Пример #1
    def massEdit(self, toEdit=None):

        t = PageTemplate(file="manage_massEdit.tmpl")
        t.submenu = ManageMenu

        if not toEdit:

        showIDs = toEdit.split("|")
        showList = []
        for curID in showIDs:
            curID = int(curID)
            showObj = helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, curID)
            if showObj:

        season_folders_all_same = True
        last_season_folders = None

        paused_all_same = True
        last_paused = None

        quality_all_same = True
        last_quality = None

        root_dir_list = []

        for curShow in showList:
            cur_root_dir = ek.ek(os.path.dirname, curShow._location)
            if cur_root_dir not in root_dir_list:
            # if we know they're not all the same then no point even bothering
            if paused_all_same:
                # if we had a value already and this value is different then they're not all the same
                if last_paused not in (curShow.paused, None):
                    paused_all_same = False
                    last_paused = curShow.paused

            if season_folders_all_same:
                if last_season_folders not in (None, curShow.seasonfolders):
                    season_folders_all_same = False
                    last_season_folders = curShow.seasonfolders

            if quality_all_same:
                if last_quality not in (None, curShow.quality):
                    quality_all_same = False
                    last_quality = curShow.quality

        t.showList = toEdit
        t.paused_value = last_paused if paused_all_same else None
        t.season_folders_value = last_season_folders if season_folders_all_same else None
        t.quality_value = last_quality if quality_all_same else None
        t.root_dir_list = root_dir_list

        return _munge(t)
Пример #2
 def existingShows(self):
     Prints out the page to add existing shows from a root dir 
     t = PageTemplate(file="home_addExistingShow.tmpl")
     t.submenu = HomeMenu()
     return _munge(t)
Пример #3
    def index(self):
        t = PageTemplate(file="manage_manageSearches.tmpl")
        #t.backlogPI = sickbeard.backlogSearchScheduler.action.getProgressIndicator()
        t.backlogPaused = sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.is_backlog_paused() #@UndefinedVariable
        t.backlogRunning = sickbeard.searchQueueScheduler.action.is_backlog_in_progress() #@UndefinedVariable
        t.searchStatus = sickbeard.currentSearchScheduler.action.amActive #@UndefinedVariable
        t.submenu = ManageMenu

        return _munge(t)
Пример #4
    def restart(self, pid=None):

        if str(pid) != str(sickbeard.PID):

        t = PageTemplate(file="restart.tmpl")
        t.submenu = HomeMenu()

        # do a soft restart
        threading.Timer(2, sickbeard.invoke_restart, [False]).start()

        return _munge(t)
Пример #5
    def viewlog(self, minLevel=logger.MESSAGE, maxLines=500):

        t = PageTemplate(file="viewlogs.tmpl")
        t.submenu = ErrorLogsMenu

        minLevel = int(minLevel)

        data = []
        if os.path.isfile(logger.sb_log_instance.log_file):
            f = ek.ek(open, logger.sb_log_instance.log_file)
            data = f.readlines()

        regex =  "^(\w{3})\-(\d\d)\s*(\d\d)\:(\d\d):(\d\d)\s*([A-Z]+)\s*(.+?)\s*\:\:\s*(.*)$"

        finalData = []

        numLines = 0
        lastLine = False
        numToShow = min(maxLines, len(data))

        for x in reversed(data):

            x = x.decode('utf-8')
            match = re.match(regex, x)

            if match:
                level = match.group(6)
                if level not in logger.reverseNames:
                    lastLine = False

                if logger.reverseNames[level] >= minLevel:
                    lastLine = True
                    lastLine = False

            elif lastLine:

            numLines += 1

            if numLines >= numToShow:

        result = "".join(finalData)

        t.logLines = result
        t.minLevel = minLevel

        return _munge(t)
Пример #6
    def episodeStatuses(self, whichStatus=None):

        if whichStatus:
            whichStatus = int(whichStatus)
            status_list = [whichStatus]
            if status_list[0] == SNATCHED:
                status_list = Quality.SNATCHED + Quality.SNATCHED_PROPER
            status_list = []
        t = PageTemplate(file="manage_episodeStatuses.tmpl")
        t.submenu = ManageMenu
        t.whichStatus = whichStatus

