def get_main_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="pathcomplete") shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["-s", "--print-completion"]) # magic! # file & directory tab complete parser.add_argument("file", nargs="?").complete = shtab.FILE parser.add_argument("--dir", default=".").complete = shtab.DIRECTORY return parser
def get_main_parser(): main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="customcomplete") subparsers = main_parser.add_subparsers() # make required (py3.7 API change); vis. subparsers.required = True subparsers.dest = "subcommand" parser = subparsers.add_parser("completion") shtab.add_argument_to(parser, "shell") # magic! parser = subparsers.add_parser("process") # `*.txt` file tab completion parser.add_argument("input_txt", nargs="?").complete = TXT_FILE # file tab completion builtin shortcut parser.add_argument("-i", "--input-file").complete = shtab.FILE parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output-name", help=( "output file name. Completes directory names to avoid users" " accidentally overwriting existing files." ), ).complete = shtab.DIRECTORY # directory tab completion builtin shortcut parser.set_defaults(func=process) return main_parser
def main(): parser = create_parser() # use shtab magic # add global optional argument for generating shell completion script shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["-s", "--shell-completion"], help="Generate tab completion script for your shell") args = parser.parse_args() return args.func(args)
def test_add_argument_to_optional(shell, caplog): parser = ArgumentParser(prog="test") shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["-s", "--shell"]) with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): completion = shtab.complete(parser, shell=shell) print(completion) if shell == "bash": shell = Bash(completion) shell.compgen('-W "$_shtab_test_options_"', "--s", "--shell") assert not caplog.record_tuples
def main(): parser = create_parser() # use shtab magic # add global optional argument for generating shell completion script shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["-s", "--shell-completion"], help="Generate tab completion script for your shell") parser.add_argument("--version", "-v", action=PrintCurrentVersionAction, nargs=0, help="Get current opera package version") args = parser.parse_args() return args.func(args)
def test_add_argument_to_positional(shell, caplog): parser = ArgumentParser(prog="test") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() sub = subparsers.add_parser("completion") shtab.add_argument_to(sub, "shell") with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): completion = shtab.complete(parser, shell=shell) print(completion) if shell == "bash": shell = Bash(completion) shell.compgen('-W "$_shtab_test_completion"', "ba", "bash") shell.compgen('-W "$_shtab_test_completion"', "z", "zsh") assert not caplog.record_tuples
def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("scratch") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest="subcommand", required=True, description="", help="subparsers" ) for name, configure, run, description in [ ("login", login.configure_parser,, "Log in to AWS SSO"), ( "create", create.configure_parser,, "Create a new scratch instance", ), ("mine", mine.configure_parser,, "Show active scratch instance"), ("ssh", ssh.configure_parser,, "Connect to scratch instance via ssh"), ( "sftp", sftp.configure_parser,, "Connect to scratch instance via sftp", ), ( "destroy", destroy.configure_parser,, "Destroy a scratch instance", ), ( "push", push.configure_parser,, "Push current HEAD (or a specific git commit) to scratch instance", ), ( "completion", lambda p: shtab.add_argument_to(p, "shell", parent=parser), lambda: None, "Generate shell completion script", ), ]: s = subparsers.add_parser(name, description=description, help=description) configure(s) s.set_defaults(run=run) args = parser.parse_args()
