def report( self ): if self.default is None: self.default = 0 if self.secondary is None: self.secondary = 0 if is None: = 0 "Task Id: %s, Task Index: %d" % ( self.task_id, self.task_index )) my_msg = "Process Log Contains " if self.detail_flags & SummaryDetail.AnyDetail == SummaryDetail.Nothing : my_msg = "Process No Found or is Empty" else: if self.detail_flags & SummaryDetail.ForceCmd == SummaryDetail.ForceCmd : my_msg += "ForceCommand, " if self.detail_flags & SummaryDetail.ForceResult == SummaryDetail.ForceResult: my_msg += "ForceResult, " if self.detail_flags & SummaryDetail.IssCmd == SummaryDetail.IssCmd : my_msg += "IssCommand, " if self.detail_flags & SummaryDetail.IssResult == SummaryDetail.IssResult : my_msg += "IssResult, " my_msg = my_msg[:-2] # Msg.user( my_msg ) # "Originating Control File: %s" % ( self.parent_fctrl )) # "Control File Item: %s" % ( str( self.fctrl_item ))) # "F-Run Control File: %s" % ( self.frun_path )) Msg.dbg( "Force Ret Code: %s" % ( str( self.force_retcode ))) "[%s], Generate Command: %s" % ( SysUtils.ifthen( SysUtils.success( self.force_retcode ), "SUCCESS", "FAILED" ), str( self.force_cmd ))) "Instructions Generated - Default: %d, Secondary: %d, Total: %d" % ( self.default, self.secondary, )) if self.iss_cmd is not None: if self.iss_success(): "[SUCCESS], ISS Command: %s" % ( str( self.iss_cmd ))) else: "[FAILED], ISS Command: %s" % ( str( self.iss_cmd ))) #Msg.fout( self.iss_log, "user" ) Msg.blank()
def commit(self): my_gen_cnt = 0 my_gen_ret = 0 my_sim_cnt = 0 my_sim_ret = 0 my_tgt_name = "" if self.has_generate(): #Msg.user( "if self.has_generate(): True" ) my_gen_cnt = 1 my_gen_ret = self.commit_generate() if self.has_simulate(): #Msg.user( "if self.has_simulate(): True" ) my_sim_cnt = 1 my_sim_ret = self.commit_simulate() my_tgt_name = "%s%s" % (self.task_path, SysUtils.ifthen(bool(my_sim_ret), "PASS", "FAIL")) else: my_tgt_name = "%s%s" % (self.task_path, SysUtils.ifthen(bool(my_gen_ret), "PASS", "FAIL")) my_src_name = "%s%s" % (self.task_path, "STARTED") PathUtils.move(my_src_name, my_tgt_name) return (my_gen_cnt, my_gen_ret, my_sim_cnt, my_sim_ret)
def exec_gen(self, arg_task_file): # Msg.dbg( "ExecuteController::exec_gen( %s )" % ( arg_task_file ) ) # NOTE: Do not change force_cmd may need to reuse!! # my_task_file = self.ctrl_item.file_path() # my_cmd = self.force_cmd % ( my_testfile, arg_testname.replace( ".py", ".gen.log" )) my_log = "gen.log" # arg_testname.replace( ".py", ".gen.log" ) my_elog = "gen.err" # arg_testname.replace( ".py", ".gen.log" ) my_cmd = self.force_cmd % (arg_task_file) # , my_log ) # Msg.dbg( "Generate Command Line: %s" % ( my_cmd )) # if self.ctrl_item.mode == "mock": # "Mock Generate: " + my_cmd ) # else: "ForceCommand = " + str({ "force-command": my_cmd, "force-log": my_log, "force-elog": my_elog, "max-instr": self.ctrl_item.max_instr, "min-instr": self.ctrl_item.min_instr }), True) Msg.flush() # if self.ctrl_item.summary is not None: # # update the current test with the generate cmd and the generate log file. # self.ctrl_item.summary.set_gen_info( arg_task_name, arg_ndx, my_cmd, my_log ) my_result = SysUtils.exec_process(my_cmd, my_log, my_elog, self.ctrl_item.timeout, True) # Msg.user( str( my_result[0] ) + ", type: " + str( type( my_result[0] ))) my_ret_code = int(my_result[0]) my_std_out = str(my_result[1]) my_std_err = str(my_result[2]) my_start = str(my_result[3]) my_end = str(my_result[4]) my_time_elapsed = SysUtils.ifthen(my_result[3] is not None, float(my_result[3]), 0.0)"ForceResult = " + str({ "force-retcode": my_ret_code, "force-stdout": my_std_out, "force-stderr": my_std_err, "force-start": my_start, "force-end": my_end })) return SysUtils.success(my_result[0])
