Пример #1
def accelsift(filenm, zmax, wmax):
    This function is a translation of the PRESTO code ACCEL_sift.py
    so that it can be more easily incorporated into our code.  It 
    sifts through the ACCEL cands, making cuts on various parameters
    and removing duplicates and harmonics.
    # Set a bunch of parameters from our params.py file
    min_num_DMs = params.min_num_DMs
    low_DM_cutoff = params.low_DM_cutoff
    sifting.sigma_threshold = params.sigma_threshold
    sifting.c_pow_threshold = params.c_pow_threshold
    sifting.known_birds_p = params.known_birds_p
    sifting.known_birds_f = params.known_birds_f
    sifting.r_err = params.r_err
    sifting.short_period = params.short_period
    sifting.long_period = params.long_period
    sifting.harm_pow_cutoff = params.harm_pow_cutoff

    # Try to read the .inf files first, as _if_ they are present, all of
    # them should be there.  (if no candidates are found by accelsearch
    # we get no ACCEL files...
    inffiles = glob("*.inf")

    # Check to see if this is from a short search
    if len(re.findall("_[0-9][0-9][0-9]M_", inffiles[0])):
        dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split("_")[0] for x in candfiles]
        dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split(".inf")[0] for x in inffiles]
    dms = map(float, dmstrs)
    dmstrs = ["%.2f" % x for x in dms]

    candfiles = glob("*ACCEL_%d_JERK_%d" % (zmax, wmax))

    # Read in candfiles
    cands = sifting.read_candidates(candfiles)
    # Remove candidates that are duplicated in other ACCEL files
    if len(cands):
        cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(cands)
    # Remove candidates with DM problems
    if len(cands):
        cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(cands, min_num_DMs, dmstrs,

    # Remove candidates that are harmonically related to each other
    # Note:  this includes only a small set of harmonics
    if len(cands):
        cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(cands)

    # Write candidates to STDOUT
    if len(cands):
        sifting.write_candlist(cands, candfilenm=filenm)

    Ncands = len(cands)
    return Ncands
def sift_periodicity(job, dmstrs):
    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold
    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob(
        "*ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax),
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(
            lo_accel_cands, config.searching.numhits_to_fold, dmstrs,

    hi_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob(
        "*ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax),
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(hi_accel_cands)
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(
            hi_accel_cands, config.searching.numhits_to_fold, dmstrs,

    all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands + hi_accel_cands
    if len(all_accel_cands):
        all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        print "Sending candlist to stdout before writing to file"
        sifting.write_candlist(all_accel_cands, job.basefilenm + ".accelcands")
        # Make sifting summary plots
        plt.title("%s Rejected Cands" % job.basefilenm)
        plt.savefig(job.basefilenm + ".accelcands.rejects.png")
        plt.title("%s Periodicity Summary" % job.basefilenm)
        plt.savefig(job.basefilenm + ".accelcands.summary.png")

        # Write out sifting candidate summary
        all_accel_cands.print_cand_summary(job.basefilenm +
        # Write out sifting comprehensive report of bad candidates
        all_accel_cands.write_cand_report(job.basefilenm +
        timed_execute("gzip --best %s" % job.basefilenm + ".accelcands.report")

        # Moving of results to resultsdir now happens in clean_up(...)
        # shutil.copy(job.basefilenm+".accelcands", job.outputdir)

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time

    return all_accel_cands
def sift_process_bon(job):

    #cpu_idx = int(cpu_id)

    # Change to the specified working directory

    # Make the single-pulse plot
    cmd = "single_pulse_search.py -t %f %s/*.singlepulse"%(singlepulse_plot_SNR,job.workdir)
    job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)

    # Sort dmstrs

    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold
    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("%s/*ACCEL_%d"%(job.workdir,lo_accel_zmax)))
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(lo_accel_cands, numhits_to_fold,
                                                    job.dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)
#    hi_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d"%hi_accel_zmax))
#    if len(hi_accel_cands):
#        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(hi_accel_cands)
#    if len(hi_accel_cands):
#        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(hi_accel_cands, numhits_to_fold,
#                                                    dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)

    job.all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands #+ hi_accel_cands
    if len(job.all_accel_cands):
        job.all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(job.all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        sifting.write_candlist(job.all_accel_cands, job.basefilenm+".accelcands")

        cmd = "cp %s/*.accelcands "%job.workdir +job.outputdir
    except: pass

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time
Пример #4
def ACCEL_sift(zmax):
    The following code come from PRESTO's ACCEL_sift.py

    globaccel = "*ACCEL_%d" % zmax
    globinf = "*DM*.inf"
    # In how many DMs must a candidate be detected to be considered "good"
    min_num_DMs = 2
    # Lowest DM to consider as a "real" pulsar
    low_DM_cutoff = 2.0
    # Ignore candidates with a sigma (from incoherent power summation) less than this
    sifting.sigma_threshold = 4.0
    # Ignore candidates with a coherent power less than this
    sifting.c_pow_threshold = 100.0

