Пример #1
def main(args):
    btc = BitcoinClient()
    tmp_address = btc.validate_address(btc.get_new_address())

    print "fetching charter: %s" % CHARTER_URL
    charter = fetch_charter(CHARTER_URL)

    client_pubkey = tmp_address['pubkey']
    oracle_pubkeys = []
    for o in charter['nodes']:
        #    print json.dumps(o)

    min_sigs = int(ceil(float(len(oracle_pubkeys)) / 2))

    print "number of nodes: %i" % len(charter['nodes'])
    print "required signatures: %i" % min_sigs
    sum_fees_satoshi = 0
    for o in charter['nodes']:
        sum_fees_satoshi += Decimal(o['fee']) * 100000000
    sum_fees_satoshi += Decimal(charter['org_fee']) * 100000000

    key_list = [client_pubkey] + oracle_pubkeys

    response = btc.create_multisig_address(min_sigs, key_list)

    print ""
    print "1. wire the funds to %s" % response['address']
    print "   oracle & org fees: %i satoshi (as detailed in %s)" % (
        sum_fees_satoshi, CHARTER_URL)
    print "   miners fee: %i satoshi (see MINERS_FEE in src/client/main.py if you want to lower it)" % MINERS_FEE
    print "2. wait for transaction to get any confirmations"
    print "3. run:"
    print "%s main2 %s <locktime_minutes> <return_address>" % (START_COMMAND,
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.communication = MockBitmessageCommunication()
        self.db = MockOracleDb()
        self.btc = BitcoinClient(account=TEST_ACCOUNT)
        self.evaluator = Evaluator()

        self.task_queue = TaskQueue(self.db)

        self.handlers = defaultdict(lambda: None, handlers)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self):
        self.communication = OracleCommunication()
        self.db = OracleDb()
        self.btc = BitcoinClient()
        self.kv = KeyValue(self.db)

        self.task_queue = TaskQueue(self.db)

        self.handlers = op_handlers
        self.signer = TransactionSigner(self)
Пример #4
def tx_info(args):
    tx = args[0]
    btc = BitcoinClient()

    prevtxs = '[{"redeemScript": "52210281cf9fa9241f0a9799f27a4d5d60cff74f30eed1d536bf7a72d3dec936c151632102e8e22190b0adfefd0962c6332e74ab68831d56d0bfc2b01b32beccd56e3ef6f021035ff60e6745093b9bcbae93082e1c50ca5b3fcf8bcd186a46da46ded5132530522103a9bd3bfbd9f9b1719d3ecad8658796dc5e778177d77145b5c37247eb3060861854ae", "txid": "10a3ab54e1e19701fcb86c7725621b5b1b26415f94363de35a493ba9ca502b15", "vout": 0, "scriptPubKey": "a914a37ce66d7065157037e90ca4d4b4a20d8d865a2687"}]'
    prevtxs = json.loads(prevtxs)


    pprint.pprint(btc.signatures_count(tx, prevtxs))

    pprint.pprint(btc.signatures(tx, prevtxs))
Пример #5
    def __init__(self):

        self.db = OracleDb()
        self.btc = BitcoinClient()
        self.kv = KeyValue(self.db)

        self.task_queue = TaskQueue(self.db)

        self.handlers = op_handlers
        self.signer = TransactionSigner(self)

        last_received = self.kv.get_by_section_key('fastcast', 'last_epoch')
        if not last_received:
            self.kv.store('fastcast', 'last_epoch', {'last': 0})

Пример #6
    def __init__(self):

        self.db = OracleDb()
        self.btc = BitcoinClient()
        self.kv = KeyValue(self.db)

        self.task_queue = TaskQueue(self.db)

        self.handlers = op_handlers
        self.signer = TransactionSigner(self)

        last_received = self.kv.get_by_section_key('fastcast', 'last_epoch')
        if not last_received:
            self.kv.store('fastcast', 'last_epoch', {'last': 0})

        if not self.kv.exists('fastcast', 'address'):
            pub, priv = generateKey()
            self.kv.store('fastcast', 'address', {"pub": pub, "priv": priv})

        logging.info('fastcast pubkey: %r' %
                     self.kv.get_by_section_key('fastcast', 'address')['pub'])
Пример #7
def main2(args):
    if len(args) < 3:
        print "USAGE: `%s main2 <pubkey_once> <locktime_minutes> <return_address>`" % START_COMMAND
        print "- run `%s main` to obtain pubkey_once" % START_COMMAND
        print "- keep in mind that this is alpha, don't expect oracles to run properly for any extended periods of time"

    btc = BitcoinClient()

    request = {}
    client_pubkey = args[0]
    request['locktime'] = time.time() + int(args[1]) * 60
    request['return_address'] = args[2]

    print "fetching charter url"  # hopefully it didn't check between running main1 and main2
    charter = fetch_charter(CHARTER_URL)

    oracle_pubkeys = []
    oracle_fees = {}
    oracle_bms = []

    for o in charter['nodes']:
        oracle_fees[o['address']] = o['fee']

    oracle_fees[charter['org_address']] = charter['org_fee']

    min_sigs = int(ceil(float(len(oracle_pubkeys)) / 2))

    key_list = [client_pubkey] + oracle_pubkeys

    response = btc.create_multisig_address(min_sigs, key_list)
    msig_addr = response['address']  # we're using this as an identificator
    redeemScript = response['redeemScript']

    request['message_id'] = "%s-%s" % (msig_addr,
                                       str(randrange(1000000000, 9000000000)))
    request['pubkey_list'] = key_list

    request['miners_fee_satoshi'] = MINERS_FEE

    print "fetching transactions incoming to %s ..." % msig_addr

    import requests
    # for production purposes you might want to fetch the data using bitcoind, but that's expensive
    print "get"
    address_json = requests.get(
        "https://blockchain.info/address/%s?format=json" % msig_addr).text
    print address_json
    address_history = json.loads(address_json)

