def __init__(self, net, settings, bindings, live_vis): self.lock = Lock() # State is accessed in multiple threads self.settings = settings self.bindings = bindings = net self.live_vis = live_vis self.fill_layers_list(net) self.siamese_helper = SiameseHelper(settings.layers_list) self._populate_net_blob_info(net) self.layer_boost_indiv_choices = self.settings.caffevis_boost_indiv_choices # 0-1, 0 is noop self.layer_boost_gamma_choices = self.settings.caffevis_boost_gamma_choices # 0-inf, 1 is noop self.caffe_net_state = 'free' # 'free', 'proc', or 'draw' self.extra_msg = '' self.back_stale = True # back becomes stale whenever the last back diffs were not computed using the current backprop unit and method (bprop or deconv) self.next_frame = None self.next_label = None self.next_filename = None self.last_frame = None self.jpgvis_to_load_key = None self.last_key_at = 0 self.quit = False self._reset_user_state()
def __init__(self, settings, net, batched_data_mean, labels=None, label_layers=[], channel_swap_to_rgb=None): self.settings = settings = net self.batched_data_mean = batched_data_mean self.labels = labels if labels else [ 'labels not provided' for ii in range(1000) ] self.label_layers = label_layers if label_layers else list() self.siamese_helper = SiameseHelper(self.settings.layers_list) if channel_swap_to_rgb: self.channel_swap_to_rgb = array(channel_swap_to_rgb) else: if settings._calculated_is_gray_model: self.channel_swap_to_rgb = arange(1) else: self.channel_swap_to_rgb = arange(3) # Don't change order # since we have a batch of same data mean images, we can just take the first if batched_data_mean is not None: self._data_mean_rgb_img = self.batched_data_mean[ 0, self.channel_swap_to_rgb].transpose( (1, 2, 0)) # Store as (227,227,3) in RGB order. else: self._data_mean_rgb_img = None
def get_headers(self): headers = list() for layer_def in self.settings.layers_list: headers.append(SiameseHelper.get_header_from_layer_def(layer_def)) return headers
def get_layer_output_size(self, layer_def=None): # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return SiameseHelper.get_layer_output_size(, self.settings.is_siamese, layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode)
def siamese_view_mode_has_two_images(self, layer_def=None): ''' helper function which checks whether the input mode is two images, and the provided layer contains two layer names :param layer: can be a single string layer name, or a pair of layer names :return: True if both the input mode is BOTH_IMAGES and layer contains two layer names, False oherwise ''' # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return SiameseHelper.siamese_view_mode_has_two_images( layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode)
def backward_from_layer(self, net, backprop_layer_def, backprop_unit): try: return SiameseHelper.backward_from_layer(net, backprop_layer_def, backprop_unit, self.siamese_view_mode) except AttributeError: print 'ERROR: required bindings (backward_from_layer) not found! Try using the deconv-deep-vis-toolbox branch as described here:' raise except ValueError: print "ERROR: probably impossible to backprop layer %s, ignoring to avoid crash" % ( str(backprop_layer_def['name/s'])) with self.lock: self.back_enabled = False
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Loads a pickled NetMaxTracker and outputs one or more of {the patches of the image, a deconv patch, a backprop patch} associated with the maxes.') parser.add_argument('--N', type = int, default = 9, help = 'Note and save top N activations.') parser.add_argument('--gpu', action = 'store_true', default=settings.caffevis_mode_gpu, help = 'Use gpu.') parser.add_argument('--do-maxes', action = 'store_true', default=settings.max_tracker_do_maxes, help = 'Output max patches.') parser.add_argument('--do-deconv', action = 'store_true', default=settings.max_tracker_do_deconv, help = 'Output deconv patches.') parser.add_argument('--do-deconv-norm', action = 'store_true', default=settings.max_tracker_do_deconv_norm, help = 'Output deconv-norm patches.') parser.add_argument('--do-backprop', action = 'store_true', default=settings.max_tracker_do_backprop, help = 'Output backprop patches.') parser.add_argument('--do-backprop-norm', action = 'store_true', default=settings.max_tracker_do_backprop_norm, help = 'Output backprop-norm patches.') parser.add_argument('--do-info', action = 'store_true', default=settings.max_tracker_do_info, help = 'Output info file containing max filenames and labels.') parser.add_argument('--idx-begin', type = int, default = None, help = 'Start at this unit (default: all units).') parser.add_argument('--idx-end', type = int, default = None, help = 'End at this unit (default: all units).') parser.add_argument('--nmt_pkl', type = str, default = os.path.join(settings.caffevis_outputs_dir, 'find_max_acts_output.pickled'), help = 'Which pickled NetMaxTracker to load.') parser.add_argument('--net_prototxt', type = str, default = settings.caffevis_deploy_prototxt, help = 'network prototxt to load') parser.add_argument('--net_weights', type = str, default = settings.caffevis_network_weights, help = 'network weights to load') parser.add_argument('--datadir', type = str, default = settings.static_files_dir, help = 'directory to look for files in') parser.add_argument('--filelist', type = str, default = settings.static_files_input_file, help = 'List of image files to consider, one per line. Must be the same filelist used to produce the NetMaxTracker!') parser.add_argument('--outdir', type = str, default = settings.caffevis_outputs_dir, help = 'Which output directory to use. Files are output into outdir/layer/unit_%%04d/{maxes,deconv,backprop}_%%03d.png') parser.add_argument('--search-min', action='store_true', default=False, help='Should