def get_main_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["-s", "--print-completion"]) # magic! parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', help='Set verbosity level', choices=['warning', 'info', 'debug'], default='info') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='Desired action to perform', dest='command') # help subparsers.add_parser('help', help='Print this help message') # Create parent subparser for {dl_docs, check}-parsers with common arguments parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) # Subparsers based on parent parser_login = subparsers.add_parser( 'login', parents=[parent_parser], help= 'Check if credentials file exists. If not create it and ask for input. Try to login. Ask for device reset if needed', ) parser_login.add_argument( '-n', '--phone_no', help='TradeRepbulic phone number (international format)') parser_login.add_argument('-p', '--pin', help='TradeRepbulic pin') subparsers.add_parser('portfolio', parents=[parent_parser], help='Show current portfolio') parser_dl_docs = subparsers.add_parser( 'dl_docs', parents=[parent_parser], help= 'Download all pdf documents from the timeline and sort them into folders', ) parser_dl_docs.add_argument('output', help='Output directory', metavar='PATH') parser_get_price_alarms = subparsers.add_parser( 'get_price_alarms', parents=[parent_parser], help='Get overview of current price alarms') parser_details = subparsers.add_parser('details', parents=[parent_parser], help='Get details for an ISIN') parser_details.add_argument('isin', help='ISIN of intrument') parser_set_price_alarms = subparsers.add_parser( 'set_price_alarms', parents=[parent_parser], help='Set price alarms based on diff from current price') parser_set_price_alarms.add_argument( '-p', '--percent', help='Percentage +/-', # choices=range(-1000, 1001), metavar='[-1000 ... 1000]', type=int, default=-10, ) return parser
def get_main_parser(gui_mode=True, argparser=MyParser): import miutil.cuinfo import niftypad.api import niftypad.models from amypet import centiloid, dcm2nii, imscroll, imtrimup def fix_subparser(subparser, gui_mode=gui_mode): subparser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="don't run command (implies print_command)" if gui_mode else SUPPRESS, ) return subparser parser = fix_subparser(argparser(prog=None if gui_mode else "amypet"), gui_mode=gui_mode) sub_kwargs = {} if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): sub_kwargs["required"] = True subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="pipeline to run", **sub_kwargs) if not gui_mode: subparser = subparsers.add_parser("completion", help="Print tab completion scripts") shtab.add_argument_to(subparser, "shell", parent=parser) def argparser(prog, description=None, epilog=None, formatter_class=None): """handle (prog, description, epilog) => (title, help)""" return fix_subparser( subparsers.add_parser( {"miutil.cuinfo": "cuinfo"}.get(prog, prog), # override help="\n".join([description or "", epilog or ""]).strip(), ), gui_mode=gui_mode, ) Func(, imscroll.__doc__, version=niftypad.__version__, python_deps=["miutil[nii,plot]>=0.9.0", "tqdm"], argparser=argparser) Func(, dcm2nii.__doc__, version=niftypad.__version__, python_deps=["nimpa"], argparser=argparser) Func(, imtrimup.__doc__, version=niftypad.__version__, python_deps=["nimpa"], argparser=argparser) Func(, centiloid.__doc__, version=niftypad.__version__, python_deps=["miutil[nii]", "setuptools", "spm12", "tqdm"], argparser=argparser) kinetic_model = Func( niftypad.api.kinetic_model, """\ Kinetic modelling Usage: kinetic_model [options] <src> Arguments: <src> : Input file/folder [default: FileChooser] Options: --dst PATH : Output file/folder (default: input folder) [default: FileChooser] --model MODEL : model [default: srtmb_basis] --params FILE : config file hint (relative to `src` input). Default: search for {config,params}.{yaml,json}. --w W : (default: None) --r1 R1 : [default: 0.905:float] --k2p K2P : [default: 0.000250:float] --beta_lim BETA_LIM : (default: None) --n_beta N_BETA : [default: 40:int] --linear_phase_start LINEAR_PHASE_START : [default: 500:int] --linear_phase_end LINEAR_PHASE_END : (default: None) --km_outputs KM_OUTPUTS : (default: None) --thr THR : [default: 0.1:float] """, version=niftypad.__version__, python_deps=["niftypad>=1.1.1"], argparser=argparser) opts = kinetic_model.parser._get_optional_actions() model = next(i for i in opts if i.dest == "model") model.choices = niftypad.models.NAMES # example of how to wrap any CLI command using an `argopt`-style docstring Cmd([sys.executable, "-m", "miutil.cuinfo"], miutil.cuinfo.__doc__, version=miutil.__version__, python_deps=["miutil[cuda]>=0.8.0"], argparser=argparser) return parser
