Пример #1
class TestShearDisp(TestTri3):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.
    def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
        run_pylith(ShearApp, GenerateDB)
        self.outputRoot = "sheardisp"
        self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

    def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
        return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

    def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
        ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
        pts = numpy.zeros((ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
        if name == "total_strain":
            stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
        elif name == "stress" or name == "cauchy_stress":
            stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
            raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

        return stateVar
Пример #2
    def run(self):
    Generate the database.
        # Domain
        x = numpy.arange(-4000.0, 4000.1, 1000.0)
        y = numpy.arange(-4000.0, 4000.1, 1000.0)
        npts = x.shape[0]

        xx = x * numpy.ones((npts, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
        yy = y * numpy.ones((npts, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
        xy = numpy.zeros((npts**2, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
        xy[:, 0] = numpy.ravel(xx)
        xy[:, 1] = numpy.ravel(numpy.transpose(yy))

        from sheardisp_soln import AnalyticalSoln
        soln = AnalyticalSoln()
        disp = soln.displacement(xy)

        from spatialdata.geocoords.CSCart import CSCart
        cs = CSCart()
        cs.inventory.spaceDim = 2
        data = {
            'values': [{
                'name': "displacement-x",
                'units': "m",
                'data': numpy.ravel(disp[0, :, 0])
            }, {
                'name': "displacement-y",
                'units': "m",
                'data': numpy.ravel(disp[0, :, 1])

        from spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleIOAscii import SimpleIOAscii
        io = SimpleIOAscii()
        io.inventory.filename = "shear_disp.spatialdb"
Пример #3
  def run(self):
    Generate the database.
    from sheardisp_soln import AnalyticalSoln
    soln = AnalyticalSoln()

    from spatialdata.geocoords.CSCart import CSCart
    cs = CSCart()
    cs.inventory.spaceDim = 3

    from spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleIOAscii import SimpleIOAscii
    io = SimpleIOAscii()

    for component in ["x","y","z"]:
      if component == "y":
        xyz = numpy.array([[-40.0e+3, 0.0, 0.0],
                           [+40.0e+3, 0.0, 0.0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
        ic = 1
      elif component == "x":
        xyz = numpy.array([[0.0, -40.0e+3, 0.0],
                           [0.0, +40.0e+3, 0.0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
        ic = 0
      elif component == "z":
        xyz = numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, -40.0e+3],
                           [0.0, 0.0,   0.0]], dtype=numpy.float64)
        ic = 2
      disp = soln.displacement(xyz)

      io.inventory.filename = "shear_disp%s.spatialdb" % component
      data = {'points': xyz,
              'coordsys': cs,
              'data_dim': 1,
              'values': [{'name': "displacement-%s" % component,
                          'units': "m",
                          'data': numpy.ravel(disp[0,:,ic])},
Пример #4
    def run(self):
    Generate the database.
        # Domain
        x = numpy.arange(-4000.0, 4000.1, 1000.0)
        y = numpy.arange(-4000.0, 4000.1, 1000.0)
        npts = x.shape[0]

        xx = x * numpy.ones((npts, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
        yy = y * numpy.ones((npts, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
        xy = numpy.zeros((npts ** 2, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
        xy[:, 0] = numpy.ravel(xx)
        xy[:, 1] = numpy.ravel(numpy.transpose(yy))

        from sheardisp_soln import AnalyticalSoln

        soln = AnalyticalSoln()
        disp = soln.displacement(xy)

        from spatialdata.geocoords.CSCart import CSCart

        cs = CSCart()
        cs.inventory.spaceDim = 2
        data = {
            "points": xy,
            "coordsys": cs,
            "data_dim": 2,
            "values": [
                {"name": "displacement-x", "units": "m", "data": numpy.ravel(disp[0, :, 0])},
                {"name": "displacement-y", "units": "m", "data": numpy.ravel(disp[0, :, 1])},

        from spatialdata.spatialdb.SimpleIOAscii import SimpleIOAscii

        io = SimpleIOAscii()
        io.inventory.filename = "shear_disp.spatialdb"
Пример #5
class TestShearDisp(TestTet4):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.

  def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
    self.outputRoot = "sheardisp"

    self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

  def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
    return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

  def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
    ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
    pts = numpy.zeros( (ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
    if name == "total_strain":
      stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
    elif name == "stress":
      stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
      raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

    return stateVar
class TestFaultsIntersectNoSlip(TestTet4):
  Test suite for testing pylith with shear slip on two faults.