def commit_generate( self ): self.force_result = SysUtils.ifthen( SysUtils.success( self.force_retcode ), "PASS", "FAIL" ) self.force_level = SummaryLevel.Any if SysUtils.failed( self.force_retcode ): self.force_level = SummaryLevel.Fail Msg.lout( self, "user" , "Performance Summary Item Commit Generate" ) if SysUtils.success( self.force_retcode ): self.instruction_counts( ) "Instructions: %d, Default: %d, Secondary: %d, Elapsed Time: %0.5f Seconds\n\n" % ( self.count, self.default, self.secondary, self.force_end - self.force_start )) return 1 return 0
def populate(self, arg_dict): self.work_dir = arg_dict[CtrlItmKeys.fdir] #Msg.trace() Msg.user("self.work_dir: %s" % (self.work_dir), "ParentData::populate()") self.test_root = arg_dict[CtrlItmKeys.test_root] self.mode = arg_dict[CtrlItmKeys.mode] self.force_path = arg_dict[CtrlItmKeys.force_path] self.action = arg_dict[CtrlItmKeys.action] self.process_queue = arg_dict[CtrlItmKeys.process_queue] self.force_cmd = arg_dict[CtrlItmKeys.force_cmd] self.process_max = arg_dict.get(CtrlItmKeys.process_max, CtrlItmDefs.process_max) self.iss_path = arg_dict.get(CtrlItmKeys.iss_path, CtrlItmDefs.iss_path) if not SysUtils.found(self.iss_path.find(self.test_root)): # Msg.user( "Test Root Not Found ..." ) # if not then prepend the test root self.iss_path = PathUtils.include_trailing_path_delimiter( self.test_root) + PathUtils.exclude_leading_path_delimiter( self.iss_path) Msg.user("Final Iss Path: %s" % (self.iss_path), "ISS_PATH") self.timeout = arg_dict.get(CtrlItmKeys.timeout, CtrlItmDefs.timeout) return self
def process_groups( self, arg_ofile ): my_total_count = 0 my_total_elapsed = 0 my_groups = self.groups.task_groups(); # Msg.trace("PerformanceSummaryItem::process_groups") for my_group, my_items in my_groups.items(): try: my_str = "\nBegin Group: %s\n" % ( my_group ) arg_ofile.write( my_str ) Msg.blank( "info" ) my_str ) my_grp_count, my_grp_elapsed = self.process_group_items( arg_ofile, my_items ) my_total_count += my_grp_count my_total_elapsed += my_grp_elapsed my_line = "\nGroup Instructions: %3d\n" % ( my_grp_count ) my_line += "Group Elapsed Time: %0.3f\n" % ( my_grp_elapsed ) my_line += "Group Instructions per Second: %0.3f\n" % ( SysUtils.ifthen( bool( my_grp_elapsed ), my_grp_count / my_grp_elapsed, 0 )) my_line += "End Group: %s\n" % ( my_group ) my_line ) arg_ofile.write( my_line ) except Exception as arg_ex: Msg.error_trace() Msg.err( "Unable to process, Group: %s, Reason: %s" % ( my_group, type( arg_ex ))) return my_total_count, my_total_elapsed
