Пример #1
def iefExample():
    """update some key file paths in an ief file.
    Updates the .dat file, .tcf file, and results file paths referenced by
    the ief file and save it under a new ief file name. 
    # Load the tuflow model with a tcf file
    ief_file = r'C:\path\to\an\isis\ieffile.ief'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    ief = loader.loadFile(ief_file)
    # Get the referenced fmp .dat and .tcf files
    dat_path = ief.getValue('Datafile')
    tcf_path = ief.getValue('2DFile')
    results_path = ief.getValue('Results')
    # Update the dat, results and tcf file names
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(dat_path)
    new_dat = root + '_Updated' + ext
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(results_path)
    new_results = root + '_Updated' + ext
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(tcf_path)
    new_tcf = root + '_Updated' + ext
    ief.setValue('Datafile', new_dat)
    ief.setValue('Results', new_results)
    ief.setValue('2DFile', new_tcf)
    # Update the filename and write contents to disk
    ief.path_holder.filename += '_Updated'
    ief_path = ief.path_holder.absolutePath()
Пример #2
 def loadTuflowModel(self):
     print('Loading tuflow model...')
     path = "integration_tests/test_data/model1/tuflow/runs/test_run1.tcf"
     path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path))
     loader = fileloader.FileLoader()
     self.tuflow = loader.loadFile(path)
     assert (self.tuflow.missing_model_files == [])
     print('Tuflow model load complete.')
Пример #3
def tuflowFileExample():
    """Find all gis and bc database files referenced by a tuflow model.
    Uses a .tcf file to load a tuflow model and find all of the gis files and
    BC Database files referenced by it. Also identifies any additional files
    referenced by the BC Database files.
    # Load the tuflow model with a tcf file
    tcf_file = r'C:\path\to\a\tuflow\tcffile.tcf'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    tuflow_model = loader.loadFile(tcf_file)
    data_files = []
    names = []
    paths = []
    # Loop through the different control files fetching the GIS and DATA files.
    for ckey, cfile in tuflow_model.control_files.items():

        # Get file names and absolute paths of all gis files referenced by the model
        gis_files = cfile.files(filepart_type=ft.GIS)
        for g in gis_files:

        # Get the data files objs referenced by the model.
        # These are files that point to additional data (tmf, bcdbase, 1d_xs, etc)
        data_files = cfile.files(filepart_type=ft.DATA)

    gis_combined = dict(zip(names, paths))
    # Loop through the data_objs and extract the names and file sources for 
    # each of the BC Database type files
    bc_combined = []
    for data in data_files:
        if data.command.upper() == 'BC DATABASE':
            bc = dfl.loadDataFile(data)
            names = bc.dataObjectAsList(bc.keys.NAME)
            sources = bc.dataObjectAsList(bc.keys.SOURCE)
            bc_combined.append((data.filenameAndExtension(), dict(zip(names, sources))))
    print ('GIS files in model:')
    for name, path in gis_combined.items(): 
        print (name + ':\n' + path)
    print ('\nBC Database files in model:')
    for b in bc_combined:
        print (b[0])
        for x in b[1].values(): 
            print (x)
Пример #4
def tuflowFileExample():
    """Find all gis and bc database files referenced by a tuflow model.
    Uses a .tcf file to load a tuflow model and find all of the gis files and
    BC Database files referenced by it. Also identifies any additional files
    referenced by the BC Database files.
    # Load the tuflow model with a tcf file
    tcf_file = r'C:\path\to\a\tuflow\tcffile.tcf'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    tuflow_model = loader.loadFile(tcf_file)
    # Get file names and absolute paths of all gis files referenced by the model
    # First we get all GIS type files in the TuflowModel and to avoid getting the
    # same type twice, caused by the same GIS file referenced in two locations
    # in the model control files, we set no_duplicates=True.
    gis_files = tuflow_model.getFiles(file_type=ft.GIS, no_duplicates=True)
    names = []
    paths = []
    for g in gis_files:

    gis_combined = dict(zip(names, paths))
    # Get the data files objs referenced by the model.
    # These are files that point to additional data (tmf, bcdbase, 1d_xs, etc)
    bc_combined = []
    data_objs = tuflow_model.getFiles(file_type=ft.DATA, no_duplicates=True)
    # Loop through the data_objs and extract the names and file sources for 
    # each of the BC Database type files
    for data in data_objs:
        if data.command.upper() == 'BC DATABASE':
            bc = dfl.loadDataFile(data)
            names = bc.getDataEntryAsList(bc.keys.NAME)
            sources = bc.getDataEntryAsList(bc.keys.SOURCE)
            bc_combined.append((data.getFileNameAndExtension(), dict(zip(names, sources))))
    print 'GIS files in model:'
    for name, path in gis_combined.items(): 
        print name + ':\n' + path
    print '\nBC Database files in model:'
    for b in bc_combined:
        print b[0]
        for x in b[1].values(): print x
Пример #5
def trimRiverSections():
    """Deactivates all parts of isis/fmp river sections outside bankmarkers.
    Searches through all of the river sections in an isis/fmp model and sets
    deactivation markers at the location of all bankmarkers. I.e. where a 
    bankmarker was marked as left it will now have a deactivation marker there
    as well.
    Saves the updated file to disk with _Updated appended to the filename.
    # Load the dat file into a new DatCollection object (isis_model)
    dat_file = r'C:\path\to\an\isis-fmp\datfile.dat'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    isis_model = loader.loadFile(dat_file)

    # Get the river sections from the model and loop through them
    rivers = isis_model.getUnitsByCategory('River')
    for river in rivers:

        # Get the bankmarker locations as a list for this river section
        bvals = river.getRowDataAsList(rdt.BANKMARKER)

        # Get the DataObject for deactivation because we want to update it
        deactivation_data = river.getRowDataObject(rdt.DEACTIVATION)

        # Loop through the bankmarker values and each time we find one that's
        # set (not False) we set the deactivation value at that index equal to
        # the LEFT or RIGHT status of the bankmarker
        for i, b in enumerate(bvals):
            if b == 'LEFT':
                deactivation_data.setValue('LEFT', i)
            elif b == 'RIGHT':
                deactivation_data.setValue('RIGHT', i)

    # Update and get the filename of the isis_model
    fname = isis_model.path_holder.file_name
    isis_model.path_holder.setFileName(fname + '_Updated')
    dat_path = isis_model.path_holder.getAbsolutePath()

    # Get the contents of the updated isis model
    contents = isis_model.getPrintableContents()

    # Write the new isis model to file
    filetools.writeFile(contents, dat_path)
Пример #6
def trimRiverSections():
    """Deactivates all parts of isis/fmp river sections outside bankmarkers.
    Searches through all of the river sections in an isis/fmp model and sets
    deactivation markers at the location of all bankmarkers. I.e. where a 
    bankmarker was marked as left it will now have a deactivation marker there
    as well.
    Saves the updated file to disk with _Updated appended to the filename.
    # Load the dat file into a new DatCollection object (fmp_model)
    dat_path = r'C:\path\to\an\isis-fmp\datfile.dat'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    fmp_model = loader.loadFile(dat_path)

    # Get the river sections from the model and loop through them
    rivers = fmp_model.unitsByCategory('river')
    for river in rivers:

        # Get the bankmarker locations as a list for this river section
        bankmarkers = river.row_data['main'].dataObjectAsList(rdt.BANKMARKER)

        # Get the DataObject for deactivation because we want to update it
        deactivation = river.row_data['main'].dataObject(rdt.DEACTIVATION)

        # Loop through the bankmarker values and each time we find one that's
        # set (not False) we set the deactivation value at that index equal to
        # the LEFT or RIGHT status of the bankmarker
        for i, b in enumerate(bankmarkers):
            if b == 'LEFT':
                deactivation[i] = 'LEFT'
            elif b == 'RIGHT':
                deactivation[i] = 'RIGHT'

