Пример #1
    def mask_layer(drawing):
        result = []
        if buffers is not None:
            mask = np.random.choice(masks, size=1, replace=False, p=probs)[0]
            mask = shapely_mask
        for path in drawing:
            shapely_path = LineString(path)

                if invert:
                    intersection = shapely_path.difference(mask)
                    intersection = shapely_path.intersection(mask)
            except TopologicalError:
            if type(intersection) is LineString:
                intersection = [intersection]  # simulate multilinestring
            elif type(intersection) is Point:

            for thing in intersection:
                if type(thing) is LineString:
                    masked_line = np.array(thing.coords)
                    if len(masked_line) > 0:

        return result
    def _find_cells_on_vector_with_line(self, start_pt, vector):
        """ Given a vector in coordinates (x, y), this function returns all of the cells (in world coordinates)
            that lie along the vector, starting from the start_position.
        # Solve for the case when one of the vector components is zero (breaks the line distance function)
        if vector[0] == 0:
            vector[0] += 1e-10
        if vector[1] == 0:
            vector[1] += 1e-10

        end_pt = np.array([start_pt[0] + vector[0], start_pt[1] + vector[1]])
        line = LineString((start_pt, end_pt))

        cells_on_line = []
            for k, segment in enumerate(line.difference(self.grid_lines)):
                x, y = segment.xy
                i, j = self._cartesian_to_mesh(x[1], y[1])
                cells_on_line.append((i, j))
                # plt.plot(x, y)
                # plt.text(np.mean(x), np.mean(y), str(k))

            # plt.scatter(start_pt[0], start_pt[1], color='red')
            # plt.text(start_pt[0], start_pt[0], f'({start_pt[0]:.1f}, {start_pt[1]:.1f})')
            # plt.show()
        except TypeError:
            i, j = self._cartesian_to_mesh(end_pt[0], end_pt[1])
            cells_on_line.append((i, j))

        return cells_on_line
Пример #3
def Node_translation(i, F, list_o):
    """This function takes 3 inputs:
    - i: the node to move
    - F: the force that moves the node
    - list_o: the obstacle list
    It returns a new node that is the result of the input node translation"""

    temp = i.translation(F)
    dist_init = i.coord.distance(temp.coord)
    g = F.x * 1000
    h = F.y * 1000
    F_temp = Vector(g, h)
    projection = i.translation(F_temp)
    line = LineString([(i.coord.x, i.coord.y),
                       (projection.coord.x, projection.coord.y)])

    dist_min = None
    closest_obs = None
    for elt in list_o:
        difference = line.difference(elt)
        if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':  # In this case we meet an obstacle on our way
            dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
            if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                dist_min = dist
                closest_obs = elt
    if dist_min != None and dist_min < dist_init:  # If dist_min is different from None, that means we meet and osbtacle and we need to reduce the translation.
        #print("CHANGEMENT CAR distance initale {} > dist_min {}".format(dist_init, dist_min))
        ratio = (dist_min * 0.9) / dist_init
        F.x = F.x * ratio
        F.y = F.y * ratio
        temp = i.translation(F)
    #We must also verify that the node doesn't move out of our field of interest.
    inField = True
    x = temp.coord.x
    y = temp.coord.y
    if temp.coord.x < (-xfield) / 2:
        x = (-xfield) / 2
        inField = False
    elif temp.coord.x > xfield / 2:
        x = xfield / 2
        inField = False
    if temp.coord.y < (-yfield) / 2:
        y = (-yfield) / 2
        inField = False
    elif temp.coord.y > yfield / 2:
        y = yfield / 2
        inField = False
    if inField == False:
        temp = Node(x, y, i.id)

    return temp
Пример #4
def get_vessel_mask(plot=False):
	Returns Vessel Mask
		plot - if we want to plot mask
		mask - vessel mask (N_ROWS,N_COLS) if 0 - vessel not there , 1 - otherwise

    R, Z = get_vessel_COMPASS()

    vessel = [[R[i], Z[i], R[i + 1], Z[i + 1]] for i in range(len(R) - 1)]

    r_space = np.linspace(R_MIN, R_MAX, num=N_COLS + 1)
    z_space = np.linspace(Z_MIN, Z_MAX, num=N_ROWS + 1)

    grid = []

    for r in r_space:
        grid.append([(r, Z_MIN), (r, Z_MAX)])

    for z in z_space:
        grid.append([(R_MIN, z), (R_MAX, z)])

    grid = MultiLineString(grid)

    mask = np.zeros((N_ROWS, N_COLS))
    for (r_start, z_start, r_end, z_end) in vessel:
        line = LineString([(r_start, z_start), (r_end, z_end)])
        for (k, segment) in enumerate(line.difference(grid)):
            rr, zz = segment.xy
            r_mean = np.mean(rr)
            z_mean = np.mean(zz)
            (i, j) = transform(r_mean, z_mean)
            mask[i, j] = 1.

