Пример #1
def compute_adjacent(geography, destination="derived/"):
    """Compute the adjacent precincts."""

    with open(geography) as file:
        data = geojson.load(file)

    polygons = []
    for i in range(len(data.features)):
        n = data[i].properties["GEOID10"]
        if data[i].geometry.type == "Polygon":
            p = polygon.Polygon(data[i].geometry.coordinates[0])
            polygons.append((p, n))
        elif data[i].geometry.type == "MultiPolygon":
            for coordinates in data[i].geometry.coordinates:
                p = polygon.Polygon(coordinates[0])
                polygons.append((p, n))

    t = len(polygons)

    adjacent = {n: [] for p, n in polygons}
        for i, (a, na) in enumerate(polygons[:-1]):
            print("%i/%i %f%%" % (i, t, i / t * 100))
            for (b, nb) in polygons[i + 1:]:
                if a.intersects(b):
        print("cancelled at %i" % i)

    name = get_file_name(geography) + ".adjacency.json"
    with open(get_write_path(destination, name), "w") as file:
        json.dump(adjacent, file)
Пример #2
    def calcProportion(self, objList, roomPoints, desRatio=0.45):

        Till now on the basis of area not volume

        calculating layout-volume-to-room-ratio
         objList: List of all points of each object in room
         roomVol: Room points

        nObj = len(objList)
        objListSp = []
        # Transform to shapely
        for n in range(nObj):
            objListSp.append(sgp.Polygon([[p.x, p.y] for p in objList[n]]))

        roomSp = sgp.Polygon([p.x, p.y] for p in roomPoints)
        objVolSum = 0
        for i in range(len(objListSp)):
            objVolSum += objListSp[i].area

        roomVol = roomSp.area

        gP = max(desRatio - 1.0 * objVolSum / roomVol, 0) / (1.0 * desRatio)
        return gP
Пример #3
    def grow_step(self, verbose=False):
        # first and last pt are identical
        pts = np.array(self.polygon.exterior.coords)[:-1]
        c = self.initial_center
        dr = 0.1 * self.r0
        f = self.boolfunc
        new_pts = pts.copy()  # default stay the same
        for i, p in enumerate(pts):
            if self.stop_growing[i]:
            r_unit = (p - c) / np.linalg.norm(p - c)
            # test new point
            pnew = p + dr * r_unit
            if np.linalg.norm(pnew - c) > self.max_radius:
                self.stop_growing = [True] * self.nsides
                if verbose:
                    print("All points stopped growing because too big")
            elif f(pnew):
                # accept point
                new_pts[i] = pnew
                # bisect old p with pnew
                # for now, define success here
                self.stop_growing[i] = True
                if verbose:
                    print("Point %i stopped growing because success" % i)

        self.polygon = P.Polygon(new_pts)

        # check that new side lengths are not too long
        edge_len_diffs = np.asarray(
            (edge_lengths(self.polygon) - self.edge_length_atol) > 0,
        bad_edge_ixs = np.argwhere(edge_len_diffs).T.flatten()
        if len(bad_edge_ixs) > 0:
            final_pts = new_pts.copy()
            for ix in bad_edge_ixs:
                # Vertices for edge in polygon object are ix and ix+1 which is guaranteed
                # to be in range of indices because last point is repeated.

                # IDEAL CASE:
                # Scan along radius 1/2 way between the two vertices to find a safe point
                # to start a new polygon with same trust radius as this polygon started
                # with

                # PRACTICAL CASE:
                # Revert these indices to their previous values and stop growing them --
                # relying on user to start a different polygon and merge
                final_pts[ix] = pts[ix]
                ix2 = np.mod(ix + 1, self.nsides)
                final_pts[ix2] = pts[ix2]
                self.stop_growing[ix] = self.stop_growing[ix2] = True
                if verbose:
                        "Points %i and %i stopped growing because edge too long"
                        % (ix, ix2))
                    print("   ", pts[ix], pts[ix2])
            self.polygon = P.Polygon(final_pts)
Пример #4
    def overlap_score(self, points_a, points_b):
        region_noisy = polygon.Polygon(points_a)
        region_true = polygon.Polygon(points_b)

        common_area = region_noisy.intersection(region_true).area
        combined_area = region_noisy.union(region_true).area

        percent_overlap = 100*(1. - ((region_true.area - common_area) / region_true.area))

        return np.array([percent_overlap, np.mean(np.linalg.norm(points_a - points_b, axis=1))])
Пример #5
def Polygon2Shapely(p):
    conts = []
    sp = sgeometry.Polygon()
    holes = []
    contours = []
    for ci, c in enumerate(p):
        shapely_p = spolygon.Polygon(c)
        if p.nPoints(ci) > 2 and shapely_p.is_valid:

            if p.isHole(ci):

