Пример #1
def main(A):
    """ match the mean fraction by fixing prefactor A(a) and B(a) on tau
        requires 'gaussian' to be finished.
        run before convolve, though it uses functions in convolve for evaluating 
        the cost function.
    global meanfractionmodel
    global varfractionmodel

    varfractionmodel = VarFractionModel(A)
    meanfractionmodel = MeanFractionModel(A)

    Nbins = 8
    zBins = numpy.linspace(2.0, 4.0, Nbins + 1, endpoint=True)
    LogLamBins = numpy.log10(1216.0 * (1 + zBins ))
    z = 0.5 * (zBins[1:] + zBins[:-1])
    Af = sharedmem.empty(z.shape)
    Bf = sharedmem.empty(z.shape)
    xmeanF = sharedmem.empty(z.shape)
    xstdF = sharedmem.empty(z.shape)
    def work(i):
        if i > 0:
            Afguess, Bfguess = Af[i-1], Bf[i-1]
            Afguess, Bfguess = (0.00015, 1.5)
        Af[i], Bf[i], xmeanF[i], xstdF[i] = fitRange(A, LogLamBins[i], LogLamBins[i + 1], 
                Afguess, Bfguess)
    map(work, range(Nbins))
    numpy.savez(A.MatchMeanFractionOutput, a=1 / (z+1), 
            Af=Af, Bf=Bf, xmeanF=xmeanF, xvarF=xstdF ** 2)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, face_width, res_x, res_y, f_x, f_y, fan_position, visualize=False):

        # Initialize multiprocessing.Process parent

        # Exit event for stopping process
        self._exit = multiprocessing.Event()

        # Event that is set, everytime a new servo angle position has been computed
        self.newposition_event = multiprocessing.Event()

        # An array in shared memory for storing the current face position
        self._currentface = sharedmem.empty((4, 1), dtype='int16')

        # An array in shared memory for storing the current position angles
        self._currentangles = sharedmem.empty((2, 1), dtype='float')

        self._facewidth = face_width
        self._res_x = res_x
        self._res_y = res_y
        self._f_x = f_x
        self._f_y = f_y
        self._fan_position = fan_position

        # Defines whether to visualize the servo angles position
        self._visualize = visualize
Пример #3
def test_memory_type():
    a = sharedmem.empty(100)
    b = sharedmem.empty(100)
    assert isinstance(b, type(a))

    assert not isinstance(a + 10, type(a))
    assert not isinstance(numpy.sum(a), type(a))
    assert not isinstance(a + b, type(a))
    assert not isinstance(a * b, type(a))
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, config):
        def getfilename(mock):
            dir = os.path.join(config.prefix, mock)
            paramfile = os.path.join(config.prefix, mock, 'paramfile')
            c = Config(paramfile, basedir=dir)
            return os.path.join(c.datadir, 'bootstrap.npz')

        if config.UseMocks is None:
            filenames = sorted(list(glob(os.path.join(config.prefix, '[0-9]*', '*',
            filenames = [getfilename(mock) for mock in config.UseMocks]

        files = [ numpy.load(f)  for f in filenames]

        print 'using', len(filenames), ' files', filenames

        self.r = files[0]['r']
        self.mu = files[0]['mu']

        # b/c they all have the same cosmology
        self.eigenmodes = EigenModes(numpy.load(config.EigenModesOutput)['eigenmodes'])

        self.DQDQ, self.RQDQ, self.RQRQ = sharedmem.empty(
                [3, len(files)] + list(files[0]['DQDQ'].shape))
        self.DQDFsum1, self.RQDFsum1, self.DFDFsum1 = sharedmem.empty(
                [3, len(files)] + list(files[0]['DQDQ'].shape))
        self.DQDFsum2, self.RQDFsum2, self.DFDFsum2 = sharedmem.empty(
                [3, len(files)] + list(files[0]['DQDQ'].shape))

        self.ND, self.NR = sharedmem.empty([2, len(files)] +

        def read(i):
            file = files[i]
            self.DQDQ[i] = file['DQDQ']
            self.RQDQ[i] = file['RQDQ']
            self.RQRQ[i] = file['RQRQ']
            self.DQDFsum1[i] = file['DQDFsum1'][0]
            self.RQDFsum1[i] = file['RQDFsum1'][0]
            self.DFDFsum1[i] = file['DFDFsum1'][0]
            self.DQDFsum2[i] = file['DQDFsum2']
            self.RQDFsum2[i] = file['RQDFsum2']
            self.DFDFsum2[i] = file['DFDFsum2']
            self.ND[i] = file['Qchunksize']
            self.NR[i] = file['Rchunksize']

        chunkmap(read, range(len(files)), 1)

        self.Nchunks = self.DQDQ[0].shape[0]
        # build the currelation function on the first sample
        # use it as a template 
        self.dummy = self(0)
Пример #5
def getforest(A, Zmin, Zmax, RfLamMin, RfLamMax, combine=1):
    spectra = SpectraOutput(A)
    meanFred = MeanFractionMeasured(A, kind='red')
    meanFreal = MeanFractionMeasured(A, kind='real')

    combine = numpy.minimum(spectra.sightlines.Npixels.max(), combine)

    # will combine every this many pixels
    Npixels1 = spectra.sightlines.Npixels // combine
    Offset1 = numpy.concatenate([[0], numpy.cumsum(Npixels1)])
    Npixels = Npixels1.sum()
    print Npixels1.min(), Npixels1.max()
    print spectra.sightlines.Npixels.min(), spectra.sightlines.Npixels.max()
    data = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, ('f4', 3))
    DFred, DFreal, Delta = data.T
    pos = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, ('f4', 3))
    x, y, z = pos.T
    mask = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, '?')
    id = sharedmem.empty(Npixels, 'i4')


    def work(i):
        def combinepixels(value, method=numpy.mean):
            # reduce the number of pixels with 'method'
            return \
                method(value[:Npixels1[i] * combine]\
                .reshape([Npixels1[i]] + [combine]), 
        sl = slice(Offset1[i], Npixels1[i] + Offset1[i])
        a = spectra.a[i]
        Fred = numpy.exp(-spectra.taured[i]) / meanFred(a) - 1
        Freal = numpy.exp(-spectra.taureal[i]) / meanFreal(a) - 1

        DFred[sl] = combinepixels(Fred)
        DFreal[sl] = combinepixels(Freal)
        Delta[sl] = combinepixels(spectra.delta[i])
        p = spectra.position(i)
        x[sl] = combinepixels(p[:, 0])
        y[sl] = combinepixels(p[:, 1])
        z[sl] = combinepixels(p[:, 2])

        m = spectra.z[i] > Zmin
        m &= spectra.z[i] < Zmax
        m &= spectra.RfLam(i) > RfLamMin
        m &= spectra.RfLam(i) < RfLamMax
        mask[sl] = combinepixels(m, method=numpy.all)
        id[sl] = i
    chunkmap(work, range(len(spectra)), 100)

    return data[mask], pos[mask], id[mask]
Пример #6
def main(config):
    global cov
    DB = BootstrapDB(config)