    #print "blockchain.info problem"
    #print address_json

    prevtxs = []
    sum_satoshi = 0

    for tx in address_history['txs']:
        outputs = []
        if 'out' in tx:
            outputs = outputs + tx['out']
        if 'outputs' in tx:
            outputs = outputs + tx['outputs']

        for vout in tx['out']:
            print vout
            if vout['addr'] == msig_addr:
                prevtx = {
                    'scriptPubKey': vout['script'],
                    'vout': vout['n'],
                    'txid': tx['hash'],
                    'redeemScript': redeemScript,
                sum_satoshi += vout['value']

    if len(prevtxs) == 0:
        print "ERROR: couldn't find transactions sending money to %s" % msig_addr
        #  return

    request['prevtxs'] = prevtxs
    request['outputs'] = oracle_fees

    request["req_sigs"] = min_sigs
    request['operation'] = 'timelock_create'
    request['sum_satoshi'] = sum_satoshi

    pub, priv = generateKey()

    meta_request = {}
    meta_request['source'] = pub
    meta_request['channel'] = 0
    meta_request['signature'] = 0
    meta_request['body'] = json.dumps(request)

    print sendMessage(constructMessage(priv, **meta_request))
Пример #8
def main2(args):
    if len(args) < 3:
        print "USAGE: `%s main2 <pubkey_once> <locktime_minutes> <return_address>`" % START_COMMAND
        print "- run `%s main` to obtain pubkey_once" % START_COMMAND
        print "- keep in mind that this is alpha, don't expect oracles to run properly for any extended periods of time"

    btc = BitcoinClient()

    request = {}
    client_pubkey = args[0]
    request['locktime'] = time.time() + int(args[1]) * 60
    request['return_address'] = args[2]

    print "fetching charter url"  # hopefully it didn't check between running main1 and main2
    charter = fetch_charter(CHARTER_URL)

    oracle_pubkeys = []
    oracle_fees = {}
    oracle_bms = []

    for o in charter['nodes']:
        oracle_fees[o['address']] = o['fee']

    oracle_fees[charter['org_address']] = charter['org_fee']

    min_sigs = int(ceil(float(len(oracle_pubkeys)) / 2))

    key_list = [client_pubkey] + oracle_pubkeys

    response = btc.create_multisig_address(min_sigs, key_list)
    msig_addr = response['address']  # we're using this as an identificator
    redeemScript = response['redeemScript']

    request['message_id'] = "%s-%s" % (msig_addr,
                                       str(randrange(1000000000, 9000000000)))
    request['pubkey_list'] = key_list

    request['miners_fee_satoshi'] = MINERS_FEE

    print "fetching transactions incoming to %s ..." % msig_addr

    # for production purposes you might want to fetch the data using bitcoind, but that's expensive
    address_json = liburl_wrapper.safe_read(
        "https://blockchain.info/address/%s?format=json" % msig_addr,
        address_history = json.loads(address_json)
        print "blockchain.info problem"
        print address_json

    prevtxs = []
    sum_satoshi = 0

    for tx in address_history['txs']:
        outputs = []
        if 'out' in tx:
            outputs = outputs + tx['out']
        if 'outputs' in tx:
            outputs = outputs + tx['outputs']

        for vout in tx['out']:
            print vout
            if vout['addr'] == msig_addr:
                prevtx = {
                    'scriptPubKey': vout['script'],
                    'vout': vout['n'],
                    'txid': tx['hash'],
                    'redeemScript': redeemScript,
                sum_satoshi += vout['value']

    if len(prevtxs) == 0:
        print "ERROR: couldn't find transactions sending money to %s" % msig_addr

    request['prevtxs'] = prevtxs
    request['outputs'] = oracle_fees

    request["req_sigs"] = min_sigs
    request['operation'] = 'timelock_create'
    request['sum_satoshi'] = sum_satoshi

    bm = BitmessageClient()
    print "sending: %r" % json.dumps(request)
    print bm.chan_address

    request_content = json.dumps(request)

    print bm.send_message(bm.chan_address, request['operation'],

    print ""
    print "Gathering oracle responses. It may take BitMessage 30-60 seconds to deliver a message one way."
    print "Although we've seen delays up to half an hour, especially if BitMessage client was just launched."
    print ""

    oracles_confirmed = 0
    while oracle_bms:
        messages = bm.get_unread_messages()
        print "oracles confirmed: {}".format(oracles_confirmed)
        for msg in messages:
            if msg.from_address in oracle_bms:
                    content = json.loads(msg.message)
                    print msg.message
                    print 'failed decoding message'

                if 'in_reply_to' not in content:

                if content['in_reply_to'] == request['message_id']:
                    print "[%r][%r] %r" % (msg.subject, msg.from_address,
                    print ""

        if oracle_bms:  #if still awaiting replies from some oracles