    #for c in contours:
    sp = shapely.ops.unary_union(contours)
    for h in holes:
        sp = sp.difference(h)

    return sp
Пример #6
def shapelyToChunks(p, zlevel):  #
    chunks = []
    # p=sortContours(p)
    seq = polygon_utils_cam.shapelyToCoords(p)
    i = 0
    for s in seq:
        # progress(p[i])
        if len(s) > 1:
            chunk = camPathChunk([])
            if len(s) == 2:
                chunk.poly = spolygon.Polygon(
                )  # this should maybe be LineString? but for sorting, we need polygon inside functions.
            for v in s:
                # progress (v)
                # print(v)
                if p.has_z:
                    chunk.points.append((v[0], v[1], v[2]))
                    chunk.points.append((v[0], v[1], zlevel))

            # chunk.points.append((chunk.points[0][0],chunk.points[0][1],chunk.points[0][2]))#last point =first point
            if chunk.points[0] == chunk.points[-1] and len(s) > 2:
                chunk.closed = True
        i += 1
    chunks.reverse()  # this is for smaller shapes first.
    return chunks
Пример #7
def PolygonGeoJSONToShp_WGS84(json_fp,
                              shp_fp=None):  #面状GeoJSON文件转成SHP(火星坐标 转 WGS84)
    import coordinate_conversion
    from shapely.geometry import polygon

    if not json_fp.endswith("json"): return False

    if shp_fp is None:
        shp_fp = "{}_wgs84.shp".format(json_fp[:-5])
    elif not shp_fp.endswith("shp"):
        return False

    gdf = geopandas.read_file(json_fp)
    # GCJ02转WGS84
    for i in range(0, len(gdf)):
        poly = gdf.geometry[i]  # 获取空间属性,即GeoSeries
        old_pnts = poly.exterior.coords  #获得坐标串
        new_pnts = []  #新坐标
        for old_pnt in old_pnts:
            lng, lat = old_pnt
            lng, lat = coordinate_conversion.gcj02towgs84(lng, lat)  #转换
            new_pnts.append((lng, lat))
        gdf.geometry[i] = polygon.Polygon(new_pnts)

    # 设置成WGS84,并保存
    gdf.crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
    gdf.to_file(shp_fp, encoding="utf-8")
    return shp_fp
Пример #8
def process_overlay(input_file, output_file):
    fimg = imread(input_file)
    gimg = color.colorconv.rgb2grey(fimg)
    gimg = gimg[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]

    contours = measure.find_contours(
        gimg, 0.8)  # This one line pretty much does everything

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.xlim([0, gimg.shape[1]])
    plt.ylim([0, gimg.shape[0]])
    fig.set_size_inches(gimg.shape[1] / 100, gimg.shape[0] / 100)
    contour_polys = []
    # Paint output
    for n, contour in enumerate(contours):
        inside = False
        for poly in contour_polys:
            # Check if this contour lies inside one of the previous ones.
            if poly.contains(Point(contour[0])):
                inside = True
        if inside:
            countour_color = "w"  # If so, paint it white
            countour_color = "b"  # If not, paint it blue
        ax.fill(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], countour_color, linewidth=0.2)
    # Write to file
    plt.savefig(output_file, transparent=True)
Пример #9
def from_shp_to_polygon(path_to_shape, buffer_p=0.5):
    Read the input shapefile and return a list of polygon objects
    :param path_to_shape: absolute path to the input shapefile
    :param buffer_p: boundary buffer in degree
    # - open the shapefile using the python fiona package
    region_list = list()
    # - read the input regional shapefile
    pol = shapefile.Reader(path_to_shape)
    # - extract polygon-shapes
    sub = pol.shapes()
    # - Build the regional ice-covered region domain
    for ss in range(0, len(sub)):
        if len(sub[ss].parts) > 1:
            # - the shapefile is composed by multiple parts defining an external ring and one ore more
            # - interior holes
            limits = sub[ss].parts
            holes = []  # - holes boundaries
            for x in range(2, len(limits)):
                holes.append(sub[ss].points[limits[x - 1]:limits[x]])
            # - define polygon with holes
            shp_tmp = polygon.Polygon(sub[ss].points[limits[0]:limits[1]],
            # - polygon composed only by an external ring
            shp_tmp = shape(sub[ss]).buffer(buffer_p)

    # -
    return region_list
Пример #10
def chunkToShapely(chunk):
    # pverts=[]

    # for v in chunk.points:

    #	pverts.append((v[0],v[1]))

    p = spolygon.Polygon(chunk.points)
    return p
Пример #11
def Circle(r, np):
    c = []
    v = mathutils.Vector((r, 0, 0))
    e = mathutils.Euler((0, 0, 2.0 * math.pi / np))
    for a in range(0, np):
        c.append((v.x, v.y))

    p = spolygon.Polygon(c)
    return p
Пример #12
def makeGrid(fileName, buff=.4):
    global grid
    grid = Grid()
    grid.buff = buff
    file = open(fileName)
    lines = file.readlines()
    coords = lines[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split()
    xVals = []
    yVals = []
    for xy in coords:

    grid.minX = (float)(min(xVals))
    grid.maxX = (float)(max(xVals))
    grid.minY = (float)(min(yVals))
    grid.maxY = (float)(max(yVals))

    lines = lines[2::]  #delete first two lines

    #Reading obstacles
    #    poly = ptc.Polygon(bounds)       #create polygon based on vertices
    #    poly.get_path().contains_point([2,2]) #see if point in polygon

    while lines[0] != '---\n':
        vertices = []
        ln = lines[0]
        coords = ln.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split()
        for xy in coords:
            xVal = (float)(xy.split(',')[0])
            yVal = (float)(xy.split(',')[1])
            vertices.append([xVal, yVal])

        obs = ptc.Polygon(vertices)
        poly = geometry.Polygon(obs.get_xy())
        if grid.buff != 0:
        lines = lines[1::]