    mask = np.array(mask)
    print 'mask:', mask.shape, mask.dtype

    if plot:
        plt.plot(R, Z, 'r')
                   extent=[R_MIN, R_MAX, Z_MIN, Z_MAX])

    return mask
Пример #5
def closest_polygon(x, y, angle, polygons, dist=10000):

    angle = angle * pi / 180.0
    line = LineString([(x, y), (x + dist * sin(angle), y + dist * cos(angle))])

    dist_min = None
    closest_polygon = None
    for i in range(len(polygons)):
        difference = line.difference(polygons[i])
        if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
            dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
            if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                dist_min = dist
                closest_polygon = i

    return {'closest_polygon': closest_polygon, 'distance': dist_min}
Пример #6
def fill_polygon(p: Polygon, pen_width: float) -> MultiLineString:
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = p.bounds

    result = []
    while not p.is_empty:
        if p.geom_type == "Polygon":
        elif p.geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
            result.extend(poly.boundary for poly in p)
        p = p.buffer(-pen_width)

    mls = unary_union(result)

    # we add a center line to be cut with a buffered version of the hatching lines
    c = 0.5 * (miny + maxy)
    ls = LineString([(minx, c), (maxx, c)])
    return mls.union(ls.difference(mls.buffer(0.55 * pen_width)))
Пример #7
def closest_polygon(x, y, angle, polygons, dist = 10000):
    angle = angle * pi / 180.0
    line = LineString([(x, y), (x + dist * sin(angle), y + dist * cos(angle))])

    dist_min = None
    closest_polygon = None
    for i in range(len(polygons)):
        difference = line.difference(polygons[i])
        if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
            dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
            if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                dist_min = dist
                closest_polygon = i
    return {'closest_polygon': closest_polygon, 'distance': dist_min}
Пример #8
def closest_polygon(x, y, angle, polygons, dist = 100):
    angle = angle * pi / 180.0
    line = LineString([(x, y), (x + dist * sin(angle), y + dist * cos(angle))])

    i = 0  
    dist_min = None
    for polygon in polygons:
        difference = line.difference(polygon)
        print i, difference
        if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
            dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
            print dist
            if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                dist_min = dist
        i += 1
    print "Dist min: " , dist_min
    return i
Пример #9
def closest_polygon(x, y, angle, polygons, dist=100):

    angle = angle * pi / 180.0
    line = LineString([(x, y), (x + dist * sin(angle), y + dist * cos(angle))])

    i = 0
    dist_min = None
    for polygon in polygons:

        difference = line.difference(polygon)
        print i, difference
        if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
            dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
            print dist
            if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                dist_min = dist
        i += 1
    print "Dist min: ", dist_min

    return i
Пример #10
def closest_polygon(x, y, angle, polygons, dist=100):

    angle = angle * pi / 180.0
    line = LineString([(x, y), (x + dist * sin(angle), y + dist * cos(angle))])

    i = 0
    dist_min = None
    closest = None
    for polygon in polygons:

        difference = line.difference(polygon)

        if difference.geom_type == "MultiLineString":
            dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length

            if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                dist_min = dist
                closest = i
        i += 1

    return closest
Пример #11
    def closest_polygon(self, angle, dist=280000000):

        angle = angle * pi / 180.0
        line = LineString([(self.xpt, self.ypt), (self.xpt + dist * sin(angle), self.ypt + dist * cos(angle))])

        i = 0
        dist_min = None
        index_min = None
        for polygon in self.polygons:
                difference = line.difference(polygon)
                if difference.geom_type == "MultiLineString":

                    dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
                    # print i, dist
                    if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                        dist_min = dist
                        index_min = i
            except Exception, ex:
                # print "%d doesn't work"%i
            i += 1
Пример #12
def Node_translation(i, F, list_o):
    """This function takes 3 inputs:
    - i: the node to move
    - F: the force that moves the node
    - list_o: the obstacle list
    It returns a new node that is the result of the input node translation"""

    temp = i.translation(F)
    dist_init = i.coord.distance(temp.coord)
    g = F.x * 1000
    h = F.y * 1000
    F_temp = Vector(g, h)
    projection = i.translation(F_temp)
    line = LineString([(i.coord.x, i.coord.y),
                       (projection.coord.x, projection.coord.y)])

    dist_min = None
    closest_obs = None
    for elt in list_o:
        difference = line.difference(elt)
        if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':  # In this case we meet an obstacle on our way
            dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
            if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                dist_min = dist
                closest_obs = elt
    if dist_min != None and dist_min < dist_init:  # If dist_min is different from None, that means we meet and osbtacle and we need to reduce the translation.
        print("CHANGEMENT CAR distance initale {} > dist_min {}".format(
            dist_init, dist_min))
        ratio = (dist_min * 0.9) / dist_init
        F.x = F.x * ratio
        F.y = F.y * ratio
        temp = i.translation(F)
        print("PAS DE CHANGEMENT CAR distance initale {} < dist_min {}".format(
            dist_init, dist_min))

    return temp
Пример #13
def closest_polygon(x, y, angle, polygons, dist = 900000):
    angle = angle * pi / 180.0
    line = LineString([(x, y), (x + dist * sin(angle), y + dist * cos(angle))])

    i = 0  
    dist_min = None
    index_min = None
    for polygon in polygons:

            difference = line.difference(polygon)
            #print i, difference
            if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
                dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
                #print i, dist
                if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                    dist_min = dist
                    index_min = i
        except Exception, ex:
            #print "%d doesn't work"%i
        i += 1
Пример #14
def closest_polygon(x, y, angle, polygons, dist=900000):

    angle = angle * pi / 180.0
    line = LineString([(x, y), (x + dist * sin(angle), y + dist * cos(angle))])

    i = 0
    dist_min = None
    index_min = None
    for polygon in polygons:

            difference = line.difference(polygon)
            #print i, difference
            if difference.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':

                dist = list(difference.geoms)[0].length
                #print i, dist
                if dist_min is None or dist_min > dist:
                    dist_min = dist
                    index_min = i
        except Exception, ex:
            #print "%d doesn't work"%i
        i += 1
Пример #15
def get_los_mask(plot = False, los = 'Full'):
	Returns los mask considering no width in los
		plot - if we want to plot mask
		los - List with los to be calculated (by default 'Full' assumes all of them)
		mask - vessel mask (N_ROWS,N_COLS) value corresponds to length of the los in each pixel