    # Update the filename and write contents to disk
    fmp_model.path_holder.filename = fmp_model.path_holder.filename + '_Updated'
    out_path = fmp_model.path_holder.absolutePath()
Пример #7
def iefExample():
    """update some key file paths in an ief file.
    Updates the .dat file, .tcf file, and results file paths referenced by
    the ief file and save it under a new ief file name. 
    # Load the tuflow model with a tcf file
    ief_file = r'C:\path\to\an\isis\ieffile.ief'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    ief = loader.loadFile(ief_file)
    # Get the referenced fmp .dat and .tcf files
    dat_path = ief.getValue('Datafile')
    tcf_path = ief.getValue('2DFile')
    results_path = ief.getValue('Results')
    # Update the dat, results and tcf file names
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(dat_path)
    new_dat = root + '_Updated' + ext
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(results_path)
    new_results = root + '_Updated' + ext
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(tcf_path)
    new_tcf = root + '_Updated' + ext
    ief.setValue('Datafile', new_dat)
    ief.setValue('Results', new_results)
    ief.setValue('2DFile', new_tcf)
    # Update and get the filename of the ief
    fname = ief.path_holder.file_name
    ief.path_holder.setFileName(fname + '_Updated')
    ief_path = ief.path_holder.getAbsolutePath()

    # Get the contents of the updated ief
    contents = ief.getPrintableContents()
    # Write the new ief to file
    filetools.writeFile(contents, ief_path)
Пример #8
 def loadTuflowModel(self, path):
     print('Loading tuflow model...')
     loader = fileloader.FileLoader()
     self.tuflow = loader.loadFile(path)
     print('Tuflow model load complete.')
Пример #9
 def loadDatModel(self, path):
     print('Loading FMP .dat model...')
     loader = fileloader.FileLoader()
     self.dat = loader.loadFile(path)
     print('FMP model load complete.')
Пример #10
def crossSectionWidth():
    """Calculate river and bridge cross section widths.
    Populates a dictionary with the river unit name, full cross section width
    and active cross section width for all river units in a isis/fmp .dat model
    file. Then gets the width of all the bridge units in the model.
    Finally prints a summary of the calculations to the console.
    # Load the dat file into a new DatCollection object
    dat_file = r'C:\path\to\an\isis-fmp\datfile.dat'
    loader = fl.FileLoader()
    isis_model = loader.loadFile(dat_file)

    section_details = []

    # Get the river sections from the model and loop through them
    rivers = isis_model.unitsByCategory('river')
    for river in rivers:
        # Get the width and deactivation values form the river section
        xvals = river.row_data['main'].dataObjectAsList(rdt.CHAINAGE)
        dvals = river.row_data['main'].dataObjectAsList(rdt.DEACTIVATION)
        x_start = xvals[0]
        x_end = xvals[-1]
        has_deactivation = False
        # loop through the section width values, check where any deactivation
        # markers are and set the active width start and end variables accordingly
        for i, x in enumerate(xvals, 0):
            if dvals[i] == 'LEFT':
                x_start = x
                has_deactivation = True
            if dvals[i] == 'RIGHT':
                x_end = x
                has_deactivation = True
        full_width = math.fabs(xvals[-1] - xvals[0])
        active_width = math.fabs(x_end - x_start)
        section_details.append({'Name': river.name, 'Unit': river.UNIT_CATEGORY, 
                                'Full Width': full_width,
                                'Active Width': active_width, 
                                'Has deactivation': has_deactivation}
    # Get the widths of the bridges too
    bridges = isis_model.unitsByCategory('bridge')
    for bridge in bridges:
        xvals = bridge.row_data['main'].dataObjectAsList(rdt.CHAINAGE)
        full_width = math.fabs(xvals[-1] - xvals[0])
        # Note that we set the 'Unit' value with UNIT_TYPE rather than CATEGORY
        # this time. It means that we will get what type of bridge it is
        # (Arch/Usbpr) rather than just that it's a bridge.
        section_details.append({'Name': bridge.name, 'Unit': bridge.UNIT_TYPE, 
                                'Full Width': full_width,
                                'Active Width': full_width, 
                                'Has deactivation': False}
    for section in section_details:
        print (section)