Пример #1
def computeLineString(bounding_box, pos, long_lats):
    bbx = box(bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2],
    basedist = point.Point(bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1]).distance(
        point.Point(bounding_box[0], bounding_box[3])) * 1.2
    start = pos
    end = pos + 1
    while (start > 0):
        p = point.Point(long_lats[start][0], long_lats[start][1])
        if (bbx.contains(p) or (basedist > bbx.distance(p))):
            start -= 1
    while (end < len(long_lats)):
        p = point.Point(long_lats[end][0], long_lats[end][1])
        if (bbx.contains(p) or (basedist > bbx.distance(p))):
            end += 1
    end += 1
    if (end > len(long_lats)):
        end = len(long_lats)
    if (end - start == 1):
        if (start > 0):
            start -= 1
        if (end < len(long_lats)):
            end += 1
    return linestring.LineString([(long_lats[i][0], long_lats[i][1])
                                  for i in range(start, end)])
Пример #2
def LineGeoJSONToShp_WGS84(json_fp,
                           shp_fp=None):  #线状GeoJSON文件转成SHP(火星坐标 转 WGS84)
    import coordinate_conversion
    from shapely.geometry import linestring

    if not json_fp.endswith("json"): return False

    if shp_fp is None:
        shp_fp = "{}_wgs84.shp".format(json_fp[:-5])
    elif not shp_fp.endswith("shp"):
        return False

    gdf = geopandas.read_file(json_fp)
    # GCJ02转WGS84
    for i in range(0, len(gdf)):
        line = gdf.geometry[i]  # 获取空间属性,即GeoSeries
        old_pnts = line.coords  #获得坐标串
        new_pnts = []  #新坐标
        for old_pnt in old_pnts:
            lng, lat = old_pnt
            lng, lat = coordinate_conversion.gcj02towgs84(lng, lat)  #转换
            new_pnts.append((lng, lat))
        gdf.geometry[i] = linestring.LineString(new_pnts)

    # 设置成WGS84,并保存
    gdf.crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
    gdf.to_file(shp_fp, encoding="utf-8")
    return shp_fp
def calcAlignment(backPos, walls, wallProbVec, dR):
    calculating object alignment, currently only w.r.t. supporting wall  
    backPos - vector of objects' back position (numpy array)
    walls - list of walls, each represented as a line (end points) 
    wallProbVec - probability vector of objects' to stand against the wall
    dR - space diagonal (scalar) 

    #  ====>  DIDNOT check direction, i.e. that object is parallel/perpendicular to wall

    nW = len(walls)
    nO = len(backPos)
    wLines = []
    for iW in range(nW):
        wLines.append(sgls.LineString((walls[iW][0], walls[iW][1])))

    wSum = 0
    for iO in range(nO):
        dP = np.array([])
        for iW in range(nW):
            # shortest distance to wall
            dP = np.append(dP, wLines[iW].distance(spt.Point(backPos[iO])))
        wSum += wallProbVec[iO] * min(dP)

    wSum /= (nO * dR)
    return wSum
Пример #4
def loadPolys(config):
    import shapefile
    sf = shapefile.Reader(config['landshapefile'])
    bbx = config['confines']
    shapes = sf.shapes()
    shapeSetOfInterest = [
        linestring.LineString(x.points) for x in shapes
        if toShape(x.points).intersects(bbx)
    return shapeSetOfInterest
def calcGoldenSec(objPos, roomRect, dR):
    calculating objects location w.r.t. golden section lines
     objPos: objects' center position
     roomRect: 4 points of room (or sub-area) rectangle  
     dR: room diagonal

    # make sure the vertices are ordered
    tmpRect = sgp.Polygon(roomRect)
    tmpRect = tmpRect.convex_hull
    t_rect = tmpRect.exterior.coords[0:-1]

    # creating golden lines. Assuming gsRatio = 13/21
    # go over the 2 consecutive pair of vertices and generate the 4-lines, 2 in each side
    gsr = 13.0 / 21.0

    line1 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[0], t_rect[1]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[0]) - np.array(t_rect[1]))
    pt11 = line1.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt12 = line1.interpolate(length * gsr)
    line3 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[2], t_rect[3]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[2]) - np.array(t_rect[3]))
    pt32 = line3.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt31 = line3.interpolate(length * gsr)

    line2 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[1], t_rect[2]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[1]) - np.array(t_rect[2]))
    pt21 = line2.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt22 = line2.interpolate(length * gsr)
    line4 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[3], t_rect[0]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[3]) - np.array(t_rect[0]))
    pt42 = line4.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt41 = line4.interpolate(length * gsr)