    MASK = DB.dummy.imesh >= 0
    MASK &= DB.dummy.rmesh <= config.rmax
    MASK &= DB.dummy.rmesh >= config.rmin

    print "dof in fitting", MASK.sum()
    # create a dummy to test the fitting
    p0 = [-0.2, 3.5, 1.5, 1.5]

    eigenmodes = DB.eigenmodes
    dummy = eigenmodes(p0)

    covfull = numpy.load(config.CovarianceMatrixOutput)["cov"]
    cov = covfull[MASK][:, MASK]

    print "inverting"
    INV = linalg.inv(covfull[MASK][:, MASK])
    print "inverted"

    x, chi = fit1(dummy, eigenmodes, INV, MASK)

    print "x =", x
    print "p0 = bF, bQ, BF, BQ", p0

    error = poles_err(dummy, covfull)

    fitted = sharedmem.empty((len(DB), len(p0)))
    chi = sharedmem.empty((len(DB)))
    samples, models = [], []

    def work(i):
        sample = DB(i)
        print "fitting", i
        fitted[i], chi[i] = fit1(sample, eigenmodes, INV, MASK)
        model = eigenmodes(fitted[i])
        print zip(sample[0].monopole, model[0].monopole)
        return i, sample, model

    def reduce(rt):
        i, s, m = rt
        samples.append((i, s))
        models.append((i, m))

    chunkmap(work, range(len(DB)), 100, reduce=reduce)
    samples = [s for i, s in sorted(samples)]
    models = [s for i, s in sorted(models)]
    numpy.savez("fit.npz", samples=samples, models=models, fittedparameters=fitted, chi=chi, error=error)
Пример #7
def create_video_pipe(video, name=None, read_ahead=False):
    """ creates the two ends of a video pipe.
    The typical use case is
    def worker_process(self, video):
        ''' worker process processing a video '''
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # load a video file
        video = VideoFile('test.mov')
        # create the video pipe
        sender, receiver = create_video_pipe(video)
        # create the worker process
        proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker_process,
    # create the pipe used for communication
    pipe_sender, pipe_receiver = mp.Pipe(duplex=True)
    # create the buffer in memory that is used for passing frames
    frame_buffer = sharedmem.empty(video.shape[1:], np.uint8)
    # create the two ends of the video pipe
    sender = VideoPipeSender(video, pipe_sender, frame_buffer,
                             name, read_ahead)
    receiver = VideoPipeReceiver(pipe_receiver, frame_buffer,
                                 video.video_format, name)
    return sender, receiver
Пример #8
def generate_shared_array(unshared_arr,dtype):

    r"""Creates synchronized shared arrays from numpy arrays.

    The function takes a numpy array `unshared_arr` and returns a shared
    memory object, `shared_arr`.  The user also specifies the data-type of
    the values in the array with the `dataType` argument.  See
    multiprocessing.Array and ctypes for details on shared memory arrays and
    the data-types.

    unshared_arr : ndarray
        Array_like means all those objects -- lists, nested lists, etc. --
        that can be converted to an array.  We can also refer to
        variables like `var1`.
    dtype : ctypes instance
        The data-type specificed has to be an instance of the ctypes library.
        See ctypes for details.

    shared_arr : synchronized shared array
        An array that is read accessible from multiple processes/threads.

    shared_arr = sharedmem.empty(unshared_arr.shape, dtype=dtype)
    shared_arr[:] = unshared_arr[:]
    return shared_arr
Пример #9
def argsort(ar):
    min = minimum.reduce(ar)
    max = maximum.reduce(ar)
    nchunk = sharedmem.cpu_count() * 2
    #bins = numpy.linspace(min, max, nchunk, endpoint=True)
    step = 1.0 * (max - min) / nchunk
    bins = numpy.array(
            1.0 * numpy.arange(nchunk + 1) * (max - min) / nchunk + min,

    dig = digitize(ar, bins)
    binlength = bincount(dig, minlength=len(bins) + 1)
    binoffset = numpy.cumsum(binlength)
    out = sharedmem.empty(len(ar), dtype='intp')

    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        def work(i):
            # we can do this a lot faster
            # but already having pretty good speed.
            ind = numpy.nonzero(dig == i + 1)[0]
            myar = ar[ind]
            out[binoffset[i]:binoffset[i+1]] = ind[myar.argsort()]
        pool.map(work, range(nchunk)) 

    return out
Пример #10
    def call(self, args, axis=0, out=None, chunksize=1024 * 1024, **kwargs):
        """ axis is the axis to chop it off.
            if self.altreduce is set, the results will
            be reduced with altreduce and returned
            otherwise will be saved to out, then return out.
        if self.altreduce is not None:
            ret = [None]
            if out is None :
                if self.outdtype is not None:
                    dtype = self.outdtype
                        dtype = numpy.result_type(*[args[i] for i in self.ins] * 2)
                        dtype = None
                out = sharedmem.empty(
                        numpy.broadcast(*[args[i] for i in self.ins] * 2).shape,
        if axis != 0:
            for i in self.ins:
                args[i] = numpy.rollaxis(args[i], axis)
            out = numpy.rollaxis(out, axis)
        size = numpy.max([len(args[i]) for i in self.ins])
        with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
            def work(i):
                sl = slice(i, i+chunksize)
                myargs = args[:]
                for j in self.ins:
                        tmp = myargs[j][sl]
                        a, b, c = sl.indices(len(args[j]))
                        myargs[j] = tmp
                    except Exception as e:
                        print tmp
                        print j, e
                if b == a: return None
                rt = self.ufunc(*myargs, **kwargs)
                if self.altreduce is not None:
                    return rt
                    out[sl] = rt
            def reduce(rt):
                if self.altreduce is None:
                if ret[0] is None:
                    ret[0] = rt
                elif rt is not None:
                    ret[0] = self.altreduce(ret[0], rt)

            pool.map(work, range(0, size, chunksize), reduce=reduce)

        if self.altreduce is None:
            if axis != 0:
                out = numpy.rollaxis(out, 0, axis + 1)
            return out                
            return ret[0]
Пример #11
def test_critical():
    t = sharedmem.empty((), dtype='i8')
    t[...] = 0
    # FIXME: if the system has one core then this will never fail,
    # even if the critical section is not 
    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=8) as pool:
        def work(i):
            with pool.critical:
                t[...] = 1
                if i != 30:
                assert_equal(t, 1)
                t[...] = 0

        pool.map(work, range(16))

        def work(i):
            t[...] = 1
            if i != 30:
            assert_equal(t, 1)
            t[...] = 0

            pool.map(work, range(16))
        except sharedmem.SlaveException as e:
            assert isinstance(e.reason, AssertionError)
    raise AssertionError("Shall not reach here.")
Пример #12
def main(config):
    DB = BootstrapDB(config)
    Ndof = len(DB.dummy.compress())

    if mpicov.world.rank == 0:
        seeds = numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=99999999999, size=config.BigN)
        seeds = []

    myseeds = mpicov.world.scatter(numpy.array_split(seeds, mpicov.world.size))

    print 'This Task = ', mpicov.world.rank, 'Number of samples = ', \
            len(myseeds), 'seed0 =', myseeds[0]
    myxi = sharedmem.empty((len(myseeds), Ndof), dtype='f8')

    def work(i):
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(myseeds[i])
        choice = rng.choice(len(DB), size=DB.Nchunks)
        sample = DB(choice)
        myxi[i][...] = sample.compress()

    print 'build samples'
    chunkmap(work, range(len(myxi)), 100)
    print 'done samples'

    print 'covariance matrix'
    cov = mpicov.cov(myxi, rowvar=0, ddof=0)
    print 'done covariance matrix'

    print numpy.nanmin(numpy.diag(cov))
    if mpicov.world.rank == 0:
        numpy.savez(config.CovarianceMatrixOutput, cov=cov,
                BigN=config.BigN, dummy=DB.dummy,
                xi_cov=DB.dummy.copy().uncompress(myxi[0]), r=DB.r, mu=DB.mu)
Пример #13
def test_local():
    t = sharedmem.empty(800)
    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=4) as pool:
        def work(i):
            time.sleep(0.1 * numpy.random.uniform())
            with pool.ordered:
                t[i] = pool.local.rank
        pool.map(work, range(800))
    assert_equal(numpy.unique(t), range(4))
Пример #14
def test_sum():
        Integrate [0, ... 1.0) with rectangle rule. 
        Compare results from 
        1. direct sum of 'xdx' (filled by subprocesses)
        2. 'shmsum', cummulated by partial sums on each process
        3. sum of partial sums from each process.

