def test_get_extent_no_rup():
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lat': 37.1,
        'lon': -122.1,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 8.5
    extent = np.array(get_extent(origin))
        np.array([[-126.5981497], [-117.13214326], [33.23305437],
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lat': 37.1,
        'lon': -122.1,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 6
    extent = np.array(get_extent(origin))
        np.array([[-123.21199895], [-120.9613286], [36.19336348],
Пример #2
def test_rupture_from_dict():

    # Grab an EdgeRupture
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lat': 0,
        'lon': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/cascadia.json')
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict._mesh_dx == 0.5

    # Specify mesh_dx
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file, mesh_dx=1.0)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict._mesh_dx == 1.0

    # Quad rupture
    file = os.path.join(homedir, 'rupture_data/izmit.json')
    rup_original = get_rupture(origin, file)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict.getArea() == rup_original.getArea()
    # Note, there's a bit of an inconsistency highlighted here because
    # magnitude has key 'magnitude' in the izmit file, but 'mag' in
    # the origin and both get retained.

    # Point rupture
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': -122.5,
        'lat': 37.3,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    rup_original = get_rupture(origin)
    d = rup_original._geojson
    rup_from_dict = rupture_from_dict(d)
    assert rup_from_dict.lats == 37.3
    assert rup_from_dict.lons == -122.5
Пример #3
def test_extent_config():
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma_large.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)

    config = {
        'extent': {
            'magnitude_spans': {
                'span1': [0, 6, 4, 3],
                'span2': [6, 10, 6, 4]
    extent = get_extent(rupture, config)
    cmp_extent = (-99.4166667, -95.4083333, 32.675, 38.6833333)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cmp_extent, extent)

    # Test for relative_offset
    config = {
        'extent': {
            'magnitude_spans': {
                'span1': [0, 6, 4, 3],
                'span2': [6, 10, 6, 4]
            'relative_offset': [0.25, 0.5],
    extent = get_extent(rupture, config)
    cmp_extent = (-98.4166667, -94.4083333, 35.675, 41.6833333)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cmp_extent, extent)

    config = {'extent': {'bounds': {'extent': [-100, 32, -95, 37]}}}
    extent = get_extent(rupture, config)
    cmp_extent = [-100, -95, 32, 37]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(extent, cmp_extent)
Пример #4
def test_map_rupture(interactive=False):
    xp0 = np.array([-90.898000])
    xp1 = np.array([-91.308000])
    yp0 = np.array([12.584000])
    yp1 = np.array([12.832000])
    zp = [0.0]
    strike = azimuth(yp0[0], xp0[0], yp1[0], xp1[0])
    origin = Origin({
        'lat': 0.0,
        'lon': 0.0,
        'depth': 0.0,
        'mag': 5.5,
        'eventsourcecode': 'abcd'
    interface_width = MAX_DEPTH / np.sin(np.radians(DIP))
    widths = np.ones(xp0.shape) * interface_width
    dips = np.ones(xp0.shape) * DIP
    strike = [strike]
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(xp0,
    if interactive:
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'rupture_map.png')
        print('Rupture map plot saved to %s.  Delete this file if you wish.' %
Пример #5
    def updateRupture(self,eventxml = None, rupturefile = None):
        """Update rupture/origin information in container.

            eventxml (str): Path to event.xml file.
            rupturefile (str): Path to rupture file (JSON or txt format).
        if eventxml is None and rupturefile is None:

        # the container is guaranteed to have at least a Point rupture
        # and the origin.
        rupture = self.getRuptureObject()
        origin = rupture.getOrigin()

        if eventxml is not None:
            origin = Origin.fromFile(eventxml)
            if rupturefile is not None:
                rupture = get_rupture(origin,file=rupturefile)
                rupture_dict = rupture._geojson
                rupture = rupture_from_dict_and_origin(rupture_dict,origin)
        else: #no event.xml file, but we do have a rupture file
            rupture = get_rupture(origin,file=rupturefile)

Пример #6
def test_extent_config():
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma_large.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    config = {'extent': {'coefficients': {'coeffs': [27.24, 250.4, 579.1]}}}
    cmp_extent = (-100.61666666666666, -93.95, 32.916666666666664, 38.35)
    extent = get_extent(rupture, config)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cmp_extent, extent)

    config = {
        'extent': {
            'magnitude_spans': {
                'span1': [0, 6, 4, 3],
                'span2': [6, 10, 6, 4]
    extent = get_extent(rupture, config)
    cmp_extent = (-99.416, -95.416, 32.679, 38.679)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cmp_extent, extent)

    config = {'extent': {'bounds': {'extent': [-100, 32, -95, 37]}}}
    extent = get_extent(rupture, config)
    cmp_extent = [-100, -95, 32, 37]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(extent, cmp_extent)
Пример #7
    def updateRupture(self, eventxml=None, rupturefile=None):
        """Update rupture/origin information in container.

            eventxml (str): Path to event.xml file.
            rupturefile (str): Path to rupture file (JSON or txt format).
        if eventxml is None and rupturefile is None:

        # the container is guaranteed to have at least a Point rupture
        # and the origin.
        rupture = self.getRuptureObject()
        origin = rupture.getOrigin()

        if eventxml is not None:
            origin = Origin.fromFile(eventxml)
            if rupturefile is not None:
                rupture = get_rupture(origin, file=rupturefile)
                rupture_dict = rupture._geojson
                rupture = rupture_from_dict_and_origin(rupture_dict, origin)
        else:  # no event.xml file, but we do have a rupture file
            rupture = get_rupture(origin, file=rupturefile)

Пример #8
def test_slip():

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    # Make a rupture
    lat0 = np.array([34.1])
    lon0 = np.array([-118.2])
    lat1 = np.array([34.2])
    lon1 = np.array([-118.15])
    z = np.array([1.0])
    W = np.array([3.0])
    dip = np.array([30.])
    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, z, W, dip, origin)

    slp = get_quad_slip(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0], 30).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.80816457, 0.25350787, 0.53160491])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector(22, 30, 86).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.82714003, 0.38830563, 0.49878203])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)
Пример #9
def rupture_from_dict(d):
    Method returns either a Rupture subclass (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture, or
    PointRupture) object based on a GeoJSON dictionary.

    .. seealso::

        d (dict): Rupture GeoJSON dictionary, which must contain origin
            information in the 'metadata' field.

        a Rupture subclass.


    origin = Origin(d['metadata'])

    # What type of rupture is this?
    geo_type = d['features'][0]['geometry']['type']
    if geo_type == 'MultiPolygon':
        # EdgeRupture will have 'mesh_dx' in metadata
        if 'mesh_dx' in d['metadata']:
            mesh_dx = d['metadata']['mesh_dx']
            rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx)
            rupt = QuadRupture(d, origin)
    elif geo_type == 'Point':
        rupt = PointRupture(origin)

    return rupt
Пример #10
def test_fromTrace():
    xp0 = [0.0]
    xp1 = [0.0]
    yp0 = [0.0]
    yp1 = [0.05]
    zp = [0.0]
    widths = [10.0]
    dips = [45.0]

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({'eventsourcecode': 'test', 'lat': 0, 'lon': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0})
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths,
        dips, origin,
        reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')
    fstr = io.StringIO()

    xp0 = [-121.81529, -121.82298]
    xp1 = [-121.82298, -121.83068]
    yp0 = [37.73707, 37.74233]
    yp1 = [37.74233, 37.74758]
    zp = [10, 15]
    widths = [15.0, 20.0]
    dips = [30.0, 45.0]
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths,
        dips, origin,
        reference='From J Smith, (personal communication)')
Пример #11
def test_incorrect():
    rupture_text = """# Source: Ji, C., D. V. Helmberger, D. J. Wald, and K.-F. Ma (2003). Slip history and dynamic implications of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake, J. Geophys. Res. 108, 2412, doi:10.1029/2002JB001764.
    24.27980 120.72300	0
    24.05000 121.00000	17
    24.07190 121.09300	17
    24.33120 121.04300	17
    24.33120 121.04300	17
    24.27980 120.72300	0
    24.27980 120.72300	0
    23.70000 120.68000	0
    23.60400 120.97200	17
    24.05000 121.00000	17
    24.27980 120.72300	0
    23.60400 120.97200	17
    23.70000 120.68000	0
    23.58850 120.58600	0
    23.40240 120.78900	17
    23.60400 120.97200	17"""  # noqa

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({'eventsourcecode': 'test', 'lat': 0, 'lon': 0,
                     'depth': 5.0, 'mag': 7.0})
    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        get_rupture(origin, cbuf)
Пример #12
def test_with_quakeml():
    np1 = NodalPlane(strike=259, dip=74, rake=10)
    np2 = NodalPlane(strike=166, dip=80, rake=164)
    nodal_planes = NodalPlanes(nodal_plane_1=np1, nodal_plane_2=np2)
    focal = FocalMechanism(nodal_planes=nodal_planes)
    event = Event(focal_mechanisms=[focal])
    catalog = Catalog(events=[event])
    event_text = '''<shakemap-data code_version="4.0" map_version="1">
<earthquake id="us2000cmy3" lat="56.046" lon="-149.073" mag="7.9"
depth="25.00" locstring="280km SE of Kodiak, Alaska" netid="us" network=""/>
        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        xmlfile = os.path.join(tempdir, 'quakeml.xml')
        catalog.write(xmlfile, format="QUAKEML")
        eventfile = os.path.join(tempdir, 'event.xml')
        f = open(eventfile, 'wt')
        params = read_moment_quakeml(xmlfile)
        origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile, momentfile=xmlfile)
        x = 1
    except Exception as e:
        assert 1 == 2
Пример #13
def test_slip():