we also search for minimal activations?') args = parser.parse_args() settings.caffevis_deploy_prototxt = args.net_prototxt settings.caffevis_network_weights = args.net_weights net, data_mean = load_network(settings) # validate batch size if settings.is_siamese and settings._calculated_siamese_network_format == 'siamese_batch_pair': # currently, no batch support for siamese_batch_pair networks # it can be added by simply handle the batch indexes properly, but it should be thoroughly tested assert (settings.max_tracker_batch_size == 1) # set network batch size current_input_shape = net.blobs[net.inputs[0]].shape current_input_shape[0] = settings.max_tracker_batch_size net.blobs[net.inputs[0]].reshape(*current_input_shape) net.reshape() assert args.do_maxes or args.do_deconv or args.do_deconv_norm or args.do_backprop or args.do_backprop_norm or args.do_info, 'Specify at least one do_* option to output.' siamese_helper = SiameseHelper(settings.layers_list) nmt = load_max_tracker_from_file(args.nmt_pkl) for layer_name in settings.layers_to_output_in_offline_scripts: print 'Started work on layer %s' % (layer_name) normalized_layer_name = siamese_helper.normalize_layer_name_for_max_tracker(layer_name) mt = nmt.max_trackers[normalized_layer_name] if args.idx_begin is None: idx_begin = 0 if args.idx_end is None: idx_end = mt.max_vals.shape[0] with WithTimer('Saved %d images per unit for %s units %d:%d.' % (args.N, normalized_layer_name, idx_begin, idx_end)): output_max_patches(settings, mt, net, normalized_layer_name, idx_begin, idx_end, args.N, args.datadir, args.filelist, args.outdir, False, (args.do_maxes, args.do_deconv, args.do_deconv_norm, args.do_backprop, args.do_backprop_norm, args.do_info)) if args.search_min: output_max_patches(settings, mt, net, normalized_layer_name, idx_begin, idx_end, args.N, args.datadir, args.filelist, args.outdir, True, (args.do_maxes, args.do_deconv, args.do_deconv_norm, args.do_backprop, args.do_backprop_norm, args.do_info))
class GradientOptimizer(object): '''Finds images by gradient.''' def __init__(self, settings, net, batched_data_mean, labels=None, label_layers=[], channel_swap_to_rgb=None): self.settings = settings = net self.batched_data_mean = batched_data_mean self.labels = labels if labels else [ 'labels not provided' for ii in range(1000) ] self.label_layers = label_layers if label_layers else list() self.siamese_helper = SiameseHelper(self.settings.layers_list) if channel_swap_to_rgb: self.channel_swap_to_rgb = array(channel_swap_to_rgb) else: if settings._calculated_is_gray_model: self.channel_swap_to_rgb = arange(1) else: self.channel_swap_to_rgb = arange(3) # Don't change order # since we have a batch of same data mean images, we can just take the first if batched_data_mean is not None: self._data_mean_rgb_img = self.batched_data_mean[ 0, self.channel_swap_to_rgb].transpose( (1, 2, 0)) # Store as (227,227,3) in RGB order. else: self._data_mean_rgb_img = None def run_optimize(self, params, prefix_template=None, brave=False, skipbig=False, skipsmall=False): '''All images are in Caffe format, e.g. shape (3, 227, 227) in BGR order.''' print '\n\nStarting optimization with the following parameters:' print params x0 = self._get_x0(params) xx, results, results_generated = self._optimize( params, x0, prefix_template) if results_generated: self.save_results(params, results, prefix_template, brave=brave, skipbig=skipbig, skipsmall=skipsmall) print str([ results[batch_index].meta_result for batch_index in range(params.batch_size) ]) return xx def _get_x0(self, params): '''Chooses a starting location''' np.random.seed(params.rand_seed) input_shape =['data'].data.shape if params.start_at == 'mean_plus_rand': x0 = np.random.normal(0, 10, input_shape) elif params.start_at == 'randu': if self.batched_data_mean is not None: x0 = uniform(0, 255, input_shape) - self.batched_data_mean else: x0 = uniform(0, 255, input_shape) elif params.start_at == 'mean': x0 = zeros(input_shape) else: raise Exception('Unknown start conditions: %s' % params.start_at) return x0 def _optimize(self, params, x0, prefix_template): xx = x0.copy() results = [ FindResults(batch_index) for batch_index in range(params.batch_size) ] # check if all required outputs exist, in which case skip this optimization all_outputs = [ self.generate_output_names(batch_index, params, results, prefix_template, self.settings.caffevis_outputs_dir) for batch_index in range(params.batch_size) ] relevant_outputs = [ best_X_name for [ best_X_name, best_Xpm_name, majority_X_name, majority_Xpm_name, info_name, info_pkl_name, info_big_pkl_name ] in all_outputs ] relevant_outputs_exist = [ os.path.exists(best_X_name) for best_X_name in relevant_outputs ] if all(relevant_outputs_exist): return xx, results, False # Whether or not the unit being optimized corresponds to a label (e.g. one of the 1000 imagenet classes) is_labeled_unit = params.push_layer in self.label_layers # Sanity checks for conv vs FC layers top_name = layer_name_to_top_name(, params.push_layer) data_shape =[top_name].data.shape assert len(data_shape) in ( 2, 4 ), 'Expected shape of length 2 (for FC) or 4 (for conv) layers but shape is %s' % repr( data_shape) is_spatial = (len(data_shape) == 4) if is_spatial: if params.push_spatial == (0, 0): recommended_spatial = (data_shape[2] / 2, data_shape[3] / 2) print( 'WARNING: A unit on a conv layer (%s) is being optimized, but push_spatial\n' 'is %s, so the upper-left unit in the channel is selected. To avoid edge\n' 'effects, you might want to optimize a non-edge unit instead, e.g. the center\n' 'unit by using `--push_spatial "%s"`\n' % (params.push_layer, params.push_spatial, recommended_spatial)) else: assert params.push_spatial == ( 0, 0), 'For FC layers, spatial indices must be (0,0)' if