	Ri, Rf, Zi, Zf = get_los_JET()	

	if los != 'Full':
		Ri = [Ri[i] for i in los] 
		Rf = [Rf[i] for i in los]
		Zi = [Zi[i] for i in los]
		Zf = [Zf[i] for i in los]

	r_space = np.linspace(R_MIN, R_MAX, num = N_COLS+1)
	z_space = np.linspace(Z_MIN, Z_MAX, num = N_ROWS+1)

	grid = []

	for r in r_space:
		grid.append([(r, Z_MIN), (r, Z_MAX)])

	for z in z_space:
		grid.append([(R_MIN, z), (R_MAX, z)])

	grid = MultiLineString(grid)

	mask = np.zeros((N_LOS,N_ROWS, N_COLS))

	for (los,(r_start, z_start, r_end, z_end)) in enumerate(zip(Ri,Zi,Rf,Zf)):

		line = LineString([(r_start, z_start), (r_end, z_end)])

		for (k, segment) in enumerate(line.difference(grid)):
			rr, zz = segment.xy
			r_mean = np.mean(rr)
			z_mean = np.mean(zz)
				(i,j) = transform(r_mean, z_mean)
				mask[los,i,j] = segment.length
			except :

	mask = np.array(mask, dtype = np.float32)
	print 'mask:', mask.shape, mask.dtype

	if plot:
		R,Z = get_vessel_JET()
		for (r_start, z_start, r_end, z_end) in zip(Ri,Zi,Rf,Zf):
			plt.plot((r_start,r_end), (z_start,z_end), 'r',lw = .7)

		plt.imshow(np.sum(mask, axis = 0), vmin=0, vmax=np.max(mask), origin = 'lower', extent = [R_MIN, R_MAX, Z_MIN, Z_MAX])
		plt.xlabel('R (m)')
		plt.ylabel('Z (m)')

	return mask
Пример #16
def get_part_outside_polygon(line: LineString, polygon: Polygon) -> float:
    return float(line.difference(polygon).length) / float(line.length)
Пример #17
for x in x_grid:
    grid.append([(x, y_min), (x, y_max)])

for y in y_grid:
    grid.append([(x_min, y), (x_max, y)])

grid = MultiLineString(grid)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

projections = []

for row in df.itertuples():
    line = LineString([(row.x0, row.y0), (row.x1, row.y1)])
    projection = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols))
    for segment in line.difference(grid):
        xx, yy = segment.xy
        x_mean = np.mean(xx)
        y_mean = np.mean(yy)
        (i, j) = transform(x_mean, y_mean)
        projection[i, j] = segment.length
    projections.append(projection * row.etendue)

projections = np.array(projections)

print('projections:', projections.shape, projections.dtype)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

fname = 'projections.npy'
print('Writing:', fname)
Пример #18
def yields1(agent1_traj, speed1=None, agent2_traj=None, speed2=None, params={}):
    """Returns True if agent1 and agent2 start on different paths, end up in the same path, and agent2 gets first to the joint part of the path.

        "turn": {"turn_threshold": 2.0, "window_size": 5, "window_std": 10.0},
        "velocity": {"vel_threshold": (1.0, 0.05)},
        "acceleration": {"acc_threshold": 0.04, "window_size": 5, "window_std": 0.04},
        "lane_change": {
            "lane_threshold": 0.3,
            "skip_threshold": 2,
            "window_size": 5,
            "max_intersection": 3,
            "max_lanes_in_window": 2,
            "intersection_radius": 7.5,  # Standard lane width is 3.7m in the US
        "follow": {"min_overlaps": 10},
        "yield": {
            # "yielding_time_gap": 1,
            # "yielding_prefix": 5,
            # "yielding_dt": 5,
            # "yielding_dilation_radius": 0.5,
            # "yielding_initial_distance": 5,
            "yielding_time_gap": 1,
            "yielding_prefix": 1,
            "yielding_dt": 0.5,
            "yielding_dilation_radius": 0.1,
            "yielding_initial_distance": 1,

    params = FILTER_PARAMS['yield']

    if agent1_traj.shape[0] < 3:
        return False
    def compute_trajectory_stats(traj, speed, dilation):
        """Compute trajectory stats needed for yielding"""
        positions = traj[:, :2]
        spd1 = speed
        t = 0.5*np.arange(traj.shape[0])
        sl = LineString(positions.tolist()).buffer(dilation)
        return positions, spd1, t, sl

    yielding_dilation_radius = params["yielding_dilation_radius"]

    positions1, spd1, t1, sl1 = compute_trajectory_stats(agent1_traj, speed1, yielding_dilation_radius)

    positions2, spd2, t2, sl2 = compute_trajectory_stats(agent2_traj, speed2, yielding_dilation_radius)

    intersection = sl1.intersection(sl2)
    idxs1 = find_points_in_region(positions1, intersection)
    idxs2 = find_points_in_region(positions2, intersection)
    if len(idxs1) == 0 or len(idxs2) == 0:
        return False