#    grid.obsLineStrings, grid.obsVertices = createLineSegments()

    return grid
def calcGoldenSec(objPos, roomRect, dR):
    calculating objects location w.r.t. golden section lines
     objPos: objects' center position
     roomRect: 4 points of room (or sub-area) rectangle  
     dR: room diagonal

    # make sure the vertices are ordered
    tmpRect = sgp.Polygon(roomRect)
    tmpRect = tmpRect.convex_hull
    t_rect = tmpRect.exterior.coords[0:-1]

    # creating golden lines. Assuming gsRatio = 13/21
    # go over the 2 consecutive pair of vertices and generate the 4-lines, 2 in each side
    gsr = 13.0 / 21.0

    line1 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[0], t_rect[1]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[0]) - np.array(t_rect[1]))
    pt11 = line1.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt12 = line1.interpolate(length * gsr)
    line3 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[2], t_rect[3]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[2]) - np.array(t_rect[3]))
    pt32 = line3.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt31 = line3.interpolate(length * gsr)

    line2 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[1], t_rect[2]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[1]) - np.array(t_rect[2]))
    pt21 = line2.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt22 = line2.interpolate(length * gsr)
    line4 = sgls.LineString((t_rect[3], t_rect[0]))
    length = npla.norm(np.array(t_rect[3]) - np.array(t_rect[0]))
    pt42 = line4.interpolate(length * (1.0 - gsr))
    pt41 = line4.interpolate(length * gsr)

    gsLines = []
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt11, pt31)))
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt12, pt32)))
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt21, pt41)))
    gsLines.append(sgls.LineString((pt22, pt42)))

    dObjGs = []
    for i in range(len(objPos)):
        dd = []
        for j in range(len(gsLines)):

    gP = np.sum(dObjGs)
    gP /= (1.0 * dR * len(objPos))

    return gP
Пример #14
 def getHexagon(self, xColumn: int, yRow: int) -> polygon.Polygon:
     Gets the hexagon (polygon) for the given integer hex cell coordinates
     :param xColumn: the column coordinate
     :param yRow: the row coordinate
     :return: the hexagon
     centreX = xColumn * self.hexagonWidth
     centreY = yRow * self.rowStep
     if yRow % 2 == 1:
         centreX += 0.5 * self.hexagonWidth
     centre = np.array([centreX, centreY])
     return polygon.Polygon([centre + o for o in self.offsetVectors])
Пример #15
    def getSurburbs(self) -> dict:

        suburbDict = {}

        with open('data/melbourne.geojson') as file:
            file_data = json.load(file)

            for i in file_data['features']:

                _id = i['id']

                name = i['properties']['SA2_NAME16']

                suburbDict[_id] = {}

                suburbDict[_id]['name'] = name

                if i['geometry']['type'] == 'Polygon':

                    suburbDict[_id]['type'] = 'Polygon'

                    coordinate_list = i['geometry']['coordinates'][0]

                    suburbDict[_id]['Polygon'] = polygon.Polygon([
                        (x, y) for x, y in coordinate_list

                    suburbDict[_id]['type'] = 'MultiPolygon'

                    suburbDict[_id]['polygons'] = []

                    for coordinates in i['geometry']['coordinates']:

                            polygon.Polygon([(x, y)
                                             for x, y in coordinates[0]]))

        return suburbDict
Пример #16
    def __new__(self, polygons=None):
        if not polygons:
            # allow creation of empty multipolygons, to support unpickling
            # TODO better empty constructor
            return shapely.from_wkt("MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY")
        elif isinstance(polygons, MultiPolygon):
            return polygons

        polygons = getattr(polygons, "geoms", polygons)
        polygons = [
            p for p in polygons
            if p and not (isinstance(p, polygon.Polygon) and p.is_empty)

        L = len(polygons)

        # Bail immediately if we have no input points.
        if L == 0:
            return shapely.from_wkt("MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY")

        # This function does not accept sequences of MultiPolygons: there is
        # no implicit flattening.
        if isinstance(polygons[0], MultiPolygon):
            raise ValueError(
                "Sequences of multi-polygons are not valid arguments")

        subs = []
        for i in range(L):
            ob = polygons[i]
            if not isinstance(ob, polygon.Polygon):
                shell = ob[0]
                holes = ob[1]
                p = polygon.Polygon(shell, holes)
                p = polygon.Polygon(ob)