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    # Make a rupture
    lat0 = np.array([34.1])
    lon0 = np.array([-118.2])
    lat1 = np.array([34.2])
    lon1 = np.array([-118.15])
    z = np.array([1.0])
    W = np.array([3.0])
    dip = np.array([30.])
    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, z, W, dip, origin)

    slp = get_quad_slip(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0], 30).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.80816457, 0.25350787, 0.53160491])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_quad_strike_vector(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.58311969, 0.27569625, 0.76417472])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_quad_down_dip_vector(rup.getQuadrilaterals()[0]).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.81219873, -0.17763484, -0.55567895])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector(22, 30, 86).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.82714003, 0.38830563, 0.49878203])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector_DS(22, 30, -86).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([-0.80100879, -0.32362856, -0.49878203])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    slp = get_local_unit_slip_vector_SS(22, 80, 5).getArray()
    slpd = np.array([0.3731811, 0.92365564, 0.])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(slp, slpd)

    mech = rake_to_mech(-160)
    assert mech == 'SS'
    mech = rake_to_mech(0)
    assert mech == 'SS'
    mech = rake_to_mech(160)
    assert mech == 'SS'
    mech = rake_to_mech(-80)
    assert mech == 'NM'
    mech = rake_to_mech(80)
    assert mech == 'RS'
Пример #14
def test_ss3_m4p5():
    magnitude = 4.5
    dip = np.array([90])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 80])
    zp = np.array([0])
    epix = np.array([0])
    epiy = np.array([0.2 * rupy[1]])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = OrthographicProjection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    # Origin
    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat[0],
                     'lon': epilon[0],
                     'depth': 10,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'id': 'ss3',
                     'netid': '',
                     'network': '',
                     'locstring': '',
                     'rake': rake,
                     'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))})

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='ss3')

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)

    # Test fd
    fd = test1.getFd()
    fd_test = np.array(
        [[0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
         [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
            [0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])
        fd, fd_test, rtol=1e-4)
Пример #15
def test_EdgeRupture_vs_QuadRupture():
    # Sites stuff
    sites = Sites.fromCenter(-122.15, 37.15, 1.5, 1.5, 0.01, 0.01)
    sm_dict = sites._GeoDict
    west = sm_dict.xmin
    east = sm_dict.xmax
    south = sm_dict.ymin
    north = sm_dict.ymax
    nx = sm_dict.nx
    ny = sm_dict.ny
    lats = np.linspace(north, south, ny)
    lons = np.linspace(west, east, nx)
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)
    dep = np.zeros_like(lon)

    # Construct QuadRupture
    xp0 = np.array([-122.0, -122.5])
    yp0 = np.array([37.1, 37.4])
    xp1 = np.array([-121.7, -122.3])
    yp1 = np.array([37.2, 37.2])
    zp = np.array([0, 6])
    widths = np.array([30, 20])
    dips = np.array([30, 40])

    origin = Origin({
        'lat': 33.15,
        'lon': -122.15,
        'depth': 0,
        'mag': 7.2,
        'id': '',
        'netid': '',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())
    qrup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths, dips, origin)
    rrup_q = qrup.computeRrup(lon, lat, dep)
    rjb_q = qrup.computeRjb(lon, lat, dep)

    # Construct equivalent EdgeRupture
    toplons = np.array([-122.0, -121.7, -122.5, -122.3])
    toplats = np.array([37.1, 37.2, 37.4, 37.2])
    topdeps = np.array([0, 0, 6, 6])
    botlons = np.array([-121.886864, -121.587568, -122.635467, -122.435338])
    botlats = np.array([36.884527, 36.984246, 37.314035, 37.114261])
    botdeps = np.array([15.0000, 14.9998, 18.8558, 18.8559])
    group_index = [0, 0, 1, 1]

    erup = EdgeRupture.fromArrays(toplons, toplats, topdeps, botlons, botlats,
                                  botdeps, origin, group_index)
    rrup_e = erup.computeRrup(lon, lat, dep)
    rjb_e = erup.computeRjb(lon, lat, dep)