    # The trajectories upto the intersection.
    positions1b = positions1[: idxs1[0], :]
    positions2b = positions2[: idxs2[0], :]

    if positions1b.shape[0] < 2 or positions2b.shape[0] < 2:
        return False

    sl1b = LineString(positions1b[:, :2]).buffer(yielding_dilation_radius)
    sl2b = LineString(positions2b[:, :2]).buffer(yielding_dilation_radius)

    # The regions that cross eachother
    sl1_only = (sl1b.difference(sl2)).buffer(-yielding_dilation_radius / 2.0)
    sl2_only = (sl2b.difference(sl1)).buffer(-yielding_dilation_radius / 2.0)
    # Skip if no overlaps in the trajectory.
    if len(idxs1) == 0 or len(idxs2) == 0:
        return False
    idx1_m1 = max(0, idxs1[0] - params["yielding_dt"])
    if (sl1_only.length > params["yielding_prefix"]  # long enough prefix for trajectory 1
        and sl2_only.length > params["yielding_prefix"]  # long enough prefix for trajectory 2
        and t1[idxs1[0]] - t2[idxs2[0]] > params["yielding_time_gap"]  # agent 1 is before agent 2
        and spd1[idx1_m1] - spd1[idxs1[0]] > -0.5  # non-increasing speed.
        and Point(positions2b[0, :]).distance(sl1_only)
        > params["yielding_initial_distance"]  # initial point for 2 is far from trajectory 1
        print("!!!!!!!!!! yield !!!!!!!!!!!!")
        return True
    return False
Пример #19
    def draw_text_on_line(
        color=(0, 0, 0),
        text_halo_color=(1, 1, 1),
        Draws text on a line. Tries to find a position with the least change
        in gradient and which is closest to the middle of the line.

        :param coords: iterable containing all coordinates as ``(lon, lat)``
        :param text: text to be drawn
        :param color: ``(r, g, b[, a])``
        :param font_size: font-size in unit (pixel/point)
        :param font_family: font name
        :param font_style: ``cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL``,
            ``cairo.FONT_SLANT_ITALIC`` or ``cairo.FONT_SLANT_OBLIQUE``
        :param font_weight: ``cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL`` or
        :param text_halo_width: border-width in unit (pixel/point)
        :param text_halo_color: ``(r, g, b[, a])``
        :param text_halo_line_cap: one of :const:`cairo.LINE_CAP_*`
        :param text_halo_line_join: one of :const:`cairo.LINE_JOIN_*`
        :param text_halo_line_dash: list/tuple used by
        :param text_transform: one of ``'lowercase'``, ``'uppercase'`` or

        text = text.strip()
        if not text:
        coords = map(lambda c: self.transform_coords(*c), coords)

        self.context.select_font_face(font_family, font_style, font_weight)
        text = utils.text_transform(text, text_transform)
        width, height = self.context.text_extents(text)[2:4]
        font_ascent, font_descent = self.context.font_extents()[0:2]
        #: make sure line does not intersect other conflict objects
        line = LineString(coords)
        line = self.map_area.intersection(line)
        line = line.difference(self.map_area.exterior.buffer(height))
        line = line.difference(self.conflict_area)
        #: check whether line is empty or is split into several different parts
        if line.geom_type == 'GeometryCollection':
        elif line.geom_type == 'MultiLineString':
            longest = None
            min_len = width * 1.2
            for seg in line.geoms:
                seg_len = seg.length
                if seg_len > min_len:
                    longest = seg
                    min_len = seg_len
            if longest is None:
            line = longest
        coords = tuple(line.coords)
        seg = utils.linestring_text_optimal_segment(coords, width)
        # line has either to much change in gradients or is too short
        if seg is None:
        #: crop optimal segment of linestring
        start, end = seg
        coords = coords[start:end+1]
        #: make sure text is rendered from left to right
        if coords[-1][0] < coords[0][0]:
            coords = tuple(reversed(coords))
        # translate linestring so text is rendered vertically in the middle
        line = LineString(tuple(coords))
        offset = font_ascent / 2. - font_descent
        line = line.parallel_offset(offset, 'left', resolution=3)
        # make sure text is rendered centered on line
        start_len = (line.length - width) / 2.
        char_coords = None
        chars = utils.generate_char_geoms(self.context, text)
        #: draw all character paths
        for char in utils.iter_chars_on_line(chars, line, start_len):
            for geom in char.geoms:
                char_coords = iter(geom.exterior.coords)
                for lon, lat in char_coords:
                    self.context.line_to(lon, lat)
        #: only add line to reserved area if text was drawn
        if char_coords is not None:
            covered = line.buffer(height)
        #: draw border around characters
        self.context.set_line_width(2 * text_halo_width)
        self.context.set_dash(text_halo_line_dash or tuple())
        #: fill actual text
Пример #20
 def difference(self, geom):
     traj = LineString(
         np.column_stack((self.x[:, np.newaxis], self.y[:, np.newaxis],
                          self.seconds[:, np.newaxis])))
     return traj.difference(geom)
Пример #21
   (293975,   253937), 
   (297104,   249860), 
   (301181,   246731), 
   (305928,   244765), 
   (311023,   244094), 
   (316118,   244765), 
   (320866,   246731), 
   (324943,   249860), 
   (328071,   253937), 
   (330037,   258684), 
   (330708,   263779), 

multipolygon = MultiPolygon([poly_geom])

result = link_geom.difference(multipolygon)