        return shapely.multipolygons(subs)
Пример #17
    def rectangle_to_polygon(rect):
        resBoxes = np.empty([1, 8], dtype='int32')
        resBoxes[0, 0] = int(rect.xmin)
        resBoxes[0, 4] = int(rect.ymax)
        resBoxes[0, 1] = int(rect.xmin)
        resBoxes[0, 5] = int(rect.ymin)
        resBoxes[0, 2] = int(rect.xmax)
        resBoxes[0, 6] = int(rect.ymin)
        resBoxes[0, 3] = int(rect.xmax)
        resBoxes[0, 7] = int(rect.ymax)

        pointMat = resBoxes[0].reshape([2, 4]).T

        return plg.Polygon(pointMat)
Пример #18
def test1():
    poly1 = P.Polygon([(1, 2), (0, 0), (0.5, -2), (2.5, -1), (2, 1)])
    poly2 = P.Polygon([(1, 1), (2, -3), (6, -1), (5, 1), (3, 3)])

    cent1 = poly1.centroid
    cent2 = poly2.centroid

    assert not poly1.within(poly2)
    assert not poly2.within(poly1)

    poly3 = poly2.union(poly1)
    inter = poly2.intersection(poly1)

    ax = plt.gca()
    plot_coords(ax, poly1.exterior, 'r', 'o-', lw=3)
    plot_coords(ax, poly2.exterior, 'b', 'o-', lw=3)
    ax.plot(cent1.x, cent1.y, 'go')
    ax.plot(cent2.x, cent2.y, 'gs')
    plot_coords(ax, poly3.exterior, 'k', 'o-')

    patch = PolygonPatch(inter, facecolor='#dd3333', alpha=0.5, zorder=0.5)
Пример #19
def fixPolygon(
        poly: Union[polygon.Polygon, multipolygon.MultiPolygon],
        maxAreaDiff=1e-2) -> Union[polygon.Polygon, multipolygon.MultiPolygon]:
    Fix invalid shapely polygons or multipolygons.


    :param poly: the polygon to fix
    :param maxAreaDiff: the maximum change in area
    :return: the fixed polygon or None if it cannot be fixed given the area change constraint
    def _fixPolygonComponent(coords: List[Tuple[float, float]]):
        res = list(
            polygonize(unary_union(LineString(list(coords) + [coords[0]]))))
        return reduce(lambda p1, p2: p1.union(p2), res)

    if poly.is_valid:
        return poly
        if isinstance(poly, polygon.Polygon):
            exteriorCoords = poly.exterior.coords[:]
            fixedExterior = _fixPolygonComponent(exteriorCoords)
            fixedInterior = polygon.Polygon()
            for interior in poly.interiors:
                coords = interior.coords[:]
                fixedInterior = fixedInterior.union(
            fixedPolygon = fixedExterior.difference(fixedInterior)
        elif isinstance(poly, multipolygon.MultiPolygon):
            polys = list(poly)
            fixedPolys = [
                fixPolygon(p, maxAreaDiff=maxAreaDiff) for p in polys
            fixedPolygon = reduce(lambda p1, p2: p1.union(p2), fixedPolys)
            raise Exception(f"Unsupported type {type(poly)}")
        areaDiff = float('Inf') if poly.area == 0 else abs(
            poly.area - fixedPolygon.area) / poly.area
        #log.info(f"Invalid polygon\n{poly}\nComputed fix:\n{fixedPolygon}.\nArea error: {areaDiff}")
        if areaDiff > maxAreaDiff:
            return None
            return fixedPolygon
Пример #20
    def polygon_from_points(points, correctOffset=False):
        Returns a Polygon object to use with the Polygon2 class from a list of 8 points: x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4

        if correctOffset:  #this will substract 1 from the coordinates that correspond to the xmax and ymax
            points[2] -= 1
            points[4] -= 1
            points[5] -= 1
            points[7] -= 1

        resBoxes = np.empty([1, 8], dtype='int32')
        resBoxes[0, 0] = int(points[0])
        resBoxes[0, 4] = int(points[1])
        resBoxes[0, 1] = int(points[2])
        resBoxes[0, 5] = int(points[3])
        resBoxes[0, 2] = int(points[4])
        resBoxes[0, 6] = int(points[5])
        resBoxes[0, 3] = int(points[6])
        resBoxes[0, 7] = int(points[7])
        pointMat = resBoxes[0].reshape([2, 4]).T
        return plg.Polygon(pointMat)
Пример #21
def get_voronoy_multipolygon(x, y ,  edges=None):
    rect: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] -optional-
        Edges of the voronoy map
    from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
    from itertools import product
    # - Define the Grid
    # --------------------
    flagok = np.isnan(x) * np.isnan(y)
    x,y    = x[~flagok], y[~flagok]
    # define extremum to avoid non finished edges
    ext_x,ext_y = np.asarray(list (product([x.min()-x.max()*10,x.mean(), x.max()+x.max()*10],
                                    [y.min()-y.max()*10,y.mean(), y.max()+y.max()*10]))).T

    xy = np.asarray([np.concatenate([x,ext_x]),
    npoint = np.shape(xy)[0]
    vor = Voronoi(xy)
    xy_poly = [[vor.vertices[x] for x in vor.regions[vor.point_region[i]]
                        if x>=0  # this others could be saved
                        ] for i in range(npoint)]