    gsLines = []
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt11, pt31)))
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt12, pt32)))
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt21, pt41)))
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt22, pt42)))

    dObjGs = []
    for i in range(len(objPos)):
        dd = []
        for j in range(len(gsLines)):

    gP = np.sum(dObjGs)
    gP /= (1.0 * dR * len(objPos))

    return gP
Пример #6
 def get_linestrings_for_stop_section(self, stop_tuple, trip_id,
                                      from_shape_brake, to_shape_brake):
         assert self.shapes
         shapedict = get_shape_between_stops(
             self.gtfs.conn.cursor(), trip_id, stop_tuple[0], stop_tuple[1],
             (from_shape_brake, to_shape_brake))
         assert not len(set(shapedict["lat"])) <= 1
         assert not len(set(shapedict["lon"])) <= 1
         return shapely.LineString([
             (lon, lat)
             for lat, lon in zip(shapedict["lat"], shapedict["lon"])
     except (ValueError, AssertionError):
         lat0, lon0 = self.gtfs.get_stop_coordinates(stop_tuple[0])
         lat1, lon1 = self.gtfs.get_stop_coordinates(stop_tuple[1])
         if lat0 == lat1 and lon0 == lon1:
             return shapely.LineString([(lon0, lat0), (lon1, lat1)])
Пример #7
 def get_geometry(self, stop_tuple, route, all_routes, cluster_dict):
     #line = get_linestrings_for_stop_section(stop_tuple, trip_id, from_shape_break, to_shape_break)
     #print(stop_tuple, cluster_dict[stop_tuple[0]], cluster_dict[stop_tuple[1]])
     line = shapely.LineString(
         [cluster_dict[stop_tuple[0]][0], cluster_dict[stop_tuple[1]][0]])
     if stop_tuple[0] == stop_tuple[1]:
         return self.route_parallels(line,
Пример #8
    def createAxes(wallSkeletons, slabSkeleton):
        Haxes = []
        Vaxes = []
        intersections = []
        CurPotentialColumns = []
        HorizontalMid, VerticalMid, HaxesCoords, VaxesCoords = WallSkeleton.getMids(
        for coord in VaxesCoords:
            first = (coord, 0)
            second = (coord, round(slabSkeleton.poly.MaxCoords().y(), 2))
            Axis = linestring.LineString([first, second])

        for coord in HaxesCoords:
            first = (0, coord)
            second = (round(slabSkeleton.poly.MaxCoords().x(), 2), coord)
            Axis = linestring.LineString([first, second])

        for Vaxis in Vaxes:
            for Haxis in Haxes:
                intersection = Vaxis.intersection(Haxis)
                if intersection not in intersections:

        Mids = VerticalMid + HorizontalMid
        i = 0

        for pnt in intersections:
            print("Point", pnt.x, pnt.y)
            for mid in Mids:
                if pnt.within(mid):
                    i = i + 1
                    point = Point(round(pnt.x, 2), round(pnt.y, 2))
                    if point not in CurPotentialColumns:

        return Vaxes, Haxes, CurPotentialColumns
Пример #9
    def __new__(self, lines=None):
        if not lines:
            # allow creation of empty multilinestrings, to support unpickling
            # TODO better empty constructor
            return shapely.from_wkt("MULTILINESTRING EMPTY")
        elif isinstance(lines, MultiLineString):
            return lines

        lines = getattr(lines, "geoms", lines)
        m = len(lines)
        subs = []
        for i in range(m):
            line = linestring.LineString(lines[i])
            if line.is_empty:
                raise EmptyPartError(
                    "Can't create MultiLineString with empty component")

        if len(lines) == 0:
            return shapely.from_wkt("MULTILINESTRING EMPTY")

        return shapely.multilinestrings(subs)
Пример #10
    def __new__(self, lines=None):
        lines : sequence
            A sequence of line-like coordinate sequences or objects that
            provide the numpy array interface, including instances of

        Construct a collection containing one line string.