    xdx = sharedmem.empty(1024 * 1024 * 128, dtype='f8')
    shmsum = sharedmem.empty((), dtype='f8')

    shmsum[...] = 0.0

    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:

        def work(i):
            s = slice (i, i + chunksize)
            start, end, step = s.indices(len(xdx))

            dx = 1.0 / len(xdx)

            myxdx = numpy.arange(start, end, step) \
                    * 1.0 / len(xdx) * dx

            xdx[s] = myxdx

            a = xdx[s].sum(dtype='f8')

            with pool.critical:
                shmsum[...] += a

            return i, a

        def reduce(i, a):
            # print('chunk', i, 'done', 'local sum', a)
            return a

        chunksize = 1024 * 1024

        r = pool.map(work, range(0, len(xdx), chunksize), reduce=reduce)

    assert_almost_equal(numpy.sum(r, dtype='f8'), shmsum)
    assert_almost_equal(numpy.sum(xdx, dtype='f8'), shmsum)
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, x, y, scale_factor=1.1, minsize=(60, 60),
                 use_lowpass=True, lowpass_rc=50,

        # Initialize multiprocessing.Process parent

        # Exit event for stopping process
        self._exit = multiprocessing.Event()

        # Event that is set, everytime a face is detected
        self.newface_event = multiprocessing.Event()

        # Event that pauses the main loop if set
        self._pause_event = multiprocessing.Event()

        # An array in shared memory to store the current image frame
        self._currentframe = sharedmem.empty((y, x), dtype='uint8')

        # Set camera parameters
        self._x = x
        self._y = y

        # Set parameters for face detection algorithm
        self._scale_factor = scale_factor
        self._minsize = minsize
        self._classifier_file = classifier
        self._use_lowpass = use_lowpass
        self._lowpass_rc = lowpass_rc

        # Defines whether to visualize the camera output
        self._visualize = visualize

        # A tuple for storing the current width and height of a face
        self._currentface = sharedmem.empty((4, 1), dtype='float')

        # A tuple for storing the last width and height of a face
        self._lastface = sharedmem.empty((4, 1), dtype='float')

        # Setup a multiscale classifier
        self._classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier(self._classifier_file)
Пример #16
def test_create():
    a = sharedmem.empty(100, dtype='f8')
    l = list(a)
    b = sharedmem.empty_like(a)
    assert b.shape == a.shape
    b = sharedmem.empty_like(l)
    assert b.shape == a.shape
    c = sharedmem.full(100, 1.0, dtype='f8')
    assert c.shape == a.shape
    c = sharedmem.full_like(a, 1.0)
    assert c.shape == a.shape
Пример #17
def test_memory_pickle():
    import pickle
    a = sharedmem.empty(100)
    a[:] = range(100)
    s = pickle.dumps(a)
    b = pickle.loads(s)

    assert isinstance(b, type(a))

    b[:] += 10
    assert (a == b).all()
Пример #18
def loadgrpsubgrp_data(subgrpbool,flagno,dirname,n2div,SMbool,preci):

    precb = (preci + 1)*4
    if (subgrpbool == 0):
       gstr2 = 'grpids_'
    if (subgrpbool == 1):
       gstr2 = 'subgrpids_'
    ids_correct = numpy.memmap(dirname+'/'+gstr2+'idscorrect',dtype=numpy.uint64)
    n2 = len(ids_correct)
    del ids_correct
    if (flagno == 0):
       gshp1 = n2
       gdtp1 = numpy.uint64
       gdtp2 = numpy.uint64
       gstr1 = 'idscorrect'
    if (flagno == 1):
       gshp1 = (n2,3)
       gdtp1 = 'f'+str(precb)
       gdtp2 = ('f'+str(precb),3)
       gstr1 = 'poscorrect'
    if (flagno == 2):
       gshp1 = n2
       gdtp1 = numpy.int32
       gdtp2 = numpy.int32
       gstr1 = 'ptypecorrect'
    if (flagno == 3):
       gshp1 = n2
       gdtp1 = 'f'+str(precb)
       gdtp2 = 'f'+str(precb)
       gstr1 = 'masscorrect'
    if (flagno == 4):
       gshp1 = n2
       gdtp1 = numpy.int32
       gdtp2 = numpy.int32
       gstr1 = 'DMmask'
    if (flagno == 5):
       gshp1 = n2
       gdtp1 = numpy.int32
       gdtp2 = numpy.int32
       gstr1 = 'starmask'
    if (SMbool == 0):
       gsnap_corrected = numpy.zeros(gshp1,dtype = gdtp1)
    if (SMbool == 1):
       gsnap_corrected = sharedmem.empty(gshp1,gdtp1)
    chunksize = numpy.int(n2/n2div)
    slices = [slice(i, i+chunksize) for i in range(0, n2-chunksize,chunksize)]
    f = open(dirname+'/'+gstr2+gstr1)
    for i in range(0,n2div):
          gsnap_corrected[slices[i]] = numpy.fromfile(f,dtype = gdtp2,count = chunksize)
          print i
    gsnap_corrected[slices[n2div]] = numpy.fromfile(f,dtype = gdtp2,count = n2 - (n2div*chunksize))
    del slices, chunksize, n2, gshp1, gdtp1, gdtp2, gstr1, gstr2
    return gsnap_corrected
Пример #19
 def _make_shared(self, numpy_matrix):
     Avoids the copying of Read-Only shared memory.
     if self._sim_args.n_processing == 1:
         return numpy_matrix
     if numpy_matrix is None:
         return None
     shared = sharedmem.empty(numpy_matrix.shape, dtype=numpy_matrix.dtype)
     shared[:] = numpy_matrix[:]
     return shared
Пример #20
def fstack_mp_new(img, fmap):
    img_stacked = shmem.empty(img.shape[0:2], dtype='uint16')
    indexl = shmem.empty(img.shape[0:2], dtype='bool')

    edges = get_edges(img, 16)
    # This implementation is faster than breaking each image plane up for parallel processing
    def do_work(x):

        if x!=img.shape[2]-1:

            def mt_assignment(input, y):
                return input[index[edges[y]:edges[y+1],:]]
            index = ne.evaluate("fmap==x")
            img_stacked[index] = img[:, :, x][index]
            index = ne.evaluate("(fmap > x) & (fmap < x+1)")
            with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as pool:
                A = np.concatenate([(pool.submit(mt_assignment, fmap, y)).result() for y in range(16)], axis=0)
                B = np.concatenate([(pool.submit(mt_assignment, img[:, :, x+1], y)).result() for y in range(16)], axis=0)
                C = np.concatenate([(pool.submit(mt_assignment, img[:, :, x], y)).result() for y in range(16)], axis=0)
            print('A Shape is : ', A.shape)
            print('A content is: ', A)

            img_stacked[index] = ne.evaluate("(A-x) * B + (x+1-A) * C")
            last_ind = img.shape[2]-1
            indexl = ne.evaluate("fmap == last_ind")

    with shmem.MapReduce(np=img.shape[2]) as pool:
        pool.map(do_work, range(img.shape[2]))

    num_proc = shmem.cpu_count()
    edges = get_edges(img, num_proc)

    def mp_assignment(x):
        img_stacked[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:][indexl[edges[x]:edges[x+1],:]] = img[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :, -1]\
                                                                        [indexl[edges[x]:edges[x+1], :]]
    with shmem.MapReduce(np=num_proc) as pool:
        pool.map(mp_assignment, range(num_proc))

    return img_stacked
Пример #21
def compose_equatorial_faces(faces, overlap, num_cores=None):
    nside = faces[0].shape[0]

    assert faces[0].shape[1] == nside
    assert overlap <= 3 * nside // 4

    extra = nside // 4 + overlap
    nside_output = nside + 2 * extra
    masks = _face_masks(extra, num_cores)

    output = sm.empty((4, nside_output, nside_output))

    with sharedmem_pool(num_cores, numexpr=False) as pool:

        def work(i):
            rows = []
            temp = []

            temp.append(faces[4 + (i + 1) % 4][-extra:, -extra:])
            temp.append(faces[i][-extra:, :])
                (masks[0] * np.rot90(faces[i][-extra:, -extra:], -1) +
                 masks[1] * np.rot90(faces[(i + 3) % 4][:extra, :extra], 1)) /
                (masks[0] + masks[1]))


            temp = []

            temp.append(faces[8 + i][:, -extra:])
            temp.append(faces[4 + i])
            temp.append(faces[(i + 3) % 4][:, :extra])


            temp = []