  def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
    self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']

    # Fault x
    self.mesh['nvertices'] += 8
    self.faultMeshX = {'nvertices': 19,
                       'spaceDim': 3,
                       'ncells': 20,
                       'ncorners': 3}

    # Fault y
    self.mesh['nvertices'] += 2
    self.faultMeshY = {'nvertices': 9,
                       'spaceDim': 3,
                       'ncells': 8,
                       'ncorners': 3}
    self.outputRoot = "faultsintersectnoslip"

    self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

  def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    fields = ["normal_dir", "final_slip", "slip_time"]

    self.fault = "x"
    filename = "%s-faultx_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshX, fields)

    self.fault = "y"
    filename = "%s-faulty_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshY, fields)


  def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    fields = ["slip"]

    filename = "%s-faultx.h5" % self.outputRoot
    self.fault = "x"
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshX, fields)

    filename = "%s-faulty.h5" % self.outputRoot
    self.fault = "y"
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshY, fields)


  def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
    return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

  def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
    ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
    pts = numpy.zeros( (ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
    if name == "total_strain":
      stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
    elif name == "stress":
      stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
      raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

    return stateVar

  def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

    if self.fault == "x":
      normalDir = (+1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
      finalSlip = 0.0
      faultMesh = self.faultMeshX
    elif self.fault == "y":
      normalDir = (0.0,-1.0, 0.0)
      finalSlip = 0.0
      faultMesh = self.faultMeshY

    slipTime = 0.0
    dim = 3

    nvertices = faultMesh['nvertices']

    if name == "normal_dir":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = normalDir[0]
      field[0,:,1] = normalDir[1]
      field[0,:,2] = normalDir[2]

    elif name == "final_slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = finalSlip

    elif name == "slip_time":
      field = slipTime*numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
    elif name == "slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = finalSlip

    elif name == "traction_change":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = 0.0
      raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

    return field
Пример #7
class TestShearDispNoSlip(TestTet4):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.

  def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
    self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']
    self.mesh['nvertices'] += 8
    self.faultMesh = {'nvertices': 19,
                      'spaceDim': 3,
                      'ncells': 20,
                      'ncorners': 3}
    self.outputRoot = "sheardispnoslip"

    self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

  def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["normal_dir", "final_slip", "slip_time"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["slip"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
    return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

  def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
    ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
    pts = numpy.zeros( (ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
    if name == "total_strain":
      stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
    elif name == "stress" or name == "cauchy_stress":
      stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
      raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

    return stateVar

  def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

    normalDir = (+1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    finalSlip = 0.0
    slipTime = 0.0

    nvertices = self.faultMesh['nvertices']

    if name == "normal_dir":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = normalDir[0]
      field[0,:,1] = normalDir[1]
      field[0,:,2] = normalDir[2]

    elif name == "final_slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = finalSlip
    elif name == "slip_time":
      field = slipTime*numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
    elif name == "slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = finalSlip

    elif name == "traction_change":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = 0.0
      raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

    # Mask clamped edges
    maskX = numpy.fabs(vertices[:,0]) <= 1.0
    maskY = numpy.fabs(vertices[:,1]) <= 25.001e+3
    maskZ = vertices[:,2] >= -20.001e+3
    mask = numpy.bitwise_and(numpy.bitwise_and(maskX,maskY),maskZ)
    field[:,~mask,:] = 0.0

    return field
class TestShearDispNoSlipRefine(TestHex8):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.

  def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
    self.mesh = {'ncells-elastic': 180*8,
                 'ncells-viscoelastic': 180*8,
                 'ncorners': 8,
                 'nvertices': 3591,
                 'spaceDim': 3,
                 'tensorSize': 6}
    self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']
    self.mesh['nvertices'] += 44
    self.faultMesh = {'nvertices': 65,
                      'spaceDim': 3,
                      'ncells': 48,
                      'ncorners': 4}

    self.outputRoot = "sheardispnosliprefine"

    self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

  def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["normal_dir", "final_slip", "slip_time"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["slip"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
    return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

  def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
    ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
    pts = numpy.zeros( (ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
    if name == "total_strain":
      stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
    elif name == "stress":
      stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
      raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

    return stateVar

  def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

    normalDir = (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    finalSlip = 0.0
    slipTime = 0.0

    nvertices = self.faultMesh['nvertices']

    if name == "normal_dir":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = normalDir[0]
      field[0,:,1] = normalDir[1]
      field[0,:,2] = normalDir[2]

    elif name == "final_slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = finalSlip
    elif name == "slip_time":
      field = slipTime*numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
    elif name == "slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = finalSlip

    elif name == "traction_change":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = 0.0
      raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

    return field
Пример #9
class TestShearDispFriction(TestTri3):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.

