Пример #1
class CAPMessage(CommonMessage):
    def __init__(self, dom):
        #       self.status = dom.find('{urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1}status').text
        #       self.id = dom.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}id').text
        #       self.published, self.updated = [
        #           iso8601.parse_date(self.__dom.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}' + x).text).timestamp() for x in
        #           ('published', 'updated')]

        k = None
        for x in dom.iter():
            if x.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}valueName':
                k = x.text.strip()
            elif k is not None and x.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}value':
                self.__dict__[k] = CAPMessage.__parse_date_or_text(x.text)
            elif x.tag not in ["{urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1}geocode",
                self.__dict__[x.tag[x.tag.find('}') + 1:]] = CAPMessage.__parse_date_or_text(x.text)

        if self.FIPS6:
            self.FIPS6 = re.sub("[\n\t ] +", " ", self.FIPS6.strip()).split(" ")

        if self.polygon is not None and len(self.polygon.strip()) > 0:
            self.polygon = re.sub("[\n\t ] +", " ", self.polygon)
            self.polygon = Polygon([(float(x), float(y)) for x, y in [x.split(",") for x in self.polygon.split(" ")]])
            self.polygon = None

            if self.__dict__['VTEC'] and len(self.VTEC):
                self.vtec = VTEC.VTEC(self.VTEC, self)
                self.vtec = (NOVTEC(dom, self),)
            if len(self.vtec) == 0:  # True if there was an invalid vtec code
                self.vtec = (NOVTEC(dom, self),)
        except KeyError:
            self.vtec = (NOVTEC(dom, self),)

    def __parse_date_or_text(str):
            str = str.strip()
        except AttributeError:
            return str
            return iso8601.parse_date(str).timestamp()
        except iso8601.iso8601.ParseError:
            return str

    def __str__(self):
        return "CAP [ %s %s %s %s ]" % (
            time.asctime(time.gmtime(self.published)), self.get_event_type(), self.vtec[-1], self.FIPS6)

    def get_event_type(self):
        return self.vtec[-1].get_event_type()

    def get_start_time_sec(self):
        return self.effective

    def get_end_time_sec(self):
        return self.expires

    def get_event_id(self):
        return self.id

    def get_areas(self):
        return self.FIPS6

    def applies_to_fips(self, fips):
        if not self.FIPS6:
            return False
        if fips.startswith('0'):
            fips = '.' + fips[1:]
            fips = '[0' + fips[0] + ']' + fips[1:]
        fips = '^' + fips + '$'
        fp = re.compile(fips)
        return len(list(filter(lambda c: fp.match(c), self.FIPS6))) > 0
Пример #2
class CAPMessage(CommonMessage):
    def __init__(self, dom):
        #       self.status = dom.find('{urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1}status').text
        #       self.id = dom.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}id').text
        #       self.published, self.updated = [
        #           iso8601.parse_date(self.__dom.find('{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}' + x).text).timestamp() for x in
        #           ('published', 'updated')]

        k = None
        for x in dom.iter():
            if x.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}valueName':
                k = x.text.strip()
            elif k is not None and x.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom}value':
                self.__dict__[k] = CAPMessage.__parse_date_or_text(x.text)
            elif x.tag not in [
                self.__dict__[x.tag[x.tag.find('}') +
                                    1:]] = CAPMessage.__parse_date_or_text(

        if self.FIPS6:
            self.FIPS6 = re.sub("[\n\t ] +", " ",
                                self.FIPS6.strip()).split(" ")

        if self.polygon is not None and len(self.polygon.strip()) > 0:
            self.polygon = re.sub("[\n\t ] +", " ", self.polygon)
            self.polygon = Polygon([
                (float(x), float(y))
                for x, y in [x.split(",") for x in self.polygon.split(" ")]
            self.polygon = None

            if self.__dict__['VTEC'] and len(self.VTEC):
                self.vtec = VTEC.VTEC(self.VTEC, self)
                self.vtec = (NOVTEC(dom, self), )
            if len(self.vtec) == 0:  # True if there was an invalid vtec code
                self.vtec = (NOVTEC(dom, self), )
        except KeyError:
            self.vtec = (NOVTEC(dom, self), )

    def __parse_date_or_text(str):
            str = str.strip()
        except AttributeError:
            return str
            return iso8601.parse_date(str).timestamp()
        except iso8601.iso8601.ParseError:
            return str

    def __str__(self):
        return "CAP [ %s %s %s %s ]" % (time.asctime(
            time.gmtime(self.published)), self.get_event_type(), self.vtec[-1],

    def get_event_type(self):
        return self.vtec[-1].get_event_type()

    def get_start_time_sec(self):
        return self.effective

    def get_end_time_sec(self):
        return self.expires

    def get_event_id(self):
        return self.id

    def get_areas(self):
        return self.FIPS6

    def applies_to_fips(self, fips):
        if not self.FIPS6:
            return False
        if fips.startswith('0'):
            fips = '.' + fips[1:]
            fips = '[0' + fips[0] + ']' + fips[1:]
        fips = '^' + fips + '$'
        fp = re.compile(fips)
        return len(list(filter(lambda c: fp.match(c), self.FIPS6))) > 0