Пример #1
    def execute(self):

        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        pts_grid = self.params['gridselectorbasic']['value']
        pts_props = self.params['orderedpropertyselector']['value'].split(';')
        grids_grid = self.params['gridselectorbasic_2']['value']
        grids_props = self.params['orderedpropertyselector_2']['value'].split(
        flname_pts = self.params['filechooser']['value']
        flname_grid = self.params['filechooser_2']['value']

        if len(pts_props) != 0:
            x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(pts_grid)), np.array(
                sgems.get_Y(pts_grid)), np.array(sgems.get_Z(pts_grid))
            vardict = {}
            for v in pts_props:
                values = np.array(sgems.get_property(pts_grid, v))
                vardict[v] = values
            pointsToVTK(flname_pts, x, y, z, data=vardict)
            print('Point set saved to {}'.format(flname_pts))

        if len(grids_props) != 0:
            X, Y, Z = grid_vertices(grids_grid)
            vardict = {}
            for v in grids_props:
                values = np.array(sgems.get_property(grids_grid, v))
                vardict[v] = values
            gridToVTK(flname_grid, X, Y, Z, cellData=vardict)
            print('Grid saved to {}'.format(flname_grid))

        return True
Пример #2
    def execute(self):
        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        grid_name = self.params['rt_prop']['grid']
        prop_name = self.params['rt_prop']['property']
        prop_values = sgems.get_property(grid_name, prop_name)
        prop_values = np.array(prop_values)
        point_transform_type = self.params['comboBox']['value']

        if point_transform_type == 'Indicators':

            #calculating indicators
            nan_filter = np.isfinite(prop_values)
            unique_rts = np.unique(prop_values[nan_filter])

            for rt in unique_rts:
                print('calculating indicators for rock type {}'.format(int(rt)))
                ind_prop = prop_values == rt
                ind_prop = np.where(ind_prop == True, 1., 0.)
                ind_prop[~nan_filter] = float('nan')
                indprop_name = 'indicators_rt_{}'.format(int(rt))
                sgems.set_property(grid_name, indprop_name, ind_prop.tolist())


            x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(grid_name)), np.array(sgems.get_Y(grid_name)), np.array(sgems.get_Z(grid_name))
            coords_matrix = np.vstack((x,y,z)).T

            #calculating signed distances
            nan_filter = np.isfinite(prop_values)
            unique_rts = np.unique(prop_values[nan_filter])

            for rt in unique_rts:
                print('calculating signed distances for rock type {}'.format(int(rt)))
                filter_0 = prop_values != rt
                filter_1 = prop_values == rt
                points_0 = coords_matrix[filter_0]
                points_1 = coords_matrix[filter_1]

                sd_prop = []
                for idx, pt in enumerate(prop_values):
                    if np.isnan(pt):

                        point = coords_matrix[idx]
                        if pt == rt:
                            sd_prop.append(-min_dist(point, points_0))
                           sd_prop.append(min_dist(point, points_1)) 
                sgems.set_property(grid_name, 'signed_distances_rt_{}'.format(int(rt)), sd_prop)

        return True
Пример #3
    def execute(self):

        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        tg_grid_name = self.params['gridselector']['value']
        tg_region_name = self.params['gridselector']['region']
        tg_prop_name = self.params['lineEdit']['value']
        keep_variables = self.params['checkBox_2']['value']
        props_grid_name = self.params['gridselectorbasic']['value']
        var_names = self.params['orderedpropertyselector']['value'].split(';')
        codes = [v.split('_')[-1] for v in var_names]

        dcf_param = self.params['comboBox_2']['value']
        f_min_o = float(self.params['doubleSpinBox']['value'])
        f_min_p = float(self.params['doubleSpinBox_2']['value'])

        acceptance = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_9']['value'].split(',')
        if len(acceptance) == 1 and len(codes) > 1:
            acceptance = acceptance * len(codes)
        acceptance = np.array(acceptance)

        #kernels variables
        function = self.params['comboBox']['value']
        supports = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_5']['value'].split(',')
        azms = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_2']['value'].split(',')
        dips = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_3']['value'].split(',')
        rakes = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_4']['value'].split(',')
        nuggets = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_6']['value'].split(',')
        major_med = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_7']['value'].split(',')
        major_min = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_8']['value'].split(',')

        kernels_par = {
            'supports': supports,
            'azms': azms,
            'dips': dips,
            'rakes': rakes,
            'nuggets': nuggets,
            'major_meds': major_med,
            'major_mins': major_min

        for key in kernels_par:
            if len(kernels_par[key]) == 1 and len(codes) > 1:
                kernels_par[key] = kernels_par[key] * len(codes)

        kernels_par['function'] = [function] * len(codes)