        # if we have no status then this is as far as we need to go
        if not status_list:
            return _munge(t)
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        status_results = myDB.select("SELECT show_name, tv_shows.tvdb_id as tvdb_id FROM tv_episodes, tv_shows WHERE tv_episodes.status IN ("+','.join(['?']*len(status_list))+") AND season != 0 AND tv_episodes.showid = tv_shows.tvdb_id ORDER BY show_name", status_list)

        ep_counts = {}
        show_names = {}
        sorted_show_ids = []
        for cur_status_result in status_results:
            cur_tvdb_id = int(cur_status_result["tvdb_id"])
            if cur_tvdb_id not in ep_counts:
                ep_counts[cur_tvdb_id] = 1
                ep_counts[cur_tvdb_id] += 1
            show_names[cur_tvdb_id] = cur_status_result["show_name"]
            if cur_tvdb_id not in sorted_show_ids:
        t.show_names = show_names
        t.ep_counts = ep_counts
        t.sorted_show_ids = sorted_show_ids
        return _munge(t)
Пример #7
    def update(self, pid=None):

        if str(pid) != str(sickbeard.PID):

        updated = sickbeard.versionCheckScheduler.action.update() #@UndefinedVariable

        if updated:
            # do a hard restart
            threading.Timer(2, sickbeard.invoke_restart, [False]).start()
            t = PageTemplate(file="restart_bare.tmpl")
            return _munge(t)
            return _genericMessage("Update Failed","Update wasn't successful, not restarting. Check your log for more information.")
Пример #8
    def index(self):

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

#        sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT h.*, show_name, name FROM history h, tv_shows s, tv_episodes e WHERE h.showid=s.tvdb_id AND h.showid=e.showid AND h.season=e.season AND h.episode=e.episode ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT "+str(numPerPage*(p-1))+", "+str(numPerPage))
        sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT h.*, show_name FROM history h, tv_shows s WHERE h.showid=s.tvdb_id ORDER BY date DESC")

        t = PageTemplate(file="history.tmpl")
        t.historyResults = sqlResults
        t.submenu = [
            { 'title': 'Clear History', 'path': 'history/clearHistory' },
            { 'title': 'Trim History',  'path': 'history/trimHistory'  },

        return _munge(t)
Пример #9
 def newShow(self, show_to_add=None, other_shows=None):
     Display the new show page which collects a tvdb id, folder, and extra options and
     posts them to addNewShow
     t = PageTemplate(file="home_newShow.tmpl")
     t.submenu = HomeMenu()
     show_dir, tvdb_id, show_name = self.split_extra_show(show_to_add)
     if tvdb_id and show_name:
         use_provided_info = True
         use_provided_info = False
     # tell the template whether we're giving it show name & TVDB ID
     t.use_provided_info = use_provided_info
     # use the given show_dir for the tvdb search if available 
     if not show_dir:
         t.default_show_name = ''
     elif not show_name:
         t.default_show_name = ek.ek(os.path.basename, ek.ek(os.path.normpath, show_dir)).replace('.',' ')
         t.default_show_name = show_name
     # carry a list of other dirs if given
     if not other_shows:
         other_shows = []
     elif type(other_shows) != list:
         other_shows = [other_shows]
     if use_provided_info:
         t.provided_tvdb_id = tvdb_id
         t.provided_tvdb_name = show_name
     t.provided_show_dir = show_dir
     t.other_shows = other_shows
     return _munge(t)
Пример #10
    def backlogOverview(self):

        t = PageTemplate(file="manage_backlogOverview.tmpl")
        t.submenu = ManageMenu

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        showCounts = {}
        showCats = {}
        showSQLResults = {}

        for curShow in sickbeard.showList:

            epCounts = {}
            epCats = {}
            epCounts[Overview.SKIPPED] = 0
            epCounts[Overview.WANTED] = 0
            epCounts[Overview.QUAL] = 0
            epCounts[Overview.GOOD] = 0
            epCounts[Overview.UNAIRED] = 0

            sqlResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season*1000+episode DESC", [curShow.tvdbid])

            for curResult in sqlResults:

                curEpCat = curShow.getOverview(int(curResult["status"]))
                epCats[str(curResult["season"])+"x"+str(curResult["episode"])] = curEpCat
                epCounts[curEpCat] += 1