def process_summary( self, sum_level = SummaryLevel.Fail ): my_file_name = "%sperformance_summary.log" % ( PathUtils().include_trailing_path_delimiter( self.summary_dir )) Msg.dbg( "Master Log File: %s" % ( my_file_name )) my_utcdt = DateTime.UTCNow() my_ofile = None try: # First try to open file with open( my_file_name, "w" ) as my_ofile: my_ofile.write( "Date: %s\n" % ( DateTime.DateAsStr( my_utcdt ))) my_ofile.write( "Time: %s\n" % ( DateTime.TimeAsStr( my_utcdt ))) self.process_errors( my_ofile ) my_total_count, my_total_elapsed = self.process_groups( my_ofile ) Msg.blank( "info" ) my_line = "Total Instructions Generated: %3d\n" % ( my_total_count ) my_line += "Total Elapsed Time: %0.3f\n" % ( my_total_elapsed ) my_line += "Overall Instructions per Second: %0.3f\n" % ( SysUtils.ifthen( bool( my_total_elapsed ), my_total_count / my_total_elapsed, 0 )) my_line ) my_ofile.write( my_line ) except Exception as arg_ex: Msg.error_trace() Msg.err( "Error Processing Summary, " + str( arg_ex ) ) finally: my_ofile.close()
def initialize_sim(self): # Msg.dbg( "ExecuteController::initialize_sim()") if not self.ctrl_item.no_sim: my_tmlog = "iss.railhouse" #arg_testname.replace( ".py", ".log" ) self.sim_log = "iss_sim.log" self.sim_cmd = "%s -T %s -C %s -i %d --exit_loop=%d" % ( self.ctrl_item.parent_data.iss_path, my_tmlog, self.ctrl_item.num_cores, self.ctrl_item.max_instr, self.ctrl_item.exit_loop) if not self.ctrl_item.iss is None and type( self.ctrl_item.iss) is dict: for my_key in self.ctrl_item.iss.keys(): if not my_key == CtrlItmKeys.iss_path: Msg.user("sim_cmd: %s, key: %s " % (str(self.sim_cmd), str(my_key))) self.sim_cmd += " %s %s" % ( str(my_key), SysUtils.ifthen( self.ctrl_item.iss[my_key] is None, "", str(self.ctrl_item.iss[my_key]))) self.sim_cmd += "%s%s" #
def exec_iss(self, arg_task_name): # Msg.dbg( "ExecuteController::exec_iss( %s )" % ( arg_task_name ) ) # build rest of command for iss my_elf = "%s.Default.ELF" % (arg_task_name) # Msg.dbg( "Looking For: %s" % ( my_elf )) my_elf = SysUtils.ifthen(PathUtils.check_file(my_elf), " %s" % my_elf, "") # Msg.dbg( "Using ELF: %s" % ( my_elf )) my_elfns = "%s.Secondary.ELF" % (arg_task_name) # Msg.dbg( "Looking For: %s" % ( my_elfns )) my_elfns = SysUtils.ifthen(PathUtils.check_file(my_elfns), " %s" % my_elfns, "") my_cmd = self.sim_cmd % (my_elf, my_elfns) try: # execute the simulation"ISSCommand = " + str({"iss-command": my_cmd})) my_log = self.sim_log my_elog = self.sim_log #my_ret_code = int( SysUtils.exec_cmd( my_cmd ) ) my_result = SysUtils.exec_process(my_cmd, my_log, my_elog, self.ctrl_item.timeout, True) my_ret_code = int(my_result[0]) my_std_out = str(my_result[1]) my_std_err = str(my_result[2]) my_start = str(my_result[3]) my_end = str(my_result[4])"ISSResult = " + str({ "iss-retcode": my_ret_code, "iss-log": self.sim_log, "iss-stdout": my_std_out, "iss-stderr": my_std_err, "iss-start": my_start, "iss-end": my_end })) except Exception as arg_ex: Msg.error_trace("ISS Execute Failure") Msg.err("ISS did not properly execute, Reason: %s" % (str(arg_ex))) return False return True
def load_force_elog( self ): self.force_msg = None my_elog = "%s%s" % ( PathUtils.include_trailing_path_delimiter( self.work_dir ), self.force_elog ) # Msg.dbg( my_elog ) if SysUtils.failed( self.force_retcode ): Msg.fout( my_elog, "dbg" ) with open( my_elog , "r" ) as my_flog: try: for my_line in my_flog: if SysUtils.found( my_line.find( "[fail]" )): self.force_msg = my_line.replace( "[fail]", "" ).strip() # Msg.dbg( "Message: %s" % ( str( self.force_msg ))) break finally: my_flog.close()
