Пример #1
def angle_to_theta(angles):
    algle to 2x3 transform matrix theta
    :param angles: assume radian
    :return: outdim : [angleshapes, 2, 3]
    c = tf.cos(angles)
    s = tf.sin(angles)
    z = tf.zeros_like(angles)
    t = tf.stack([[c, -s, z], [s, c, z]])
    t = t.shiftdim(-2)
    return t
Пример #2
def alpha_composite(images, order=None, **whileopt):
    alpha_composite([fg1, ... bg]) shape [B,H,W,C], C==4
    alpha_composite(fg1, ... bg) == alpha_composite([fg1, ... bg])
    alpha_composite(batch_layered_images)  # shape [B, Layer, H, W, C], C= 4

    :param images: order from fg to bg [bhwc] assert c == 4 (RGBA)
    :param order: None for guess, 'BL' or 'LB', meaning of 2 leading axis. check this value and decide order if arg is a tensor.
    :return: composed images
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
    # alpha_out = alpha_fg + alpha_bg * ( 1 - alpha_fg)
    # if alpha_out:
    #   rgb_out = (rgb_fg * alpha_fg + rgb_bg * alpha_bg * ( 1 - alpha_fg)) / alpha_out
    # else:
    #   rgb_out = 0
    if len(images) == 1:
        # alpha_composite for layered tensor
        # images : shape [ Layer, B, H, W, C]
        images = images[0]
        # assert tensor..
        if images.ndim == 4 and order is None:
            # [LHWC]  Layer, H, W, C
        elif images.ndim == 5 and order == 'BL':
            images = images.transpose([1, 0, 2, 3, 4])
            raise ValueError('check image tensor and order arguments')

    # stack all images
    # assert all rgba
    # [Layer, B, H, W, C]
        images = tf.stack(images)

    def step(bg, fg):
        alpha_fg = fg[..., -1:]
        alpha_bg = bg[..., -1:]
        rgb_fg = fg[..., :-1]
        rgb_bg = bg[..., :-1]
        alpha = alpha_fg + alpha_bg * (1. - alpha_fg)
        visible = tf.not_equal(alpha, 0.)

        # nan check
        alphadiv = tf.select(visible, alpha, 1.)

        rgb = tf.select(visible, (rgb_fg * alpha_fg + rgb_bg * alpha_bg * (1. - alpha_fg))/alphadiv, 0.)
        out = tf.concat(-1, [rgb, alpha])
        return out

    composed = tf.foldleft(step, images, **whileopt)
    return composed
Пример #3
def deconv(x,
    nd = x.ndim - 2
    out_shape = _deconv_outshape(nd, x.dims, outdim, kernel, stride, padding,
    oshape = tf.TensorShape(out_shape)
    if out_shape[0] is None:
        out_shape[0] = tf.shape(x)[0]
        out_shape = tf.stack(out_shape)

    kernel_shape = _kernel_shape(nd, kernel, outdim,
                                 x.dims[-1])  # swap in and out channel
    stride = _stride_shape(nd, stride)  # stride

    W = tf.get_weight('W',

    if nd == 2:
        out = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(x,
    elif nd == 3:
        out = tf.nn.conv3d_transpose(x,
        raise NotImplementedError('not implementd for ndim [{0}]'.format(nd))

    if bias:
        b = tf.get_bias('b',
                        shape=(outdim, ),
        out = tf.nn.bias_add(out, b)


    return out
Пример #4
def rand_bbox(shape, count, starts=None, sizes=None, dtype=tf.bool):
    if starts is None:
        starts = [(0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0)]
    if sizes is None:
        sizes = [(0.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0)]

    rand_shape = tf.stack([shape[0], count, 1], axis=0).to_int32()
    xstart = tf.random_uniform(shape=rand_shape, minval=starts[0][0], maxval=starts[0][1])
    ystart = tf.random_uniform(shape=rand_shape, minval=starts[1][0], maxval=starts[1][1])
    xsize = tf.random_uniform(shape=rand_shape, minval=sizes[0][0], maxval=sizes[0][1])
    ysize = tf.random_uniform(shape=rand_shape, minval=sizes[1][0], maxval=sizes[1][1])

    bbox = tf.concat(-1, [xstart, ystart, xsize, ysize])
    bbox.set_shape([shape[0], None, 4])

    return bbox
Пример #5
def composite(images, order=None, **whileopt):
    composite([fg1, ... bg]) shape [B,H,W,C], C==3
    composite(fg1, ... bg) == alpha_composite([fg1, ... bg])
    composite(batch_layered_images)  # shape [B, Layer, H, W, C], C= 3