    # If the birds file works well, the following shouldn't
    # be needed at all...  If they are, add tuples with the bad
    # values and their errors.
    #                (ms, err)
    sifting.known_birds_p = []
    #                (Hz, err)
    sifting.known_birds_f = []

    # The following are all defined in the sifting module.
    # But if we want to override them, uncomment and do it here.
    # You shouldn't need to adjust them for most searches, though.

    # How close a candidate has to be to another candidate to
    # consider it the same candidate (in Fourier bins)
    sifting.r_err = 1.1
    # Shortest period candidates to consider (s)
    sifting.short_period = 0.0005
    # Longest period candidates to consider (s)
    sifting.long_period = 15.0
    # Ignore any candidates where at least one harmonic does exceed this power
    sifting.harm_pow_cutoff = 8.0

    # --------------------------------------------------------------

    # Try to read the .inf files first, as _if_ they are present, all of
    # them should be there.  (if no candidates are found by accelsearch
    # we get no ACCEL files...
    inffiles = glob.glob(globinf)
    candfiles = glob.glob(globaccel)
    # Check to see if this is from a short search
    if len(re.findall("_[0-9][0-9][0-9]M_", inffiles[0])):
        dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split("_")[0] for x in candfiles]
        dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split(".inf")[0] for x in inffiles]
    dms = map(float, dmstrs)
    dmstrs = ["%.2f" % x for x in dms]

    # Read in all the candidates
    cands = sifting.read_candidates(candfiles)

    # Remove candidates that are duplicated in other ACCEL files
    if len(cands):
        cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(cands)

    # Remove candidates with DM problems
    if len(cands):
        cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(cands, min_num_DMs, dmstrs,

    # Remove candidates that are harmonically related to each other
    # Note:  this includes only a small set of harmonics
    if len(cands):
        cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(cands)

    # Write candidates to STDOUT
    if len(cands):
        # for cand in cands[:1]:
        # print cand.filename, cand.candnum, cand.p, cand.DMstr
        # sifting.write_candlist(cands)
    return cands
Пример #5
def search_job(job):
    """Search the observation defined in the obs_info
        instance 'job'.
    # Use whatever .zaplist is found in the current directory
    zaplist = glob.glob("*.zaplist")[0]
    print "Using %s as zaplist" % zaplist
    if config.searching.use_subbands and config.searching.fold_rawdata:
        # make a directory to keep subbands so they can be used to fold later
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(job.workdir, 'subbands'))
        except: pass

    # rfifind the data file
    cmd = "rfifind %s -time %.17g -o %s %s" % \
          (config.searching.datatype_flag, config.searching.rfifind_chunk_time, job.basefilenm,
    job.rfifind_time += timed_execute(cmd, stdout="%s_rfifind.out" % job.basefilenm)
    maskfilenm = job.basefilenm + "_rfifind.mask"
    # Find the fraction that was suggested to be masked
    # Note:  Should we stop processing if the fraction is
    #        above some large value?  Maybe 30%?
    job.masked_fraction = find_masked_fraction(job)
    # Iterate over the stages of the overall de-dispersion plan
    dmstrs = []
    for ddplan in job.ddplans:

        # Iterate over the individual passes through the data file
        for passnum in range(ddplan.numpasses):
            subbasenm = "%s_DM%s"%(job.basefilenm, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum])