        #getting coordinates
        variables = []
        nan_filters = []
        for v in var_names:
            values = np.array(sgems.get_property(props_grid_name, v))
            nan_filter = np.isfinite(values)
            filtered_values = values[nan_filter]
        nan_filter = np.product(nan_filters, axis=0)
        nan_filter = nan_filter == 1

        x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(props_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(
            sgems.get_Y(props_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(

        #Interpolating variables
        a2g_grid = helpers.ar2gemsgrid_to_ar2gasgrid(tg_grid_name,
        print('Computing results by RBF using a {} kernel...'.format(function))
        interpolated_variables = {}

        for idx, v in enumerate(variables):
            rt = int(codes[idx])
            interpolated_variables[rt] = {}
            print('Interpolating RT {}'.format(rt))

            if kernels_par['supports'][idx] == 0:
                mask = v < 0
                kernels_par['supports'][idx] = helpers.max_dist(
                    x, y, z, mask, a2g_grid)
                print('Estimated support is {}'.format(

            rbf = RBF(x,

            dc_param = dc_parametrization(v, dcf_param, f_min_o, f_min_p)
            for t in dc_param:
                print('Working on {}...'.format(t))

                results = rbf.predict(a2g_grid)
                interpolated_variables[rt][t] = results

                if keep_variables == '1':
                    prop_name = 'interpolated_' + tg_prop_name + '_' + dcf_param + '_' + t + '_' + str(
                    sgems.set_property(tg_grid_name, prop_name,


        #Generating geological models
        print('Building geomodel...')
        #getting closest node to each sample
        ids = [
            sgems.get_closest_nodeid(tg_grid_name, xi, yi, zi)
            for xi, yi, zi in zip(x, y, z)
        rt_prop = sd_to_cat(variables, codes)
        build_geomodels(interpolated_variables, codes, tg_grid_name,
                        tg_prop_name, ids, acceptance, rt_prop)


        return True
Пример #4
    def execute(self):
        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        point_set_name = self.params['gridselectorbasic']['value']
        new_grid_name = self.params['lineEdit']['value']
        buffer = float(self.params['doubleSpinBox_4']['value'])
        sx, sy, sz = float(self.params['doubleSpinBox']['value']), float(self.params['doubleSpinBox_2']['value']), float(self.params['doubleSpinBox_3']['value'])

        x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(point_set_name)), np.array(sgems.get_Y(point_set_name)), np.array(sgems.get_Z(point_set_name))
        grid_dic = autogrid(x, y, z, sx, sy, sz, buffer)

        sgems.execute('NewCartesianGrid  {}::{}::{}::{}::{}::{}::{}::{}::{}::{}::0,00'.format(new_grid_name, grid_dic['nx'], grid_dic['ny'], grid_dic['nz'], grid_dic['sx'], grid_dic['sy'], grid_dic['sz'], grid_dic['ox'], grid_dic['oy'], grid_dic['oz']))

        return True
Пример #5
    def execute(self):

        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        tg_grid_name = self.params['gridselector']['value']
        tg_region_name = self.params['gridselector']['region']
        tg_prop_name = self.params['lineEdit']['value']
        keep_variables = self.params['checkBox_2']['value']
        props_grid_name = self.params['gridselectorbasic']['value']
        var_names = self.params['orderedpropertyselector']['value'].split(';')
        codes = [v.split('_')[-1] for v in var_names]
        var_type = 'Signed Distances'

        variables = []
        nan_filters = []
        for v in var_names:
            values = np.array(sgems.get_property(props_grid_name, v))
            nan_filter = np.isfinite(values)
            filtered_values = values[nan_filter]
        nan_filter = np.product(nan_filters, axis=0)
        nan_filter = nan_filter == 1

        x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(props_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(
            sgems.get_Y(props_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(

        #sim variables
        n_reals = int(self.params['spinBox']['value'])
        n_lines = int(self.params['spinBox_2']['value'])
        p_factor = float(self.params['doubleSpinBox']['value'])
        seed = int(self.params['spinBox_3']['value'])

        acceptance = [
            float(i) for i in self.params['lineEdit_2']['value'].split(',')
        if len(acceptance) == 1 and len(codes) > 1:
            acceptance = acceptance * len(codes)
        acceptance = np.array(acceptance)

        #getting variograms for interpolation
        print('Getting variogram models')

        use_model_file = self.params['checkBox']['value']
        if use_model_file == '1':
            path = self.params['filechooser']['value']
            variograms = helpers.modelfile_to_ar2gasmodel(path)
            if len(variograms) == 1:
                values_covs = list(variograms.values())
                varg_lst = values_covs * len(codes)
                variograms = {}
                variograms[0] = varg_lst[0]
            p = self.params
            varg_lst = helpers.ar2gemsvarwidget_to_ar2gascovariance(p)
            if len(varg_lst) == 0:
                variograms = {}
            if len(varg_lst) == 1:
                varg_lst = varg_lst * len(codes)
                variograms = {}
                variograms[0] = varg_lst[0]

                variograms = dict(zip(codes, varg_lst))