def initialize_gen(self): # Msg.dbg( "ExecuteController::initialize_gen()") my_cmd = self.ctrl_item.parent_data.force_cmd # Msg.user( " %s" % ( str( self.ctrl_item.no_asm )) ) # Msg.dbg( "ControlItem.max_instr: %s" % ( str( self.ctrl_item.max_instr )) ) my_cmd += " -t %s" + SysUtils.ifthen( self.ctrl_item.no_asm == False, "", " --noasm") + " --max-instr %d" % self.ctrl_item.max_instr # Msg.dbg( "my_cmd: %s" % ( str( my_cmd )) ) if isinstance(self.ctrl_item.generator, dict): for my_key in self.ctrl_item.generator.keys(): my_cmd += " %s %s " % ( str(my_key), SysUtils.ifthen(self.ctrl_item.generator[my_key] is None, "", str(self.ctrl_item.generator[my_key]))) self.force_cmd = my_cmd.strip()
def load(self, arg_ctrl_item ): super().load( arg_ctrl_item ) # Msg.dbg( "FileController::load()" ) self.parent_fctrl = self.ctrl_item.file_path() # Msg.dbg( "File Path: %s" % ( self.parent_fctrl )) #my_content = open( self.parent_fctrl ).read() # Msg.dbg( "\n" + my_content ) try: my_content = open( self.parent_fctrl ).read() except Exception as arg_ex: Msg.err( "Message: %s, Control File Path: %s" % ( str( arg_ex ), self.parent_fctrl )) my_err_queue_item = SummaryErrorQueueItem( { "error" : arg_ex , "message": "Control File Not Found ..." , "path" : self.ctrl_item.file_path() , "type" : str( type( arg_ex )) } ) self.ctrl_item.summary().queue.enqueue( my_err_queue_item ) return False finally: pass try: my_glb, my_loc = SysUtils.exec_content( my_content ) except Exception as arg_ex: my_exc_type, my_exc_val, my_exc_tb = sys.exc_info() my_ex = arg_ex Msg.err( "Message: %s, Control File Path: %s" % ( str( arg_ex ), self.parent_fctrl)) Msg.blank() my_err_queue_item = SummaryErrorQueueItem( { "error" : arg_ex , "message": "Control File not processed..." , "path" : self.ctrl_item.file_path() , "type" : str( my_exc_type ) } ) self.ctrl_item.summary().queue.enqueue( my_err_queue_item ) return False finally: pass self.fcontrol = my_loc["control_items"] return True
def load_gen_result(self, arg_dict): # Msg.lout( arg_dict, "dbg", "Generate Results Dictionary ... " ) try: self.force_retcode = int(str(arg_dict["force-retcode"]).strip()) except: self.force_retcode = -1 Msg.err("Generate Return Code in unrecognizable format") self.force_stdout = arg_dict["force-stdout"] self.force_stderr = arg_dict["force-stderr"] if SysUtils.failed(self.force_retcode): self.force_level = SummaryLevel.Fail self.force_start = float(arg_dict.get("force-start", 0.00)) self.force_end = float(arg_dict.get("force-end", 0.00))
def run(self): # Record the starting and ending of the run for performance metrics start = DateTime.Time() my_cmd = self.process_queue.process_cmd % (self.queue_item.frun_path) # Msg.dbg( "Process Command: %s" % ( str( my_cmd ))) my_log = "%s/forrest.log" % (self.queue_item.work_dir) # my_retcode = SysUtils.exec_process( my_cmd, my_log, my_log, self.my_queue_item.ctrl_item.timeout ) # Msg.dbg( "Process Timeout: %s" % ( str( self.queue_item.ctrl_item.timeout ))) # self.queue_item.ctrl_item.timeout ))) my_retcode = SysUtils.exec_process(my_cmd, my_log, my_log, self.queue_item.ctrl_item.timeout) end = DateTime.Time() self.extract_results(my_retcode, my_cmd, my_log, self.queue_item, start, end) self.done_semaphore.release() self.thread_count.add(-1)