    #edges = polygon.Polygon([[0,0],[0,4100],[2100,4100],[2100,0]])
    polygons = []
    for xy_ in xy_poly:
            p_ = edges.intersection(polygon.Polygon(xy_))
        if p_.area>0:
    return MultiPolygon(polygons)
Пример #22
def content_within_shape(content: np.ndarray, trans: Affine,
                         shape: sgp.LinearRing):

    :param content: data being displayed on the screen
    :param trans: affine transform between content array indices and screen coordinates
    :param shape: LinearRing in screen coordinates (e.g. mercator meters)
    :return: masked_content:masked_array, (y_index_offset:int, x_index_offset:int) containing minified masked content array
    # Get the bounds so we can limit how big our rasterize boolean array actually is
    inv_trans = ~trans
    # convert bounding box to content coordinates
    # (0, 0) image index is upper-left origin of data (needs more work if otherwise)
    nx, ny, mx, my = shape.bounds  # minx,miny,maxx,maxy
    nx, my = inv_trans * (nx, my)
    mx, ny = inv_trans * (mx, ny)
    nx, my = int(nx), int(my)
    mx, ny = int(np.ceil(mx)), int(np.ceil(ny))

    # subset the content (ny is the higher *index*, my is the lower *index*)
    w = (mx - nx) + 1
    h = (ny - my) + 1

    # Make our linear ring a properly oriented shapely polygon
    shape = sgp.Polygon(shape)
    shape = sgp.orient(shape)
    # create a transform that is shifted to where the polygon is
    offset_trans = trans * Affine.translation(nx, my)

    # Get boolean mask for where the polygon is and get an index mask of those positions
    index_mask = np.nonzero(
                  out_shape=(h, w),
    # translate the mask indexes back to the original data array coordinates (original index mask is read-only)
    index_mask = (index_mask[0] + my, index_mask[1] + nx)
    return index_mask, content[index_mask]
def calcLayoutClearance(objList, layoutPoly, entList):
    calculating layout polygons mean overlap 
    objList - List of obstacle objects (polygons)
                Each object is assumed to represent the EXTENDED-bounding-box, i.e., including the extra gap
                required around the object 
    layoutPoly - Nx2 list of ordered vertices defining a 2D polygon of N vertices - room polygon layout
               last point NEQ first point
    entList - List of entrance line segments (2D points). Entrances should not be occluded

    #  =>>>>> CURRENTLY constraints are not included, e.g. entrance, window, power-outlet, TV

    nObj = len(objList)
    objListSp = []
    # Transform to shapely
    for n in range(nObj):

    ovlpSum = 0
    for m in range(nObj - 1):
        for n in range(nObj):
            if m == n:
            ovlp = objListSp[m].intersection(objListSp[n]).area
            ovlpSum += ovlp / objListSp[m].area

    ovlpSum = ovlpSum / (nObj * (nObj - 1))

    # ==> entrance overlap
    # if entLine.touches(tmpPolyLayout) or entLine.intersects(tmpPolyLayout):
    #    ovlp = entLine.intersection(tmpPolyLayout).length / entLine.length

    return ovlpSum
Пример #24
def main():
    print(__file__ + " start!!")

    for i in range(5):
        # start and goal position
        # sx, sy = random.randrange(-125,125), random.randrange(-125,125)  # [m]
        # gx, gy = random.randrange(-125,125), random.randrange(-125,125)  # [m]

        sx, sy = -40.0, -100.0  # [m]
        gx, gy = -40.0, 80.0  # [m]

        robot_radius = 5.0  # [m]

        cnt = 5
        obstacles = []
        for i in range(cnt):
            ObstaclePolygon([150, -150, -150, 150], [150, 150, -150, -150]))

        visible = [False] * (len(obstacles))

        if show_animation:  # pragma: no cover
            plt.plot(sx, sy, "or")
            plt.plot(gx, gy, "ob")
            for ob in obstacles:


        #create a planner and initalize it with the agent's pose
        plan = Planner([sx, sy, 0], [])
        world = sp.Polygon()
            fov = FieldOfView([sx, sy, 0], 40 / 180.0 * math.pi, obstacles)
            #fovChecker = FieldOfView( [sx,sy,0], 40/180.0*math.pi, [obstacles[-1]])
            fovChecker = FieldOfView([sx, sy, 0], 355 / 180.0 * math.pi,
            for stepSize, heading in plan.closedLoopPlannerFast([gx, gy]):

                #needs to be replaced with turning the agent to the appropriate heading in the simulator, then stepping.
                #the resulting agent position / heading should be used to set plan.agent* values.
                plan.agentH = heading
                plan.agentX = plan.agentX + stepSize * math.sin(plan.agentH)
                plan.agentY = plan.agentY + stepSize * math.cos(plan.agentH)