is_labeled_unit: # Sanity check push_label = self.labels[params.push_unit[0]] else: push_label = None old_obj = np.zeros(params.batch_size) obj = np.zeros(params.batch_size) for ii in range(params.max_iter): # 0. Crop data if self.batched_data_mean is not None: xx = minimum( 255.0, maximum(0.0, xx + self.batched_data_mean) ) - self.batched_data_mean # Crop all values to [0,255] else: xx = minimum(255.0, maximum(0.0, xx)) # Crop all values to [0,255] # 1. Push data through net out = #shownet(net) top_name = layer_name_to_top_name(, params.push_layer) acts =[top_name].data layer_format = self.siamese_helper.get_layer_format_by_layer_name( params.push_layer) # note: no batch support in 'siamese_batch_pair' if self.settings.is_siamese and layer_format == 'siamese_batch_pair' and acts.shape[ 0] == 2: if not is_spatial: # promote to 4D acts = np.reshape(acts, (2, -1, 1, 1)) reshaped_acts = np.reshape(acts, (2, -1)) idxmax = unravel_index(reshaped_acts.argmax(axis=1), acts.shape[1:]) valmax = reshaped_acts.max(axis=1) # idxmax for fc or prob layer will be like: (batch,278, 0, 0) # idxmax for conv layer will be like: (batch,37, 4, 37) obj[0] = acts[0, params.push_unit[0], params.push_unit[1], params.push_unit[2]] elif self.settings.is_siamese and layer_format == 'siamese_batch_pair' and acts.shape[ 0] == 1: if not is_spatial: # promote to 4D acts = np.reshape(acts, (1, -1, 1, 1)) reshaped_acts = np.reshape(acts, (1, -1)) idxmax = unravel_index(reshaped_acts.argmax(axis=1), acts.shape[1:]) valmax = reshaped_acts.max(axis=1) # idxmax for fc or prob layer will be like: (batch,278, 0, 0) # idxmax for conv layer will be like: (batch,37, 4, 37) obj[0] = acts[0, params.push_unit[0], params.push_unit[1], params.push_unit[2]] else: if not is_spatial: # promote to 4D acts = np.reshape(acts, (params.batch_size, -1, 1, 1)) reshaped_acts = np.reshape(acts, (params.batch_size, -1)) idxmax = unravel_index(reshaped_acts.argmax(axis=1), acts.shape[1:]) valmax = reshaped_acts.max(axis=1) # idxmax for fc or prob layer will be like: (batch,278, 0, 0) # idxmax for conv layer will be like: (batch,37, 4, 37) obj = acts[np.arange(params.batch_size), params.push_unit[0], params.push_unit[1], params.push_unit[2]] # 2. Update results for batch_index in range(params.batch_size): results[batch_index].update(params, ii, acts[batch_index], \ (idxmax[0][batch_index],idxmax[1][batch_index],idxmax[2][batch_index]), \ xx[batch_index], x0[batch_index]) # 3. Print progress if ii > 0: if params.lr_policy == 'progress': print 'iter %-4d batch_index %d progress predicted: %g, actual: %g' % ( ii, batch_index, pred_prog[batch_index], obj[batch_index] - old_obj[batch_index]) else: print 'iter %-4d batch_index %d progress: %g' % ( ii, batch_index, obj[batch_index] - old_obj[batch_index]) else: print 'iter %d batch_index %d' % (ii, batch_index) old_obj[batch_index] = obj[batch_index] push_label_str = ('(%s)' % push_label) if is_labeled_unit else '' max_label_str = ('(%s)' % self.labels[idxmax[0][batch_index]] ) if is_labeled_unit else '' print ' push unit: %16s with value %g %s' % ( params.push_unit, acts[batch_index][params.push_unit], push_label_str) print ' Max idx: %16s with value %g %s' % ( (idxmax[0][batch_index], idxmax[1][batch_index], idxmax[2][batch_index]), valmax[batch_index], max_label_str) print ' X:', xx[batch_index].min( ), xx[batch_index].max(), norm(xx[batch_index]) # 4. Do backward pass to get gradient top_name = layer_name_to_top_name(, params.push_layer) diffs =[top_name].diff * 0 if not is_spatial: # Promote bc -> bc01 diffs = diffs[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] if self.settings.is_siamese and layer_format == 'siamese_batch_pair' and acts.shape[ 0] == 2: diffs[0, params.push_unit[0], params.push_unit[1], params.push_unit[2]] = params.push_dir elif self.settings.is_siamese and layer_format == 'siamese_batch_pair' and acts.shape[ 0] == 1: diffs[0, params.push_unit[0], params.push_unit[1], params.push_unit[2]] = params.push_dir else: diffs[np.arange(params.batch_size), params.push_unit[0], params.push_unit[1], params.push_unit[2]] = params.push_dir backout = params.push_layer, diffs if is_spatial else diffs[:, :, 0, 0]) grad = backout['data'].copy() reshaped_grad = np.reshape(grad, (params.batch_size, -1)) norm_grad = np.linalg.norm(reshaped_grad, axis=1) min_grad = np.amin(reshaped_grad, axis=1) max_grad = np.amax(reshaped_grad, axis=1) for batch_index in range(params.batch_size): print ' layer: %s, channel: %d, batch_index: %d min grad: %f, max grad: %f, norm grad: %f' % ( params.push_layer, params.push_unit[0], batch_index, min_grad[batch_index], max_grad[batch_index], norm_grad[batch_index]) if norm_grad[batch_index] == 0: print ' batch_index: %d, Grad exactly 0, failed' % batch_index results[ batch_index].meta_result = 'Metaresult: grad 0 failure' break # 5. Pick gradient update per learning policy if params.lr_policy == 'progress01': # Useful for softmax layer optimization, taper off near 1 late_prog = params.lr_params['late_prog_mult'] * (1 - obj) desired_prog = np.amin(np.stack( (np.repeat(params.lr_params['early_prog'], params.batch_size), late_prog), axis=1), axis=1) prog_lr = desired_prog / np.square(norm_grad) lr = np.amin(np.stack((np.repeat(params.lr_params['max_lr'], params.batch_size), prog_lr), axis=1), axis=1) print ' entire batch, desired progress:', desired_prog, 'prog_lr:', prog_lr, 'lr:', lr pred_prog = lr * np.sum(np.abs(reshaped_grad)**2, axis=-1) elif params.lr_policy == 'progress': # straight progress-based lr prog_lr = params.lr_params['desired_prog'] / (norm_grad**2) lr = np.amin(np.stack((np.repeat(params.lr_params['max_lr'], params.batch_size), prog_lr), axis=1), axis=1) print ' entire batch, desired progress:', params.lr_params[ 'desired_prog'], 'prog_lr:', prog_lr, 'lr:', lr