    :param images: order from fg to bg [bhwc] assert c == 4 (RGBA)
    :param order: None for guess, 'BL' or 'LB', meaning of 2 leading axis. check this value and decide order if arg is a tensor.
    :return: composed images
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
    # alpha_out = alpha_fg + alpha_bg * ( 1 - alpha_fg)
    # if alpha_out:
    #   rgb_out = (rgb_fg * alpha_fg + rgb_bg * alpha_bg * ( 1 - alpha_fg)) / alpha_out
    # else:
    #   rgb_out = 0
    if len(images) == 1:
        # alpha_composite for layered tensor
        # images : shape [ Layer, B, H, W, C]
        images = images[0]
        # assert tensor..
        if images.ndim == 4 and order is None:
            # [LHWC]  Layer, H, W, C
        elif images.ndim == 5 and order == 'BL':
            images = images.transpose([1, 0, 2, 3, 4])
            raise ValueError('check image tensor and order arguments')

    # stack all images
    # assert all rgba
    # [Layer, B, H, W, C]
        images = tf.stack(images)

    def step(bg, fg):
        transparent = tf.equal(fg, 0.).all(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        res = tf.select(transparent, bg, fg)
        return res

    composed = tf.foldleft(step, images, **whileopt)
    return composed
Пример #6
def sparsemax(logits, axis=-1, name=None):

    :param logits: tf.Tensor
    :param axis:
    :param name:
    # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/r1.1/tensorflow/contrib/sparsemax/python/ops/sparsemax.py

    logits = tf.shiftdim(logits, -axis - 1)
    # lshape = logits.shape
    tshape = tf.shape(logits)

    dims = tshape[axis]
    logits = tf.reshape(logits, (-1, dims))
    obs = tf.shape(logits)[0]

    # sort z
    z = logits - tf.mean(logits, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    z_sorted = tf.sort(z)

    # calculate k(z)
    z_cumsum = tf.cumsum(z_sorted, axis=1)
    k = tf.range(1, dims + 1).astype(dtype=logits.dtype)

    z_check = 1 + k * z_sorted > z_cumsum

    k_z = tf.sum(z_check.astype(tf.int32), axis=1)

    # calculate tau(z)
    indices = tf.stack([tf.range(0, obs), k_z - 1], axis=1)
    tau_sum = tf.gather_nd(z_cumsum, indices)
    tau_z = (tau_sum - 1) / k_z.astype(logits.dtype)

    res = tf.maximum(tf.cast(0, logits.dtype), z - tau_z[:, tf.newaxis])

    # rotate axis
    res = tf.reshape(res, tshape)
    # res.set_shape(lshape)
    res = tf.shiftdim(res, axis + 1)

    return res
Пример #7
def transform_3r(img, theta, outsize=None, oob=None):

    :param img: [HWC]
    :param theta: [2,3]
    :param outsize: [H',W'] or [H,W] if none
    :param oob: out of bound value [C,] or [1]
    :return: [H'W'C]
    assert img.ndim == 3

    if outsize is None:
        outsize = img.shapes[:2]  # HWC
        # # todo improve later
        # if None in img.dims[0:2]:
        #     outsize = tf.shape(img)[0:2]
        # else:
        #     outsize = img.dims[0:2]

    h, w = outsize[0], outsize[1]

    H, W, C = img.shapes

    # # height, width normalization to (-1, 1)
    # cx = tf.linspace(-1., 1., w)
    # cy = tf.linspace(-1., 1., h)

    # height, width normalization to (-.5, .5)
    cx = tf.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, w)
    cy = tf.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, h)
    xt, yt = tf.meshgrid(cx, cy)