                (masks[2] * np.rot90(faces[8 +
                                           (i + 3) % 4][:extra, :extra], -1) +
                 masks[3] * np.rot90(faces[8 + i][-extra:, -extra:], 1)) /
                (masks[2] + masks[3]))

            temp.append(faces[8 + (i + 3) % 4][:extra, :])
            temp.append(faces[4 + (i + 3) % 4][:extra, :extra])


            output[i] = np.vstack(rows)

        pool.map(work, range(4))

    return np.array(output)
Пример #22
  def __init__(self, tabfilename, format, count=10, **kwargs):
       tabfilename is like groups_019/group_tab_019.%d.
    g = Snapshot(tabfilename % 0, format + '.GroupTab',
    if count < 0 or count > g.C['Ntot'][0]:
        count = g.C['Ntot'][0]
    i = 0
    # decide number of files to open
    nread = 0
    tabs = []
    while nread < count:
      g = Snapshot(tabfilename % i, format + '.GroupTab',
      nread += g.C['N'][0] 
      i = i + 1
    #print 'will read', len(tabs), 'files'
    Field.__init__(self, numpoints=count, components={'offset':'i8',
        'length':'i8', 'massbytype':('f8', 6), 'mass':'f8', 'pos':('f8', 3),
        'vel':('f8', 3)})
    if len(tabs) > 0:
        self.take_snapshots(tabs, ptype=0)
        del tabs

        # fix the offset which may overflow for large halos
        self['offset'][1:] = self['length'].cumsum()[:-1]

        nread = 0
        nshallread = self['length'].sum()
        i = 0
        idslen = numpy.zeros(g.C['Nfiles'], dtype='i8')
        while nread < nshallread:
          idslen[i] = numpy.fromfile(tabfilename.replace('_tab_', '_ids_')
                  % i, dtype='i4', count=3)[2]
          nread += idslen[i]
          i = i + 1
        idsoffset = numpy.concatenate(([0], idslen.cumsum()))

        ids = sharedmem.empty(idslen.sum(), dtype=g.C['idtype'])

        #print 'reading', i, 'id files'

        with sharedmem.Pool() as pool:
          def work(i):
            more = numpy.memmap(tabfilename.replace('_tab_', '_ids_')
                  % i, dtype=g.C['idtype'], mode='r', offset=28)
            ids[idsoffset[i]:idsoffset[i] + idslen[i]] = more
          pool.map(work, range(i))
        self.ids = packarray(ids, self['length'])
        for i in range(self.numpoints):
Пример #23
def test_scalar():
    s = sharedmem.empty((), dtype='f8')
    s[...] = 1.0
    assert_equal(s, 1.0)

    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        def work(i):
            with pool.ordered:
                s[...] = i
        pool.map(work, range(10))

    assert_equal(s, 9)
Пример #24
    def create(self, sampleShape_local, labelShape_local, batch_size_local,
               batchPoolSize_local, batchBlockNum_local, latestStep):
        datashape = [batchPoolSize_local, batch_size_local] + sampleShape_local
        labelshape = [batchPoolSize_local, batch_size_local] + labelShape_local

        self.data = np.frombuffer(sharedmem.empty(datashape, dtype=np.float32),
        self.label = np.frombuffer(sharedmem.empty(labelshape, dtype=np.int64),
        self.step = np.frombuffer(sharedmem.full(
            batchPoolSize_local, [latestStep] * batchPoolSize_local,
        # 0: ready to use, 1: used, 2:full of updating, 3 updating conti.
        self.state = np.frombuffer(sharedmem.full(
            batchPoolSize_local * (batchBlockNum_local + 1),
            [1] * batchPoolSize_local * (batchBlockNum_local + 1),
                                       batchBlockNum_local + 1,
Пример #25
  def __init__(self, tabfilename, format, count=10, **kwargs):
       tabfilename is like groups_019/group_tab_019.%d.
    g = Snapshot(tabfilename % 0, format + '.GroupTab',
    if count < 0 or count > g.C['Ntot'][0]:
        count = g.C['Ntot'][0]
    i = 0
    # decide number of files to open
    nread = 0
    tabs = []
    while nread < count:
      g = Snapshot(tabfilename % i, format + '.GroupTab',
      nread += g.C['N'][0] 
      i = i + 1
    #print 'will read', len(tabs), 'files'
    Field.__init__(self, numpoints=count, components={'offset':'i8',
        'length':'i8', 'massbytype':('f8', 6), 'mass':'f8', 'pos':('f8', 3),
        'vel':('f8', 3)})
    if len(tabs) > 0:
        self.take_snapshots(tabs, ptype=0)
        del tabs

        # fix the offset which may overflow for large halos
        self['offset'][1:] = self['length'].cumsum()[:-1]

        nread = 0
        nshallread = self['length'].sum()
        i = 0
        idslen = numpy.zeros(g.C['Nfiles'], dtype='i8')
        while nread < nshallread:
          idslen[i] = numpy.fromfile(tabfilename.replace('_tab_', '_ids_')
                  % i, dtype='i4', count=3)[2]
          nread += idslen[i]
          i = i + 1
        idsoffset = numpy.concatenate(([0], idslen.cumsum()))

        ids = sharedmem.empty(idslen.sum(), dtype=g.C['idtype'])

        #print 'reading', i, 'id files'

        with sharedmem.Pool() as pool:
          def work(i):
            more = numpy.memmap(tabfilename.replace('_tab_', '_ids_')
                  % i, dtype=g.C['idtype'], mode='r', offset=28)
            ids[idsoffset[i]:idsoffset[i] + idslen[i]] = more
          pool.map(work, range(i))
        self.ids = packarray(ids, self['length'])
        for i in range(self.numpoints):
Пример #26
 def __init__(self, size, title='', output_period=1,
              multiprocessing=True, position=None):
     """ initializes the video shower.
     size sets the width and the height of the image to be shown
     title sets the title of the window. This should be unique if multiple
         windows are used.
     output_period determines if frames are skipped during display.
         For instance, `output_period=10` only shows every tenth frame.
     multiprocessing indicates whether a separate process is used for
         displaying. If multiprocessing=None, multiprocessing is used
         for all platforms, except MacOX
     position determines the coordinates of the top left corner of the
         window that displays the image
     self.title = title
     self.output_period = output_period
     self.this_frame = 0
     self._proc = None
     # multiprocessing does not work in current MacOS OpenCV
     if multiprocessing is None:
         multiprocessing = (sys.platform != "darwin")
     if multiprocessing:
         # open 
         if sharedmem:
                 # create the pipe to talk to the child
                 self._pipe, pipe_child = mp.Pipe(duplex=True)
                 # setup the shared memory area
                 self._data = sharedmem.empty(size, np.uint8)
                 # initialize the process that shows the image
                 self._proc = mp.Process(target=_show_image_from_pipe,
                                         args=(pipe_child, self._data,
                                               title, position))
                 self._proc.daemon = True
                 logger.debug('Started process %d for displaying images' % self._proc.pid)
             except AssertionError:
                 logger.warn('Could not start a separate process to display images. '
                             'The main process will thus be used.')
             logger.warn('Package sharedmem could not be imported and '
                         'images are thus shown using the main process.')
     if self._proc is None:
         # open window in this process
         if position is not None:
             cv2.moveWindow(title, position[0], position[1])
Пример #27
    def setup_para(self, nb_images, c, h, w, y, type=None, val_size=2000):
        assert type is not None
        self.val_size = val_size
        self.training_set_x = sharedmem.empty((nb_images, c, h, w),
        if type == 'classifier':
            self.training_set_y = sharedmem.empty((nb_images, ), dtype='int32')
        elif type == 'regressor':
            self.training_set_y = sharedmem.empty((nb_images, y),
            assert False, 'Type has to be classfier or regressor'

        self.para_load = True
        import warnings
Пример #28
def main():

    workers = []
    task_queue = Queue()
    result_queue = Queue()