            if config.searching.use_subbands:
                    os.makedirs(os.path.join(job.tempdir, 'subbands'))
                except: pass
                # Create a set of subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband %s -sub -subdm %s -downsamp %d -nsub %d -mask %s " \
                        "-o %s/subbands/%s %s" % \
                        (config.searching.datatype_flag, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum], ddplan.sub_downsamp,
                        ddplan.numsub, maskfilenm, job.tempdir, job.basefilenm,
                job.subbanding_time += timed_execute(cmd, stdout="%s.subout" % subbasenm)
                # Now de-disperse using the subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -downsamp %d " \
                        "-nsub %d -numout %d -o %s/%s %s/subbands/%s.sub[0-9]*" % \
                        (ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                        ddplan.dmsperpass, ddplan.dd_downsamp, ddplan.numsub,
                        job.tempdir, job.basefilenm, job.tempdir, subbasenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd, stdout="%s.prepout" % subbasenm)
            else:  # Not using subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -mask %s -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -downsamp %d " \
                        "-numout %d -o %s/%s %s"%\
                        (maskfilenm, ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                        ddplan.dmsperpass, ddplan.dd_downsamp*ddplan.sub_downsamp, 
                        job.tempdir, job.basefilenm, job.filenmstr)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)
            # Iterate over all the new DMs
            for dmstr in ddplan.dmlist[passnum]:
                basenm = os.path.join(job.tempdir, job.basefilenm+"_DM"+dmstr)
                datnm = basenm+".dat"
                fftnm = basenm+".fft"
                infnm = basenm+".inf"

                # Do the single-pulse search
                cmd = "single_pulse_search.py -p -m %f -t %f %s"%\
                      (config.searching.singlepulse_maxwidth, \
                       config.searching.singlepulse_threshold, datnm)
                job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    shutil.move(basenm+".singlepulse", job.workdir)
                except: pass

                # FFT, zap, and de-redden
                cmd = "realfft %s"%datnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "zapbirds -zap -zapfile %s -baryv %.6g %s"%\
                      (zaplist, job.baryv, fftnm)
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "rednoise %s"%fftnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.rename(basenm+"_red.fft", fftnm)
                except: pass
                # Do the low-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f " \
                        "-zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                        (config.searching.lo_accel_numharm, \
                         config.searching.lo_accel_sigma, \
                         config.searching.lo_accel_zmax, \
                         config.searching.lo_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.lo_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.remove(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.txtcand" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax)
                except: pass
                try:  # This prevents errors if there are no cand files to copy
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.cand" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax, \
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax, \
                except: pass
                # Do the high-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f " \
                        "-zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                        (config.searching.hi_accel_numharm, \
                         config.searching.hi_accel_sigma, \
                         config.searching.hi_accel_zmax, \
                         config.searching.hi_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.hi_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.remove(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.txtcand" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax)
                except: pass
                try:  # This prevents errors if there are no cand files to copy
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.cand" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax, \
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax, \
                except: pass

                # Move the .inf files
                    shutil.move(infnm, job.workdir)
                except: pass
                # Remove the .dat and .fft files
                except: pass
                except: pass

            if config.searching.use_subbands:
                if config.searching.fold_rawdata:
                    # Subband files are no longer needed
                    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(job.tempdir, 'subbands'))
                    # Move subbands to workdir
                    for sub in glob.glob(os.path.join(job.tempdir, 'subbands', "*")):
                        shutil.move(sub, os.path.join(job.workdir, 'subbands'))

    # Make the single-pulse plots
    basedmb = job.basefilenm+"_DM"
    basedme = ".singlepulse "
    # The following will make plots for DM ranges:
    #    0-110, 100-310, 300-1000+
    dmglobs = [basedmb+"[0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[12][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[3-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
    dmrangestrs = ["0-110", "100-310", "300-1000+"]
    psname = job.basefilenm+"_singlepulse.ps"
    for dmglob, dmrangestr in zip(dmglobs, dmrangestrs):
        dmfiles = []
        for dmg in dmglob.split():
            dmfiles += glob.glob(dmg.strip())
        # Check that there are matching files and they are not all empty
        if dmfiles and sum([os.path.getsize(f) for f in dmfiles]):
            cmd = 'single_pulse_search.py -t %f -g "%s"' % \
                (config.searching.singlepulse_plot_SNR, dmglob)
            job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                        job.basefilenm+"_DMs%s_singlepulse.ps" % dmrangestr)

    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold
    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax))
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(lo_accel_cands, config.searching.numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, config.searching.low_DM_cutoff)

    hi_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax))
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(hi_accel_cands)
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(hi_accel_cands, config.searching.numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, config.searching.low_DM_cutoff)

    all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands + hi_accel_cands
    if len(all_accel_cands):
        all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        sifting.write_candlist(all_accel_cands, job.basefilenm+".accelcands")
        # Moving of results to resultsdir now happens in clean_up(...)
        # shutil.copy(job.basefilenm+".accelcands", job.outputdir)

