assert p.shape == (5, 3) assert type(p) == pd.DataFrame assets = symbols(['SPY']) p = prices(assets, start, end) assert p.shape == (5, ) assert type(p) == pd.Series assets = [symbol('SPY')] p = prices(assets, start, end) print(p) assert p.shape == (5, ) assert type(p) == pd.Series assets = symbols(['IBM', 'F', 'AAPL']) p = returns(assets, start, end) print(p) assert p.shape == (5, 3) assert type(p) == pd.DataFrame assets = symbols(['SPY']) p = returns(assets, start, end) print(p) assert p.shape == (5, ) assert type(p) == pd.Series assets = [symbol('SPY')] p = returns(assets, start, end) assert p.shape == (5, ) assert type(p) == pd.Series
import pandas as pd from sharadar.pipeline.engine import symbol, returns import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np def create_log_rets(rets, benchmark_rets): cum_log_returns = np.log1p(rets).cumsum() cum_log_benchmark_rets = np.log1p(benchmark_rets).cumsum() fig, ax = plt.subplots() cum_log_returns.plot(ax=ax, figsize=(20, 10)) cum_log_benchmark_rets.plot(ax=ax) ax.grid(True) ax.axhline(y=0, linestyle='--', color='black') ax.legend(['Backtest', 'Benchmark']) plt.title("Log returns") return plt if __name__ == "__main__": results = pd.read_pickle( '../algo/haugen20/haugen20_202006300552_perf.dump') rets, positions, transactions = pf.utils.extract_rets_pos_txn_from_zipline( results) benchmark_rets = returns(symbol('SPY'), rets.index[0], rets.index[0]) plt = create_log_rets(rets, benchmark_rets)
def create_report(perf, filename, now, doc=None, duration=None, param=None, info=None, show_image=True): if not hasattr(perf, 'returns'): perf['returns'] = perf['pnl'] / (perf['portfolio_value'] - perf['pnl']) perf['returns'] = perf['returns'].replace([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf], 0.0) tot_positions = sum([len(x) for x in perf.positions]) if tot_positions == 0: log.warn("No positions available") return rets, positions, transactions = pf.utils.extract_rets_pos_txn_from_zipline( perf) date_rows = OrderedDict() if len(rets.index) > 0: date_rows['Start date'] = rets.index[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') date_rows['End date'] = rets.index[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') date_rows['Total months'] = int(len(rets) / 21) perf_stats_series = pf.timeseries.perf_stats(rets, positions=positions, transactions=transactions) benchmark_rets = returns(symbol('SPY'), rets.index[0], rets.index[-1]) benchmark_perf_stats = pf.timeseries.perf_stats(benchmark_rets) perf_stats_df = pd.DataFrame(perf_stats_series, columns=['Backtest']) perf_stats_df['Benchmark'] = benchmark_perf_stats perf_stats_df[ 'Spread'] = perf_stats_df['Backtest'] - perf_stats_df['Benchmark'] format_perf_stats(perf_stats_df) drawdown_df = pf.timeseries.gen_drawdown_table(rets, top=5) rets_interesting = pf.timeseries.extract_interesting_date_ranges(rets) positions = utils.check_intraday('infer', rets, positions, transactions) transactions_closed = rt.add_closing_transactions(positions, transactions) trades = rt.extract_round_trips( transactions_closed, portfolio_value=positions.sum(axis='columns') / (1 + rets)) if show_image: fig0 = None fig1 = None fig2 = None fig3 = None fig4 = None fig5 = None try: fig0 = create_log_returns_chart(rets, benchmark_rets) except Exception as e: log.warn(e) try: fig1 = pf.create_returns_tear_sheet(rets, positions, transactions, benchmark_rets=benchmark_rets, return_fig=True) except Exception as e: log.warn(e) try: fig2 = pf.create_position_tear_sheet(rets, positions, return_fig=True) except Exception as e: log.warn(e) try: fig3 = pf.create_txn_tear_sheet(rets, positions, transactions, return_fig=True) except Exception as e: log.warn(e) try: fig4 = pf.create_interesting_times_tear_sheet(rets, return_fig=True) except Exception as e: log.warn(e) try: fig5 = pf.create_round_trip_tear_sheet(rets, positions, transactions, return_fig=True) except Exception as e: log.warn(e) report_suffix = "_%s_%.2f_report.htm" % ( now.strftime(DATETIME_FMT), 100. * perf_stats_series['Annual return']) reportfile = change_extension(filename, report_suffix) with open(reportfile, 'w') as f: print("""<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Performance Report</title> <style > body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } tbody tr:nth-child(odd) { background-color: lightgrey; } tbody tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: white; } tr th { border: none; text-align: right; padding: 2px 5px 2px; } tr td { border: none; text-align: right; padding: 2px 5px 2px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function showElement() { element = document.getElementById('code'); = 'visible'; } function hideElement() { element = document.getElementById('code'); = 'hidden'; } </script> </head> <body>""", file=f) print("<h1>Performance report for " + os.path.basename(filename) + "</h1>", file=f) print("<p>Created on %s</p>" % (now), file=f) if duration is not None: print("<p>Backtest executed in %s</p>" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(duration))), file=f) if doc is not None: print('<h3>Description</h3>', file=f) print('<p style="white-space: pre">%s</p>' % doc.strip(), file=f) if param is not None and len(param) > 0: print('<h3>Parameters</h3>', file=f) print('<pre>%s</pre><br/>' % str(param), file=f) if info is not None and len(info) > 0: print('<h3>Info</h3>', file=f) print('<pre>%s</pre><br/>' % str(info), file=f) print(to_html_table(perf_stats_df, float_format='{0:.2f}'.format, header_rows=date_rows), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) if show_image: if fig0 is not None: print("<h3>Log Returns</h3>", file=f) print(_to_img(fig0), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) print(to_html_table( drawdown_df.sort_values('Net drawdown in %', ascending=False), name='Worst drawdown periods', float_format='{0:.2f}'.format, ), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) print(to_html_table(pd.DataFrame(rets_interesting).describe(). transpose().loc[:, ['mean', 'min', 'max']] * 100, name='Stress Events', float_format='{0:.2f}%'.format), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) if len(trades) >= 5: stats = rt.gen_round_trip_stats(trades) print(to_html_table(stats['summary'], float_format='{:.2f}'.format, name='Summary stats'), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) print(to_html_table(stats['pnl'], float_format='${:.2f}'.format, name='PnL stats'), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) print(to_html_table(stats['duration'], float_format='{:.2f}'.format, name='Duration stats'), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) print(to_html_table(stats['returns'] * 100, float_format='{:.2f}%'.format, name='Return stats'), file=f) print("<br/>", file=f) stats['symbols'].columns = stats['symbols'] format_asset) print(to_html_table(stats['symbols'] * 100, float_format='{:.2f}%'.format, name='Symbol stats'), file=f) if show_image: if fig1 is not None: print("<h3>Returns</h3>", file=f) print(_to_img(fig1), file=f) if fig2 is not None: print("<h3>Positions</h3>", file=f) print(_to_img(fig2), file=f) if fig3 is not None: print("<h3>Transactions</h3>", file=f) print(_to_img(fig3), file=f) if fig4 is not None: print("<h3>Interesting Times</h3>", file=f) print(_to_img(fig4), file=f) if fig5 is not None: print("<h3>Trades</h3>", file=f) print(_to_img(fig5), file=f) print('<br/>', file=f) print( '<button onclick="showElement()">Show Code</button> <button onclick="hideElement()">Hide Code</button>', file=f) print('<pre id="code" style="visibility: hidden">', file=f) print(open(filename, "r").read(), file=f) print('</pre>', file=f) print("</body>\n</html>", file=f)