    (364517 364517, 
    265403 364517, 
    265403 265403, 
    291551.8771344455 265403), 
    (330494.1228655545 265403, 
    364517 265403, 
    364517 364517), 
    (364517 364517, 
Пример #22
def plot_port(ax,
    """Plot port geometry.
    ax            -- The matplotlib axis object to plot onto. 
    port          -- The port to draw. 
    outer_shell   -- Draw the point on the outer shell.
    inner_shell   -- Draw the point on the inner shell.
    standoff      -- Draw the standoff. 
    line_of_sight -- Draw the line of sight of the port. 
    impact_point  -- Draw the impact point. 
    exit_point    -- Draw the exit point on the inner shell. 
    if outer_shell:
        x, y = port.outer_shell_center_pt()
        ax.plot(x, y, 'bo')

    if inner_shell:
        x, y = port.inner_shell_center_pt()
        ax.plot(x, y, 'bo')

    if line_of_sight:
        x1, y1 = port.outer_shell_center_pt()
        if standoff:
            x1, y1 = port.drill_hole_center_pt(port.standoff)
        x2, y2 = port.exit_pt()

        ax.plot((x1, x2), (y1, y2), 'b-')

    if impact_point:
        x, y = port.impact_pt()
        ax.plot(x, y, 'bo')

    if exit_point:
        x, y = port.exit_pt()
        ax.plot(x, y, 'bo')

    if standoff:
        from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon

        shell = Polygon(shapely_shell().exterior)

        pt1, pt3 = port.drill_hole_edge_pts(-(mp.a0out - mp.a0))
        pt2, pt4 = port.drill_hole_edge_pts(port.standoff)

        l1 = LineString((pt1, pt2))
        l2 = LineString((pt3, pt4))
        l1 = l1.difference(shell)
        l2 = l2.difference(shell)

        x, y = l1.xy
        ax.plot(x, y, 'k-')
        x, y = l2.xy
        ax.plot(x, y, 'k-')
Пример #23
def main():
    #-- Read the system arguments listed after the program
    long_options = [
        'subdir=', 'method=', 'step=', 'indir=', 'interval=', 'buffer=',
    optlist, arglist = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '=D:M:S:I:V:B:m:',

    subdir = 'all_data2_test'
    method = ''
    step = 50
    n_interval = 1000
    buffer_size = 500
    indir = ''
    set_manual = False
    for opt, arg in optlist:
        if opt in ('-D', '--subdir'):
            subdir = arg
        elif opt in ('-M', '--method'):
            method = arg
        elif opt in ('-S', '--step'):
            step = np.int(arg)
        elif opt in ('-V', '--interval'):
            n_interval = np.int(arg)
        elif opt in ('-B', '--buffer'):
            buffer_size = np.int(arg)
        elif opt in ('-I', '--indir'):
            indir = os.path.expanduser(arg)
        elif opt in ('-m', '--manual'):
            set_manual = True

    #-- directory setup
    #- current directory
    current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    headDirectory = os.path.join(current_dir, '..', 'FrontLearning_data')

    glaciersFolder = os.path.join(headDirectory, 'Glaciers')
    results_dir = os.path.join(headDirectory, 'Results', subdir)

    #-- if user input not given, set label folder
    #-- else if input directory is given, then set the method based on that
    if indir == '':
        indir = os.path.join(results_dir, method, method)
        method = os.path.basename(indir)
        if method == '':
            sys.exit("Please do not put '/' at the end of indir.")

    print('input directory ONLY for NN output:%s' % indir)
    print('METHOD:%s' % method)

    #-- make histohtam filder if it doesn't exist
    histFolder = os.path.join(results_dir, 'Histograms')
    if (not os.path.isdir(histFolder)):

    outputFolder = os.path.join(
        histFolder, method + '_' + str(step) + '_%isegs' % n_interval +
        '_%ibuffer' % buffer_size)
    #-- make output folders
    if (not os.path.isdir(outputFolder)):

    if set_manual:
        datasets = ['NN', 'Sobel', 'Manual']
        datasets = ['NN', 'Sobel']


    pixelFolder = {}
    frontFolder = {}

    pixelFolder['NN'] = os.path.join(results_dir, method,
                                     method + ' Pixel CSVs ' + str(step))
    pixelFolder['Sobel'] = os.path.join(results_dir,
                                        'Sobel/Sobel Pixel CSVs ' + str(step))
    if 'Manual' in datasets:
        pixelFolder['Manual'] = os.path.join(
            'output_handrawn/output_handrawn Pixel CSVs ' + str(step))

    frontFolder['NN'] = os.path.join(results_dir, method,
                                     method + ' Geo CSVs ' + str(step))
    frontFolder['Sobel'] = os.path.join(results_dir,
                                        'Sobel/Sobel Geo CSVs ' + str(step))
    if 'Manual' in datasets:
        frontFolder['Manual'] = os.path.join(
            'output_handrawn/output_handrawn Geo CSVs ' + str(step))

    def seriesToNPoints(series, N):
        #find the total length of the series
        totalDistance = 0
        for s in range(len(series[:, 0]) - 1):
            totalDistance += ((series[s, 0] - series[s + 1, 0])**2 +
                              (series[s, 1] - series[s + 1, 1])**2)**0.5
        intervalDistance = totalDistance / (N - 1)