def load_process_line(self, arg_line): if SysUtils.found(arg_line.find("ForceCommand")): my_glb, my_loc = SysUtils.exec_content(arg_line) self.load_gen_info(my_loc["ForceCommand"]) self.detail_flags |= SummaryDetail.ForceCmd elif SysUtils.found(arg_line.find("ForceResult")): my_glb, my_loc = SysUtils.exec_content(arg_line) self.load_gen_result(my_loc["ForceResult"]) self.detail_flags |= SummaryDetail.ForceResult elif SysUtils.found(arg_line.find("ISSCommand")): my_glb, my_loc = SysUtils.exec_content(arg_line) self.load_iss_info(my_loc["ISSCommand"]) self.detail_flags |= SummaryDetail.IssCmd elif SysUtils.found(arg_line.find("ISSResult")): my_glb, my_loc = SysUtils.exec_content(arg_line) self.load_iss_result(my_loc["ISSResult"]) self.detail_flags |= SummaryDetail.IssResult
def check_ctrl_dir(self, arg_fctrl_dir): Msg.user( "Checking for control file at relative path[%s] from test root" % (arg_fctrl_dir), "RELATIVE PATH") my_tmp_dir = arg_fctrl_dir if not SysUtils.found(my_tmp_dir.find(self.parent_data.test_root)): # Prepend the test_root on the work directory Msg.user("Building Control Directory ...", "RELATIVE PATH") my_tmp_dir = PathUtils.append_path(self.parent_data.test_root, my_tmp_dir) if PathUtils.check_found( PathUtils.append_path(my_tmp_dir, self.fctrl_name)): self.fctrl_dir = my_tmp_dir Msg.user("Setting Control Directory: %s ..." % (self.fctrl_dir), "RELATIVE PATH") return True return False
def load_item_values(self, arg_item_dict): my_options = arg_item_dict.get(CtrlItmKeys.options, CtrlItmDefs.options) my_parent_vals = arg_item_dict.get(CtrlItmKeys.parent_vals, {}) Msg.lout(my_parent_vals, "dbg", "Parent Values from Control Item") Msg.lout(self.parent_data, "dbg", "Persistent Data") # Control File Location self.fctrl_dir = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.fdir, SysUtils.ifthen(self.parent_data.work_dir is None, CtrlItmDefs.fctrl_dir, self.parent_data.work_dir)) # Populated from control item options self.iterations = my_options.get(CtrlItmKeys.iterations, CtrlItmDefs.iterations) # Populated from control item options or parent self.exit_loop = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.exit_loop, my_parent_vals.get(CtrlItmKeys.exit_loop, CtrlItmDefs.exit_loop)) = my_options.get(, my_parent_vals.get(, self.min_instr = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.min_instr, my_parent_vals.get(CtrlItmKeys.min_instr, CtrlItmDefs.min_instr)) self.max_instr = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.max_instr, my_parent_vals.get(CtrlItmKeys.max_instr, CtrlItmDefs.max_instr)) self.num_cores = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.num_cores, my_parent_vals.get(CtrlItmKeys.num_cores, CtrlItmDefs.num_cores)) self.no_asm = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.no_asm, my_parent_vals.get(CtrlItmKeys.no_asm, CtrlItmDefs.no_asm)) self.no_sim = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.no_sim, my_parent_vals.get(CtrlItmKeys.no_sim, CtrlItmDefs.no_sim)) self.timeout = my_options.get( CtrlItmKeys.timeout, my_parent_vals.get(CtrlItmKeys.timeout, CtrlItmDefs.timeout))
def commit_simulate( self ): self.instr_count, self.iss_message = self.extract_iss_info() Msg.user( "Instr Count: %d, Message: %s" % (self.instr_count, self.iss_message )) try: # check the return code for error if SysUtils.success( self.iss_retcode ): # Check to see for instruction overrun if int( self.instr_count ) < self.max_instr: if int( self.instr_count ) >= self.min_instr: self.iss_result = "PASS" self.iss_level = SummaryLevel.Any return 1 self.iss_result = "FAIL" self.iss_level = SummaryLevel.Fail return 0 finally: pass