  def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
    self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']
    self.mesh['nvertices'] += 1
    self.faultMesh = {'nvertices': 3,
                      'spaceDim': 2,
                      'ncells': 2,
                      'ncorners': 2}
    self.outputRoot = "sheardispfriction"

    self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

  def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["strike_dir", "normal_dir", "traction_initial","friction_coefficient","cohesion"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["slip"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
    return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

  def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
    ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
    pts = numpy.zeros( (ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
    if name == "total_strain":
      stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
    elif name == "stress":
      stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
      raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

    return stateVar

  def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

    strikeDir = (-1.0, 0.0)
    normalDir = (0.0, 1.0)
    initialTraction = (0.0, -100.0e+6)
    frictionCoefficient = 1.0

    nvertices = self.faultMesh['nvertices']

    if name == "strike_dir":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = strikeDir[0]
      field[0,:,1] = strikeDir[1]

    elif name == "normal_dir":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = normalDir[0]
      field[0,:,1] = normalDir[1]

    elif name == "traction_initial":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = initialTraction[0]
      field[0,:,1] = initialTraction[1]

    elif name == "friction_coefficient":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = frictionCoefficient

    elif name == "cohesion":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)

    elif name == "slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)

    elif name == "traction":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 2), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = 1.0e+6
      field[0,:,1] = -1.0e+7
      raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

    # Mask clamped vertices
    maskX = numpy.bitwise_and(vertices[:,0] >= -2.0001e+3, vertices[:,0] <= 1.0)
    maskY = numpy.fabs(vertices[:,1]) <= 0.01e+3
    mask = numpy.bitwise_and(maskX,maskY)
    field[:,~mask,:] = 0

    return field
Пример #10
class TestShearDispNoSlipRefine(TestTet4):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.
    def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
        self.mesh = {
            'ncells-elastic': 1266 * 8,
            'ncells-viscoelastic': 1276 * 8,
            'ncorners': 4,
            'nvertices': 4016,
            'spaceDim': 3,
            'tensorSize': 6
        self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']
        self.mesh['nvertices'] += 36
        self.faultMesh = {
            'nvertices': 57,
            'spaceDim': 3,
            'ncells': 80,
            'ncorners': 3
        run_pylith(ShearApp, GenerateDB, nprocs=4)
        self.outputRoot = "sheardispnosliprefine"

        self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

    def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
        fields = ["normal_dir", "final_slip", "slip_time"]

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


    def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
        fields = ["slip"]

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


    def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
        return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

    def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
        ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
        pts = numpy.zeros((ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
        if name == "total_strain":
            stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
        elif name == "stress" or name == "cauchy_stress":
            stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
            raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

        return stateVar

    def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

        normalDir = (+1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        finalSlip = 0.0
        slipTime = 0.0

        nvertices = self.faultMesh['nvertices']

        if name == "normal_dir":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = normalDir[0]
            field[0, :, 1] = normalDir[1]
            field[0, :, 2] = normalDir[2]

        elif name == "final_slip":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = finalSlip

        elif name == "slip_time":
            field = slipTime * numpy.zeros(
                (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)

        elif name == "slip":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = finalSlip

        elif name == "traction_change":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = 0.0

            raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

        # Mask clamped edges
        maskX = numpy.fabs(vertices[:, 0]) <= 1.0
        maskY = numpy.fabs(vertices[:, 1]) <= 25.001e+3
        maskZ = vertices[:, 2] >= -20.001e+3
        mask = numpy.bitwise_and(numpy.bitwise_and(maskX, maskY), maskZ)
        field[:, ~mask, :] = 0.0

        return field
Пример #11
class TestFaultsIntersectNoSlip(TestTet4):
  Test suite for testing pylith with shear slip on two faults.
    def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
        self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']

        # Fault x
        self.mesh['nvertices'] += 8
        self.faultMeshX = {
            'nvertices': 19,
            'spaceDim': 3,
            'ncells': 20,
            'ncorners': 3