            showCounts[curShow.tvdbid] = epCounts
            showCats[curShow.tvdbid] = epCats
            showSQLResults[curShow.tvdbid] = sqlResults

        t.showCounts = showCounts
        t.showCats = showCats
        t.showSQLResults = showSQLResults

        return _munge(t)
Пример #11
    def index(self):

        t = PageTemplate(file="manage.tmpl")
        t.submenu = ManageMenu
        return _munge(t)
Пример #12
    def index(self):

        t = PageTemplate(file="config.tmpl")
        t.submenu = ConfigMenu
        return _munge(t)
Пример #13
    def index(self):

        t = PageTemplate(file="home_addShows.tmpl")
        t.submenu = HomeMenu()
        return _munge(t)
Пример #14
    def editShow(self, show=None, location=None, anyQualities=[], bestQualities=[], seasonfolders=None, paused=None, directCall=False, air_by_date=None, tvdbLang=None):

        if show == None:
            errString = "Invalid show ID: "+str(show)
            if directCall:
                return [errString]
                return _genericMessage("Error", errString)

        showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

        if showObj == None:
            errString = "Unable to find the specified show: "+str(show)
            if directCall:
                return [errString]
                return _genericMessage("Error", errString)

        if not location and not anyQualities and not bestQualities and not seasonfolders:

            t = PageTemplate(file="editShow.tmpl")
            t.submenu = HomeMenu()
            with showObj.lock:
                t.show = showObj

            return _munge(t)

        if seasonfolders == "on":
            seasonfolders = 1
            seasonfolders = 0

        if paused == "on":
            paused = 1
            paused = 0

        if air_by_date == "on":
            air_by_date = 1
            air_by_date = 0

        if tvdbLang and tvdbLang in tvdb_api.Tvdb().config['valid_languages']:
            tvdb_lang = tvdbLang
            tvdb_lang = showObj.lang

        # if we changed the language then kick off an update
        if tvdb_lang == showObj.lang:
            do_update = False
            do_update = True

        if type(anyQualities) != list:
            anyQualities = [anyQualities]

        if type(bestQualities) != list:
            bestQualities = [bestQualities]

        errors = []
        with showObj.lock:
            newQuality = Quality.combineQualities(map(int, anyQualities), map(int, bestQualities))
            showObj.quality = newQuality

            if bool(showObj.seasonfolders) != bool(seasonfolders):
                showObj.seasonfolders = seasonfolders
                    sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) #@UndefinedVariable
                except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e:
                    errors.append("Unable to refresh this show: "+ex(e))

            showObj.paused = paused
            showObj.air_by_date = air_by_date
            showObj.lang = tvdb_lang

            # if we change location clear the db of episodes, change it, write to db, and rescan
            if os.path.normpath(showObj._location) != os.path.normpath(location):
                logger.log(os.path.normpath(showObj._location)+" != "+os.path.normpath(location))
                if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, location):
                    errors.append("New location <tt>%s</tt> does not exist" % location)

                # don't bother if we're going to update anyway
                elif not do_update:
                    # change it
                        showObj.location = location
                            sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.refreshShow(showObj) #@UndefinedVariable
                        except exceptions.CantRefreshException, e:
                            errors.append("Unable to refresh this show:"+ex(e))
                        # grab updated info from TVDB
                        # rescan the episodes in the new folder
                    except exceptions.NoNFOException:
                        errors.append("The folder at <tt>%s</tt> doesn't contain a tvshow.nfo - copy your files to that folder before you change the directory in Sick Beard." % location)

            # save it to the DB
Пример #15
    def displayShow(self, show=None):

        if show == None:
            return _genericMessage("Error", "Invalid show ID")
            showObj = sickbeard.helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, int(show))

            if showObj == None:

                return _genericMessage("Error", "Unable to find the specified show.")