                #any new obstacles that were observed during the step should be added to the planner
                for i in range(len(obstacles)):
                    if not visible[i] and obstacles[i].minDistanceToVertex(
                            plan.agentX, plan.agentY) < 30:
                        visible[i] = True

                fov.agentX = plan.agentX
                fov.agentY = plan.agentY
                fov.agentH = plan.agentH
                poly = fov.getFoVPolygon(100)

                view = sp.Polygon(zip(poly.x_list, poly.y_list))
                world = world.union(view)

                cx, cy, h = random.randrange(-125, 125), random.randrange(
                    -125, 125), random.random() * 2 * math.pi  # [m]
                fovChecker.agentX = cx
                fovChecker.agentY = cy
                fovChecker.agentH = h
                checkPoly = fovChecker.getFoVPolygon(10)

                newPoly = sp.Polygon(zip(checkPoly.x_list, checkPoly.y_list))
                newPoly = newPoly.difference(world)

                if show_animation:
                    plt.plot(plan.agentX, plan.agentY, "or")
                    plt.plot(gx, gy, "ob")

                    if world.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
                        for i in range(len(world)):
                            pts = world[i].exterior.coords
                            plt.fill([p[0] for p in pts], [p[1] for p in pts],
                        pts = world.exterior.coords
                        plt.fill([p[0] for p in pts], [p[1] for p in pts],

                    if newPoly.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
                        for i in range(len(newPoly)):
                            pts = newPoly[i].exterior.coords
                            plt.fill([p[0] for p in pts], [p[1] for p in pts],
                        pts = newPoly.exterior.coords
                        plt.fill([p[0] for p in pts], [p[1] for p in pts],

                    plt.text(-125, -125,
                             "Random View Area: {:0.5}".format(newPoly.area))

                    for i in range(len(obstacles)):
                        if visible[i]:

Пример #25
    def __init__(self,
        c is the center seed point
        p1 is any point that defines the initial radius
           relative to c.
           (p1 will become one vertex of the polygon.)
        condition_func is a function of (x,y) tuple that
           returns a scalar, or a sequence of such functions.
           The domain is defined by the set of connected points
           with the same sign as condition_func(c).
        rtol (default 0.1) is the relative tolerance of
           the growth stopping condition, as a fraction of the
           initial "radius" of the regular polygon defined
           by |p1-c|.
        nsides (default 10) is the initial number of sides
           for the polygons.
        edge_len_rtol (default 2) is the factor of |p1-c| that
           determines the maximum side length of a polygon edge
           before new vertex is added adaptively during domain
        max_radius_fac (default 1000) is the factor of |p1-c|
           that determines the largest distance from c that
           a grown polygon can be before the iterations stop.
        reseed_rate_fac (default 10) is the factor of |p1-c|
           that determines how far from the original center
           seed point the polygon can grow in any direction
           before a new seed polygon is added ???????????????
        self.initial_center = np.asarray(c)
        self.initial_p = np.asarray(p1)
        self.initial_r = self.initial_p - self.initial_center
        if callable(condition_func):
            # single function
            target_fsign = np.sign(condition_func(c))
            self.boolfunc = lambda p: np.sign(condition_func(p, fsign = target_fsign)) == \
            # list of functions
            target_fsigns = [np.sign(f(c)) for f in condition_func]
            self.boolfunc = lambda p: [np.sign(f(p)) for f in condition_func] == \
        # check that p1 satifies same sign
        if not self.boolfunc(p1):
            #raise dst.PyDSTool_ValueError("f(p1) has different sign to f(c)")\
            #print("Error: f(p1) has different sign to f(c)")
            warnings.warn("Warning: f(p1) has different sign to f(c)")
            # distance scale and initial trust radius
            self.r0 = np.linalg.norm(p1 - c)
            self.max_radius = max_radius_fac * self.r0
            self.edge_resolution_atol = rtol * self.r0
            self.edge_length_atol = edge_len_rtol * self.r0
            # angle of trust radius line to x-axis
            theta1 = math.acos(self.initial_r[0] / self.r0)
            dtheta = 2 * math.pi / nsides
            # distribute angles uniformly over the circle
            # and compute nsides-1 new polygon vertices from p1
            pt_list = [self.initial_center + \
                               for i in range(nsides)]
            self.polygon = P.Polygon(pt_list)
            self.nsides = nsides

            self.stop_growing = [False] * self.nsides
Пример #26
from shapely.geometry import polygon
bounding_for_maz = polygon.Polygon([(564413, 892531), (618474, 892531),
                                    (564413, 894696), (618474, 894696)])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# <nbformat>3.0</nbformat>

# <codecell>

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1,2,3,4]
y = [1,2,3,4]
m = [[15,14,13,12],[14,12,10,8],[13,10,7,4],[12,8,4,0]]
cs = plt.contour(x,y,m)

# <codecell>

from shapely.geometry import polygon as sp
for i in range(len(cs.collections)):
    p = cs.collections[i].get_paths()[0]
    v = p.vertices
    x = v[:,0]
    y = v[:,1]
    if len(x)>2:
        poly = sp.Polygon([(i[0], i[1]) for i in zip(x,y)])
        print i, poly, poly.area