    # input data
    n = 10000
    m = 100
    X_in = np.random.rand(n, m)
    size_in = X_in.size
    shape_in = X_in.shape
    X_in.shape = size_in

    X_ctypes_in = sharedctypes.RawArray(ctypes.c_double, X_in)
    #X_in = np.frombuffer(X_ctypes_in, dtype=np.float64, count=size_in)
    #X_in.shape = shape_in

    # output data
    X_out = sharedmem.empty((n, n))

    # create worker and start
    concurrency = 4
    unit = n / 4
    for i in xrange(concurrency):
        worker = Worker(task_queue, result_queue,
                        X_ctypes_in, shape_in,
    # put task
    for i in xrange(concurrency):
        task_queue.put((i, unit*i, unit*i+unit))
    # get result of task
    elapsed_times = []
    while True:
        elapsed_time = result_queue.get()

        if len(elapsed_times) == concurrency:

    # stop worker
    for i in xrange(concurrency):

    # do math for elapsed time
    print "Elapsed time {} [s]".format(np.max(elapsed_times))
Пример #29
 def __init__(self, stim_arr, NFFT, Fs, noverlap, tr_length, dtype):
     # this is a weird notation
     StimulusModel.__init__(self, stim_arr, dtype=dtype)
     # absorb the vars
     self.NFFT = NFFT
     self.Fs = Fs
     self.noverlap = noverlap
     self.tr_length = tr_length
     spectrogram, freqs, times = generate_spectrogram(self.stim_arr, self.NFFT, self.Fs, self.noverlap)
     self.spectrogram = sharedmem.empty(spectrogram.shape, dtype='float64')
     self.spectrogram[:] = spectrogram[:]
     self.freqs = sharedmem.empty(freqs.shape, dtype='float64')
     self.freqs[:] = freqs[:]
     self.times = sharedmem.empty(times.shape, dtype='float64')
     self.times[:] = times[:]
Пример #30
def parallelize_correlation():
    chunk_size = len(shared_subject1) // cf.NUM_PROCESSES
    output_correlations = sm.empty(len(shared_subject1))
    processes = [
                args=(shared_subject1, shared_subject2, i * chunk_size, min(
                    (i + 1) * chunk_size, len(shared_subject1)),
                      output_correlations)) for i in xrange(cf.NUM_PROCESSES)
    for p in processes:
    for p in processes:
    return output_correlations
Пример #31
def test_scalar():
    s = sharedmem.empty((), dtype='f8')
    s[...] = 1.0
    assert_equal(s, 1.0)

    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:

        def work(i):
            with pool.ordered:
                s[...] = i

        pool.map(work, range(10))

    assert_equal(s, 9)
Пример #32
def loadsnapshot(flagno,dirname,n2div,SMbool,preci):

    precb = (preci + 1)*4
    snappid_notsorted = numpy.memmap(dirname+'/snappid_notsorted',dtype=numpy.uint64,mode='r')
    n1 = len(snappid_notsorted)
    del snappid_notsorted
    if (flagno == 0):
       #snap_notsorted = numpy.zeros(n1,dtype = numpy.uint64)
       shp1 = n1
       dtp1 = numpy.uint64
       dtp2 = numpy.uint64
       str1 = 'snappid_notsorted'
    if (flagno == 1):
       #snap_notsorted = numpy.zeros((n1,3),dtype = numpy.float64)
       shp1 = (n1,3)
       dtp1 = 'f'+str(precb)
       dtp2 = ('f'+str(precb),3)
       str1 = 'snappos_notsorted'
    if (flagno == 2):
       #snap_notsorted = numpy.zeros(n1,dtype = numpy.int32)
       shp1 = n1
       dtp1 = numpy.int32
       dtp2 = numpy.int32
       str1 = 'snapptype_notsorted'
    if (flagno == 3):
       #snap_notsorted = numpy.zeros(n1,dtype = numpy.float64)
       shp1 = n1
       dtp1 = 'f'+str(precb)
       dtp2 = 'f'+str(precb)
       str1 = 'snapmass_notsorted'
    if (flagno == 4):
       #snap_notsorted = numpy.zeros(n1,dtype = numpy.int)
       shp1 = n1
       dtp1 = numpy.int
       dtp2 = numpy.int
       str1 = 'snappid_argsortednew'
    if (SMbool == 0):
       snap_notsorted = numpy.zeros(shp1,dtype = dtp1)
    if (SMbool == 1):
       snap_notsorted = sharedmem.empty(shp1,dtp1) 
    chunksize = numpy.int(n1/n2div)
    slices = [slice(i, i+chunksize) for i in range(0, n1-chunksize,chunksize)]
    f = open(dirname+'/'+str1)
    for i in range(0,n2div):
          snap_notsorted[slices[i]] = numpy.fromfile(f,dtype = dtp2,count = chunksize)
          print i
    snap_notsorted[slices[n2div]] = numpy.fromfile(f,dtype = dtp2,count = n1 - (n2div*chunksize))
    del slices, chunksize, n1, shp1, dtp1, dtp2, str1
    return snap_notsorted
Пример #33
def compute_dual_weight_and_norms(width, height, spectrograms, total_cores):
    # currently, this is not parallelized!
    # dual_frame_weight = np.zeros((height, width))
    dual_frame_weight = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=DTYPES[0])
    for spect in spectrograms:
        dual_frame_weight += np.square(spect)

    # fourier_norms = sm.empty(len(spectrograms))
    # space_norms = sm.empty(len(spectrograms))
    fourier_norms = sm.empty(len(spectrograms), dtype=DTYPES[0])
    space_norms = sm.empty(len(spectrograms), dtype=DTYPES[0])

    with sharedmem_pool(total_cores, numexpr=False) as pool:

        def work(i):
            spect_norm = np.linalg.norm(spectrograms[i])
            fourier_norms[i] = spect_norm
            space_norms[i] = spect_norm / math.sqrt(spectrograms[i].size)

        pool.map(work, list(range(len(spectrograms))))

    return (dual_frame_weight, list(fourier_norms), list(space_norms))
Пример #34
 def __init__(self, filename, video_class=VideoFile):
     super(VideoReaderProcess, self).__init__()
     self.daemon = True
     self.running = False
     self.filename = filename
     self.video_class = video_class
     # create the pipe used for communication
     self.pipe_sender, pipe_receiver = mp.Pipe(duplex=True)
     video = self.video_class(self.filename)
     # create the buffer in memory that is used for passing frames
     self.frame_buffer = sharedmem.empty(video.shape[1:], np.uint8)
     self.receiver =  VideoPipeReceiver(pipe_receiver, self.frame_buffer, video.video_format)
Пример #35
    def importSlice(self, s0=0, s1=None, chans=np.arange(NCHAN)):
        # s0, s1 are the first and last sample indices of the slice
        if s1 is None:
            s1 = self.nsamples
        chans.sort()  # numpy requires that indexing elements be sorted
        self.chan2slice_idx = {chan: i for i, chan in enumerate(chans)}