    # Check that QuadRupture and EdgeRupture give the same result
    # (we check the absolute values of QuadRupture elsewhere)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rrup_e, rrup_q, atol=0.35)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rjb_e, rjb_q, atol=0.35)
Пример #16
def test_get_extent_small_complex():
    # Do a complex rupture
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    faultfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'Hartzell11_fault.txt')
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, faultfile)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 100.03333333333333
    assert E == 108.93333333333334
    assert S == 27.9
    assert N == 35.55
Пример #17
def test_get_extent_stable_small():
    # Do an event in a stable region
    # Small magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == -98.5
    assert E == -96.28333333333333
    assert S == 34.766666666666666
    assert N == 36.583333333333336
Пример #18
def test_get_extent_small_point():
    # Do a point rupture
    # Small magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan_small.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 102.33333333333333
    assert E == 104.41666666666667
    assert S == 30.083333333333332
    assert N == 31.883333333333333
Пример #19
def test_get_extent_stable_large():
    # Do an event in a stable region
    # Large magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma_large.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == -106.14999999999999
    assert E == -86.76666666666667
    assert S == 27.55
    assert N == 43.03333333333333
Пример #20
def test_get_extent_small_complex():
    # Do a complex rupture
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    faultfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'Hartzell11_fault.txt')
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, faultfile)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 95.28333333333333)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(E, 115.1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(S, 23.083333333333332)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(N, 39.75)
Пример #21
def test_get_extent_small_point():
    # Do a point rupture
    # Small magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan_small.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 102.33333333333333
    assert E == 104.41666666666667
    assert S == 30.083333333333332
    assert N == 31.883333333333333
Пример #22
def test_get_extent_stable_small():
    # Do an event in a stable region
    # Small magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, -98.5)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(E, -96.28333333333333)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(S, 34.766666666666666)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(N, 36.583333333333336)
Пример #23
def test_get_extent_small_complex():
    # Do a complex rupture
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    faultfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'Hartzell11_fault.txt')
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, faultfile)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 100.03333333333333
    assert E == 108.93333333333334
    assert S == 27.9
    assert N == 35.55
Пример #24
def test_get_extent_stable_large():
    # Do an event in a stable region
    # Large magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma_large.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, -107.45)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(E, -84.8)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(S, 26.166666666666668)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(N, 44.15)
Пример #25
def test_get_extent_stable_large():
    # Do an event in a stable region
    # Large magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma_large.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == -106.14999999999999
    assert E == -86.76666666666667
    assert S == 27.55
    assert N == 43.03333333333333
Пример #26
def test_get_extent_small_point():
    # Do a point rupture
    # Small magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan_small.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 102.33333333333333)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(E, 104.41666666666667)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(S, 30.083333333333332)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(N, 31.883333333333333)
Пример #27
def test_get_extent_stable_small():
    # Do an event in a stable region
    # Small magnitude
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_oklahoma.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == -98.5
    assert E == -96.28333333333333
    assert S == 34.766666666666666
    assert N == 36.583333333333336
Пример #28
def test_northridge():
    rupture_text = """# Source: Wald, D. J., T. H. Heaton, and K. W. Hudnut (1996). The Slip History of the 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake Determined from Strong-Motion, Teleseismic, GPS, and Leveling Data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 86, S49-S70.
    -118.421 34.315  5.000
    -118.587 34.401  5.000
    -118.693 34.261 20.427
    -118.527 34.175 20.427
    -118.421 34.315 5.000
    """  # noqa

    # Rupture requires an origin even when not used:
    origin = Origin({
        'id': 'test',
        'lon': 0,
        'lat': 0,
        'depth': 5.0,
        'mag': 7.0,
        'netid': 'us',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())

    cbuf = io.StringIO(rupture_text)
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, cbuf)
    strike = rupture.getStrike()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(strike, 122.06, atol=0.01)
    dip = rupture.getDip()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(dip, 40.21, atol=0.01)
    L = rupture.getLength()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(L, 17.99, atol=0.01)
    W = rupture.getWidth()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 23.94, atol=0.01)
    nq = rupture.getNumQuads()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(nq, 1)
    ng = rupture.getNumGroups()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ng, 1)
    sind = rupture._getGroupIndex()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(sind, [0])
    ztor = rupture.getDepthToTop()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(ztor, 5, atol=0.01)
    itl = rupture.getIndividualTopLengths()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(itl, 17.99, atol=0.01)
    iw = rupture.getIndividualWidths()
    np.testing.assert_allclose(iw, 23.94, atol=0.01)
    lats = rupture.lats
    lats_d = np.array([34.401, 34.315, 34.175, 34.261, 34.401, np.nan])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(lats, lats_d, atol=0.01)
    lons = rupture.lons
    lons_d = np.array(
        [-118.587, -118.421, -118.527, -118.693, -118.587, np.nan])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(lons, lons_d, atol=0.01)
Пример #29
def test_plot_rupture(interactive=False):
    xp0 = np.array([-90.898000])
    xp1 = np.array([-91.308000])
    yp0 = np.array([12.584000])
    yp1 = np.array([12.832000])
    zp = [0.0]
    strike = azimuth(yp0[0], xp0[0], yp1[0], xp1[0])
    origin = Origin({
        'lat': 0.0,
        'lon': 0.0,
        'depth': 0.0,
        'mag': 5.5,
        'id': '',
        'netid': 'abcd',
        'network': '',
        'locstring': '',
        'time': HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(time.time())
    interface_width = MAX_DEPTH / np.sin(np.radians(DIP))
    widths = np.ones(xp0.shape) * interface_width
    dips = np.ones(xp0.shape) * DIP
    strike = [strike]
    rupture = QuadRupture.fromTrace(xp0,
    if interactive:
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'rupture_wire_plot.png')
        print('Wire 3D plot saved to %s.  Delete this file if you wish.' %

    # Need to get tests to check exception for if an axis is handed off
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    plot_rupture_wire3d(rupture, ax)

    # And raise the exception if it is not a 3d axis
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        plot_rupture_wire3d(rupture, ax)
Пример #30
def rupture_from_dict(d):
    Method returns either a Rupture subclass (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture, or
    PointRupture) object based on a GeoJSON dictionary.

    .. seealso::

        d (dict):
            Rupture GeoJSON dictionary, which must contain origin
            information in the 'metadata' field.

        a Rupture subclass.