        #make the list of points
        newSeries = series[0, :]
        currentS = 0
        currentPoint1 = series[currentS, :]
        currentPoint2 = series[currentS + 1, :]
        for p in range(N - 2):
            distanceAccrued = 0
            while distanceAccrued < intervalDistance:
                currentLineDistance = (
                    (currentPoint1[0] - currentPoint2[0])**2 +
                    (currentPoint1[1] - currentPoint2[1])**2)**0.5
                if currentLineDistance < intervalDistance - distanceAccrued:
                    distanceAccrued += currentLineDistance
                    currentS += 1
                    currentPoint1 = series[currentS, :]
                    currentPoint2 = series[currentS + 1, :]
                    distance = intervalDistance - distanceAccrued
                    newX = currentPoint1[0] + (
                        distance / currentLineDistance) * (currentPoint2[0] -
                    newY = currentPoint1[1] + (
                        distance / currentLineDistance) * (currentPoint2[1] -
                    distanceAccrued = intervalDistance + 1
                    newSeries = np.vstack([newSeries, np.array([newX, newY])])
                    currentPoint1 = np.array([newX, newY])
        newSeries = np.vstack([newSeries, series[-1, :]])
        return (newSeries)

    def frontComparisonErrors(front1, front2):
        errors = []
        for ff in range(len(front1)):
            dist = ((front1[ff, 0] - front2[ff, 0])**2 +
                    (front1[ff, 1] - front2[ff, 1])**2)**0.5
        return (errors)

    def rmsError(error):
        return (np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(error))))

    def generateLabelList(labelFolder):
        labelList = []
        for fil in os.listdir(labelFolder):
            # if fil[-6:] == 'B8.png' or fil[-6:] == 'B2.png':
            #     labelList.append(fil[:-4])
            if fil.endswith('_nothreshold.png'):
                labelList.append(fil.replace('_nothreshold.png', ''))
        return (labelList)

    # get glacier names
    def getGlacierList(labelList):
        f = open(os.path.join(glaciersFolder, 'Scene_Glacier_Dictionary.csv'),
        lines = f.read()
        lines = lines.split('\n')
        glacierList = []
        for sceneID in labelList:
            for line in lines:
                line = line.split(',')
                if line[0] == sceneID:
        return (glacierList)

    #code to get the list of fronts and their images
    def getFrontList(glacierList, labelList):
        frontsList = []
        for ind, label in enumerate(labelList):
            glacier = glacierList[ind]
            f = open(
                os.path.join(glaciersFolder, glacier,
                             '%s Image Data.csv' % glacier), 'r')
            lines = f.read()
            lines = lines.split('\n')
            for line in lines:
                line = line.split(',')
                if line[1][:-4] == label:
        return (frontsList)

    def fjordBoundaryIndices(glacier):
        boundary1file = os.path.join(glaciersFolder, glacier,
                                     'Fjord Boundaries',
                                     glacier + ' Boundary 1 V2.csv')
        boundary1 = np.genfromtxt(boundary1file, delimiter=',')
        boundary2file = os.path.join(glaciersFolder, glacier,
                                     'Fjord Boundaries',
                                     glacier + ' Boundary 2 V2.csv')
        boundary2 = np.genfromtxt(boundary2file, delimiter=',')

        boundary1 = seriesToNPoints(boundary1, 1000)
        boundary2 = seriesToNPoints(boundary2, 1000)

        return (boundary1, boundary2)

    labelList = generateLabelList(indir)
    glacierList = getGlacierList(labelList)
    frontList = getFrontList(glacierList, labelList)

    allerrors = {}
    allerrors['NN'] = []
    allerrors['Sobel'] = []
    allerrors['Manual'] = []

    N = 1
    N = len(labelList)
    for ll in range(N):
        glacier = glacierList[ll]
        label = labelList[ll]
        trueFrontFile = frontList[ll]
        # This section to get the front images
        trueImageFolder = os.path.join(headDirectory, 'Glaciers', glacier,
                                       'Small Images')
        trueImage = Image.open(
            os.path.join(trueImageFolder, label + '_Subset.png')).transpose(

        frontImageFolder = {}
        frontImageFolder['NN'] = indir
        frontImageFolder['Sobel'] = os.path.join(results_dir, 'Sobel/Sobel')
        if 'Manual' in datasets:
            frontImageFolder['Manual'] = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(indir),

        frontImage = {}
        pixels = {}
        for d, tl in zip(datasets, ['_nothreshold', '', '_nothreshold']):
            frontImage[d] = Image.open(os.path.join(frontImageFolder[d],label \
                    + '%s.png'%tl)).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT).convert("L")
            # This section to get the front pixels

            # get the front
            pixelsFile = glacier + ' ' + label + ' Pixels.csv'
            pixels[d] = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(pixelFolder[d], pixelsFile),
            pixels[d] = seriesToNPoints(pixels[d], n_interval)

        # Get the fjord boundaries for the current glacier
        bounds = {}
        bounds[1], bounds[2] = fjordBoundaryIndices(glacier)
        buff = {}
        for i in [1, 2]:
            # Form buffer around boundary
            lineStringSet = bounds[i]
            line = LineString(lineStringSet)
            buff[i] = line.buffer(buffer_size)