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time

    # Fold the best candidates
    cands_folded = 0
    for cand in all_accel_cands:
        if cands_folded == config.searching.max_cands_to_fold:
        if cand.sigma >= config.searching.to_prepfold_sigma:
            job.folding_time += timed_execute(get_folding_command(cand, job))
            cands_folded += 1
    job.num_cands_folded = cands_folded

    # Now step through the .ps files and convert them to .png and gzip them

    psfiles = glob.glob("*.ps")
    for psfile in psfiles:
        # The '[0]' appeneded to the end of psfile is to convert only the 1st page
        timed_execute("convert -quality 90 %s -background white -flatten -rotate 90 +matte %s" % \
                            (psfile+"[0]", psfile[:-3]+".png"))
        timed_execute("gzip "+psfile)
Пример #6
def search_job(job):
    """Search the observation defined in the obs_info
        instance 'job'.
    # Use whatever .zaplist is found in the current directory
    zaplist = glob.glob("*.zaplist")[0]
    print "Using %s as zaplist" % zaplist
    if config.searching.use_subbands and config.searching.fold_rawdata:
        # make a directory to keep subbands so they can be used to fold later
            os.makedirs(os.path.join(job.workdir, 'subbands'))
        except: pass

    # rfifind the data file
    cmd = "rfifind %s -time %.17g -o %s %s" % \
          (config.searching.datatype_flag, config.searching.rfifind_chunk_time, job.basefilenm,
    job.rfifind_time += timed_execute(cmd, stdout="%s_rfifind.out" % job.basefilenm)
    maskfilenm = job.basefilenm + "_rfifind.mask"
    # Find the fraction that was suggested to be masked
    # Note:  Should we stop processing if the fraction is
    #        above some large value?  Maybe 30%?
    job.masked_fraction = find_masked_fraction(job)
    # Iterate over the stages of the overall de-dispersion plan
    dmstrs = []
    for ddplan in job.ddplans:

        # Make a downsampled filterbank file if we are not using subbands
        if not config.searching.use_subbands:
            if ddplan.downsamp > 1:
                cmd = "downsample_psrfits.py %d %s"%(ddplan.downsamp, job.filenmstr)
                job.downsample_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                dsfiles = []
                for f in job.filenames:
                    fbase = f.rstrip(".fits")
                filenmstr = ' '.join(dsfiles)
                filenmstr = job.filenmstr 

        # Iterate over the individual passes through the data file
        for passnum in range(ddplan.numpasses):
            subbasenm = "%s_DM%s"%(job.basefilenm, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum])

            if config.searching.use_subbands:
                    os.makedirs(os.path.join(job.tempdir, 'subbands'))
                except: pass
                # Create a set of subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband %s -sub -subdm %s -downsamp %d -nsub %d -mask %s " \
                        "-o %s/subbands/%s %s" % \
                        (config.searching.datatype_flag, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum], ddplan.sub_downsamp,
                        ddplan.numsub, maskfilenm, job.tempdir, job.basefilenm,
                job.subbanding_time += timed_execute(cmd, stdout="%s.subout" % subbasenm)
                # Now de-disperse using the subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -downsamp %d " \
                        "-numout %d -o %s/%s %s/subbands/%s.sub[0-9]*" % \
                        (ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                        ddplan.dmsperpass, ddplan.dd_downsamp, 
                        job.tempdir, job.basefilenm, job.tempdir, subbasenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd, stdout="%s.prepout" % subbasenm)
            else:  # Not using subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -mask %s -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d " \
                        "-numout %d -o %s/%s %s"%\
                        (maskfilenm, ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                        ddplan.dmsperpass, psr_utils.choose_N(job.orig_N/ddplan.downsamp),
                        job.tempdir, job.basefilenm, filenmstr)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)
            # Iterate over all the new DMs
            for dmstr in ddplan.dmlist[passnum]:
                basenm = os.path.join(job.tempdir, job.basefilenm+"_DM"+dmstr)
                datnm = basenm+".dat"
                fftnm = basenm+".fft"
                infnm = basenm+".inf"

                # Do the single-pulse search
                cmd = "single_pulse_search.py -p -m %f -t %f %s"%\
                      (config.searching.singlepulse_maxwidth, \
                       config.searching.singlepulse_threshold, datnm)
                job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    shutil.move(basenm+".singlepulse", job.workdir)
                except: pass