    # We don't want to mess with the input just in case it gets used again
    d = copy.deepcopy(d)

        d['metadata']['time'] = HistoricTime.strptime(d['metadata']['time'],
    except ValueError:
        d['metadata']['time'] = HistoricTime.strptime(d['metadata']['time'],

    origin = Origin(d['metadata'])

    # What type of rupture is this?
    geo_type = d['features'][0]['geometry']['type']
    if geo_type == 'MultiPolygon':
        valid_quads = is_quadrupture_class(d)
        if valid_quads is True:
            rupt = QuadRupture(d, origin)
        elif 'mesh_dx' in d['metadata']:
            # EdgeRupture will have 'mesh_dx' in metadata
            mesh_dx = d['metadata']['mesh_dx']
            rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx)
            raise ValueError('Invalid rupture dictionary.')
    elif geo_type == 'Point':
        rupt = PointRupture(origin)

    return rupt
Пример #31
def test_probs():
    install_path, config_path = get_config_paths()
    config = ConfigObj(os.path.join(install_path, 'config', 'select.conf'))
    validate_config(config, install_path)

    # Real event: M 6.9 - 151km SSW of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
    # 2018-03-29 21:25:36 UTC
    # Note: slab model depth is 33.4638 km
    datadir = os.path.join(
        homedir, '..', '..', 'data', 'eventdata', 'us1000db40', 'current')
    eventxml = os.path.join(datadir, 'event.xml')
    org = Origin.fromFile(eventxml)
    gmpe_list, weight_list, strec_results = get_weights(org, config)
    assert len(gmpe_list) == 1
    assert len(weight_list) == 1
    assert gmpe_list[0] == 'subduction_interface_nshmp2014'
    np.testing.assert_allclose(weight_list[0], 1.0, rtol=1e-05)

    # move hypo to the surface:
    org.depth = 0
    gmpe_list, weight_list, strec_results = get_weights(org, config)
    # dz is 33.4638
    # slab uncertainty is 10, so x2 in int|abs(dz) is 29
    # so m_{int|abs(dz)} = 0.15
        np.array([0.85,  0.15]),
    assert gmpe_list[0] == 'subduction_crustal'
    assert gmpe_list[1] == 'subduction_interface_nshmp2014'

    # move hypo to be deeper:
    org.depth = 65
    gmpe_list, weight_list, strec_results = get_weights(org, config)
    # dz is 33.4638
    # slab uncertainty is 10, so x2 in int|abs(dz) is 29
    # so m_{int|abs(dz)} = 0.15
        np.array([0.15,  0.85]),
    assert gmpe_list[0] == 'subduction_interface_nshmp2014'
    assert gmpe_list[1] == 'subduction_slab_nshmp2014'
Пример #32
def test_with_quakeml():
    np1 = NodalPlane(strike=259, dip=74, rake=10)
    np2 = NodalPlane(strike=166, dip=80, rake=164)
    nodal_planes = NodalPlanes(nodal_plane_1=np1, nodal_plane_2=np2)
    taxis = Axis(plunge=40, azimuth=70)
    naxis = Axis(plunge=50, azimuth=80)
    paxis = Axis(plunge=60, azimuth=90)
    paxes = PrincipalAxes(t_axis=taxis,
    focal = FocalMechanism(nodal_planes=nodal_planes,
    event = Event(focal_mechanisms=[focal])
    catalog = Catalog(events=[event])
    event_text = '''<shakemap-data code_version="4.0" map_version="1">
<earthquake id="us2000cmy3" lat="56.046" lon="-149.073" mag="7.9"
depth="25.00" locstring="280km SE of Kodiak, Alaska" netid="us" network=""/>
        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        xmlfile = os.path.join(tempdir, 'quakeml.xml')
        catalog.write(xmlfile, format="QUAKEML")
        eventfile = os.path.join(tempdir, 'event.xml')
        f = open(eventfile, 'wt')
        params = read_moment_quakeml(xmlfile)
        assert params['moment']['NP1']['strike'] == 259.0
        assert params['moment']['NP1']['dip'] == 74.0
        assert params['moment']['NP1']['rake'] == 10.0
        assert params['moment']['NP2']['strike'] == 166.0
        assert params['moment']['NP2']['dip'] == 80.0
        assert params['moment']['NP2']['rake'] == 164.0
        origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile, momentfile=xmlfile)
        assert origin.mag == 7.9
        assert == 56.046
        assert origin.lon == -149.073
        assert == 'us2000cmy3'
    except Exception:
        assert False
Пример #33
def test_get_extent_aspect():
    # Test ruptures with weird aspect ratios
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    # Long horizontal rupture
    rrep = io.StringIO(
            30.0 100.0 0.0
            30.0 110.0 0.0
            30.0 110.0 5.0
            30.0 100.0 5.0
            30.0 100.0 0.0
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, rrep)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 97.18333333333334
    assert E == 113.51666666666667
    assert S == 25.616666666666667
    assert N == 34.06666666666666
    # Long vertical rupture
    rrep = io.StringIO(
            24.0 100.0 0.0
            36.0 100.0 0.0
            36.0 100.0 5.0
            24.0 100.0 5.0
            24.0 100.0 0.0
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, rrep)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 92.53333333333333
    assert E == 108.89999999999999
    assert S == 21.03333333333333
    assert N == 38.46666666666667
Пример #34
def test_get_extent_aspect():
    # Test ruptures with weird aspect ratios
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    # Long horizontal rupture
    rrep = io.StringIO(
            100.0 30.0  0.0
            110.0 30.0 0.0
            110.0 30.0 5.0
            100.0 30.0 5.0
            100.0 30.0 0.0
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, rrep)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 97.18333333333334
    assert E == 113.51666666666667
    assert S == 25.616666666666667
    assert N == 34.06666666666666
    # Long vertical rupture
    rrep = io.StringIO(
            100.0 24.0 0.0
            100.0 36.0 0.0
            100.0 36.0 5.0
            100.0 24.0 5.0
            100.0 24.0 0.0
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, rrep)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    assert W == 92.53333333333333
    assert E == 108.89999999999999
    assert S == 21.03333333333333
    assert N == 38.46666666666667
Пример #35
def test_get_extent_aspect():
    # Test ruptures with weird aspect ratios
    eventfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'event_wenchuan.xml')
    origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)
    # Long horizontal rupture
    rrep = io.StringIO(
            100.0 30.0  0.0
            110.0 30.0 0.0
            110.0 30.0 5.0
            100.0 30.0 5.0
            100.0 30.0 0.0
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, rrep)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 92.65)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(E, 119.98333333333333)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(S, 19.833333333333332)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(N, 38.96666666666667)
    # Long vertical rupture
    rrep = io.StringIO(
            100.0 24.0 0.0
            100.0 36.0 0.0
            100.0 36.0 5.0
            100.0 24.0 5.0
            100.0 24.0 0.0
    rupture = get_rupture(origin, rrep)
    W, E, S, N = get_extent(rupture)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(W, 88.48333333333333)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(E, 115.08333333333333)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(S, 16.1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(N, 42.583333333333336)
Пример #36
    def createFromInput(cls, filename, config, eventfile, version_history,
                        rupturefile=None, sourcefile=None, momentfile=None,
        Instantiate an InputContainer from ShakeMap input data.