def check_work_dir(self, arg_fctrl_dir): # check the work directory Msg.dbg( "Checking for control file using implict path[%s] of current control file" % (str(arg_fctrl_dir))) if not self.parent_data.work_dir is None: my_tmp_dir = PathUtils.append_path(self.parent_data.work_dir, arg_fctrl_dir) if not SysUtils.found(my_tmp_dir.find(self.parent_data.test_root)): # Prepend the test_root on the work directory my_tmp_dir = PathUtils.append_path(self.parent_data.test_root, my_tmp_dir) if PathUtils.check_found( PathUtils.append_path(my_tmp_dir, self.fctrl_name)): self.fctrl_dir = my_tmp_dir # Msg.dbg( "Using Control File Directory: %s" % ( self.fctrl_dir )) return True return False
def extract_iss_data(self, arg_item_dict): # first get the iss dictionary # Msg.lout( arg_item_dict, "user", "RAW Item Dictionary ..." ) my_iss_data = arg_item_dict.get(CtrlItmKeys.iss, CtrlItmDefs.iss) my_iss_path = my_iss_data.get(CtrlItmKeys.iss_path, None) if my_iss_path is not None: # if the iss path was not specified then the iss path currently in the parent data instance is the correct one Msg.dbg("Iss Path: %s, Test Root: %s" % (my_iss_path, self.parent_data.test_root)) # check to see if path is absolute path if not SysUtils.found(my_iss_path.find( self.parent_data.test_root)): Msg.dbg("Test Root Not Found ...") # if not then prepend the test root my_iss_path = PathUtils.include_trailing_path_delimiter( self.parent_data.test_root ) + PathUtils.exclude_leading_path_delimiter(my_iss_path) self.parent_data.update_iss_path(my_iss_path) Msg.dbg("Final Iss Path: %s" % (self.parent_data.iss_path))
def load_force_log(self, arg_seed_only=False): self.default = None self.secondary = None = None self.seed = None self.task_path = PathUtils.include_trailing_path_delimiter( self.work_dir) my_glog = "%s%s" % (self.task_path, self.force_log) Msg.dbg("Path: %s" % my_glog) # Msg.user( "Opening Generator Log File: %s" % ( my_glog )) with open(my_glog, "r") as my_flog: try: for my_line in my_flog: if SysUtils.found( my_line.find("Secondary Instructions Generated")): # my_secondary = my_line.replace( "[notice]Secondary Instructions Generated:", "" ).strip() # self.secondary = int( my_secondary ) my_lpos = my_line.find(':') my_count = int(my_line[my_lpos + 2:].strip()) # Msg.user( "Secondary Instructions: %d" % ( my_count )) self.secondary = my_count elif SysUtils.found( my_line.find("Default Instructions Generated")): # my_pos = my_line.find( ":" ) + 2 # my_default = my_line[ my_pos: ].strip() # get the count for this instruction type my_lpos = my_line.find(':') my_count = int(my_line[my_lpos + 2:].strip()) # Msg.user( "Default Instructions: %d" % ( my_count )) self.default = my_count # my_default = my_line.replace( "[notice]Default Instructions Generated:", "" ).strip() # self.default = int( my_default ) if SysUtils.found( my_line.find("Total Instructions Generated")): = int( my_line.replace( "[notice]Total Instructions Generated: ", "").strip()) my_lpos = my_line.find(':') my_count = int(my_line[my_lpos + 2:].strip()) # Msg.user( "Total Instructions: %d" % ( my_count )) = my_count if SysUtils.found(my_line.find("Initial seed")): self.seed = my_line.replace("[notice]", "").replace( "Initial seed = ", "").strip() # Msg.dbg( "Seed: %s" % ( self.seed )) # for simulation only the seed is needed if arg_seed_only: break if not (self.seed is None or is None or self.secondary is None or self.default is None): break except Exception as arg_ex: # NOTE: Determine the possible errors and handle accordingly, for now just keep processing Msg.error_trace() Msg.err(str(arg_ex)) finally: my_flog.close()