                # FFT, zap, and de-redden
                cmd = "realfft %s"%datnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "zapbirds -zap -zapfile %s -baryv %.6g %s"%\
                      (zaplist, job.baryv, fftnm)
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "rednoise %s"%fftnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.rename(basenm+"_red.fft", fftnm)
                except: pass
                # Do the low-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f " \
                        "-zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                        (config.searching.lo_accel_numharm, \
                         config.searching.lo_accel_sigma, \
                         config.searching.lo_accel_zmax, \
                         config.searching.lo_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.lo_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.remove(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.txtcand" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax)
                except: pass
                try:  # This prevents errors if there are no cand files to copy
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.cand" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax, \
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax, \
                except: pass
                # Do the high-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f " \
                        "-zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                        (config.searching.hi_accel_numharm, \
                         config.searching.hi_accel_sigma, \
                         config.searching.hi_accel_zmax, \
                         config.searching.hi_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.hi_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.remove(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.txtcand" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax)
                except: pass
                try:  # This prevents errors if there are no cand files to copy
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.cand" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax, \
                    shutil.move(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax, \
                except: pass

                # Move the .inf files
                    shutil.move(infnm, job.workdir)
                except: pass
                # Remove the .dat and .fft files
                except: pass
                except: pass

            if config.searching.use_subbands:
                if config.searching.fold_rawdata:
                    # Subband files are no longer needed
                    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(job.tempdir, 'subbands'))
                    # Move subbands to workdir
                    for sub in glob.glob(os.path.join(job.tempdir, 'subbands', "*")):
                        shutil.move(sub, os.path.join(job.workdir, 'subbands'))

    # Make the single-pulse plots
    basedmb = job.basefilenm+"_DM"
    basedme = ".singlepulse "
    # The following will make plots for DM ranges:
    #    0-110, 100-310, 300-1000+
    dmglobs = [basedmb+"[0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[12][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[3-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
    dmrangestrs = ["0-110", "100-310", "300-1000+"]
    psname = job.basefilenm+"_singlepulse.ps"
    for dmglob, dmrangestr in zip(dmglobs, dmrangestrs):
        dmfiles = []
        for dmg in dmglob.split():
            dmfiles += glob.glob(dmg.strip())
        # Check that there are matching files and they are not all empty
        if dmfiles and sum([os.path.getsize(f) for f in dmfiles]):
            cmd = 'single_pulse_search.py -t %f -g "%s"' % \
                (config.searching.singlepulse_plot_SNR, dmglob)
            job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                        job.basefilenm+"_DMs%s_singlepulse.ps" % dmrangestr)

    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold
    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.lo_accel_zmax))
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(lo_accel_cands, config.searching.numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, config.searching.low_DM_cutoff)

    hi_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d" % config.searching.hi_accel_zmax))
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(hi_accel_cands)
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(hi_accel_cands, config.searching.numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, config.searching.low_DM_cutoff)

    all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands + hi_accel_cands
    if len(all_accel_cands):
        all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        sifting.write_candlist(all_accel_cands, job.basefilenm+".accelcands")
        # Moving of results to resultsdir now happens in clean_up(...)
        # shutil.copy(job.basefilenm+".accelcands", job.outputdir)

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time

    # Fold the best candidates
    cands_folded = 0
    for cand in all_accel_cands:
        if cands_folded == config.searching.max_cands_to_fold:
        if cand.sigma >= config.searching.to_prepfold_sigma:
            job.folding_time += timed_execute(get_folding_command(cand, job))
            cands_folded += 1
    job.num_cands_folded = cands_folded

    # Now step through the .ps files and convert them to .png and gzip them

    psfiles = glob.glob("*.ps")
    for psfile in psfiles:
        # The '[0]' appeneded to the end of psfile is to convert only the 1st page
        timed_execute("convert -quality 90 %s -background white -flatten -rotate 90 +matte %s" % \
                            (psfile+"[0]", psfile[:-3]+".png"))
        timed_execute("gzip "+psfile)
Пример #7
dms = map(float, dmstrs)
dmstrs = ["%.2f" % x for x in dms]

# Read in all the candidates
cands = sifting.read_candidates(candfiles)

# Remove candidates that are duplicated in other ACCEL files
if len(cands):
    cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(cands)

# Remove candidates with DM problems
if len(cands):
    cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(cands, min_num_DMs, dmstrs,