            filename (str): Path to HDF5 file that will be created to
                encapsulate all input data.
            config (dict): Dictionary containing all configuration information
                necessary for ShakeMap ground motion and other calculations.
            eventfile (str): Path to ShakeMap event.xml file.
            rupturefile (str): Path to ShakeMap rupture text or JSON file.
            sourcefile (str): Path to ShakeMap source.txt file.
            momentfile (str): Path to ShakeMap moment.xml file.
            datafiles (list): List of ShakeMap data (DYFI, strong motion)
            version_history (dict): Dictionary containing version history.

            InputContainer: Instance of InputContainer.
        container = cls.create(filename)

        # create an origin from the event file
        origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile, sourcefile=sourcefile,

        # create a rupture object from the origin and the rupture file
        # (if present).
        rupture = get_rupture(origin, file=rupturefile)

        # store the rupture object in the container

        if datafiles is not None and len(datafiles) > 0:

        return container
Пример #37
    def createFromInput(cls, filename, config, eventfile, version_history, rupturefile=None,
        Instantiate an InputContainer from ShakeMap input data.

            filename (str): Path to HDF5 file that will be created to encapsulate all
                input data.
            config (dict): Dictionary containing all configuration information
                necessary for ShakeMap ground motion and other calculations.
            eventfile (str): Path to ShakeMap event.xml file.
            rupturefile (str): Path to ShakeMap rupture text or JSON file.
            datafiles (list): List of ShakeMap data (DYFI, strong motion) files.
            version_history (dict): Dictionary containing version history.

            InputContainer: Instance of InputContainer.
        container = cls.create(filename)

        # create an origin from the event file
        origin = Origin.fromFile(eventfile)

        # create a rupture object from the origin and the rupture file
        # (if present).
        rupture = get_rupture(origin,file=rupturefile)

        # store the rupture object in the container

        if datafiles is not None:

        return container
Пример #38
def test_origin():
    fault_text = """30.979788       103.454422      1
31.691615       104.419160      1
31.723569       104.374760      1
32.532213       105.220821      1
32.641450       105.135050      20
31.846790       104.246202      20
31.942158       104.205286      20
31.290105       103.284388      20
30.979788       103.454422      1"""
    event_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="yes"?>
<earthquake id="2008ryan" lat="30.9858" lon="103.3639" mag="7.9" year="2008"
month="05" day="12" hour="06" minute="28" second="01" timezone="GMT"
locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA" created="1211173621" otime="1210573681"
type="" />"""
    source_text = "mech=RS"
    ffile = io.StringIO(fault_text)  # noqa
    efile = io.StringIO(event_text)
    sfile = io.StringIO(source_text)
    origin = Origin.fromFile(efile, sourcefile=sfile)

    testdict = {'mag': 7.9,
                'eventsourcecode': 'us2008ryan',
                'locstring': 'EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA',
                'mech': 'RS',
                'lon': 103.3639,
                'lat': 30.9858,
                'depth': 19.0}
    for key in testdict.keys():
        value = eval('origin.%s' % key)
        if type(value) is str:
            assert testdict[key] == value
        if type(value) is float:
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testdict[key], value)