        # Fault y
        self.mesh['nvertices'] += 2
        self.faultMeshY = {
            'nvertices': 9,
            'spaceDim': 3,
            'ncells': 8,
            'ncorners': 3
        run_pylith(FaultsIntersectNoSlipApp, GenerateDB)
        self.outputRoot = "faultsintersectnoslip"

        self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

    def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
        fields = ["normal_dir", "final_slip", "slip_time"]

        self.fault = "x"
        filename = "%s-faultx_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshX, fields)

        self.fault = "y"
        filename = "%s-faulty_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshY, fields)


    def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
        fields = ["slip"]

        filename = "%s-faultx.h5" % self.outputRoot
        self.fault = "x"
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshX, fields)

        filename = "%s-faulty.h5" % self.outputRoot
        self.fault = "y"
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMeshY, fields)


    def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
        return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

    def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
        ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
        pts = numpy.zeros((ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
        if name == "total_strain":
            stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
        elif name == "stress" or name == "cauchy_stress":
            stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
            raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

        return stateVar

    def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

        if self.fault == "x":
            normalDir = (+1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            finalSlip = 0.0
            faultMesh = self.faultMeshX
        elif self.fault == "y":
            normalDir = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)
            finalSlip = 0.0
            faultMesh = self.faultMeshY

        slipTime = 0.0
        dim = 3

        nvertices = faultMesh['nvertices']

        if name == "normal_dir":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = normalDir[0]
            field[0, :, 1] = normalDir[1]
            field[0, :, 2] = normalDir[2]

        elif name == "final_slip":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = finalSlip

        elif name == "slip_time":
            field = slipTime * numpy.zeros(
                (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)

        elif name == "slip":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = finalSlip

        elif name == "traction_change":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = 0.0

            raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

        return field
Пример #12
class TestFrictionNoSlip(TestHex8):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.

    def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
        self.nverticesO = self.mesh["nvertices"]
        self.mesh["nvertices"] += 10
        self.faultMesh = {"nvertices": 21, "spaceDim": 3, "ncells": 12, "ncorners": 4}

        self.outputRoot = "frictionnoslip"

        self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

    def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
        fields = ["normal_dir", "strike_dir", "static_coefficient", "traction_initial"]

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields

        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


    def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
        fields = ["slip"]

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields

        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


    def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
        return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

    def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
        ncells = self.mesh["ncells"]
        pts = numpy.zeros((ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
        if name == "total_strain":
            stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
        elif name == "stress":
            stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
            raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

        return stateVar

    def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

        normalDir = (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        strikeDir = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)

        staticCoef = 0.6
        initialTraction = (0.0, 0.0, -100.0e6)

        nvertices = self.faultMesh["nvertices"]

        if name == "normal_dir":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = normalDir[0]
            field[0, :, 1] = normalDir[1]
            field[0, :, 2] = normalDir[2]

        elif name == "strike_dir":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = strikeDir[0]
            field[0, :, 1] = strikeDir[1]
            field[0, :, 2] = strikeDir[2]

        elif name == "static_coefficient":
            field = staticCoef * numpy.ones((1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)

        elif name == "traction_initial":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
            field[0, :, 0] = initialTraction[0]
            field[0, :, 1] = initialTraction[1]
            field[0, :, 2] = initialTraction[2]

        elif name == "slip":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)

            raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

        # Mask clamped vertices
        maskX = numpy.fabs(vertices[:, 0]) <= 1.0
        maskY = numpy.fabs(vertices[:, 1]) <= 25.001e3
        maskZ = vertices[:, 2] >= -20.001e3
        mask = numpy.bitwise_and(numpy.bitwise_and(maskX, maskY), maskZ)
        field[:, ~mask, :] = 0.0

        return field
Пример #13
class TestFrictionNoSlipHalo(TestHex8):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.

  def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
    self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']
    self.mesh['nvertices'] += 21
    self.faultMesh = {'nvertices': 34,
                      'spaceDim': 3,
                      'ncells': 23,
                      'ncorners': 4}

    self.outputRoot = "frictionnoslip_halo"

    self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

  def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["static_coefficient"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["slip"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
    return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

  def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
    ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
    pts = numpy.zeros( (ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
    if name == "total_strain":
      stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
    elif name == "stress":
      stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
      raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

    return stateVar

  def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

    normalDir = (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    strikeDir = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)

    staticCoef  = 0.6
    initialTraction = (0.0,0.0,-100.0e+6)

    nvertices = self.faultMesh['nvertices']

    if name == "static_coefficient":
      field = staticCoef*numpy.ones( (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
    elif name == "slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)

      raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

    return field
Пример #14
class TestFrictionNoSlip(TestHex8):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.