# Remove candidates that are harmonically related to each other
# Note:  this includes only a small set of harmonics
if len(cands) > 1:
    cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(cands)
print("Number of candidates remaining {}".format(len(cands)))
# Write candidates to STDOUT
cands_file_name = 'cand_files/cands_' + d.replace("/", "_") + '.txt'
if len(cands):
    sifting.write_candlist(cands, cands_file_name)
    print("No candidates left, created empty file")
    open(cands_file_name, 'a').close()
Пример #8
     print 'Number of candidates %d' % len(accel_cands)        
     if accel_cands:
         accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(accel_cands, 2, dm_strs, minimum_dm_cutoff)
     print 'Number of candidates %d' % len(accel_cands)        
     if accel_cands:
         # The PRESTO sifting.py module can crash if there are not enough
         # pulsar candidates, below I test for those symptoms and because
         # the PRESTO sifting.remove_harmonics overwrites its inputs I 
         # keep a temporary copy around in case there is a crash. 
         # TODO : check whether this fix does not create problems further
         # down in the sifting process. If there are more problems it is 
         # probably better to discard the candidates and write that to the
         # log.
         tmp_accel_cands = copy.deepcopy(accel_cands)
             accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(accel_cands)
         except IndexError, e:
             accel_cands = tmp_accel_cands
     print 'Number of candidates %d' % len(accel_cands)        
     if accel_cands:
         bpc = knownpulsar.load_bright_pulsar_catalog()
         accel_cands = knownpulsar.remove_bright_pulsars(accel_cands, bpc)
     print 'Number of candidates %d' % len(accel_cands)        
     if accel_cands:
         accel_cands = duplicates.remove_duplicates(accel_cands)
     print 'Number of candidates %d' % len(accel_cands)        
 sifted_accelcands = duplicates.remove_duplicates(sifted_accelcands)
 if sifted_accelcands:
Пример #9
def main(fil_filenm, workdir):

    # Change to the specified working directory

    # Get information on the observation and the jbo
    job = obs_info(fil_filenm)
    if job.T < low_T_to_search:
        print "The observation is too short (%.2f s) to search."%job.T
    job.total_time = time.time()
    # Use whatever .zaplist is found in the current directory
    default_zaplist = glob.glob("*.zaplist")[0]

    # Make sure the output directory (and parent directories) exist
    except: pass

    # Create a directory to hold all the subbands
    if use_subbands:
        except: pass
    print "\nBeginning PALFA search of '%s'"%job.fil_filenm
    print "UTC time is:  %s"%(time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # rfifind the filterbank file
    cmd = "rfifind -time %.17g -o %s %s > %s_rfifind.out"%\
          (rfifind_chunk_time, job.basefilenm,
           job.fil_filenm, job.basefilenm)
    job.rfifind_time += timed_execute(cmd)
    maskfilenm = job.basefilenm + "_rfifind.mask"
    # Find the fraction that was suggested to be masked
    # Note:  Should we stop processing if the fraction is
    #        above some large value?  Maybe 30%?
    job.masked_fraction = find_masked_fraction(job)
    # Iterate over the stages of the overall de-dispersion plan
    dmstrs = []
    for ddplan in ddplans:

        # Make a downsampled filterbank file if we are not using subbands
        if not use_subbands:
            if ddplan.downsamp > 1:
                cmd = "downsample_filterbank.py %d %s"%(ddplan.downsamp, job.fil_filenm)
                job.downsample_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                fil_filenm = job.fil_filenm[:job.fil_filenm.find(".fil")] + \
                fil_filenm = job.fil_filenm

        # Iterate over the individual passes through the .fil file
        for passnum in range(ddplan.numpasses):
            subbasenm = "%s_DM%s"%(job.basefilenm, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum])

            if use_subbands:
                # Create a set of subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -sub -subdm %s -downsamp %d -nsub %d -mask %s -o subbands/%s %s > %s.subout"%\
                      (ddplan.subdmlist[passnum], ddplan.sub_downsamp,
                       ddplan.numsub, maskfilenm, job.basefilenm,
                       job.fil_filenm, subbasenm)
                job.subbanding_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                # Now de-disperse using the subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -downsamp %d -numout %d -o %s subbands/%s.sub[0-9]* > %s.prepout"%\
                      (ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, ddplan.dd_downsamp, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilenm, subbasenm, subbasenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)

            else:  # Not using subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -mask %s -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -numout %d -o %s %s"%\
                      (maskfilenm, ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilenm, fil_filenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)
            # Iterate over all the new DMs
            for dmstr in ddplan.dmlist[passnum]:
                basenm = job.basefilenm+"_DM"+dmstr
                datnm = basenm+".dat"
                fftnm = basenm+".fft"
                infnm = basenm+".inf"