    assert origin.mech == "RS"
    assert origin.mech == "SS"
    origin.setMechanism("SS", rake=10)
    assert origin.mech == "SS"
    assert origin.rake == 10.0
    assert origin.dip == 90.0
    origin.setMechanism("SS", rake=-350)
    assert origin.rake == 10.0
    origin.setMechanism("SS", rake=370)
    assert origin.rake == 10.0
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        origin.setMechanism("SS", dip=100)
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        origin.setMechanism("Strike slip")
    # Rake too large
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        origin.setMechanism("SS", rake=1111)
    # Lat is greater than 90
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        event_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"
standalone="yes"?> <earthquake id="2008" lat="91.9858" lon="103.3639"
mag="7.9" year="2008" month="05" day="12" hour="06" minute="28" second="01"
timezone="GMT" depth="19.0" locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA"
created="1211173621" otime="1210573681" type="" />"""
        efile = io.StringIO(event_text)
        origin = Origin.fromFile(efile)
    # Lon is greater than 180
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        event_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"
standalone="yes"?> <earthquake id="2008" lat="31.9858" lon="183.3639"
mag="7.9" year="2008" month="05" day="12" hour="06" minute="28" second="01"
timezone="GMT" depth="19.0" locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA"
created="1211173621" otime="1210573681" type="" />"""
        efile = io.StringIO(event_text)
        origin = Origin.fromFile(efile)
    # No event id
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:
        event_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"
standalone="yes"?> <earthquake lat="30.9858" lon="103.3639" mag="7.9"
year="2008" month="05" day="12" hour="06" minute="28" second="01"
timezone="GMT" depth="19.0" locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA"
created="1211173621" otime="1210573681" type="" />"""
        efile = io.StringIO(event_text)
        origin = Origin.fromFile(efile)
    # Put mech in event keys
    event_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="yes"?>
<earthquake id="2008" lat="30.9858" lon="103.3639" mag="7.9" year="2008"
month="05" day="12" hour="06" minute="28" second="01" timezone="GMT"
depth="19.0" locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA" created="1211173621"
otime="1210573681" type="" mech="SS"/>"""
    efile = io.StringIO(event_text)
    origin = Origin.fromFile(efile)
    assert origin.mech == 'SS'
    # Empty mech
    event_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="yes"?>
<earthquake id="2008" lat="30.9858" lon="103.3639" mag="7.9" year="2008"
month="05" day="12" hour="06" minute="28" second="01" timezone="GMT"
depth="19.0" locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA" created="1211173621"
otime="1210573681" type="" mech=""/>"""
    efile = io.StringIO(event_text)
    origin = Origin.fromFile(efile)
    assert origin.mech == 'ALL'
    # Mech not acceptable value
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as a:  # noqa
        event_text = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"
standalone="yes"?> <earthquake id="2008" lat="31.9858" lon="103.3639"
mag="7.9" year="2008" month="05" day="12" hour="06" minute="28" second="01"
timezone="GMT" depth="19.0" locstring="EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA"
created="1211173621" otime="1210573681" type="" mech="Strike slip"/>"""
        efile = io.StringIO(event_text)
        origin = Origin.fromFile(efile)
Пример #39
def test_ss3_move_hypo1():
    magnitude = 7.2
    dip = np.array([90])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15])
    rupx = np.array([0, 0])
    rupy = np.array([0, 80])
    zp = np.array([0.0])
    epix = np.array([1.0])
    epiy = np.array([-1.0])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = geo.utils.get_orthographic_projection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    # Origin
    origin = Origin({'lat': epilat[0],
                     'lon': epilon[0],
                     'depth': -1,
                     'mag': magnitude,
                     'eventsourcecode': 'ss3',
                     'rake': rake})

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array([tlon[0]]), np.array([tlat[0]]),
        np.array([tlon[1]]), np.array([tlat[1]]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='ss3')

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)

    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[0])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)

    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.004233219183604, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989205968, rtol=1e-4)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Also for multiple segments
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    dip = np.array([90., 90., 90.])
    rake = 180.0
    width = np.array([15., 15., 10.])
    rupx = np.array([0., 0., 10., 20.])
    rupy = np.array([0., 20., 60., 80.])
    zp = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
    epix = np.array([0.])
    epiy = np.array([0.])

    # Convert to lat/lon
    proj = geo.utils.get_orthographic_projection(-122, -120, 39, 37)
    tlon, tlat = proj(rupx, rupy, reverse=True)
    epilon, epilat = proj(epix, epiy, reverse=True)

    rup = QuadRupture.fromTrace(
        np.array(tlon[0:3]), np.array(tlat[0:3]),
        np.array(tlon[1:4]), np.array(tlat[1:4]),
        zp, width, dip, origin, reference='')

    event = {'lat': epilat[0],
             'lon': epilon[0],
             'depth': 1.0,
             'mag': magnitude,
             'eventsourcecode': '',
             'locstring': 'test',
             'type': 'SS',
             'timezone': 'UTC'}
    event['time'] = HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
    event['created'] = HistoricTime.utcfromtimestamp(int(time.time()))
    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 6)
    y = np.linspace(0, 90, 11)
    site_x, site_y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    slon, slat = proj(site_x, site_y, reverse=True)
    deps = np.zeros_like(slon)
    origin = Origin(event)
    origin.rake = rake
    test1 = Bayless2013(origin, rup, slat, slon, deps, T=1.0)

    # 1st pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[0])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.004233219183604, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989205968, rtol=1e-4)

    # 2nd pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[1])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.184097835787796, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.98636122402166, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 7.4999999989103525, rtol=1e-4)

    # 3rd pseudo-hyp
    phyp = copy.deepcopy(test1.phyp[2])
    plat, plon, pdep = ecef2latlon(phyp.x, phyp.y, phyp.z)
    px, py = proj(plon, plat, reverse=False)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plat, 38.543778594535752, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(plon, -120.87137783362499, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pdep, 4.9999999995063993, rtol=1e-4)
Пример #40
    def execute(self):
        Parses the output of STREC in accordance with the
        configuration file, creates a new GMPE set specific to the event,
        and writes model_zc.conf in the event's 'current' directory.

