Пример #1
def test_pha_get_ylabel_yfac1(override_plot_backend):
    """Basic check

    The label depends on the backend, so we just want the dummy
    backend used here. **UNFORTUNATELY** - either because the
    override_plot_backend fixture is not well written, the current
    approach to setting up the plot backend does not handle it being
    swapped out (e.g. see #1191), or a combination of the two - the
    test doesn't work well if there is a non-dummy backend loaded.


    chans = np.arange(1, 4)
    counts = np.ones_like(chans)
    pha = DataPHA("dummy", chans, counts)

    pha.plot_fac = 1

    # This is ugly - hopefully #1191 will fix this
    ylabel = pha.get_ylabel()
    if backend.__name__.endswith('.dummy_backend'):
        assert ylabel == 'Counts/channel X Channel^1'
        assert ylabel.startswith('Counts/channel X Channel')
        assert "1" in ylabel
Пример #2
def test_pha_get_ylabel_yfac0():
    """This does not depend on the backend"""

    chans = np.arange(1, 4)
    counts = np.ones_like(chans)
    pha = DataPHA("dummy", chans, counts)

    assert pha.plot_fac == 0
    assert pha.get_ylabel() == 'Counts/channel'