Пример #1
    def resourceQuery(self, id, target, targetType):
        self.sf.debug("Querying " + id + " for maliciousness of " + target)
        for check in malchecks.keys():
            cid = malchecks[check]['id']
            if id == cid and malchecks[check]['type'] == "query":
                url = unicode(malchecks[check]['url'])
                res = self.sf.fetchUrl(url.format(target), timeout=self.opts['_fetchtimeout'], useragent=self.opts['_useragent'])
                if res['content'] is None:
                    self.sf.error("Unable to fetch " + url.format(target), False)
                    return None
                if self.contentMalicious(res['content'],
                    return url.format(target)

        return None
Пример #2
    def resourceList(self, id, target, targetType):
        targetDom = ''
        # Get the base domain if we're supplied a domain
        if targetType == "domain":
            targetDom = self.sf.hostDomain(target, self.opts['_internettlds'])

        for check in malchecks.keys():
            cid = malchecks[check]['id']
            if id == cid and malchecks[check]['type'] == "list":
                data = dict()
                url = malchecks[check]['url']
                data['content'] = self.sf.cacheGet("sfmal_" + cid, self.opts.get('cacheperiod', 0))
                if data['content'] is None:
                    data = self.sf.fetchUrl(url, timeout=self.opts['_fetchtimeout'], useragent=self.opts['_useragent'])
                    if data['content'] is None:
                        self.sf.error("Unable to fetch " + url, False)
                        return None
                        self.sf.cachePut("sfmal_" + cid, data['content'])

                # If we're looking at netblocks
                if targetType == "netblock":
                    iplist = list()
                    # Get the regex, replace {0} with an IP address matcher to
                    # build a list of IP.
                    # Cycle through each IP and check if it's in the netblock.
                    if 'regex' in malchecks[check]:
                        rx = malchecks[check]['regex'].replace("{0}",
                        pat = re.compile(rx, re.IGNORECASE)
                        self.sf.debug("New regex for " + check + ": " + rx)
                        for line in data['content'].split('\n'):
                            grp = re.findall(pat, line)
                            if len(grp) > 0:
                                #self.sf.debug("Adding " + grp[0] + " to list.")
                        iplist = data['content'].split('\n')

                    for ip in iplist:
                        if len(ip) < 8 or ip.startswith("#"):
                        ip = ip.strip()

                            if IPAddress(ip) in IPNetwork(target):
                                self.sf.debug(ip + " found within netblock/subnet " +
                                              target + " in " + check)
                                return url
                        except Exception as e:
                            self.sf.debug("Error encountered parsing: " + str(e))

                    return None

                # If we're looking at hostnames/domains/IPs
                if 'regex' not in malchecks[check]:
                    for line in data['content'].split('\n'):
                        if line == target or (targetType == "domain" and line == targetDom):
                            self.sf.debug(target + "/" + targetDom + " found in " + check + " list.")
                            return url
                    # Check for the domain and the hostname
                    rxDom = unicode(malchecks[check]['regex']).format(targetDom)
                    rxTgt = unicode(malchecks[check]['regex']).format(target)
                    for line in data['content'].split('\n'):
                        if (targetType == "domain" and re.match(rxDom, line, re.IGNORECASE)) or \
                                re.match(rxTgt, line, re.IGNORECASE):
                            self.sf.debug(target + "/" + targetDom + " found in " + check + " list.")
                            return url
        return None