        #getting variograms for simulation
        use_model_file = self.params['checkBox_3']['value']
        if use_model_file == '1':
            path = self.params['filechooser_2']['value']
            sim_variograms = helpers.modelfile_to_ar2gasmodel(path)
            if len(variograms) == 1:
                values_covs = list(sim_variograms.values())
                varg_lst = values_covs * len(codes)
                sim_variograms = {}
                sim_variograms[0] = varg_lst[0]
            p = self.params
            varg_lst = helpers.ar2gemsvarwidget_to_ar2gascovariance_sim(p)
            if len(varg_lst) == 0:
                sim_variograms = {}
            if len(varg_lst) == 1:
                varg_lst = varg_lst * len(codes)
                sim_variograms = {}
                sim_variograms[0] = varg_lst[0]

                sim_variograms = dict(zip(codes, varg_lst))

        ids = [
            sgems.get_closest_nodeid(tg_grid_name, xi, yi, zi)
            for xi, yi, zi in zip(x, y, z)
        rt_prop = sd_to_cat(variables, codes)

        #interpolating variables
        num_models = []
        for idx in range(n_reals):
            print('Working on realization {}...'.format(idx + 1))

            tg_prop_name_temp = tg_prop_name + '_real_{}'.format(idx)

            perturbed_variables = perturb_sd(x, y, z, variables, codes,
                                             sim_variograms, seed, n_lines,
            seed = seed + 1

            a2g_grid = helpers.ar2gemsgrid_to_ar2gasgrid(
                tg_grid_name, tg_region_name)

            interpolated_variables = interpolate_variables(
                x, y, z, perturbed_variables, codes, a2g_grid, variograms,
                keep_variables, var_type, tg_prop_name_temp, tg_grid_name)

            #creating a geologic model
            build_geomodel(var_type, interpolated_variables, codes, a2g_grid,
                           tg_grid_name, tg_prop_name_temp, ids, acceptance,
                           rt_prop, num_models)

        print('{} geologic models accepted!'.format(len(num_models)))

        return True
Пример #6
    def execute(self):

        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        tg_grid_name = self.params['gridselector']['value']
        tg_region_name = self.params['gridselector']['region']
        tg_prop_name = self.params['lineEdit']['value']
        prop_grid_name = self.params['propertyselectornoregion']['grid']
        prop_name = self.params['propertyselectornoregion']['property']

        cmin = str_to_float(self.params['lineEdit_3']['value'])
        cmax = str_to_float(self.params['lineEdit_2']['value'])
        gamma_min = str_to_float(self.params['lineEdit_5']['value'])
        gamma_max = str_to_float(self.params['lineEdit_4']['value'])
        n = int(self.params['spinBox']['value'])

        n_folds = int(self.params['spinBox_2']['value'])

        values = np.array(sgems.get_property(prop_grid_name, prop_name))
        nan_filter = np.isfinite(values)
        y_val = values[nan_filter]

        x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(prop_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(
            sgems.get_Y(prop_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(
        X = np.array([x, y, z]).T

        grid = helpers.ar2gemsgrid_to_ar2gasgrid(tg_grid_name, tg_region_name)
        X_new = grid.locations()

        scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
        X = scaler.fit_transform(X)
        X_new = scaler.fit_transform(X_new)

        #grid search parameters
        C = np.linspace(cmin, cmax, n)
        gamma = np.linspace(gamma_min, gamma_max, n)
        param_grid = [
                'estimator__C': C,
                'estimator__gamma': gamma,
                'estimator__kernel': ["rbf"] * n

        print("Tunning parameters...")
        clf = OneVsOneClassifier(SVC())
        model_tunning = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=param_grid, cv=n_folds)
        model_tunning.fit(X, y_val)

        print('accuracy ', model_tunning.best_score_)
        print('parameters', model_tunning.best_params_)

        clf = model_tunning.best_estimator_

        clf.fit(X, y_val)
        results = clf.predict(X_new)

        tp = np.ones(grid.size_of_mask()) * float('nan') if hasattr(
            grid, 'mask') else np.ones(grid.size()) * float('nan')
        if hasattr(grid, 'mask'):
            mask = grid.mask()
            r_idx = 0
            for idx, val in enumerate(mask):
                if val == True:
                    tp[idx] = results[r_idx]
                    r_idx = r_idx + 1
            tp = results

        sgems.set_property(tg_grid_name, tg_prop_name, tp.tolist())

        return True
Пример #7
    def execute(self):