        # This section to get the front data

        #get the true front
        trueFrontFolder = os.path.join(glaciersFolder, glacier,
                                       'Front Locations', '3413')
        trueFront = np.genfromtxt(trueFrontFolder + '/' + trueFrontFile,
        #-- make sure all fronts go in the same direction
        #-- if the x axis is not in increasng order, reverse
        if trueFront[0, 0] > trueFront[-1, 0] and glacier != 'Helheim':
            print('flipped true front.')
            trueFront = trueFront[::-1, :]
        trueFront = seriesToNPoints(trueFront, n_interval)
        #-- get rid of poitns too close to the edges
        l1 = LineString(trueFront)
        int1 = l1.difference(buff[1])
        int2 = int1.difference(buff[2])
            trueFront = np.array(shape(int2).coords)
            lengths = [
                for i in range(len(shape(int2)))
            max_ind = np.argmax(lengths)
            trueFront = np.array(shape(int2)[max_ind].coords)
            #-- testing

        #-- rebreak into n_interval segments
        trueFront = seriesToNPoints(trueFront, n_interval)

        front = {}
        errors = {}
        for d in datasets:
            #get the front
            frontFile = glacier + ' ' + label + ' Profile.csv'
            temp_front = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(frontFolder[d], frontFile),
            #-- make sure all fronts go in the same direction
            #-- if the x axis is not in increasng order, reverse
            #if temp_front[0,0] > temp_front[-1,0]:
            #    print('flipped %s'%d)
            #    temp_front = temp_front[::-1,:]
            front[d] = seriesToNPoints(temp_front, n_interval)
            #-- get rid of points to close to the edges
            #-- get rid of poitns too close to the edges
            l1 = LineString(front[d])
            int1 = l1.difference(buff[1])
            int2 = int1.difference(buff[2])
                front[d] = np.array(shape(int2).coords)
                lengths = [
                    for i in range(len(shape(int2)))
                max_ind = np.argmax(lengths)
                front[d] = np.array(shape(int2)[max_ind].coords)
                #-- testing

            #-- rebreak into n_interval segments
            front[d] = seriesToNPoints(front[d], n_interval)

            errors[d] = frontComparisonErrors(trueFront, front[d])
            for error in errors[d]:

        #-- plot fronts for debugging purposes -- double checking.
        # plt.plot(trueFront[:,0],trueFront[:,1],label='True')
        # plt.plot(front['NN'][:,0],front['NN'][:,1,],label='NN')
        # plt.legend()
        # plt.show()

        frontXmin = np.min(
            np.concatenate(([np.min(trueFront[:, 0])],
                            [np.min(front[d][:, 0]) for d in datasets])))
        frontXmax = np.max(
            np.concatenate(([np.max(trueFront[:, 0])],
                            [np.max(front[d][:, 0]) for d in datasets])))
        frontYmin = np.min(
            np.concatenate(([np.min(trueFront[:, 1])],
                            [np.min(front[d][:, 1]) for d in datasets])))
        frontYmax = np.max(
            np.concatenate(([np.max(trueFront[:, 1])],
                            [np.max(front[d][:, 1]) for d in datasets])))

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

        n_panels = len(front) + 1
        plt.subplot(2, n_panels, 1)
        plt.imshow(trueImage, cmap='gray')
        plt.gca().set_xlim([0, 200])
        plt.gca().set_ylim([300, 0])
        plt.title('Original Image', fontsize=12)

        p = 2
        for d in datasets:
            plt.subplot(2, n_panels, p)
            plt.imshow(frontImage[d], cmap='gray')
            plt.plot(pixels[d][:, 0], pixels[d][:, 1], 'y-', linewidth=3)
            plt.gca().set_xlim([0, 200])
            plt.gca().set_ylim([300, 0])
            plt.title('%s Solution' % d, fontsize=12)
            p += 1

        plt.subplot(2, n_panels, p)
        plt.title('Geocoded Solutions', fontsize=12)
        plt.ylabel('Northing (km)', fontsize=12)
        plt.xlabel('Easting (km)', fontsize=12)
        plt.plot(trueFront[:, 0] / 1000,
                 trueFront[:, 1] / 1000,
        for d, c in zip(datasets, ['b-', 'g-', 'r-']):
            plt.plot(front[d][:, 0] / 1000, front[d][:, 1] / 1000, c, label=d)
        plt.gca().set_xlim([frontXmin / 1000, frontXmax / 1000])
        plt.gca().set_ylim([frontYmin / 1000, frontYmax / 1000])
        plt.gca().set_xticks([frontXmin / 1000, frontXmax / 1000])
        plt.gca().set_yticks([frontYmin / 1000, frontYmax / 1000])

        p += 1
        p_temp = copy.copy(p)
        x = {}
        y = {}
        for d, c in zip(datasets, ['b', 'g', 'r']):
            plt.subplot(2, n_panels, p)
            plt.title('%s Errors Histogram' % d, fontsize=12)
            bins = range(0, 5000, 100)
            y[d], x[d], _ = plt.hist(errors[d],
            #plt.xlabel('RMS Error = '+'{0:.2f}'.format(rmsError(errors[d]))+' m',fontsize=12)
            plt.xlabel('Mean Diff. = ' +
                       '{0:.2f}'.format(np.mean(np.abs(errors[d]))) + ' m',

            p += 1

        #-- set histogram bounds
        for d in datasets:
            plt.subplot(2, n_panels, p_temp)
            plt.gca().set_ylim([0, np.max([y[d] for d in datasets])])
            plt.gca().set_xlim([0, np.max([x[d] for d in datasets])])
            p_temp += 1