# <codecell>

Пример #28
def path_to_geos(path):
    import time
    start_time = time.time()
    log = []
    DEBUG = False
#    path_verts, path_codes =  zip(*list(path.iter_segments(curves=False)))
    path_verts, path_codes = path_segments(path, curves=False)
    path_verts = np.array(path_verts)
    path_codes = np.array(path_codes)
    if DEBUG: print 'codes:', path_codes
    verts_split_inds = np.where(path_codes == Path.MOVETO)[0]
    verts_split = np.split(path_verts, verts_split_inds, 0)
    codes_split = np.split(path_codes, verts_split_inds, 0)
    if DEBUG: print 'vs: ', `verts_split`
    if DEBUG: print 'cs: ', `codes_split`
    log.append('split done %s' % (time.time() - start_time))
    collection = []
    for path_verts, path_codes in zip(verts_split, codes_split):
        if len(path_verts) == 0:
        # XXX A path can be given which does not end with close poly, in that situation, we have to guess?
        if DEBUG: print 'pv: ', path_verts
        # XXX Implement a point
        if path_verts.shape[0] > 2 and (path_codes[-1] == Path.CLOSEPOLY or all(path_verts[0, :] == path_verts[-1, :])):
            if path_codes[-1] == Path.CLOSEPOLY:
                ipath2 = polygon.Polygon(path_verts[:-1, :])
                ipath2 = polygon.Polygon(path_verts)
            ipath2 = linestring.LineString(path_verts)
        if (len(collection) > 0 and 
                 isinstance(collection[-1][0], polygon.Polygon) and
                 isinstance(ipath2, polygon.Polygon) and
            # collection is a list of [exernal_poly, list_of_internal_polys]
            collection.append([ipath2, []])
    log.append('collection done before while %s.' % (time.time() - start_time))
    log.append('Len of collection %s.' % (len(collection)))

    res = []
    for external_poly, internal_polys in collection:
#        print external_poly
        if len(internal_polys) > 0:
#            print internal_polys
            # XXX worry about islands within lakes
            poly = polygon.Polygon(external_poly.exterior, internal_polys)
            poly = external_poly
    collection = res
#    if len(collection) > 1:
#        i = 0
#        while i<len(collection)-1:
#            poly = collection[i]
#            poly2 = collection[i+1]
#            # TODO Worry about islands within lakes
#            if isinstance(poly, polygon.Polygon) and isinstance(poly2, polygon.Polygon):  
#                if poly.contains(poly2):
#                    # XXX This is the slow bit!
##                    collection[i] = polygon.Polygon(poly.exterior, list(poly.interiors) + [poly2.exterior])                    
#                    collection.pop(i+1)
#                    continue
#            else:
#                res.append([poly])
#            i+=1
#        log.append('Post len of collection %s.' % (len(collection)))
#        log.append('collection done after while %s' % (time.time() - start_time))
    if len(collection) == 1:
        result = collection
        if all([isinstance(geom, linestring.LineString) for geom in collection]):
            result = [MultiLineString(collection)]
            result = collection
#            if DEBUG: print 'geom: ', collection, type(collection)
#            raise NotImplementedError('The path given was not a collection of line strings, ' 
#                                      'nor a single polygon with interiors.')
    if (time.time() - start_time) > 1:
        print 'geos time %s' % (time.time() - start_time)
        print '\n'.join(log)
    # remove any zero area polygons
    result = filter(lambda geom: (isinstance(geom, polygon.Polygon) and geom.area != 0) or \
                    not isinstance(geom, polygon.Polygon), result) 
    return result
Пример #29
def medial_axis(o):
    print('operation: Medial Axis')
    print('doing highly experimental stuff')

    from cam.voronoi import Site, computeVoronoiDiagram

    chunks = []

    gpoly = spolygon.Polygon()
    angle = o.cutter_tip_angle
    slope = math.tan(math.pi * (90 - angle / 2) / 180)
    if o.cutter_type == 'VCARVE':
        angle = o.cutter_tip_angle
        # start the max depth calc from the "start depth" of the operation.
        maxdepth = o.maxz - math.tan(
            math.pi * (90 - angle / 2) / 180) * o.cutter_diameter / 2
        # don't cut any deeper than the "end depth" of the operation.
        if maxdepth < o.minz:
            maxdepth = o.minz
            # the effective cutter diameter can be reduced from it's max since we will be cutting shallower than the original maxdepth
            # without this, the curve is calculated as if the diameter was at the original maxdepth and we get the bit
            # pulling away from the desired cut surface
            o.cutter_diameter = (maxdepth - o.maxz) / (
                -math.tan(math.pi * (90 - angle / 2) / 180)) * 2
    elif o.cutter_type == 'BALLNOSE' or o.cutter_type == 'BALL':
        # angle = o.cutter_tip_angle
        maxdepth = o.cutter_diameter / 2
        o.warnings += 'Only Ballnose, Ball and V-carve cutters\n are supported'
    # remember resolutions of curves, to refine them,
    # otherwise medial axis computation yields too many branches in curved parts
    resolutions_before = []
    for ob in o.objects:
        if ob.type == 'CURVE' or ob.type == 'FONT':
            if ob.data.resolution_u < 64:
                ob.data.resolution_u = 64

    polys = utils.getOperationSilhouete(o)
    mpoly = sgeometry.asMultiPolygon(polys)
    mpoly_boundary = mpoly.boundary
    for poly in polys:
        schunks = shapelyToChunks(poly, -1)
        schunks = chunksRefineThreshold(
            schunks, o.medial_axis_subdivision,
            o.medial_axis_threshold)  # chunksRefine(schunks,o)

