def generateJS(self, rep, entries, clampTime, step): # Create the list of techniques filenames listCSVFiles = [] for e in entries: if(e.time == ""): listCSVFiles.append(e.technique) else: listCSVFiles.append(e.technique+","+e.time) print(listCSVFiles) # Read all associated CSV useLog = self.log if self.csv == "time": # Special case when we need to display rendering time useLog = False techniques = showResults.readAllTechniques(listCSVFiles, rep, step, useLog, basey='_'+self.csv+'.csv') # Generate JS file totalText = '$(function() { $.plot("#'+self.getName()+'",[' for i in range(len(techniques)): t = techniques[i] if(clampTime != -1): if not self.log: t.clampTime(clampTime) else: t.clampTime(math.log10(float(clampTime))) print(entries[i].name, # Data row totalText += "{data: " if self.csv == "time": if self.log: totalText += str(t.generateConstantDataXLog()) else: totalText += str(t.generateConstantDataX()) else: totalText += str(t.generatePairData()) totalText += ', label: "' + entries[i].name + '"' if(entries[i].dashed): totalText += ', dashes: { show: true }' totalText += '}' if(t != techniques[-1]): totalText += ",\n" totalText += "]" # Color dicts totalText += ",{colors: [" for e in entries: totalText += '"' + e.color + '", ' totalText += ']' totalText += """, xaxis: { axisLabel: '"""+self.xlabel+"""', axisLabelUseCanvas: true, axisLabelFontSizePixels: 14, axisLabelFontFamily: 'Ubuntu, Calibri, Lucida Grande', axisLabelPadding: 10, }, yaxis: { ticks: 10, tickDecimals: 3, axisLabel: '"""+self.ylabel+"""', axisLabelUseCanvas: true, axisLabelFontSizePixels: 14, axisLabelFontFamily: 'Ubuntu, Calibri, Lucida Grande', axisLabelPadding: 10, }});\n""" # Close the end JS totalText += '});' return totalText
] extractedData = {} maxLenghtData = 0 print(opts.input) # Construct techniques names requestedTech = [] for alg in algorithms: requestedTech.append(alg.metricBaseName) # Read all the requested techniques # And copy the data values techniques = showResults.readAllTechniques(requestedTech, opts.input, 5, False, basey='_' + errorName + '.csv') for alg in algorithms: currentTech = None for tech in techniques: if == alg.metricBaseName.split(",")[0]: currentTech = tech (times, values) = (currentTech.x, currentTech.y) name = extractedData[name] = (times, values) #maxLenghtData = max(len(data), maxLenghtData) # Change the font option