        plt.savefig(os.path.join(outputFolder, label + '.png'),

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 4))

    x = {}
    y = {}
    for i, d, c, lbl in zip(range(len(datasets)), datasets, ['b', 'g', 'r'],
                            ['e', 'f', 'g']):
        plt.subplot(1, len(datasets), i + 1)
        plt.title(r"$\bf{%s)}$" % lbl + " %s Error Histogram" % d, fontsize=12)
        bins = range(0, 5000, 100)
        y[d], x[d], _ = plt.hist(allerrors[d],
        #plt.xlabel('RMS Error = '+'{0:.2f}'.format(rmsError(allerrors[d]))+' m',fontsize=12)
        plt.xlabel('Mean Difference = ' +
                   '{0:.2f}'.format(np.mean(np.abs(allerrors[d]))) + ' m',
        if i == 0:
            plt.ylabel('Count (100 m bins)', fontsize=12)

    for i in range(len(datasets)):
        plt.subplot(1, len(datasets), i + 1)
        plt.gca().set_ylim([0, np.max([y[d] for d in datasets])])
        plt.gca().set_xlim([0, np.max([x[d] for d in datasets])])

Пример #24
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

coords = []

for i in range(n):
    x0 = t_detector_x[i]
    y0 = t_detector_y[i]
    x1 = t_pinhole_x
    y1 = t_pinhole_y
    m = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)
    b = (y0*x1-y1*x0)/(x1-x0)
    y2 = -100.
    x2 = (y2-b)/m
    line = LineString([(x0, y0), (x2, y2)])
    circle = Point(0., 0.).buffer(100.).boundary
    segment = line.difference(circle)[1]
    x0, y0 = segment.coords[0]
    x1, y1 = segment.coords[1]
    print('%10s %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f' % ('top', x0, y0, x1, y1))
    coords.append(['top', x0, y0, x1, y1])

for i in range(n):
    x0 = f_detector_x[i]
    y0 = f_detector_y[i]
    x1 = f_pinhole_x
    y1 = f_pinhole_y
    m = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)
    b = (y0*x1-y1*x0)/(x1-x0)
    x2 = -100.
    y2 = m*x2+b
    line = LineString([(x0, y0), (x2, y2)])
# In[ ]:

from shapely.geometry import LineString
a = LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1), (1,2), (2,2)])
b = LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2,1), (2,2)])

pa = list(a.coords)
pb = list(b.coords)
diff1 = set(pa) - set(pb)
diff2 = set(pb) - set(pa)
print diff1, diff2
x = a.intersection(b)
print x
d1 = b.difference(a)
d2 = a.difference(b)
print "a.union(b)"
ms = a.union(b)
print ms
upoints = []
for ls in ms:
    upoints +=list(ls.coords)
print upoints
#print "diff"
#print d1,d2

S1 = set(upoints)
print S1

Пример #26
    def get_los_mask_width(self, plot=False, los='Full', N=100):
		Returns los mask considering width in los
			plot - if we want to plot mask
			los - List with los to be calculated (by default 'Full' assumes all of them)
			N - number of virtual chords per los
			mask - vessel mask (N_ROWS,N_COLS) if 0 - vessel not there , 1 - otherwise

        Ri, Rf, Zi, Zf = self.get_los_COMPASS_width(N)

        print Ri.shape, Zi.shape, Rf.shape, Zf.shape

        if los != 'Full':
            Ri = np.asarray([Ri[i] for i in los])
            Rf = np.asarray([Rf[i] for i in los])
            Zi = np.asarray([Zi[i, :] for i in los])
            Zf = np.asarray([Zf[i, :] for i in los])

        print Ri.shape, Zi.shape, Rf.shape, Zf.shape

        r_space = np.linspace(R_MIN, R_MAX, num=N_COLS + 1)
        z_space = np.linspace(Z_MIN, Z_MAX, num=N_ROWS + 1)

        grid = []

        for r in r_space:
            grid.append([(r, Z_MIN), (r, Z_MAX)])

        for z in z_space:
            grid.append([(R_MIN, z), (R_MAX, z)])

        grid = MultiLineString(grid)

        mask = np.zeros((self.N_LOS, N_ROWS, N_COLS))

        for (l, (r_start, z_start)) in enumerate(zip(Ri, Zi)):
            print 'los :', l
            for (r_end, z_end) in zip(Rf[l, :], Zf[l, :]):

                line = LineString([(r_start, z_start), (r_end, z_end)])

                for (k, segment) in enumerate(line.difference(grid)):
                    rr, zz = segment.xy
                    r_mean = np.mean(rr)
                    z_mean = np.mean(zz)
                        (i, j) = transform(r_mean, z_mean)
                        mask[l, i, j] += segment.length

        mask = np.array(mask, dtype=np.float32) / float(2 * N)
        mask = np.pad(mask, ((0, N_LOS_MAX - mask.shape[0]), (0, 0), (0, 0)),
        print 'mask:', mask.shape, mask.dtype

        if plot:

            for (l, (r_start, z_start, r_end,
                     z_end)) in enumerate(zip(Ri, Zi, Rf[:, 0], Zf[:, 0])):
                plt.plot((r_start, r_end), (z_start, z_end), 'r')
                plt.imshow(mask[l, :, :],
                           vmax=np.max(mask[l, :, :]),
                           extent=[R_MIN, R_MAX, Z_MIN, Z_MAX])
                plt.savefig(str(l) + '.png')

        return mask