        # cast to float, center on zero (subtract 2**16/2 = 2**15), and convert to microvolts
        self.slice_uv = np.asarray(
            ((self.dset[s0:s1, chans].astype(np.float32) - 2**15) *
        self.slice_s0 = s0
        self.slice_s1 = s1
        if (s1 - s0) != self.slice_nsamples:
            self.slice_nsamples = s1 - s0
            self.slice_filtered = sharedmem.empty(
                (len(chans), self.slice_nsamples), dtype=np.float32)
        if len(chans) != self.slice_nchans:
            self.slice_nchans = len(chans)
            self.slice_activity = sharedmem.empty(self.slice_nchans,
        self.slice_min = np.min(self.slice_uv)
        self.slice_max = np.max(self.slice_uv)
        self.sliceImported = True
Пример #36
def main(share):
    SIZE = 10000000
    shared = sharedmem.empty(SIZE)
    queues = [JoinableQueue(maxsize=1) for i in range(10)]
    processes = [Process(target=process, args=(i, q, shared)) for i, q in enumerate(queues)]
    [p.start() for p in processes]
    while True:
        size = random.randint(SIZE-1000, SIZE)
        dat = np.random.random(size)
        shared[:size] = dat
        put = size if share else dat
        print("regenerated", size, "; sum: ", dat.sum())
        [q.put(put) for q in queues]
        [q.join() for q in queues]
Пример #37
 def __init__(self, filename, video_class=VideoFile):
     super(VideoReaderProcess, self).__init__()
     self.daemon = True
     self.running = False
     self.filename = filename
     self.video_class = video_class
     # create the pipe used for communication
     self.pipe_sender, pipe_receiver = mp.Pipe(duplex=True)
     video = self.video_class(self.filename)
     # create the buffer in memory that is used for passing frames
     self.frame_buffer = sharedmem.empty(video.shape[1:], np.uint8)
     self.receiver =  VideoPipeReceiver(pipe_receiver, self.frame_buffer, video.video_format)
Пример #38
    def __init__(self, x, y, K, d, camid=0, visualize=False, debug=False):

        # Initialize multiprocessing.Process parent

        # Exit event for stopping process
        self._exit = multiprocessing.Event()

        # Event that is set, everytime an image has been unwarped
        self.newframe_event = multiprocessing.Event()

        # Event that pauses the main loop if set
        self._pause_event = multiprocessing.Event()

        # Defines whether to visualize the camera output
        self._visualize = visualize

        # Switches debugging mode
        self._debug = debug

        # Some variable for storing the time of the last frame
        self._oldtime = time.time()

        # Set camera parameters
        self._cam_device_id = camid  # Get camera ID
        self._x = x  # Get width
        self._y = y  # Get height

        # An empty array in shared memory to store the current image frame
        self._currentframe = sharedmem.empty((y, x), dtype='uint8')

        # Define camera matrix K
        self._K = K

        # Define distortion coefficients d
        self._d = d

        # Setup camera object using OpenCV
        self._cam = cv2.VideoCapture(self._cam_device_id)
        self._cam.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self._x)
        self._cam.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self._y)

        # Generate optimal camera matrix
        self._newcameramatrix, self._roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self._K, self._d, (self._x, self._y), 0)

        # Generate LUTs for undistortion
        self._mapx, self._mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(self._K, self._d, None, self._newcameramatrix,
                                                             (self._x, self._y), 5)
Пример #39
 def __make_np_arrays_sharable(self):
     Replaces all numpy array object variables with dimension 
     > 0 with a sharedmem array, which should have the same  
     behaviour / properties as the numpy array
     varDict = self.__dict__
     for key, var in varDict.items():
         if type(var) is np.ndarray:
             if not key in self.exclude:
                     varDict[key] = sharedmem.copy(var)
                 except AttributeError:
                     share_var = sharedmem.empty(1, type(var))
                     share_var[0] = var
                     varDict[key] = share_var
Пример #40
def chop(Nside, pos):
    """ bootstrap the sky, returns about 100 chunks, only 50 of them are big"""
    # we paint quasar uniformly as long as it is covered by sdss:
    Npix = chealpy.nside2npix(Nside)
    chunkid = sharedmem.empty(len(pos), dtype='intp')
    print len(pos)
    with sharedmem.MapReduce() as pool:
        chunksize = 1024 * 1024
        def work(i):
            sl = slice(i, i + chunksize)
            chunkid[sl] = chealpy.vec2pix_nest(Nside, pos[sl])
        pool.map(work, range(0, len(pos), chunksize))
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(chunkid)
    chunksize = sharedmem.array.bincount(chunkid, minlength=Npix)
    assert (chunksize == numpy.bincount(chunkid, minlength=Npix)).all()
    return sharedmem.array.packarray(arg, chunksize)
Пример #41
  def ztree(self, zkey=None, scale=None, minthresh=10, maxthresh=20, np=None):
    if scale is None:
      scale = fc.scale(self['locations'].min(axis=0), self['locations'].ptp(axis=0))
    zkey = sharedmem.empty(self.numpoints, dtype=fc.fckeytype)

    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=np) as pool:
      chunksize = 1024 * 1024
      def work(i):
        X, Y, Z = self['locations'][i:i+chunksize].T
        fc.encode(X, Y, Z, scale=scale, out=zkey[i:i+chunksize])
      pool.map(work, range(0, len(zkey), chunksize))

    # use sharemem.argsort, because it is faster
    arg = sharedmem.argsort(zkey, np=np)

    return zt.Tree(zkey=zkey, scale=scale, arg=arg, minthresh=minthresh, maxthresh=maxthresh)
Пример #42
def main(A):
    sightlines = Sightlines(A)
    spectra = SpectraOutput(A)
    loglam = sharedmem.empty(sightlines.Npixels.sum(), 'f4')
    chunksize = 100

    def work(i):
        sl = slice(sightlines.PixelOffset[i],
            sightlines.PixelOffset[i] + sightlines.Npixels[i])
        loglam[sl] = spectra.LogLam[i]
    chunkmap(work, range(len(sightlines)), chunksize=100)

    Nbins = 400
    zBins = numpy.linspace(2.0, 4.0, Nbins + 1, endpoint=True)
    LogLamBins = numpy.log10(1216.0 * (1 + zBins ))
    z = 0.5 * (zBins[1:] + zBins[:-1])

    ind = numpy.digitize(loglam, LogLamBins)
    N = numpy.bincount(ind, minlength=Nbins+2)
    N[N == 0] = 1.0

    F = numpy.exp(-spectra.taured.data)
    K1 = numpy.bincount(ind, F, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    K2 = numpy.bincount(ind, F ** 2, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    meanF = K1
    varF = K2 - K1 ** 2
    meanF = meanF[1:-1]
    varF = varF[1:-1]

    F = numpy.exp(-spectra.taureal.data)
    K1 = numpy.bincount(ind, F, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    K2 = numpy.bincount(ind, F ** 2, minlength=Nbins+2) / N
    meanFreal = K1
    varFreal = K2 - K1 ** 2
    meanFreal = meanFreal[1:-1]
    varFreal = varFreal[1:-1]

    print z
    print meanF
    print varF
            a=1/(1+z), abins=1/(1+zBins), 
            xmeanF=meanF, xvarF=varF, 
Пример #43
 def smooth(self, ftype, ngb=32):
   gas = self.F[ftype]
   tree = self.T[ftype]
   from gaepsi.compiledbase.ngbquery import NGBQueryN
   q = NGBQueryN(tree, ngb)
   gas['sml'] = sharedmem.empty(len(gas), dtype='f8')
   with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=self.np) as pool:
       chunksize = 1024 * 64
       def work(i):
           sl = slice(i, i + chunksize)
           x, y, z = gas['pos'][sl].T
           arr = q(x, y, z)[0]['weights']
           arr = arr.reshape(-1, ngb)
           dist = arr[:, 0] ** 0.5
           gas['sml'][sl] = dist
           print i, len(gas)
       pool.map(work, range(0, len(gas), chunksize))
Пример #44
def _blend_masks_par(nside, size, num_cores=None):
    def _cos(x):
        # return -0.5 * np.cos(np.pi*x) + 0.5
        pi = np.pi
        return ne.evaluate('-0.5 * cos(pi * x) + 0.5')

    x, y = np.meshgrid(
        np.linspace(1, nside, nside),
            np.zeros(3 * nside // 4 - size),
            np.linspace(0, 1, size),
            np.ones(nside // 4)

    blend_masks = sm.empty((8, nside, nside))

    blend_masks[0] = _cos(y)
    # blend_masks[1] = np.rot90(blend_masks[0], -1)
    # blend_masks[2] = np.rot90(blend_masks[0], -2)
    # blend_masks[3] = np.rot90(blend_masks[0], -3)
    with sharedmem_pool(num_cores, numexpr=False) as pool:

        def work(i):
            blend_masks[i] = np.rot90(blend_masks[0], -i)

        pool.map(work, range(1, 4))