screen=universe, ) stocks = engine.run_pipeline(pipe, start, end, hooks=[]) print(stocks) expected = [[499.30, 2163847100000.00, 503.43, -0.01], [506.09, 2137988000000.00, 499.30, 0.01], [500.04, 2134533300000.00, 506.09, -0.01], [124.81, 2206911200000.00, 125.01, -0.00], [129.04, 2294818300000.00, 124.81, 0.03], [134.18, 2247273200000.00, 129.04, 0.04]] assert np.sum(abs(stocks.values - expected)) <= 1e-1 bundle = load_sharadar_bundle() adjustments = bundle.adjustment_reader.get_adjustments_for_sid( 'splits', 199059) print(adjustments) print(returns(symbols(['AAPL', 'IBM', 'F']), start, end)) universe = StaticAssets(symbols(['AAPL', 'IBM', 'F'])) pipe = Pipeline( columns={ 'close': Latest([EquityPricing.close], mask=universe), 'mkt_cap': MarketCap(mask=universe) }, screen=universe, ) stocks = engine.run_pipeline(pipe, '2021-03-17', '2021-03-24', hooks=[]) print(stocks)
from sharadar.pipeline.engine import load_sharadar_bundle, symbol, symbols, prices, returns, trading_date import pandas as pd df_rets = returns( assets=symbol('AAPL'), start='2013-01-01', end='2014-01-01' ) assets = symbols(['IBM', 'F', 'AAPL']) start = pd.to_datetime('2020-02-03', utc=True) end = pd.to_datetime('2020-02-07', utc=True) print(prices(assets, start, end)) print(prices(assets, '2020-02-03', '2020-02-05')) print(returns(assets, start, end))
import pyfolio as pf import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sharadar.pipeline.engine import symbol, returns import empyrical as ep results = pd.read_pickle('../../../algo/haugen20/haugen20_perf.dump') rets, pos, trax = pf.utils.extract_rets_pos_txn_from_zipline(results) start_date = rets.index[0] end_date = rets.index[-1] print(start_date, end_date) benchmark_rets = returns(symbol('SPY'), start_date, end_date) cum_rets = ep.cum_returns(rets, 1.0) cum_benchmark_rets = ep.cum_returns(benchmark_rets, 1.0) cum_log_returns = np.log1p(rets).cumsum() cum_log_benchmark_rets = np.log1p(benchmark_rets).cumsum() fig1 = pf.create_returns_tear_sheet(rets, pos, trax, benchmark_rets=benchmark_rets, return_fig=True)
def compute(self, today, assets, out): end_dt = self.bar_reader().trading_calendar.sessions_window( today, self.window_length)[-1] out[:] = returns(assets, today, end_dt)
def _run(handle_data, initialize, before_trading_start, analyze, algofile, algotext, defines, data_frequency, capital_base, bundle, bundle_timestamp, start, end, output, trading_calendar, print_algo, metrics_set, local_namespace, environ, blotter, benchmark_symbol, broker, state_filename): """Run a backtest for the given algorithm. This is shared between the cli and :func:`zipline.run_algo`. additions useful for live trading: broker - wrapper to connect to a real broker state_filename - saving the context of the algo to be able to restart """"Using bundle '%s'." % bundle) if trading_calendar is None: trading_calendar = get_calendar('XNYS') bundle_data = load_sharadar_bundle(bundle) now = pd.Timestamp.utcnow() if start is None: start = bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader.first_trading_day if not broker else now if not trading_calendar.is_session( start = trading_calendar.next_open(start) if end is None: end = bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader.last_available_dt if not broker else start # date parameter validation if trading_calendar.session_distance(start, end) < 0: raise _RunAlgoError( 'There are no trading days between %s and %s' % (,, ), ) if broker:"Live Trading on %s." % # No benchmark needed for live trading benchmark_symbol = None else:"Backtest from %s to %s." % (, if benchmark_symbol: benchmark = symbol(benchmark_symbol) benchmark_sid = benchmark.sid benchmark_returns = returns([benchmark], start, end) else: benchmark_sid = None benchmark_returns = pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(start, end, tz='utc'), data=0.0) # emission_rate is a string representing the smallest frequency at which metrics should be reported. # emission_rate will be either minute or daily. When emission_rate is daily, end_of_bar will not be called at all. emission_rate = 'daily' if algotext is not None: if