  def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
    self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']
    self.mesh['nvertices'] += 10
    self.faultMesh = {'nvertices': 21,
                      'spaceDim': 3,
                      'ncells': 12,
                      'ncorners': 4}

    run_pylith(ShearApp, GenerateDB, nprocs=3)
    self.outputRoot = "frictionnoslip"

    self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

  def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["normal_dir","strike_dir","static_coefficient", "traction_initial"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
    if not self.checkResults:

    filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
    fields = ["slip"]

    from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
    check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


  def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
    return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

  def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
    ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
    pts = numpy.zeros( (ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
    if name == "total_strain":
      stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
    elif name == "stress":
      stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
      raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

    return stateVar

  def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

    normalDir = (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    strikeDir = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)

    staticCoef  = 0.6
    initialTraction = (0.0,0.0,-100.0e+6)

    nvertices = self.faultMesh['nvertices']

    if name == "normal_dir":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = normalDir[0]
      field[0,:,1] = normalDir[1]
      field[0,:,2] = normalDir[2]

    elif name == "strike_dir":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = strikeDir[0]
      field[0,:,1] = strikeDir[1]
      field[0,:,2] = strikeDir[2]

    elif name == "static_coefficient":
      field = staticCoef*numpy.ones( (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)
    elif name == "traction_initial":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
      field[0,:,0] = initialTraction[0]
      field[0,:,1] = initialTraction[1]
      field[0,:,2] = initialTraction[2]
    elif name == "slip":
      field = numpy.zeros( (1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)

      raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

    # Mask clamped vertices
    maskX = numpy.fabs(vertices[:,0]) <= 1.0
    maskY = numpy.fabs(vertices[:,1]) <= 25.001e+3
    maskZ = vertices[:,2] >= -20.001e+3
    mask = numpy.bitwise_and(numpy.bitwise_and(maskX,maskY),maskZ)
    field[:,~mask,:] = 0.0

    return field
Пример #15
class TestFrictionNoSlipHalo(TestHex8):
  Test suite for testing pylith with 2-D shear extension.
    def setUp(self):
    Setup for test.
        self.nverticesO = self.mesh['nvertices']
        self.mesh['nvertices'] += 21
        self.faultMesh = {
            'nvertices': 34,
            'spaceDim': 3,
            'ncells': 23,
            'ncorners': 4

        run_pylith(ShearApp, GenerateDB, nprocs=1)
        self.outputRoot = "frictionnoslip_halo"

        self.soln = AnalyticalSoln()

    def test_fault_info(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        filename = "%s-fault_info.h5" % self.outputRoot
        fields = ["static_coefficient"]

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


    def test_fault_data(self):
    Check fault information.
        if not self.checkResults:

        filename = "%s-fault.h5" % self.outputRoot
        fields = ["slip"]

        from pylith.tests.Fault import check_vertex_fields
        check_vertex_fields(self, filename, self.faultMesh, fields)


    def calcDisplacements(self, vertices):
    Calculate displacement field given coordinates of vertices.
        return self.soln.displacement(vertices)

    def calcStateVar(self, name, vertices, cells):
    Calculate state variable.
        ncells = self.mesh['ncells']
        pts = numpy.zeros((ncells, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)
        if name == "total_strain":
            stateVar = self.soln.strain(pts)
        elif name == "stress":
            stateVar = self.soln.stress(pts)
            raise ValueError("Unknown state variable '%s'." % name)

        return stateVar

    def calcFaultField(self, name, vertices):
    Calculate fault info.

        normalDir = (-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        strikeDir = (0.0, -1.0, 0.0)

        staticCoef = 0.6
        initialTraction = (0.0, 0.0, -100.0e+6)

        nvertices = self.faultMesh['nvertices']

        if name == "static_coefficient":
            field = staticCoef * numpy.ones(
                (1, nvertices, 1), dtype=numpy.float64)

        elif name == "slip":
            field = numpy.zeros((1, nvertices, 3), dtype=numpy.float64)

            raise ValueError("Unknown fault field '%s'." % name)

        return field