pred_prog = lr * np.sum(np.abs(reshaped_grad)**2, axis=-1) elif params.lr_policy == 'constant': # constant fixed learning rate lr = np.repeat(params.lr_params['lr'], params.batch_size) else: raise Exception('Unimplemented lr_policy') for batch_index in range(params.batch_size): # 6. Apply gradient update and regularizations if ii < params.max_iter - 1: # Skip gradient and regularizations on the very last step (so the above printed info is valid for the last step) xx[batch_index] += lr[batch_index] * grad[batch_index] xx[batch_index] *= (1 - params.decay) channels = xx.shape[1] if params.blur_every is not 0 and params.blur_radius > 0: if params.blur_radius < .3: print 'Warning: blur-radius of .3 or less works very poorly' #raise Exception('blur-radius of .3 or less works very poorly') if ii % params.blur_every == 0: for channel in range(channels): cimg = gaussian_filter( xx[batch_index, channel], params.blur_radius) xx[batch_index, channel] = cimg if params.small_val_percentile > 0: small_entries = (abs(xx[batch_index]) < percentile( abs(xx[batch_index]), params.small_val_percentile)) xx[batch_index] = xx[batch_index] - xx[ batch_index] * small_entries # e.g. set smallest 50% of xx to zero if params.small_norm_percentile > 0: pxnorms = norm(xx[batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :], axis=1) smallpx = pxnorms < percentile( pxnorms, params.small_norm_percentile) smallpx3 = tile(smallpx[:, newaxis, :, :], (1, channels, 1, 1)) xx[batch_index, :, :, :] = xx[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] - xx[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] * smallpx3 if params.px_benefit_percentile > 0: pred_0_benefit = grad[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] * -xx[batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] px_benefit = pred_0_benefit.sum( 1) # sum over color channels smallben = px_benefit < percentile( px_benefit, params.px_benefit_percentile) smallben3 = tile(smallben[:, newaxis, :, :], (1, channels, 1, 1)) xx[batch_index, :, :, :] = xx[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] - xx[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] * smallben3 if params.px_abs_benefit_percentile > 0: pred_0_benefit = grad[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] * -xx[batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] px_benefit = pred_0_benefit.sum( 1) # sum over color channels smallaben = abs(px_benefit) < percentile( abs(px_benefit), params.px_abs_benefit_percentile) smallaben3 = tile(smallaben[:, newaxis, :, :], (1, channels, 1, 1)) xx[batch_index, :, :, :] = xx[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] - xx[ batch_index, np.newaxis, :, :, :] * smallaben3 print ' timestamp:', for batch_index in range(params.batch_size): if results[batch_index].meta_result is None: if results[batch_index].majority_obj is not None: results[ batch_index].meta_result = 'batch_index: %d, Metaresult: majority success' % batch_index else: results[ batch_index].meta_result = 'batch_index: %d, Metaresult: majority failure' % batch_index return xx, results, True def find_selected_input_index(self, layer_name): for item in self.settings.layers_list: # if we have only a single layer, the header is the layer name if item['format'] == 'normal' and item['name/s'] == layer_name: return -1 # if we got a pair of layers elif item['format'] == 'siamese_layer_pair': if item['name/s'][0] == layer_name: return 0 if item['name/s'][1] == layer_name: return 1 elif item['format'] == 'siamese_batch_pair' and item[ 'name/s'] == layer_name: return 0 return -1 def generate_output_names(self, batch_index, params, results, prefix_template, output_dir): results_and_params = combine_dicts( (('p.', params.__dict__), ('r.', results[batch_index].__dict__))) prefix = prefix_template % results_and_params prefix = os.path.join(output_dir, prefix) if os.path.isdir(prefix): if prefix[-1] != '/': prefix += '/' # append slash for dir-only template else: dirname = os.path.dirname(prefix) if dirname: mkdir_p(dirname) best_X_name = '%s_best_X.jpg' % prefix best_Xpm_name = '%s_best_Xpm.jpg' % prefix majority_X_name = '%s_majority_X.jpg' % prefix majority_Xpm_name = '%s_majority_Xpm.jpg' % prefix info_name = '%s_info.txt' % prefix info_pkl_name = '%s_info.pkl' % prefix info_big_pkl_name = '%s_info_big.pkl' % prefix return [ best_X_name, best_Xpm_name, majority_X_name, majority_Xpm_name, info_name, info_pkl_name, info_big_pkl_name ] def save_results(self, params, results, prefix_template, brave=False, skipbig=False, skipsmall=False): if prefix_template is None: return for batch_index in range(params.batch_size): [best_X_name, best_Xpm_name, majority_X_name, majority_Xpm_name, info_name, info_pkl_name, info_big_pkl_name] = \ self.generate_output_names(batch_index, params, results, prefix_template, self.settings.caffevis_outputs_dir) # Don't overwrite previous results if os.path.exists(info_name) and not brave: raise Exception('Cowardly refusing to overwrite ' + info_name) output_majority = False if output_majority: # NOTE: this section wasn't tested after changes to code, so some minor index tweaking are in order if results[batch_index].majority_xx is not None: asimg = results[batch_index].majority_xx[ self.channel_swap_to_rgb].transpose((1, 2, 0)) saveimagescc(majority_X_name, asimg, 0) saveimagesc(majority_Xpm_name, asimg + self._data_mean_rgb_img) # PlusMean if results[batch_index].best_xx is not None: # results[batch_index].best_xx.shape is (6,224,224) def save_output(data, channel_swap_to_rgb, best_X_image_name): # , best_Xpm_image_name, data_mean_rgb_img): asimg = data[channel_swap_to_rgb].transpose((1, 2, 0)) saveimagescc(best_X_image_name, asimg, 0) # get center position, relative to layer, of best maximum [temp_ii, temp_jj] = results[batch_index].idxmax[ results[batch_index].best_ii][1:3] is_spatial = params.is_spatial layer_name = params.push_layer size_ii, size_jj = get_max_data_extent(, self.settings, layer_name, is_spatial) data_size_ii, data_size_jj =['data'].data.shape[ 2:4] [out_ii_start, out_ii_end, out_jj_start, out_jj_end, data_ii_start, data_ii_end, data_jj_start, data_jj_end] = \ compute_data_layer_focus_area(is_spatial, temp_ii, temp_jj, self.settings, layer_name, size_ii, size_jj, data_size_ii, data_size_jj) selected_input_index = self.find_selected_input_index( layer_name) out_arr = extract_patch_from_image( results[batch_index].best_xx,, selected_input_index, self.settings, data_ii_end, data_ii_start, data_jj_end, data_jj_start, out_ii_end, out_ii_start, out_jj_end, out_jj_start, size_ii, size_jj) if self.settings.is_siamese: save_output( out_arr, channel_swap_to_rgb=self.channel_swap_to_rgb[[0, 1, 2]], best_X_image_name=best_X_name) else: save_output(out_arr, channel_swap_to_rgb=self.channel_swap_to_rgb, best_X_image_name=best_X_name) if self.settings.optimize_image_generate_plus_mean: out_arr_pm = extract_patch_from_image( results[batch_index].best_xx + self.batched_data_mean,, selected_input_index, self.settings, data_ii_end, data_ii_start, data_jj_end, data_jj_start, out_ii_end, out_ii_start, out_jj_end, out_jj_start, size_ii, size_jj) if self.settings.is_siamese: save_output( out_arr_pm, channel_swap_to_rgb=self.channel_swap_to_rgb[[ 0, 1, 2 ]], best_X_image_name=best_Xpm_name) else: save_output( out_arr_pm, channel_swap_to_rgb=self.channel_swap_to_rgb, best_X_image_name=best_Xpm_name) with open(info_name, 'w') as ff: print >> ff, params print >> ff print >> ff, results[batch_index] if not skipbig: with open(info_big_pkl_name, 'w') as ff: pickle.dump((params, results[batch_index]), ff, protocol=-1) if not skipsmall: results[batch_index].trim_arrays() with open(info_pkl_name, 'w') as ff: pickle.dump((params, results[batch_index]), ff, protocol=-1)
def convert_image_pair_to_network_input_format(self, settings, frame_pair, resize_shape): return SiameseHelper.convert_image_pair_to_network_input_format( frame_pair, resize_shape, settings.siamese_input_mode)
class CaffeVisAppState(object): '''State of CaffeVis app.''' def __init__(self, net, settings, bindings, live_vis): self.lock = Lock() # State is accessed in multiple threads self.settings = settings self.bindings = bindings = net self.live_vis = live_vis self.fill_layers_list(net) self.siamese_helper = SiameseHelper(settings.layers_list) self._populate_net_blob_info(net) self.layer_boost_indiv_choices = self.settings.caffevis_boost_indiv_choices # 0-1, 0 is noop self.layer_boost_gamma_choices = self.settings.caffevis_boost_gamma_choices # 0-inf, 1 is noop self.caffe_net_state = 'free' # 'free', 'proc', or 'draw' self.extra_msg = '' self.back_stale = True # back becomes stale whenever the last back diffs were not computed using the current backprop unit and method (bprop or deconv) self.next_frame = None self.next_label = None self.next_filename = None self.last_frame = None self.jpgvis_to_load_key = None self.last_key_at = 0 self.quit = False self._reset_user_state() def _populate_net_blob_info(self, net): '''For each blob, save the number of filters and precompute tile arrangement (needed by CaffeVisAppState to handle keyboard navigation). ''' self.net_blob_info = {} for key in net.blobs.keys(): self.net_blob_info[key] = {} # Conv example: (1, 96, 55, 55) # FC example: (1, 1000) blob_shape = net.blobs[key].data.shape # handle case when output is a single number per image in the batch if (len(blob_shape) == 1): blob_shape = (blob_shape[0], 1) self.net_blob_info[key]['isconv'] = (len(blob_shape) == 4) self.net_blob_info[key]['data_shape'] = blob_shape[ 1:] # Chop off batch size self.net_blob_info[key]['n_tiles'] = blob_shape[1] self.net_blob_info[key]['tiles_rc'] = get_tiles_height_width_ratio( blob_shape[1], self.settings.caffevis_layers_aspect_ratio) self.net_blob_info[key]['tile_rows'] = self.net_blob_info[key][ 'tiles_rc'][0] self.net_blob_info[key]['tile_cols'] = self.net_blob_info[key][ 'tiles_rc'][1] def get_headers(self): headers = list() for layer_def in self.settings.layers_list: headers.append(SiameseHelper.get_header_from_layer_def(layer_def)) return headers def _reset_user_state(self): self.show_maximal_score = True self.input_overlay_option = InputOverlayOption.OFF self.layer_idx = 0 self.layer_boost_indiv_idx = self.settings.caffevis_boost_indiv_default_idx self.layer_boost_indiv = self.layer_boost_indiv_choices[ self.layer_boost_indiv_idx] self.layer_boost_gamma_idx = self.settings.caffevis_boost_gamma_default_idx self.layer_boost_gamma = self.layer_boost_gamma_choices[ self.layer_boost_gamma_idx] self.cursor_area = 'top' # 'top' or 'bottom' self.selected_unit = 0 self.siamese_view_mode = SiameseViewMode.BOTH_IMAGES # Which layer and unit (or channel) to use for backprop self.backprop_layer_idx = self.layer_idx self.backprop_unit = self.selected_unit self.backprop_selection_frozen = False # If false, backprop unit tracks selected unit self.backprop_siamese_view_mode = SiameseViewMode.BOTH_IMAGES self.back_enabled = False self.back_mode = BackpropMode.OFF self.back_view_option = BackpropViewOption.RAW self.color_map_option = ColorMapOption.JET self.pattern_mode = PatternMode.OFF # type of patterns to show instead of activations in layers pane: maximal optimized image, maximal input image, maximal histogram, off self.pattern_first_only = True # should we load only the first pattern image for each neuron, or all the relevant images per neuron self.layers_pane_zoom_mode = 0 # 0: off, 1: zoom selected (and show pref in small pane), 2: zoom backprop self.layers_show_back = False # False: show forward activations. True: show backward diffs self.show_label_predictions = self.settings.caffevis_init_show_label_predictions self.show_unit_jpgs = self.settings.caffevis_init_show_unit_jpgs self.drawing_stale = True kh, _ = self.bindings.get_key_help('help_mode') self.extra_msg = '%s for help' % kh[0] def handle_key(self, key): #print 'Ignoring key:', key if key == -1: return key with self.lock: key_handled = True self.last_key_at = time.time() tag = self.bindings.get_tag(key) if tag == 'reset_state': self._reset_user_state() elif tag == 'sel_layer_left': #hh,ww = self.tiles_height_width #self.selected_unit = self.selected_unit % ww # equivalent to scrolling all the way to the top row #self.cursor_area = 'top' # Then to the control pane self.layer_idx = max(0, self.layer_idx - 1) elif tag == 'sel_layer_right': #hh,ww = self.tiles_height_width #self.selected_unit = self.selected_unit % ww # equivalent to scrolling all the way to the top row #self.cursor_area = 'top' # Then to the control pane self.layer_idx = min( len(self.settings.layers_list) - 1, self.layer_idx + 1) elif tag == 'sel_left': self.move_selection('left') elif tag == 'sel_right': self.move_selection('right') elif tag == 'sel_down': self.move_selection('down') elif tag == 'sel_up': self.move_selection('up') elif tag == 'sel_left_fast': self.move_selection('left', self.settings.caffevis_fast_move_dist) elif tag == 'sel_right_fast': self.move_selection('right', self.settings.caffevis_fast_move_dist) elif tag == 'sel_down_fast': self.move_selection('down', self.settings.caffevis_fast_move_dist) elif tag == 'sel_up_fast': self.move_selection('up', self.settings.caffevis_fast_move_dist) elif tag == 'boost_individual': self.layer_boost_indiv_idx = ( self.layer_boost_indiv_idx + 1) % len( self.layer_boost_indiv_choices) self.layer_boost_indiv = self.layer_boost_indiv_choices[ self.layer_boost_indiv_idx] elif tag == 'boost_gamma': self.layer_boost_gamma_idx = ( self.layer_boost_gamma_idx + 1) % len( self.layer_boost_gamma_choices) self.layer_boost_gamma = self.layer_boost_gamma_choices[ self.layer_boost_gamma_idx] elif tag == 'next_pattern_mode': self.set_pattern_mode( (self.pattern_mode + 1) % PatternMode.NUMBER_OF_MODES) elif tag == 'prev_pattern_mode': self.set_pattern_mode( (self.pattern_mode - 1 + PatternMode.NUMBER_OF_MODES) % PatternMode.NUMBER_OF_MODES) elif tag == 'pattern_first_only': self.pattern_first_only = not self.pattern_first_only elif tag == 'show_back': self.set_show_back(not self.layers_show_back) elif tag == 'next_ez_back_mode_loop': self.set_back_mode( (self.back_mode + 1) % BackpropMode.NUMBER_OF_MODES) elif tag == 'prev_ez_back_mode_loop': self.set_back_mode( (self.back_mode - 1 + BackpropMode.NUMBER_OF_MODES) % BackpropMode.NUMBER_OF_MODES) elif tag == 'next_back_view_option': self.set_back_view_option((self.back_view_option + 1) % BackpropViewOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS) elif tag == 'prev_back_view_option': self.set_back_view_option( (self.back_view_option - 1 + BackpropViewOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS) % BackpropViewOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS) elif tag == 'next_color_map': self.color_map_option = (self.color_map_option + 1) % ColorMapOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS elif tag == 'prev_color_map': self.color_map_option = (self.color_map_option - 1 + ColorMapOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS ) % ColorMapOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS elif tag == 'freeze_back_unit': self.toggle_freeze_back_unit() elif tag == 'zoom_mode': self.layers_pane_zoom_mode = (self.layers_pane_zoom_mode + 1) % 3 if self.layers_pane_zoom_mode == 2 and not self.back_enabled: # Skip zoom into backprop pane when backprop is off self.layers_pane_zoom_mode = 0 elif tag == 'toggle_label_predictions': self.show_label_predictions = not self.show_label_predictions elif tag == 'toggle_unit_jpgs': self.show_unit_jpgs = not self.show_unit_jpgs elif tag == 'siamese_view_mode': self.siamese_view_mode = (self.siamese_view_mode + 1) % SiameseViewMode.NUMBER_OF_MODES elif tag == 'toggle_maximal_score': self.show_maximal_score = not self.show_maximal_score elif tag == 'next_input_overlay': self.set_input_overlay((self.input_overlay_option + 1) % InputOverlayOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS) elif tag == 'prev_input_overlay': self.set_input_overlay((self.input_overlay_option - 1 + InputOverlayOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS) % InputOverlayOption.NUMBER_OF_OPTIONS) else: key_handled = False self._ensure_valid_selected() self.drawing_stale = key_handled # Request redraw any time we handled the key return (None if key_handled else key) def handle_mouse_left_click(self, x, y, flags, param, panes, header_boxes, buttons_boxes): for pane_name, pane in panes.items(): if pane.j_begin <= x < pane.j_end and pane.i_begin <= y < pane.i_end: if pane_name == 'caffevis_control': # layers list # search for layer clicked on for box_idx, box in enumerate(header_boxes): start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, text = box if start_x <= x - pane.j_begin < end_x and start_y <= y - pane.i_begin <= end_y: # print 'layers list clicked on layer %d (%s,%s)' % (box_idx, x, y) self.layer_idx = box_idx self.cursor_area = 'top' self._ensure_valid_selected() self.drawing_stale = True # Request redraw any time we handled the mouse return # print 'layers list clicked on (%s,%s)' % (x, y) elif pane_name == 'caffevis_layers': # channels list # print 'channels list clicked on (%s,%s)' % (x, y) default_layer_name = self.get_default_layer_name() default_top_name = layer_name_to_top_name(, default_layer_name) tile_rows, tile_cols = self.net_blob_info[ default_top_name]['tiles_rc'] dy_per_channel = ([0] + 1) / float(tile_rows) dx_per_channel = ([1] + 1) / float(tile_cols) tile_x = int(((x - pane.j_begin) / dx_per_channel) + 1) tile_y = int(((y - pane.i_begin) / dy_per_channel) + 1) channel_id = (tile_y - 1) * tile_cols + (tile_x - 1) self.selected_unit = channel_id self.cursor_area = 'bottom' self.validate_state_for_summary_only_patterns() self._ensure_valid_selected() self.drawing_stale = True # Request redraw any time we handled the mouse return elif pane_name == 'caffevis_buttons': # print 'buttons!' # search for layer clicked on for box_idx, box in enumerate(buttons_boxes): start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y, text = box if start_x <= x - pane.j_begin < end_x and start_y <= y - pane.i_begin <= end_y: # print 'DEBUG: pressed %s' % text if text == 'File': self.live_vis.input_updater.set_mode_static() pass elif text == 'Prev': self.live_vis.input_updater.prev_image() pass elif text == 'Next': self.live_vis.input_updater.next_image() pass elif text == 'Camera': self.live_vis.input_updater.set_mode_cam() pass elif text == 'Modes': pass elif text == 'Activations': self.set_show_back(False) pass elif text == 'Gradients': self.set_show_back(True) pass elif text == 'Maximal Optimized': with self.lock: self.set_pattern_mode( PatternMode.MAXIMAL_OPTIMIZED_IMAGE) pass elif text == 'Maximal Input': with self.lock: self.set_pattern_mode( PatternMode.MAXIMAL_INPUT_IMAGE) pass elif text == 'Weights Histogram': with self.lock: self.set_pattern_mode( PatternMode.WEIGHTS_HISTOGRAM) pass elif text == 'Activations Histogram': with self.lock: self.set_pattern_mode( PatternMode.MAX_ACTIVATIONS_HISTOGRAM) pass elif text == 'Weights Correlation': with self.lock: self.set_pattern_mode( PatternMode.WEIGHTS_CORRELATION) pass elif text == 'Activations Correlation': with self.lock: self.set_pattern_mode( PatternMode.ACTIVATIONS_CORRELATION) pass elif text == 'Input Overlay': pass elif text == 'No Overlay': self.set_input_overlay(InputOverlayOption.OFF) pass elif text == 'Over Active': self.set_input_overlay( InputOverlayOption.OVER_ACTIVE) pass elif text == 'Over Inactive': self.set_input_overlay( InputOverlayOption.OVER_INACTIVE) pass elif text == 'Backprop Modes': pass elif text == 'No Backprop': self.set_back_mode(BackpropMode.OFF) pass elif text == 'Gradient': self.set_back_mode(BackpropMode.GRAD) pass elif text == 'ZF Deconv': self.set_back_mode(BackpropMode.DECONV_ZF) pass elif text == 'Guided Backprop': self.set_back_mode(BackpropMode.DECONV_GB) pass elif text == 'Freeze Origin': self.toggle_freeze_back_unit() pass elif text == 'Backprop Views': pass elif text == 'Raw': self.set_back_view_option( BackpropViewOption.RAW) pass elif text == 'Gray': self.set_back_view_option( BackpropViewOption.GRAY) pass elif text == 'Norm': self.set_back_view_option( BackpropViewOption.NORM) pass elif text == 'Blurred Norm': self.set_back_view_option( BackpropViewOption.NORM_BLUR) pass elif text == 'Sum > 0': self.set_back_view_option( BackpropViewOption.POS_SUM) pass elif text == 'Gradient Histogram': self.set_back_view_option( BackpropViewOption.HISTOGRAM) pass elif text == 'Help': self.live_vis.toggle_help_mode() pass elif text == 'Quit': self.live_vis.set_quit_flag() pass self._ensure_valid_selected() self.drawing_stale = True return else: # print "Clicked: %s - %s" % (x, y) pass break pass def redraw_needed(self): with self.lock: return self.drawing_stale def get_current_layer_definition(self): return self.settings.layers_list[self.layer_idx] def get_current_backprop_layer_definition(self): return self.settings.layers_list[self.backprop_layer_idx] def get_single_selected_data_blob(self, net, layer_def=None): # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return self.siamese_helper.get_single_selected_data_blob( net, layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode) def get_single_selected_diff_blob(self, net, layer_def=None): # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return self.siamese_helper.get_single_selected_diff_blob( net, layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode) def get_siamese_selected_data_blobs(self, net, layer_def=None): # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return self.siamese_helper.get_siamese_selected_data_blobs( net, layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode) def get_siamese_selected_diff_blobs(self, net, layer_def=None): # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return self.siamese_helper.get_siamese_selected_diff_blobs( net, layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode) def backward_from_layer(self, net, backprop_layer_def, backprop_unit): try: return SiameseHelper.backward_from_layer(net, backprop_layer_def, backprop_unit, self.siamese_view_mode) except AttributeError: print 'ERROR: required bindings (backward_from_layer) not found! Try using the deconv-deep-vis-toolbox branch as described here:' raise except ValueError: print "ERROR: probably impossible to backprop layer %s, ignoring to avoid crash" % ( str(backprop_layer_def['name/s'])) with self.lock: self.back_enabled = False def deconv_from_layer(self, net, backprop_layer_def, backprop_unit, deconv_type): try: return SiameseHelper.deconv_from_layer(net, backprop_layer_def, backprop_unit, self.siamese_view_mode, deconv_type) except AttributeError: print 'ERROR: required bindings (deconv_from_layer) not found! Try using the deconv-deep-vis-toolbox branch as described here:' raise except ValueError: print "ERROR: probably impossible to deconv layer %s, ignoring to avoid crash" % ( str(backprop_layer_def['name/s'])) with self.lock: self.back_enabled = False def get_default_layer_name(self, layer_def=None): # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return self.siamese_helper.get_default_layer_name(layer_def) def siamese_view_mode_has_two_images(self, layer_def=None): ''' helper