local_namespace: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences ip = get_ipython() # noqa namespace = ip.user_ns else: namespace = {} for assign in defines: try: name, value = assign.split('=', 2) except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'invalid define %r, should be of the form name=value' % assign, ) try: # evaluate in the same namespace so names may refer to # eachother namespace[name] = eval(value, namespace) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( 'failed to execute definition for name %r: %s' % (name, e), ) elif defines: raise _RunAlgoError( 'cannot pass define without `algotext`', "cannot pass '-D' / '--define' without '-t' / '--algotext'", ) else: namespace = {} if algofile is not None: algotext = if print_algo: if PYGMENTS: highlight( algotext, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter(), outfile=sys.stdout, ) else: click.echo(algotext) first_trading_day = \ bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader.first_trading_day if isinstance(metrics_set, six.string_types): try: metrics_set = metrics.load(metrics_set) except ValueError as e: raise _RunAlgoError(str(e)) if isinstance(blotter, six.string_types): try: blotter = load(Blotter, blotter) except ValueError as e: raise _RunAlgoError(str(e)) # Special defaults for live trading if broker: data_frequency = 'minute' # No benchmark benchmark_sid = None benchmark_returns = pd.Series(index=pd.date_range(start, end, tz='utc'), data=0.0) broker.daily_bar_reader = bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader if < backtest_start = start backtest_end = bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader.last_available_dt if not os.path.exists(state_filename):"Backtest from %s to %s." % (, backtest_data = DataPortal( bundle_data.asset_finder, trading_calendar=trading_calendar, first_trading_day=first_trading_day, equity_minute_reader=bundle_data.equity_minute_bar_reader, equity_daily_reader=bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader, adjustment_reader=bundle_data.adjustment_reader, ) backtest = create_algo_class( TradingAlgorithm, backtest_start, backtest_end, algofile, algotext, analyze, before_trading_start, benchmark_returns, benchmark_sid, blotter, bundle_data, capital_base, backtest_data, 'daily', emission_rate, handle_data, initialize, metrics_set, namespace, trading_calendar) ctx_blacklist = ['trading_client'] ctx_whitelist = ['perf_tracker'] ctx_excludes = ctx_blacklist + [ e for e in backtest.__dict__.keys() if e not in ctx_whitelist ] checksum = getattr(algofile, 'name', '<algorithm>') store_context(state_filename, context=backtest, checksum=checksum, exclude_list=ctx_excludes) else: log.warn("State file already exists. Do not run the backtest.") # Set start and end to now for live trading start = pd.Timestamp.utcnow() if not trading_calendar.is_session( start = trading_calendar.next_open(start) end = start # usare store_context prima di passare da TradingAlgorithm a LiveTradingAlgorithm TradingAlgorithmClass = (partial( LiveTradingAlgorithm, broker=broker, state_filename=state_filename) if broker else TradingAlgorithm) DataPortalClass = (partial(DataPortalLive, broker) if broker else DataPortal) data = DataPortalClass( bundle_data.asset_finder, trading_calendar=trading_calendar, first_trading_day=first_trading_day, equity_minute_reader=bundle_data.equity_minute_bar_reader, equity_daily_reader=bundle_data.equity_daily_bar_reader, adjustment_reader=bundle_data.adjustment_reader, ) algo = create_algo_class(TradingAlgorithmClass, start, end, algofile, algotext, analyze, before_trading_start, benchmark_returns, benchmark_sid, blotter, bundle_data, capital_base, data, data_frequency, emission_rate, handle_data, initialize, metrics_set, namespace, trading_calendar) perf = if output == '-': click.echo(str(perf)) elif output != os.devnull: # make the zipline magic not write any data perf.to_pickle(output) return perf