                # Do the single-pulse search
                cmd = "single_pulse_search.py -p -m %f -t %f %s"%\
                      (singlepulse_maxwidth, singlepulse_threshold, datnm)
                job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)

                # FFT, zap, and de-redden
                cmd = "realfft %s"%datnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "zapbirds -zap -zapfile %s -baryv %.6g %s"%\
                      (default_zaplist, job.baryv, fftnm)
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "rednoise %s"%fftnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.rename(basenm+"_red.fft", fftnm)
                except: pass
                # Do the low-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -locpow -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f -zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                      (lo_accel_numharm, lo_accel_sigma, lo_accel_zmax, lo_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.lo_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                except: pass
                # Do the high-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -locpow -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f -zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                      (hi_accel_numharm, hi_accel_sigma, hi_accel_zmax, hi_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.hi_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                except: pass

                # Remove the .dat and .fft files
                except: pass

    # Make the single-pulse plots
    basedmb = job.basefilenm+"_DM"
    basedme = ".singlepulse "
    # The following will make plots for DM ranges:
    #    0-110, 100-310, 300-1000+
    dmglobs = [basedmb+"[0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[12][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[3-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
    dmrangestrs = ["0-110", "100-310", "300-1000+"]
    psname = job.basefilenm+"_singlepulse.ps"
    for dmglob, dmrangestr in zip(dmglobs, dmrangestrs):
        cmd = 'single_pulse_search.py -t %f -g "%s"' % \
              (singlepulse_plot_SNR, dmglob)
        job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
        except: pass

    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold
    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d"%lo_accel_zmax))
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(lo_accel_cands, numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)

    hi_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d"%hi_accel_zmax))
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(hi_accel_cands)
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(hi_accel_cands, numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)

    all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands + hi_accel_cands
    if len(all_accel_cands):
        all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        sifting.write_candlist(all_accel_cands, job.basefilenm+".accelcands")

        cmd = "cp *.accelcands "+job.outputdir
    except: pass

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time

    # Fold the best candidates

    cands_folded = 0
    for cand in all_accel_cands:
        if cands_folded == max_cands_to_fold:
        if cand.sigma > to_prepfold_sigma:
            job.folding_time += timed_execute(get_folding_command(cand, job, ddplans))
            cands_folded += 1

    # Now step through the .ps files and convert them to .png and gzip them

    psfiles = glob.glob("*.ps")
    for psfile in psfiles:
        if "singlepulse" in psfile:
            # For some reason the singlepulse files don't transform nicely...
            epsfile = psfile.replace(".ps", ".eps")
            os.system("eps2eps "+psfile+" "+epsfile)
            os.system("pstoimg -density 100 -crop a "+epsfile)
            except: pass
            os.system("pstoimg -density 100 -flip cw "+psfile)
        os.system("gzip "+psfile)
    # NOTE:  need to add database commands

    # Tar up the results files 

    tar_suffixes = ["_ACCEL_%d.tgz"%lo_accel_zmax,
    tar_globs = ["*_ACCEL_%d"%lo_accel_zmax,
    for (tar_suffix, tar_glob) in zip(tar_suffixes, tar_globs):
        tf = tarfile.open(job.basefilenm+tar_suffix, "w:gz")
        for infile in glob.glob(tar_glob):

    # And finish up

    job.total_time = time.time() - job.total_time
    print "\nFinished"
    print "UTC time is:  %s"%(time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # Write the job report

    job.write_report(os.path.join(job.outputdir, job.basefilenm+".report"))

    # Copy all the important stuff to the output directory
        cmd = "cp *rfifind.[bimors]* *.ps.gz *.tgz *.png "+job.outputdir
    except: pass
Пример #10
def main(fil_filenm, workdir):

    # Change to the specified working directory

    # Get information on the observation and the jbo
    job = obs_info(fil_filenm)
    if job.T < low_T_to_search:
        print "The observation is too short (%.2f s) to search." % job.T
    job.total_time = time.time()

    # Use whatever .zaplist is found in the current directory
    default_zaplist = glob.glob("*.zaplist")[0]

    # Make sure the output directory (and parent directories) exist

    # Create a directory to hold all the subbands
    if use_subbands:

    print "\nBeginning PALFA search of '%s'" % job.fil_filenm
    print "UTC time is:  %s" % (time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # rfifind the filterbank file
    cmd = "rfifind -time %.17g -o %s %s > %s_rfifind.out"%\
          (rfifind_chunk_time, job.basefilenm,
           job.fil_filenm, job.basefilenm)
    job.rfifind_time += timed_execute(cmd)
    maskfilenm = job.basefilenm + "_rfifind.mask"
    # Find the fraction that was suggested to be masked
    # Note:  Should we stop processing if the fraction is
    #        above some large value?  Maybe 30%?
    job.masked_fraction = find_masked_fraction(job)