    # blend_masks[4] = blend_masks[0] * blend_masks[3]
    # blend_masks[5] = blend_masks[1] * blend_masks[2]
    # blend_masks[6] = (1 - blend_masks[0]) * (1 - blend_masks[1])
    # blend_masks[7] = (1 - blend_masks[2]) * (1 - blend_masks[3])
    first_index = (0, 1, 0, 2)
    second_index = (3, 2, 1, 3)
    with sharedmem_pool(num_cores) as pool:

        def work(i):
            if i in {4, 5}:
                blend_masks[i] = (blend_masks[first_index[i - 4]] *
                                  blend_masks[second_index[i - 4]])
            elif i in {6, 7}:
                blend_masks[i] = ((1 - blend_masks[first_index[i - 4]]) *
                                  (1 - blend_masks[second_index[i - 4]]))

        pool.map(work, range(4, 8))

    return np.array(blend_masks)
Пример #45
def fitRange(A, LogLamMin, LogLamMax, Afguess, Bfguess):
    sightlines = Sightlines(A, LogLamMin, LogLamMax)
    maker = SpectraMaker(A, sightlines)

    # What is the mean of the model?
    def fun(loglam):
        a = 1216. / 10 ** loglam 
        return meanfractionmodel(a)
    meanF = romberg(fun, LogLamMin, LogLamMax) / (LogLamMax - LogLamMin)
    def fun(loglam):
        a = 1216. / 10 ** loglam 
        return varfractionmodel(a)
    varF = romberg(fun, LogLamMin, LogLamMax) / (LogLamMax - LogLamMin)
    stdF = varF ** 0.5

    F = sharedmem.empty(sightlines.Npixels.sum(), 'f8')
    F[...] = numpy.nan
    def cost(Af, Bf):
        def work(i):
            sl = slice(sightlines.PixelOffset[i], 
                sightlines.PixelOffset[i] + sightlines.Npixels[i])
            if sightlines.Npixels[i] == 0: return
            taured = maker.convolve(i, 
                    Afunc=lambda x: Af,
                    Bfunc=lambda x: Bf, returns=['taured']).taured
            F[sl] = numpy.exp(-taured)
        chunkmap(work, range(0, len(sightlines), 100), 100)
        F1 = F[~numpy.isnan(F)]
        xmeanF = F1.mean()
        xstdF = F1.std() 
        v = (xmeanF/ meanF - 1) ,  (xstdF / stdF - 1) 
        return v

    r = root(lambda x: cost(*x), (Afguess, Bfguess), method='lm')
    Af, Bf = r.x
    print r.x, r.fun

    cost(Af, Bf) # this will update F
    F1 = F[~numpy.isnan(F)]
    xmeanF = F1.mean()
    xstdF = F1.std()
    print "lam range", 10**LogLamMin, 10**LogLamMax
    print "Af, Bf", Af, Bf
    print 'check', xmeanF, meanF, xstdF, stdF
    return Af, Bf, xmeanF, xstdF
Пример #46
    def load_mat(self, path='W_mat.npy', X=None):
        # Try to load mat!
            self.W = np.load(path).astype(np.float32)
            self.W_shared = sharedmem.empty(self.W.shape, dtype=np.float32)
            self.W_shared[:, :] = self.W[:, :]
            print("The weight matrix was loaded succesfully!")
            if X is not None:
                # Make X to csr as this is needed for prediction and advantageous when training.
                X_csr = X.copy().tocsr()

                # Save X_csr internally to predict later on.
                self.X_indptr = X_csr.indptr.astype(np.int32)
                self.X_idx = X_csr.indices.astype(np.int32)
                self.X_data = X_csr.data.astype(np.float32)

        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("The weight matrix could not be loaded!")
Пример #47
def test_ordered():
    t = sharedmem.empty(800)
    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=32) as pool:
        def work(i):
            time.sleep(0.1 * numpy.random.uniform())
            with pool.ordered:
                t[i] = time.time()
        pool.map(work, range(800))

        # without ordered, the time is ordered
        assert (t[1:] > t[:-1]).all()

        def work(i):
            time.sleep(0.1 * numpy.random.uniform())
            t[i] = time.time()
        pool.map(work, range(800))
        # without ordered, the ordering is messy
        assert not (t[1:] > t[:-1]).all()
Пример #48
def split_work(num):
    n = 20
    width = int(n / num)
    shared = sharedmem.empty(n)
    shared[:] = numpy.random.rand(1, n)[0]
    print("values are %s" % shared)

    processes = [
        Process(target=do_work, args=(shared, i * width), daemon=False)
        for i in range(0, num)
    for p in processes:
    for p in processes:

    print("values are %s" % shared)
    print("type is %s" % type(shared[0]))
Пример #49
    def doTask(self, tstamp):
        """Compute difference between given image and accumulation,
        then accumulate and set result with the difference. 
        Initialize accumulation if needed (if opacity is 100%.)"""

        # Compute the alpha value.
        alpha, self.tstamp_prev = util.getAlpha(self.tstamp_prev)

        image = common[tstamp]['image_in']
        # Initalize accumulation if so indicated.
        if self.image_acc is None:
            self.image_acc = np.empty(np.shape(image))

        # Allocate shared memory for the diff image.
        shape = np.shape(image)
        dtype = image.dtype
        image_diff = sharedmem.empty(shape, dtype)
        # Compute difference.

        # Write the framerate on top of the image.
        fps_text = '{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f} fps process'.format(*self.framerate.tick())
        util.writeOSD(image_diff, ('', fps_text,))  # First line is blank (written to later.)
        # Write diff image (actually, reference thereof) to process-shared table.
        hello = common[tstamp]
        hello['image_diff'] = image_diff
        common[tstamp] = hello
        # Propagate result to the next stage.

        # Accumulate.
        hello = cv2.accumulateWeighted(
Пример #50
    def smooth(self, ftype, ngb=32):
        gas = self.F[ftype]
        tree = self.T[ftype]
        from gaepsi.compiledbase.ngbquery import NGBQueryN
        q = NGBQueryN(tree, ngb)
        gas['sml'] = sharedmem.empty(len(gas), dtype='f8')
        with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=self.np) as pool:
            chunksize = 1024 * 64

            def work(i):
                sl = slice(i, i + chunksize)
                x, y, z = gas['pos'][sl].T
                arr = q(x, y, z)[0]['weights']
                arr = arr.reshape(-1, ngb)
                dist = arr[:, 0]**0.5
                gas['sml'][sl] = dist
                print i, len(gas)

            pool.map(work, range(0, len(gas), chunksize))
Пример #51
def loadgrpsubgrp_idspiv(subgrpbool,dirname,n2div):

    if (subgrpbool == 0):
       str1 = 'grpids_piv'
       str2 = 'grpids_'
    if (subgrpbool == 1):
       str1 = 'subgrpids_piv'
       str2 = 'subgrpids_' 
    ids_piv = numpy.memmap(dirname+'/'+str1,dtype=numpy.int)
    n2 = len(ids_piv)
    del ids_piv
    ids_piv  = sharedmem.empty(n2,numpy.int) 
    f = open(dirname+'/'+str1)
    chunksize = numpy.int(n2/n2div)
    slices = [slice(i, i+chunksize) for i in range(0, n2-chunksize,chunksize)]
    for i in range(0,n2div):
          ids_piv[slices[i]] = numpy.fromfile(f,dtype = numpy.int,count = chunksize)   
          print i
    ids_piv[slices[n2div]] = numpy.fromfile(f,dtype = numpy.int,count = n2 - (n2div*chunksize))  
    return ids_piv
Пример #52
def test_ordered():
    t = sharedmem.empty(800)
    with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=32) as pool:

        def work(i):
            time.sleep(0.1 * numpy.random.uniform())
            with pool.ordered:
                t[i] = time.time()

        pool.map(work, range(800))