        verts = []
        for ch in schunks:
            for pt in ch.points:
                # pvoro = Site(pt[0], pt[1])
                verts.append(pt)  # (pt[0], pt[1]), pt[2])
        # verts= points#[[vert.x, vert.y, vert.z] for vert in vertsPts]
        nDupli, nZcolinear = unique(verts)
        nVerts = len(verts)
        print(str(nDupli) + " duplicates points ignored")
        print(str(nZcolinear) + " z colinear points excluded")
        if nVerts < 3:
            print("Not enough points")
            return {'FINISHED'}
        # Check colinear
        xValues = [pt[0] for pt in verts]
        yValues = [pt[1] for pt in verts]
        if checkEqual(xValues) or checkEqual(yValues):
            print("Points are colinear")
            return {'FINISHED'}
        # Create diagram
        print("Tesselation... (" + str(nVerts) + " points)")
        xbuff, ybuff = 5, 5  # %
        zPosition = 0
        vertsPts = [Point(vert[0], vert[1], vert[2]) for vert in verts]
        # vertsPts= [Point(vert[0], vert[1]) for vert in verts]

        pts, edgesIdx = computeVoronoiDiagram(vertsPts,

        # pts=[[pt[0], pt[1], zPosition] for pt in pts]
        newIdx = 0
        vertr = []
        filteredPts = []
        print('filter points')
        for p in pts:
            if not poly.contains(sgeometry.Point(p)):
                vertr.append((True, -1))
                vertr.append((False, newIdx))
                if o.cutter_type == 'VCARVE':
                    # start the z depth calc from the "start depth" of the operation.
                    z = o.maxz - mpoly.boundary.distance(
                        sgeometry.Point(p)) * slope
                    if z < maxdepth:
                        z = maxdepth
                elif o.cutter_type == 'BALL' or o.cutter_type == 'BALLNOSE':
                    d = mpoly_boundary.distance(sgeometry.Point(p))
                    r = o.cutter_diameter / 2.0
                    if d >= r:
                        z = -r
                        # print(r, d)
                        z = -r + sqrt(r * r - d * d)
                    z = 0  #
                # print(mpoly.distance(sgeometry.Point(0,0)))
                # if(z!=0):print(z)
                filteredPts.append((p[0], p[1], z))
                newIdx += 1

        print('filter edges')
        filteredEdgs = []
        ledges = []
        for e in edgesIdx:

            do = True
            p1 = pts[e[0]]
            p2 = pts[e[1]]
            # print(p1,p2,len(vertr))
            if vertr[e[0]][0]:  # exclude edges with allready excluded points
                do = False
            elif vertr[e[1]][0]:
                do = False
            if do:
                filteredEdgs.append(((vertr[e[0]][1], vertr[e[1]][1])))
        # print(ledges[-1].has_z)

        bufpoly = poly.buffer(-o.cutter_diameter / 2, resolution=64)

        lines = shapely.ops.linemerge(ledges)
        # print(lines.type)

        if bufpoly.type == 'Polygon' or bufpoly.type == 'MultiPolygon':
            lines = lines.difference(bufpoly)
            chunks.extend(shapelyToChunks(bufpoly, maxdepth))
        chunks.extend(shapelyToChunks(lines, 0))

        # segments=[]
        # processEdges=filteredEdgs.copy()
        # chunk=camPathChunk([])
        # chunk.points.append(filteredEdgs.pop())
        # while len(filteredEdgs)>0:

        # Create new mesh structure

        # print("Create mesh...")
        # voronoiDiagram = bpy.data.meshes.new("VoronoiDiagram") #create a new mesh
        # voronoiDiagram.from_pydata(filteredPts, filteredEdgs, []) #Fill the mesh with triangles
        # voronoiDiagram.update(calc_edges=True) #Update mesh with new data
        # #create an object with that mesh
        # voronoiObj = bpy.data.objects.new("VoronoiDiagram", voronoiDiagram)
        # #place object
        # #bpy.ops.view3d.snap_cursor_to_selected()#move 3d-cursor
        # #update scene
        # bpy.context.scene.objects.link(voronoiObj) #Link object to scene
        # bpy.context.scene.objects.active = voronoiObj
        # voronoiObj.select = True

    # bpy.ops.object.convert(target='CURVE')
    oi = 0
    for ob in o.objects:
        if ob.type == 'CURVE' or ob.type == 'FONT':
            ob.data.resolution_u = resolutions_before[oi]
            oi += 1

    # bpy.ops.object.join()
    chunks = utils.sortChunks(chunks, o)

    layers = getLayers(o, o.maxz, o.min.z)

    chunklayers = []

    for layer in layers:
        for chunk in chunks:
            if chunk.isbelowZ(layer[0]):
                newchunk = chunk.copy()

    if o.first_down:
        chunklayers = utils.sortChunks(chunklayers, o)

    chunksToMesh(chunklayers, o)
Пример #30
 def shape_factory(self, *args):
     return polygon.Polygon(*args)