def getUnconfirmedWatchlist(stock_list): try: # Login in to SB, return browser object browser = mod_shared.sbLogin() # Find and go to Watchlist link = browser.find( 'a', href=re.compile('Watchlist')) # find Watchlist link link = browser.follow_link(link) # get list of stocks in watchlist rowWatchlist = browser.find_all( 'tr', id=re.compile('MainContent_SignalListGrid1_DXDataRow' )) #find all <tr> in Watchlist list_of_sbStockNameShort = [] if rowWatchlist is not None: for row in rowWatchlist: list_of_sbStockNameShort.append( list_of_sbStockNameShort_not_in_watchlist = [] for stock in stock_list: if stock.get(mod_shared.glo_colName_sbNameshort ) not in list_of_sbStockNameShort: list_of_sbStockNameShort_not_in_watchlist.append(stock) return list_of_sbStockNameShort_not_in_watchlist except Exception as e: print("ERROR in file", glo_file_this, 'and function', inspect.stack()[0][3], ':', str(e)) mod_shared.writeErrorLog(inspect.stack()[0][3], str(e))
def setSbWatchlist(stocksToBuy_list): print('\nSTART', inspect.stack()[0][3]) try: # Login in to SB, return browser object browser = mod_shared.sbLogin() print('setting watchlist...') test_bool = False # test_bool = True test_counter = 0 if test_bool: print(inspect.stack()[0][3], 'in TEST MODE!') for row in stocksToBuy_list: print(row.get(mod_shared.glo_colName_sbNameshort)) # get non-member URL from list and format to member URL url_base = '' url_stock = row.get(mod_shared.glo_colName_url_sb) url_stock_rel = url_stock[29:] url_stock = url_base + url_stock_rel # set form payload formData = { 'ctl00$ScriptManager1': 'ctl00$MainContent$UpdatePanel1|ctl00$MainContent$AddtoWatchlist', '__EVENTTARGET': 'ctl00$MainContent$AddtoWatchlist', '__EVENTARGUMENT': 'Click', '__ASYNCPOST': 'true' } # add new headers headers = { 'Referer': url_stock, 'User-Agent': mod_shared.glo_urlHeader_userAgent.get('User-Agent'), 'X-MicrosoftAjax': 'Delta=true', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' } # merge current with new headers browser.session.headers = {**browser.session.headers, **headers} # set watchlist of stock, method='post', data=formData) if test_bool and test_counter >= 1: break test_counter += 1 except Exception as e: print("ERROR in file", glo_file_this, 'and function', inspect.stack()[0][3], ':', str(e)) mod_shared.writeErrorLog(inspect.stack()[0][3], str(e)) else: print('END', inspect.stack()[0][3], '\n')
def clearSbWatchlist(): print(inspect.stack()[0][3]) try: # Login in to SB, return browser object browser = mod_shared.sbLogin() # Find and go to Watchlist link = browser.find( 'a', href=re.compile('Watchlist')) # find Watchlist link link = browser.follow_link(link) form = browser.get_form( ) # get form for deleteAll (one big shared form) browser.submit_form( form, submit=form[mod_shared.glo_clearWatchlist]) # delete all watchlist except Exception as e: print("ERROR in file", glo_file_this, 'and function', inspect.stack()[0][3], ':', str(e)) mod_shared.writeErrorLog(inspect.stack()[0][3], str(e))