          >>> lines = MultiLineString( [[[0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0]]] )
        if not lines:
            # allow creation of empty multilinestrings, to support unpickling
            # TODO better empty constructor
            return shapely.from_wkt("MULTILINESTRING EMPTY")
        elif isinstance(lines, MultiLineString):
            return lines

        lines = getattr(lines, "geoms", lines)
        m = len(lines)
        subs = []
        for i in range(m):
            line = linestring.LineString(lines[i])
            if line.is_empty:
                raise EmptyPartError(
                    "Can't create MultiLineString with empty component")

        if len(lines) == 0:
            return shapely.from_wkt("MULTILINESTRING EMPTY")

        return shapely.multilinestrings(subs)
Пример #11
def path_to_geos(path):
    import time
    start_time = time.time()
    log = []
    DEBUG = False
#    path_verts, path_codes =  zip(*list(path.iter_segments(curves=False)))
    path_verts, path_codes = path_segments(path, curves=False)
    path_verts = np.array(path_verts)
    path_codes = np.array(path_codes)
    if DEBUG: print 'codes:', path_codes
    verts_split_inds = np.where(path_codes == Path.MOVETO)[0]
    verts_split = np.split(path_verts, verts_split_inds, 0)
    codes_split = np.split(path_codes, verts_split_inds, 0)
    if DEBUG: print 'vs: ', `verts_split`
    if DEBUG: print 'cs: ', `codes_split`
    log.append('split done %s' % (time.time() - start_time))
    collection = []
    for path_verts, path_codes in zip(verts_split, codes_split):
        if len(path_verts) == 0:
        # XXX A path can be given which does not end with close poly, in that situation, we have to guess?
        if DEBUG: print 'pv: ', path_verts
        # XXX Implement a point
        if path_verts.shape[0] > 2 and (path_codes[-1] == Path.CLOSEPOLY or all(path_verts[0, :] == path_verts[-1, :])):
            if path_codes[-1] == Path.CLOSEPOLY:
                ipath2 = polygon.Polygon(path_verts[:-1, :])
                ipath2 = polygon.Polygon(path_verts)
            ipath2 = linestring.LineString(path_verts)
        if (len(collection) > 0 and 
                 isinstance(collection[-1][0], polygon.Polygon) and
                 isinstance(ipath2, polygon.Polygon) and
            # collection is a list of [exernal_poly, list_of_internal_polys]
            collection.append([ipath2, []])
    log.append('collection done before while %s.' % (time.time() - start_time))
    log.append('Len of collection %s.' % (len(collection)))

    res = []
    for external_poly, internal_polys in collection:
#        print external_poly
        if len(internal_polys) > 0:
#            print internal_polys
            # XXX worry about islands within lakes
            poly = polygon.Polygon(external_poly.exterior, internal_polys)
            poly = external_poly
    collection = res
#    if len(collection) > 1:
#        i = 0
#        while i<len(collection)-1:
#            poly = collection[i]
#            poly2 = collection[i+1]
#            # TODO Worry about islands within lakes
#            if isinstance(poly, polygon.Polygon) and isinstance(poly2, polygon.Polygon):  
#                if poly.contains(poly2):
#                    # XXX This is the slow bit!
##                    collection[i] = polygon.Polygon(poly.exterior, list(poly.interiors) + [poly2.exterior])                    
#                    collection.pop(i+1)
#                    continue
#            else:
#                res.append([poly])
#            i+=1
#        log.append('Post len of collection %s.' % (len(collection)))
#        log.append('collection done after while %s' % (time.time() - start_time))
    if len(collection) == 1:
        result = collection
        if all([isinstance(geom, linestring.LineString) for geom in collection]):
            result = [MultiLineString(collection)]
            result = collection
#            if DEBUG: print 'geom: ', collection, type(collection)
#            raise NotImplementedError('The path given was not a collection of line strings, ' 
#                                      'nor a single polygon with interiors.')
    if (time.time() - start_time) > 1:
        print 'geos time %s' % (time.time() - start_time)
        print '\n'.join(log)
    # remove any zero area polygons
    result = filter(lambda geom: (isinstance(geom, polygon.Polygon) and geom.area != 0) or \
                    not isinstance(geom, polygon.Polygon), result) 
    return result
Пример #12
    def cluster_shapes(self):

        # get unique stop-to-stop shapes, with trips aggregated
        # split by nearby stops
        # match splitted, and aggregate trips
        # identify branches: large overlap but crosses buffer, insert pseudo stop at branch
        # split everything again
        # match splitted