def resolve_file_location(self): my_fctrl_dir, self.fctrl_name = PathUtils.split_path( str(self.fctrl_name)) Msg.user( "Extracted File Path: %s, Control File Path: %s, Extracted File Name: %s" % (str(my_fctrl_dir), str(self.fctrl_dir), str(self.fctrl_name)), "FCTRL-DIR") Msg.user( "1 - Control Directory: %s, Force Directory: %s, Test Root: %s, Work Dir: %s, Control File: %s, self.fctrl_dir: %s" % (my_fctrl_dir, self.parent_data.force_path, self.parent_data.test_root, self.parent_data.work_dir, self.fctrl_name, self.fctrl_dir), "FCTRL-DIR") # if the name does not contain a path use the contol directory if my_fctrl_dir is None: my_fctrl_dir = self.fctrl_dir Msg.user( "Control Directory: %s, Force Directory: %s, Test Root: %s, Work Dir: %s, Control File: %s" % (my_fctrl_dir, self.parent_data.force_path, self.parent_data.test_root, self.parent_data.work_dir, self.fctrl_name), "FCTRL-DIR") # because of the requirement of not knowing and needing to discover the directory # situation it is necessary to search for the control file my_tmp = None my_tmp_dir = None # if the a directory was specified in the control name or a specifies as part of the control item it is # necessary to check for either a absolute path or relative parent path # Msg.dbg( "Checking: [%s] for [%s]" % ( my_fctrl_dir, self.fctrl_name )) if my_fctrl_dir is None: raise Exception( "Control File Location was not specified, File[%s]" % (self.fctrl_name)) if self.check_full_path(my_fctrl_dir): Msg.user("Using Real Path as Control Directory", "FILE_LOCATION") pass elif self.check_parent_dir(my_fctrl_dir): Msg.user("Using Parent Directory as Control Directory", "FILE_LOCATION") pass elif self.check_work_dir(my_fctrl_dir): Msg.user( "Using Current Control File Location as Control Directory", "FILE_LOCATION") pass elif self.check_ctrl_dir(my_fctrl_dir): Msg.user("Using Specified Control Directory as Control Directory", "FILE_LOCATION") pass else: if self.item_type() == ControlItemType.TaskItem: my_err_queue_item = SummaryErrorQueueItem({ "error": "Template Not Found at Specified Location", "message": "Template File Not Found ...", "path": self.file_path(), "type": str("FileNotFoundError") }) self.summary().queue.enqueue(my_err_queue_item) elif self.item_type() == ControlItemType.FileItem: my_err_queue_item = SummaryErrorQueueItem({ "error": "FileNotFoundError", "message": "Control File Not Found at Specified Location", "path": self.file_path(), "type": str("FileNotFoundError") }) self.summary().queue.enqueue(my_err_queue_item) raise Exception("File[%s] Not Found at Location Specified[%s]" % (self.fctrl_name, my_fctrl_dir)) # Msg.dbg( "Raw Control Directory: %s" % ( self.fctrl_dir )) # Msg.dbg( "Test Root: %s" % ( self.test_root )) # remove the test root if present if SysUtils.found(self.fctrl_dir.find(self.parent_data.test_root)): # Msg.dbg( "Test Root Found" ) self.fctrl_dir = self.fctrl_dir.replace(self.parent_data.test_root, "") # Msg.dbg( "Trimmed Control Directory: %s" % ( self.fctrl_dir )) # add the trailing path delimiter self.fctrl_dir = PathUtils.include_trailing_path_delimiter( self.fctrl_dir) Msg.user("Delimited Control Directory: %s" % (self.fctrl_dir), "FILE_LOCATION") return True