        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        var_type = self.params['comboBox']['value']
        tg_grid_name = self.params['gridselector']['value']
        tg_region_name = self.params['gridselector']['region']
        tg_prop_name = self.params['lineEdit']['value']
        keep_variables = self.params['checkBox_2']['value']
        props_grid_name = self.params['gridselectorbasic']['value']
        var_names = self.params['orderedpropertyselector']['value'].split(';')
        codes = [v.split('_')[-1] for v in var_names]

        #getting variograms
        print('Getting variogram models')

        variables = []
        nan_filters = []
        for v in var_names:
            values = np.array(sgems.get_property(props_grid_name, v))
            nan_filter = np.isfinite(values)
            filtered_values = values[nan_filter]
        nan_filter = np.product(nan_filters, axis=0)
        nan_filter = nan_filter == 1

        x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(props_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(
            sgems.get_Y(props_grid_name))[nan_filter], np.array(

        use_model_file = self.params['checkBox']['value']
        if use_model_file == '1':
            path = self.params['filechooser']['value']
            variograms = helpers.modelfile_to_ar2gasmodel(path)
            if len(variograms) == 1:
                values_covs = list(variograms.values())
                varg_lst = values_covs * len(codes)
                variograms = {}
                variograms[0] = varg_lst[0]
            p = self.params
            varg_lst = helpers.ar2gemsvarwidget_to_ar2gascovariance(p)
            if len(varg_lst) == 0:
                variograms = {}
            if len(varg_lst) == 1:
                varg_lst = varg_lst * len(codes)
                variograms = {}
                variograms[0] = varg_lst[0]

                variograms = dict(zip(codes, varg_lst))

        #interpolating variables
        a2g_grid = helpers.ar2gemsgrid_to_ar2gasgrid(tg_grid_name,

        interpolated_variables = interpolate_variables(
            x, y, z, variables, codes, a2g_grid, variograms, keep_variables,
            var_type, tg_prop_name, tg_grid_name)

        #creating a geologic model
        geomodel = build_geomodel(var_type, interpolated_variables, codes,
                                  a2g_grid, tg_grid_name, tg_prop_name)

        #Refining model
        iterations = int(self.params['iterations']['value'])
        fx, fy, fz = int(self.params['fx']['value']), int(
            self.params['fy']['value']), int(self.params['fz']['value'])

        if iterations > 0:

            if len(variables) == 1:
                    'Sorry! Refinemnt works only for multicategorical models.')
                return False

            grid = a2g_grid
            geomodel = geomodel
            if tg_region_name != '':
                region = sgems.get_region(tg_grid_name, tg_region_name)

            for i in range(iterations):
                print('Refinemnt iteration {}'.format(i + 1))
                print('Defining refinment zone...')
                ref_zone, indices = refinement_zone(grid, geomodel)

                if tg_region_name != '':
                    downscaled_grid, downscaled_props = helpers.downscale_properties(
                        grid, [ref_zone, geomodel,
                               np.array(region)], fx, fy, fz)
                    region = downscaled_props[2]
                    m1 = np.array(downscaled_props[0] == -999)
                    m2 = np.array(downscaled_props[2] == 1)
                    mask = m1 * m2
                    mask = np.where(mask == 1, True, False).tolist()
                    nx, ny, nz = downscaled_grid.dim()[0], downscaled_grid.dim(
                    )[1], downscaled_grid.dim()[2]
                    sx, sy, sz = downscaled_grid.cell_size(
                    )[0], downscaled_grid.cell_size(
                    )[1], downscaled_grid.cell_size()[2]
                    ox, oy, oz = downscaled_grid.origin(
                    )[0], downscaled_grid.origin()[1], downscaled_grid.origin(
                    downscaled_grid = ar2gas.data.CartesianGrid(
                        nx, ny, nz, sx, sy, sz, ox, oy, oz)
                    downscaled_grid, downscaled_props = helpers.downscale_properties(
                        grid, [ref_zone, geomodel], fx, fy, fz)
                    mask = downscaled_props[0] == -999
                grid = downscaled_grid
                grid_name = tg_grid_name + '_' + tg_prop_name + '_iteration_{}'.format(
                    i + 1)
                helpers.ar2gasgrid_to_ar2gems(grid_name, grid)

                masked_grid = ar2gas.data.MaskedGrid(downscaled_grid, mask)

                interpolated_variables = interpolate_variables(
                    x, y, z, variables, codes, masked_grid, variograms,
                    keep_variables, var_type, tg_prop_name, grid_name)

                geomodel = build_refined_geomodel(interpolated_variables,
                                                  downscaled_props, codes,

            sgems.set_property(grid_name, tg_prop_name, geomodel)

        return True