def create_parser() -> ArgumentParser: parser = ArgumentParser(prog="tldr", usage="tldr command [options]", description="Python command line client for tldr") parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {} (Client Specification {})'.format( __version__, __client_specification__)) parser.add_argument("--search", metavar='"KEYWORDS"', type=str, help="Search for a specific command from a query") parser.add_argument('-u', '--update_cache', action='store_true', help="Update the local cache of pages and exit") parser.add_argument( '-p', '--platform', nargs=1, default=None, type=str, choices=['linux', 'osx', 'sunos', 'windows', 'common'], metavar='PLATFORM', help= "Override the operating system [linux, osx, sunos, windows, common]") parser.add_argument( '-l', '--list', default=False, action='store_true', help="List all available commands for operating system") parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', default=PAGES_SOURCE_LOCATION, type=str, help="Override the default page source") parser.add_argument('-c', '--color', default=None, action='store_const', const=False, help="Override color stripping") parser.add_argument('-r', '--render', default=False, action='store_true', help='Render local markdown files') parser.add_argument('-L', '--language', nargs=1, default=None, type=str, help='Override the default language') parser.add_argument('-m', '--markdown', default=False, action='store_true', help='Just print the plain page file.') parser.add_argument('command', type=str, nargs='*', help="command to lookup", metavar='command').complete = { "bash": "shtab_tldr_cmd_list", "zsh": "shtab_tldr_cmd_list" } shtab.add_argument_to(parser, preamble={ 'bash': r'''shtab_tldr_cmd_list(){{ compgen -W "$("{py}" -m tldr --list | sed 's/\W/ /g')" -- "$1" }}'''.format(py=sys.executable), 'zsh': r'''shtab_tldr_cmd_list(){{ _describe 'command' "($("{py}" -m tldr --list | sed 's/\W/ /g'))" }}'''.format(py=sys.executable) }) return parser
def tool() -> None: """ Provides the CLI of PyFunceble. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # We start with loading the configuration. That way, we don't have to # think of this anymore as soon as the CLI is called. # As the merging is now done on demand and not on first hand, this will # give us a bit of agility. PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.start() colorama.init(autoreset=True) description = ( f"{colorama.Style.BRIGHT}{colorama.Fore.GREEN}PyFunceble" f"{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL} - " "The tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.") our_epilog = ( f"{colorama.Style.BRIGHT}{colorama.Fore.YELLOW}For an in-depth usage, " "explanation and examples of the arguments,\n" f"you should read the documentation at{colorama.Fore.GREEN} " "" f"{colorama.Style.RESET_ALL}\n\n") parser = OurArgumentParser( description=description, epilog=our_epilog +, add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) # pylint: disable=possibly-unused-variable shtab.add_argument_to( parser, option_string=["--show-completion"], help="Show Shell completion script and exit.", ) source_group = parser.add_argument_group("Test sources") filtering_group = parser.add_argument_group( "Source filtering, decoding, conversion and expansion") test_control_group = parser.add_argument_group("Test control") dns_control_group = parser.add_argument_group("DNS control") database_control_group = parser.add_argument_group("Databases") output_control_group = parser.add_argument_group("Output control") multiprocessing_group = parser.add_argument_group("Multiprocessing") ci_group = parser.add_argument_group("CI / CD") funcs = [ get_source_group_data, get_filtering_group_data, get_test_control_group_data, get_dns_control_group_data, get_database_control_group_data, get_output_control_group_data, get_multiprocessing_group_data, get_ci_group_data, ] for func in funcs: parser_name = func.__name__.replace("get_", "").replace("_data", "") try: add_arguments_to_parser(locals()[parser_name], func()) except ValueError as exception: exception_message = str(exception) if "configuration" not in exception_message: raise exception missing_key = RegexHelper(r"<entry>\s\(\'(.*)\'\)").match( exception_message, return_match=True, group=1) if ask_authorization_to_merge_config(missing_key): PyFunceble.facility.ConfigLoader.set_merge_upstream( True).start() add_arguments_to_parser(locals()[parser_name], func()) else: print( f"{colorama.Fore.RED}{colorama.Style.BRIGHT}Could not find " f"the {missing_key!r} in your configuration.\n" f"{colorama.Fore.MAGENTA}Please fix your " "configuration file manually or fill a new issue if you " "don't understand this error.") sys.exit(1) add_arguments_to_parser(parser, get_default_group_data()) args = parser.parse_args() if any( getattr(args, x) for x in ["domains", "urls", "files", "url_files"]): SystemIntegrator(args).start() SystemLauncher(args).start()
