUR', folderCfg) thumb = getFolderThumb(path) label = dir if colour and colour.lower() <> 'none': label = '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (colour, label) label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel( index, label, label_numeric) fave = [label, thumb, os.path.join(self.PATH, dir), True] faves.append(fave) except Exception as e: pass items = favourite.getFavourites(file, chooser=True) sortorder = 0 if self.MODE == 'folder': folderCfg = os.path.join(self.FULLPATH, FOLDERCFG) try: sortorder = int(parameters.getParam('SORT', folderCfg)) except: sortorder = 0 if sortorder == 0: sortorder = 1 if ALPHA_SORT else 2 if sortorder == 1: #ALPHA_SORT: items = sorted(items, key=lambda x: utils.CleanForSort(x)) if not label_numeric: faves.extend(items) else: for fave in items: label = fave[0] thumb = fave[1] cmd = fave[2] label, index = utils.addPrefixToLabel(index, label, label_numeric) faves.append([label, thumb, cmd]) return faves
except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels - SF List: %s' % str(e)) return channels # Grab a list of SF folders not in the channels folder and add as dummy channels for dir in dirs: try: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(SF_CHANNELS,dir,'favourites.xml')): channels.append(dir) except: dixie.log("Special characters in directory, skipping: "+dir) else: try: current, dirs, files = sfile.walk(channelPath) except Exception, e: dixie.log('Error in getAllChannels - Master List: %s' % str(e)) return channels for file in files: try: channels.append(file) except: dixie.log("failed to add to array: "+file) return channels def removeCleanChannel(self, id): try: del self.channelDict[id] except: pass