        Configuration file: select.conf

            NotADirectoryError -- the event's current directory doesn't exist
            FileNotFoundError -- the event.xml file doesn't exist
            ValidateError -- problems with the configuration file
            RuntimeError -- various problems matching the event to a gmpe set

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Get the install and data paths and verify that the even directory
        # exists
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        install_path, data_path = cfg.get_config_paths()
        datadir = os.path.join(data_path, self._eventid, 'current')
        if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
            raise NotADirectoryError('%s is not a valid directory' % datadir)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Open event.xml and make an Origin object
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        eventxml = os.path.join(datadir, 'event.xml')
        if not os.path.isfile(eventxml):
            raise FileNotFoundError('%s does not exist.' % eventxml)
        org = Origin.fromFile(eventxml)

        # Clear away results from previous runs
        products_path = os.path.join(datadir, 'products')
        if os.path.isdir(products_path):
            shutil.rmtree(products_path, ignore_errors=True)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Get config file from install_path/config, parse and
        # validate it
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        config = ConfigObj(os.path.join(install_path, 'config', 'select.conf'))
        validate_config(config, install_path)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Get the strec results
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        strec_out = get_tectonic_regions(org.lon,, org.depth,
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Get the default weighting for this event
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        cfg_tr = config['tectonic_regions']
        str_tr = strec_out['tectonic_regions']
        gmpe_list, weight_list = get_gmpes_by_region(str_tr, cfg_tr, org)

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Now look at the geographic layers to see if we need to modify or
        # replace the gmpe list
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Find the first configured layer the event is within (if any) or the
        # closest layer
        min_dist_to_layer = 999999.9
        nearest_layer_name = None
        if 'layers' in config and 'layer_dir' in config['layers']:
            layer_dir = config['layers']['layer_dir']
            if layer_dir and layer_dir != 'None':
                geo_layers = get_layer_distances(org.lon,, layer_dir)
                geo_layers = {}
            for layer in config['layers']:
                if layer == 'layer_dir':
                if layer not in geo_layers:
                    self.logger.warning('Error: cannot find layer %s in %s' %
                                        (layer, layer_dir))
                ldist = geo_layers[layer]
                if ldist < min_dist_to_layer:
                    min_dist_to_layer = ldist
                    nearest_layer_name = layer
                    if min_dist_to_layer == 0:
        # If we are in or near a geographic layer, update the gmpe and weight
        # lists
        if nearest_layer_name is not None and \
           (min_dist_to_layer == 0 or
            min_dist_to_layer <=

            lcfg = config['layers'][nearest_layer_name]
            # Overwrite the tectonic regions with the layer's custom region
            # settings
            for thing in lcfg:
                if thing == 'horizontal_buffer':
                    layer_buff = lcfg[thing]
                layer = thing
                for element in lcfg[layer]:
                    cfg_tr[layer][element] = lcfg[layer][element]
            # Now get the gmpes and weights for the custom layer
            layer_gmpes, layer_weights = get_gmpes_by_region(
                str_tr, cfg_tr, org)
            if layer_buff == 0:
                # If we're here, min_dist_to_layer must be 0,
                # so the weight is 1
                lwgt = 1.0
                lwgt = 1.0 - min_dist_to_layer / layer_buff
            # If we're inside the region's boundaries, we just use the custom
            # gmpe and weights. If we are outside the region (but still inside
            # the buffer), we blend the custom gmpe and weights with the
            # generic ones we computed earlier.
            if min_dist_to_layer == 0:
                gmpe_list = layer_gmpes
                weight_list = layer_weights
                gmpe_list = np.append(gmpe_list, layer_gmpes)
                weight_list = np.append(weight_list * (1.0 - lwgt),
                                        layer_weights * lwgt)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Create ConfigObj object for output to model_zc.conf
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        zc_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'model_zc.conf')
        zc_conf = ConfigObj(indent_type='    ')
        zc_conf.filename = zc_file
        # Add the new gmpe set to the object
        gmpe_set = 'gmpe_' + str(self._eventid) + '_custom'
        zc_conf['gmpe_sets'] = OrderedDict([
            (gmpe_set, OrderedDict([
                ('gmpes', list(gmpe_list)),
                ('weights', list(weight_list)),
                ('weights_larage_dist', 'None'),
                ('dist_cutoff', 'nan'),
                ('site_gmpes', 'None'),
                ('weights_site_gmpes', 'None')
        # Set gmpe to use the new gmpe set
        zc_conf['modeling'] = OrderedDict([
            ('gmpe', gmpe_set),
            ('mechanism', strec_out['focal_mech'])