function which checks whether the input mode is two images, and the provided layer contains two layer names :param layer: can be a single string layer name, or a pair of layer names :return: True if both the input mode is BOTH_IMAGES and layer contains two layer names, False oherwise ''' # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return SiameseHelper.siamese_view_mode_has_two_images( layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode) def move_selection(self, direction, dist=1): default_layer_name = self.get_default_layer_name() default_top_name = layer_name_to_top_name(, default_layer_name) if direction == 'left': if self.cursor_area == 'top': self.layer_idx = max(0, self.layer_idx - dist) else: self.selected_unit -= dist elif direction == 'right': if self.cursor_area == 'top': self.layer_idx = min( len(self.settings.layers_list) - 1, self.layer_idx + dist) else: self.selected_unit += dist elif direction == 'down': if self.cursor_area == 'top': self.cursor_area = 'bottom' else: self.selected_unit += self.net_blob_info[default_top_name][ 'tile_cols'] * dist elif direction == 'up': if self.cursor_area == 'top': pass else: self.selected_unit -= self.net_blob_info[default_top_name][ 'tile_cols'] * dist if self.selected_unit < 0: self.selected_unit += self.net_blob_info[default_top_name][ 'tile_cols'] self.cursor_area = 'top' self.validate_state_for_summary_only_patterns() def _ensure_valid_selected(self): default_layer_name = self.get_default_layer_name() default_top_name = layer_name_to_top_name(, default_layer_name) n_tiles = self.net_blob_info[default_top_name]['n_tiles'] # Forward selection self.selected_unit = max(0, self.selected_unit) self.selected_unit = min(n_tiles - 1, self.selected_unit) # Backward selection if not self.backprop_selection_frozen: # If backprop_selection is not frozen, backprop layer/unit follows selected unit if not (self.backprop_layer_idx == self.layer_idx and self.backprop_unit == self.selected_unit and self.backprop_siamese_view_mode == self.siamese_view_mode): self.backprop_layer_idx = self.layer_idx self.backprop_unit = self.selected_unit self.backprop_siamese_view_mode = self.siamese_view_mode self.back_stale = True # If there is any change, back diffs are now stale def fill_layers_list(self, net): # if layers list is empty, fill it with layer names if not self.settings.layers_list: # go over layers self.settings.layers_list = [] for layer_name in list(net._layer_names): # skip inplace layers if len(net.top_names[layer_name]) == 1 and len( net.bottom_names[layer_name]) == 1 and net.top_names[ layer_name][0] == net.bottom_names[layer_name][0]: continue self.settings.layers_list.append({ 'format': 'normal', 'name/s': layer_name }) # filter layers if needed if hasattr(self.settings, 'caffevis_filter_layers'): for layer_def in self.settings.layers_list: if self.settings.caffevis_filter_layers(layer_def['name/s']): print ' Layer filtered out by caffevis_filter_layers: %s' % str( layer_def['name/s']) self.settings.layers_list = filter( lambda layer_def: not self.settings.caffevis_filter_layers( layer_def['name/s']), self.settings.layers_list) pass def gray_to_colormap(self, gray_image): if self.color_map_option == ColorMapOption.GRAY: return gray_image elif self.color_map_option == ColorMapOption.JET: return gray_to_colormap('jet', gray_image) elif self.color_map_option == ColorMapOption.PLASMA: return gray_to_colormap('plasma', gray_image) def convert_image_pair_to_network_input_format(self, settings, frame_pair, resize_shape): return SiameseHelper.convert_image_pair_to_network_input_format( frame_pair, resize_shape, settings.siamese_input_mode) def get_layer_output_size(self, layer_def=None): # if no layer specified, get current layer if layer_def is None: layer_def = self.get_current_layer_definition() return SiameseHelper.get_layer_output_size(, self.settings.is_siamese, layer_def, self.siamese_view_mode) def get_layer_output_size_string(self, layer_def=None): layer_output_size = self.get_layer_output_size(layer_def) if len(layer_output_size) == 1: return '(%d)' % (layer_output_size[0]) elif len(layer_output_size) == 2: return '(%d,%d)' % (layer_output_size[0], layer_output_size[1]) elif len(layer_output_size) == 3: return '(%d,%d,%d)' % (layer_output_size[0], layer_output_size[1], layer_output_size[2]) else: return str(layer_output_size) def validate_state_for_summary_only_patterns(self): if self.pattern_mode in [ PatternMode.ACTIVATIONS_CORRELATION, PatternMode.WEIGHTS_CORRELATION ]: self.cursor_area = 'top' def set_pattern_mode(self, pattern_mode): self.pattern_mode = pattern_mode self.validate_state_for_summary_only_patterns() def set_show_back(self, show_back): # If in pattern mode: switch to fwd/back. Else toggle fwd/back mode if self.pattern_mode != PatternMode.OFF: self.set_pattern_mode(PatternMode.OFF) self.layers_show_back = show_back if self.layers_show_back: if not self.back_enabled: if self.back_mode == BackpropMode.OFF: self.back_mode = BackpropMode.GRAD self.back_enabled = True self.back_stale = True def set_input_overlay(self, input_overlay): self.input_overlay_option = input_overlay def set_back_mode(self, back_mode): self.back_mode = back_mode self.back_enabled = (self.back_mode != BackpropMode.OFF) self.back_stale = True def toggle_freeze_back_unit(self): # Freeze selected layer/unit as backprop unit self.backprop_selection_frozen = not self.backprop_selection_frozen if self.backprop_selection_frozen: # Grap layer/selected_unit upon transition from non-frozen -> frozen self.backprop_layer_idx = self.layer_idx self.backprop_unit = self.selected_unit self.backprop_siamese_view_mode = self.siamese_view_mode def set_back_view_option(self, back_view_option): self.back_view_option = back_view_option