        # without ordered, the time is ordered
        assert (t[1:] > t[:-1]).all()

        def work(i):
            time.sleep(0.1 * numpy.random.uniform())
            t[i] = time.time()

        pool.map(work, range(800))
        # without ordered, the ordering is messy
        assert not (t[1:] > t[:-1]).all()
Пример #53
def shm_chunk_gaukernop_at(x, xp, y, data):
    nthread = int(os.environ["TENSIGA_NUM_THREADS"])

    chunk_size = x.shape[0]//nthread
    last_chunk_size = chunk_size + x.shape[0] % nthread

    indices_start = [ chunk_size*k for k in range(nthread-1) ]
    indices_start = shm.copy(np.array(indices_start))

    indices_stop = [ chunk_size*(k+1) for k in range(nthread-1) ]
    indices_stop.append(chunk_size*(nthread-1) + last_chunk_size)
    indices_stop = shm.copy(np.array(indices_stop))
    y = np.ascontiguousarray(y)
    x = shm.copy(x)
    xp = shm.copy(xp)
    y = shm.copy(y)
    data = shm.copy(data)

    result = shm.empty((y.shape[0],1), np.float)

    with shm.MapReduce(np=nthread) as pool:
        def row(k):
            xslice = x[slice(indices_start[k], indices_stop[k]),:]
            res = np.empty((xslice.shape[0],1)) 
            for l in range(xslice.shape[0]):
                d = xslice[l,:] - xp
                norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(d**2, axis=1))
                res[l] = ((data[0]**2) * np.exp(-(norm/(data[1]*data[2]))**2)) @ y

            return k, res 

        def reduce(k, coeff):
            result[slice(indices_start[k], indices_stop[k])] = coeff

        r = pool.map(row, np.arange(nthread), reduce=reduce)

    return result
Пример #54
def main():

    workers = []
    task_queue = Queue()
    result_queue = Queue()

    n = 10000
    m = 100
    X = sharedmem.empty((n, m))

    concurrency = 4
    unit = n / 4

    # create worker and start
    for i in xrange(concurrency):
        worker = Worker(task_queue, result_queue, X)

    # put task
    for i in xrange(concurrency):
        task_queue.put((i, unit * i, unit * i + unit))

    # get result of task
    elapsed_times = []
    while True:
        elapsed_time = result_queue.get()

        if len(elapsed_times) == concurrency:

    # stop worker
    for i in xrange(concurrency):

    # do math for elapsed time
    print "Elapsed time {} [s]".format(np.max(elapsed_times))
Пример #55
def shm_gaukernop_at(x, xp, y, data):
    y = np.ascontiguousarray(y)
    x_shm = shm.copy(x)
    xp_shm = shm.copy(xp)
    y_shm = shm.copy(y)
    data_shm = shm.copy(data)

    nthread = int(os.environ["TENSIGA_NUM_THREADS"])

    result = shm.empty(y.shape, np.float)
    with shm.MapReduce(np=nthread) as pool:
        def row(k):
            d = x_shm[k,:] - xp_shm
            norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(d**2, axis=1))
            return k, ((data_shm[0]**2) * np.exp(-(norm/(data_shm[1]*data_shm[2]))**2)) @ y_shm

        def reduce(k, coeff):
            result[k] = coeff

        r = pool.map(row, np.arange(x_shm.shape[0]), reduce=reduce)

    return result
Пример #56
    def doTask(self, tstamp):
        """Compute difference between given image and accumulation,
        then accumulate and return the difference. Initialize accumulation
        if needed (if opacity is 100%.)"""

        # Compute the alpha value.
        alpha, self.tstamp_prev = util.getAlpha(self.tstamp_prev)

        image = common[tstamp]['image_in']

        # Initalize accumulation if so indicated.
        if self.image_acc is None:
            self.image_acc = np.empty(np.shape(image))

        # Allocate shared memory for the diff image.
        image_diff = sharedmem.empty(np.shape(image), image.dtype)

        # Compute difference.

        # Write diff image (actually, reference thereof) to process-shared table.
        hello = common[tstamp]
        hello['image_diff'] = image_diff
        common[tstamp] = hello

        # Propagate result to the next stage.

        # Accumulate.
        hello = cv2.accumulateWeighted(
Пример #57
    def compute_strain_energy(self, deck, data_solver):
        ## Strain energy density at each node
        self.strain_energy = sharedmem.empty((deck.num_nodes),

        threads = deck.num_threads
        part = int(deck.num_nodes / threads)

        processes = []

        for i in range(0, threads):
            start = i * part
            if i < threads - 1:
                end = (i + 1) * part
                end = deck.num_nodes
                        args=(deck, data_solver, start, end)))

        for p in processes:
Пример #58
def translate_distMat(combined_list, core_distMat, acc_distMat):
    """Convert distances from a square form (2 NxN matrices) to a long form
    (1 matrix with n_comparisons rows and 2 columns).

            Combined list of references followed by queries (list)
        core_distMat (numpy.array)
            NxN core distances
        acc_distMat (numpy.array)
            NxN accessory distances

        distMat (numpy.array)
            Distances in long form

    # indices
    i = 0
    j = 1

    # create distmat
    number_pairs = int(0.5 * len(combined_list) * (len(combined_list) - 1))
    distMat = sharedmem.empty((number_pairs, 2))

    # extract distances
    for row in distMat:
        row[0] = core_distMat[i, j]
        row[1] = acc_distMat[i, j]

        if j == len(combined_list) - 1:
            i += 1
            j = i + 1
            j += 1

    return distMat
Пример #59
    def transform(self, image, do_norm=True, total_cores=None):

        if total_cores is None:
            total_cores = self.total_cores

        # im_fourier = my_fft_shift(self._fft(image))
        im_fourier = self.do_fourier(image)

        # trafo = sm.empty((len(self._spectrograms), self.height, self.width),
        #                  dtype='complex128')
        trafo = sm.empty((len(self._spectrograms), self.height, self.width),
        # sm.set_debug(True)
        numexpr_flag = NUM_FFTW_THREADS != 1
        with sharedmem_pool(total_cores, numexpr=numexpr_flag) as pool:

            def work(i):
                trafo[i] = self.transform_fourier(im_fourier, i, do_norm)
                # if do_norm:
                #     # trafo[i] = (self._ifft(my_ifft_shift(im_fourier *
                #     #                                      self._spectrograms[i]),
                #     #                        local_ifft)
                #     #             / self._space_norms[i])
                #     trafo[i] = (self._ifft(my_ifft_shift(im_fourier *
                #                                          self._spectrograms[i]))
                #                 / self._space_norms[i])
                # else:
                #     # trafo[i] = self._ifft(my_ifft_shift(im_fourier *
                #     #                                     self._spectrograms[i]),
                #     #                       local_ifft)
                #     trafo[i] = self._ifft(my_ifft_shift(im_fourier *
                #                                         self._spectrograms[i]))

            pool.map(work, list(range(len(self._spectrograms))))

        return np.array(trafo)