def get_main_parser(): def formatter(prog): return argparse.HelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=25) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=formatter) shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ['-s', '--print-completion']) # magic! parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbosity', help='Set verbosity level (default: info)', choices=['warning', 'info', 'debug'], default='info', ) parser.add_argument('--applogin', help='Use app login instead of web login', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', help='Print version information and quit', action='store_true') parser_cmd = parser.add_subparsers(help='Desired action to perform', dest='command') # help parser_cmd.add_parser('help', help='Print this help message') # Create parent subparser with common login arguments parser_login_args = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser_login_args.add_argument( '-n', '--phone_no', help='TradeRepbulic phone number (international format)') parser_login_args.add_argument('-p', '--pin', help='TradeRepbulic pin') # login parser_login = parser_cmd.add_parser( 'login', parents=[parser_login_args], help= 'Check if credentials file exists. If not create it and ask for input.' + ' Try to login. Ask for device reset if needed', ) # dl_docs parser_dl_docs = parser_cmd.add_parser( 'dl_docs', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, parents=[parser_login_args], help= 'Download all pdf documents from the timeline and sort them into folders', ) parser_dl_docs.add_argument('output', help='Output directory', metavar='PATH', type=Path) parser_dl_docs.add_argument( '--format', help='available variables:\tiso_date, time, title, doc_num, subtitle', metavar='FORMAT_STRING', default='{iso_date}{time} {title}{doc_num}', ) parser_dl_docs.add_argument( '--last_days', help='Number of last days to include (use 0 get all days)', metavar='DAYS', default=0, type=int) # portfolio parser_cmd.add_parser('portfolio', parents=[parser_login_args], help='Show current portfolio') parser_details = parser_cmd.add_parser('details', parents=[parser_login_args], help='Get details for an ISIN') # details parser_details.add_argument('isin', help='ISIN of intrument') # get_price_alarms parser_get_price_alarms = parser_cmd.add_parser( 'get_price_alarms', parents=[parser_login_args], help='Get overview of current price alarms', ) # set_price_alarms parser_set_price_alarms = parser_cmd.add_parser( 'set_price_alarms', parents=[parser_login_args], help='Set price alarms based on diff from current price', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser_set_price_alarms.add_argument('-%', '--percent', help='Percentage +/-', metavar='[-1000 ... 1000]', type=int, default=-10) # export_transactions parser_export_transactions = parser_cmd.add_parser( 'export_transactions', help= 'Create a CSV with the deposits and removals ready for importing into Portfolio Performance', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser_export_transactions.add_argument( 'input', help='Input path to JSON (use other_events.json from dl_docs)', metavar='INPUT', type=Path) parser_export_transactions.add_argument('output', help='Output path of CSV file', metavar='OUTPUT', type=Path) parser_export_transactions.add_argument( '-l', '--lang', help='Two letter language code or "auto" for system language', default='auto') return parser
#!/usr/bin/env python """Greetings and partings. Usage: greeter [options] [<you>] [<me>] Options: -g, --goodbye : Say "goodbye" (instead of "hello") Arguments: <you> : Your name [default: Anon] <me> : My name [default: Casper] """ import sys, argopt, shtab # NOQA parser = argopt.argopt(__doc__) shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["-s", "--print-completion"]) # magic! if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() msg = "k thx bai!" if args.goodbye else "hai!" print("{} says '{}' to {}".format(, msg,