    # target coord
    xyt = tf.stack([xt.flat(), yt.flat(), tf.ones((w * h, ))])

    # matching source coord [x; y] [2, pixels]
    xys = theta.dot(xyt)
    # xs, ys = xys.split()  # split along 0 axis

    # reshape to [2, H', W']
    # xys = xys.reshape((2, h, w))

    return sampling_xy_3r(img, xys, outsize, oob=oob)
Пример #8
def sampling_xy_3r(img, xys, outsize=None, oob=None):
    differentiable image sampling (with interpolation)
    :param img: source image [HWC]
    :param xys: source coord [2, H'*W'] if outsize given
    :param outsize: [H',W'] or None, xys must has rank3
    :return: [B,H',W',C]
    assert img.ndim == 3

    oobv = oob
    if oobv is None:
        # oobv = tf.zeros(shape=(img.dims[-1]), dtype=tf.float32)  # [0., 0., 0.]
        oobv = 0.
        # oobv = [0., 0., 0.]
    oobv = tf.convert_to_tensor(oobv)

    if outsize is None:
        outsize = tf.shape(xys)[1:]
        xys = xys.flat2d()

    H, W, C = img.shapes
    WH = tf.stack([W, H]).to_float().reshape((2, 1))

    # XYf = (xys + 1.) * WH * 0.5  # scale to HW coord ( + 1 for start from 0)
    XYf = (xys +
           0.5) * WH  # * 0.5  # scale to HW coord ( + 1 for start from 0)
    XYS = tf.ceil(XYf)  # left top weight

    # prepare weights
    w00 = XYS - XYf  # [2, p]
    w11 = 1. - w00  # [2, p]

    # get near 4 pixels per pixel
    XYS = XYS.to_int32()  # [2, p]  # todo check xy order
    XYs = XYS - 1
    Xs = tf.stack([XYs[0], XYS[0]])
    Ys = tf.stack([XYs[1], XYS[1]])

    # get mask of outof bound
    # leave option for filling value
    Xi = Xs.clip_by_value(0, W - 1)
    Yi = Ys.clip_by_value(0, H - 1)

    inb = tf.logical_and(Xi.equal(Xs), Yi.equal(Ys))  # [2, p]
    inb = tf.reduce_any(inb, axis=0, keepdims=True)  # all oob? [1, p]-
    # inb = inb.expand_dims(2).to_float()  # [1, p]
    inb = inb.reshape((-1, 1)).to_float()  # [p, 1] 1 for channel

    # get 4 pixels  [p, C]
    p00 = getpixel(img, tf.stack([Yi[0], Xi[0]]).T)
    p01 = getpixel(img, tf.stack([Yi[0], Xi[1]]).T)
    p10 = getpixel(img, tf.stack([Yi[1], Xi[0]]).T)
    p11 = getpixel(img, tf.stack([Yi[1], Xi[1]]).T)

    # stacked nearest : [4, p, C]
    near4 = tf.stack([p00, p01, p10, p11], axis=0)

    # XYw : 4 near point weights [4, pixel]
    w4 = tf.stack([
        w00[1] * w00[0],  # left top
        w00[1] * w11[0],  # right top
        w11[1] * w00[0],  # left bottom
        w11[1] * w11[0]
    ])  # right bottom
    # weighted sum of 4 nearest pixels broadcasting
    w4 = w4.reshape((4, -1, 1))
    # interpolated = tf.sum(w4 * near4.to_float(), axis=1)  # [p, C]
    interpolated = tf.sum(w4 * near4.to_float(), axis=0)  # [p, C]

    # assign oob value
    # fill oob by broadcasting
    oobv = oobv.reshape((1, -1))  # [p, C]
    interpolated = interpolated * inb + oobv * (1. - inb)

    output = interpolated.reshape((outsize[0], outsize[1], C))
    # reshape [p, C] => [H', W', C]

    return output