        #this query returns shapes for of the maximum trips, both directions
        df = self.gtfs.execute_custom_query_pandas("""WITH 
                a AS (
                SELECT routes.name AS name, shape_id, route_I, trip_I, routes.type, direction_id, 
                max(end_time_ds-start_time_ds) AS trip_duration, count(*) AS n_trips
                FROM trips
                LEFT JOIN routes 
                WHERE start_time_ds >= 7*3600 AND start_time_ds < 8*3600
                GROUP BY routes.route_I, direction_id
                b AS(
                SELECT q1.trip_I AS trip_I, q1.stop_I AS from_stop_I, q2.stop_I AS to_stop_I, q1.seq AS seq, 
                q1.shape_break AS from_shape_break, q2.shape_break AS to_shape_break FROM
                (SELECT stop_I, trip_I, shape_break, seq FROM stop_times) q1,
                (SELECT stop_I, trip_I, shape_break, seq AS seq FROM stop_times) q2
                WHERE q1.seq=q2.seq-1 AND q1.trip_I=q2.trip_I AND q1.trip_I IN (SELECT trip_I FROM a)
                c AS(
                SELECT b.*, name, direction_id, route_I, a.shape_id, group_concat(lat) AS lats, 
                group_concat(lon) AS lons, count(*) AS n_coords FROM b, a, shapes
                WHERE b.trip_I = a.trip_I AND shapes.shape_id=a.shape_id
                AND b.from_shape_break <= shapes.seq AND b.to_shape_break >= shapes.seq
                GROUP BY route_I, direction_id, b.seq
                ORDER BY route_I, b.seq
                SELECT from_stop_I, to_stop_I, group_concat(trip_I) AS trip_ids, 
                group_concat(direction_id) AS direction_ids, lats, lons FROM c
                WHERE n_coords > 1
                GROUP BY from_stop_I, to_stop_I
                ORDER BY count(*) DESC""")

        df["geometry"] = df.apply(lambda row: shapely.LineString([
            (float(lon), float(lat))
            for lon, lat in zip(row["lons"].split(","), row["lats"].split(","))

        gdf = GeoDataFrame(df, crs=self.crs_wgs, geometry=df["geometry"])
        #gdf = gdf.to_crs(self.crs_eurefin)
        gdf = gdf.to_crs(self.crs_wgs)

        gdf = gdf.drop(["lats", "lons"], axis=1)

        stops_set = set(gdf["from_stop_I"]) | set(gdf["to_stop_I"])
        gdf["orig_parent_stops"] = list(
            zip(gdf['from_stop_I'], gdf['to_stop_I']))
        clustered_stops = self.cluster_stops(stops_set)
        cluster_dict = clustered_stops[[
            "new_stop_I", "stop_I", "geometry"
        geom_dict = clustered_stops[[
            "new_stop_I", "geometry"
        gdf["to_stop_I"] = gdf.apply(
            lambda row: cluster_dict[row["to_stop_I"]][0], axis=1)
        gdf["from_stop_I"] = gdf.apply(
            lambda row: cluster_dict[row["from_stop_I"]][0], axis=1)
        # to/from_stop_I: cluster id
        # orig_parent_stops: old id
        # child_stop_I: cluster id
        splitted_gdf = self.split_shapes_by_nearby_stops(clustered_stops, gdf)
        splitted_gdf['child_stop_I'] = splitted_gdf.apply(
            lambda row: ",".join([str(int(x)) for x in row.child_stop_I]),
        splitted_gdf_grouped = splitted_gdf.groupby(['child_stop_I'])
        splitted_gdf_grouped = splitted_gdf_grouped.agg(
                'orig_parent_stops': lambda x: tuple(x),
                'geometry': lambda x: x.iloc[0]

        splitted_gdf = splitted_gdf_grouped.reset_index()
        splitted_gdf['value'] = splitted_gdf.apply(lambda row: 1, axis=1)
        #splitted_gdf = splitted_gdf.set_geometry(splitted_gdf["geometry"], crs=self.crs_eurefin)

        splitted_gdf = self.match_shapes(splitted_gdf)
        splitted_gdf["rand"] = np.random.randint(1, 10, splitted_gdf.shape[0])
        self.plot_geopandas(splitted_gdf, alpha=0.3)
Пример #13
 def HorizontalMids (self, width, height):
     topleft = Pnt.getTopLeft(self.points)
     midleft = (topleft.x(), round(topleft.y()+width/2,2))
     midright = (topleft.x() + height, round(topleft.y() + width/2,2))
     Mid = linestring.LineString([midright, midleft])
     return Mid, midright[1]
Пример #14
def toShape(x):
    if (len(x) == 2):
        return linestring.LineString(x)
    return polygon.asPolygon(x)
Пример #15
def toShape(x):
   if (len(x) == 2):
      return linestring.LineString(x)
Пример #16
 def shape_factory(self, *args):
     return linestring.LineString(*args)
Пример #17
 def VerticalalMids(self, width, height):
     topleft = Pnt.getTopLeft(self.points)
     midleft = (round(topleft.x()+width/2,2),topleft.y())
     midright= (round(topleft.x()+width/2,2),topleft.y()+height)
     Mid = linestring.LineString([midright, midleft])
     return Mid, midright[0]