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        seasonResults = myDB.select(
            "SELECT DISTINCT season FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season desc",

        sqlResults = myDB.select(
            "SELECT * FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? ORDER BY season*1000+episode DESC",

        t = PageTemplate(file="displayShow.tmpl")
        t.submenu = [ { 'title': 'Edit', 'path': 'home/editShow?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid } ]

            t.showLoc = (showObj.location, True)
        except sickbeard.exceptions.ShowDirNotFoundException:
            t.showLoc = (showObj._location, False)

        show_message = ''

        if sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'This show is in the process of being downloaded from theTVDB.com - the info below is incomplete.'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'The information below is in the process of being updated.'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingRefreshed(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'The episodes below are currently being refreshed from disk'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isInRefreshQueue(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'This show is queued to be refreshed.'

        elif sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isInUpdateQueue(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            show_message = 'This show is queued and awaiting an update.'

        if not sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingAdded(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
            if not sickbeard.showQueueScheduler.action.isBeingUpdated(showObj): #@UndefinedVariable
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Delete',               'path': 'home/deleteShow?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid, 'confirm': True })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Re-scan files',        'path': 'home/refreshShow?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Force Full Update',    'path': 'home/updateShow?show=%d&amp;force=1'%showObj.tvdbid })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Update show in XBMC',  'path': 'home/updateXBMC?showName=%s'%urllib.quote_plus(showObj.name.encode('utf-8')), 'requires': haveXBMC })
                t.submenu.append({ 'title': 'Rename Episodes',      'path': 'home/fixEpisodeNames?show=%d'%showObj.tvdbid, 'confirm': True })

        t.show = showObj
        t.sqlResults = sqlResults
        t.seasonResults = seasonResults
        t.show_message = show_message

        epCounts = {}
        epCats = {}
        epCounts[Overview.SKIPPED] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.WANTED] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.QUAL] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.GOOD] = 0
        epCounts[Overview.UNAIRED] = 0

        for curResult in sqlResults:

            curEpCat = showObj.getOverview(int(curResult["status"]))
            epCats[str(curResult["season"])+"x"+str(curResult["episode"])] = curEpCat
            epCounts[curEpCat] += 1

        def titler(x):
            if not x:
                return x
            if x.lower().startswith('a '):
                    x = x[2:]
            elif x.lower().startswith('the '):
                    x = x[4:]
            return x
        t.sortedShowList = sorted(sickbeard.showList, lambda x, y: cmp(titler(x.name), titler(y.name)))

        t.epCounts = epCounts
        t.epCats = epCats

        return _munge(t)
Пример #16
    def massAddTable(self, rootDir=None):
        t = PageTemplate(file="home_massAddTable.tmpl")
        t.submenu = HomeMenu()
        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        if not rootDir:
            return "No folders selected." 
        elif type(rootDir) != list:
            root_dirs = [rootDir]
            root_dirs = rootDir
        root_dirs = [urllib.unquote_plus(x) for x in root_dirs]

        default_index = int(sickbeard.ROOT_DIRS.split('|')[0])
        if len(root_dirs) > default_index:
            tmp = root_dirs[default_index]
            if tmp in root_dirs:
                root_dirs = [tmp]+root_dirs
        dir_list = []
        for root_dir in root_dirs:
                file_list = ek.ek(os.listdir, root_dir)

            for cur_file in file_list:

                cur_path = ek.ek(os.path.normpath, ek.ek(os.path.join, root_dir, cur_file))
                if not ek.ek(os.path.isdir, cur_path):
                cur_dir = {
                           'dir': cur_path,
                           'display_dir': '<b>'+ek.ek(os.path.dirname, cur_path)+os.sep+'</b>'+ek.ek(os.path.basename, cur_path),
                # see if the folder is in XBMC already
                dirResults = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM tv_shows WHERE location = ?", [cur_path])
                if dirResults:
                    cur_dir['added_already'] = True
                    cur_dir['added_already'] = False
                tvdb_id = ''
                show_name = ''
                for cur_provider in sickbeard.metadata_provider_dict.values():
                    (tvdb_id, show_name) = cur_provider.retrieveShowMetadata(cur_path)
                    if tvdb_id and show_name:
                cur_dir['existing_info'] = (tvdb_id, show_name)
                if tvdb_id and helpers.findCertainShow(sickbeard.showList, tvdb_id):
                    cur_dir['added_already'] = True 

        t.dirList = dir_list
        return _munge(t)
Пример #17
    def index(self):

        t = PageTemplate(file="home_postprocess.tmpl")
        t.submenu = HomeMenu()
        return _munge(t)
Пример #18
    def index(self):

        t = PageTemplate(file="errorlogs.tmpl")
        t.submenu = ErrorLogsMenu

        return _munge(t)