    # Iterate over the stages of the overall de-dispersion plan
    dmstrs = []
    for ddplan in ddplans:

        # Make a downsampled filterbank file if we are not using subbands
        if not use_subbands:
            if ddplan.downsamp > 1:
                cmd = "downsample_filterbank.py %d %s" % (ddplan.downsamp,
                job.downsample_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                fil_filenm = job.fil_filenm[:job.fil_filenm.find(".fil")] + \
                fil_filenm = job.fil_filenm

        # Iterate over the individual passes through the .fil file
        for passnum in range(ddplan.numpasses):
            subbasenm = "%s_DM%s" % (job.basefilenm, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum])

            if use_subbands:
                # Create a set of subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -sub -subdm %s -downsamp %d -nsub %d -mask %s -o subbands/%s %s > %s.subout"%\
                      (ddplan.subdmlist[passnum], ddplan.sub_downsamp,
                       ddplan.numsub, maskfilenm, job.basefilenm,
                       job.fil_filenm, subbasenm)
                job.subbanding_time += timed_execute(cmd)

                # Now de-disperse using the subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -downsamp %d -numout %d -o %s subbands/%s.sub[0-9]* > %s.prepout"%\
                      (ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, ddplan.dd_downsamp, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilenm, subbasenm, subbasenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)

            else:  # Not using subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -mask %s -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -numout %d -o %s %s"%\
                      (maskfilenm, ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilenm, fil_filenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)

            # Iterate over all the new DMs
            for dmstr in ddplan.dmlist[passnum]:
                basenm = job.basefilenm + "_DM" + dmstr
                datnm = basenm + ".dat"
                fftnm = basenm + ".fft"
                infnm = basenm + ".inf"

                # Do the single-pulse search
                cmd = "single_pulse_search.py -p -m %f -t %f %s"%\
                      (singlepulse_maxwidth, singlepulse_threshold, datnm)
                job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)

                # FFT, zap, and de-redden
                cmd = "realfft %s" % datnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "zapbirds -zap -zapfile %s -baryv %.6g %s"%\
                      (default_zaplist, job.baryv, fftnm)
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                cmd = "rednoise %s" % fftnm
                job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.rename(basenm + "_red.fft", fftnm)

                # Do the low-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -locpow -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f -zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                      (lo_accel_numharm, lo_accel_sigma, lo_accel_zmax, lo_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.lo_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.remove(basenm + "_ACCEL_%d.txtcand" % lo_accel_zmax)

                # Do the high-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -locpow -harmpolish -numharm %d -sigma %f -zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                      (hi_accel_numharm, hi_accel_sigma, hi_accel_zmax, hi_accel_flo, fftnm)
                job.hi_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                    os.remove(basenm + "_ACCEL_%d.txtcand" % hi_accel_zmax)

                # Remove the .dat and .fft files

    # Make the single-pulse plots
    basedmb = job.basefilenm + "_DM"
    basedme = ".singlepulse "
    # The following will make plots for DM ranges:
    #    0-110, 100-310, 300-1000+
    dmglobs = [
        basedmb + "[0-9].[0-9][0-9]" + basedme + basedmb +
        "[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]" + basedme + basedmb + "10[0-9].[0-9][0-9]" +
        basedme, basedmb + "[12][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]" + basedme + basedmb +
        "30[0-9].[0-9][0-9]" + basedme,
        basedmb + "[3-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]" + basedme + basedmb +
        "1[0-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]" + basedme
    dmrangestrs = ["0-110", "100-310", "300-1000+"]
    psname = job.basefilenm + "_singlepulse.ps"
    for dmglob, dmrangestr in zip(dmglobs, dmrangestrs):
        cmd = 'single_pulse_search.py -t %f -g "%s"' % \
              (singlepulse_plot_SNR, dmglob)
        job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                      job.basefilenm + "_DMs%s_singlepulse.ps" % dmrangestr)

    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold

    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(
        glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d" % lo_accel_zmax))
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(lo_accel_cands,
                                                    numhits_to_fold, dmstrs,

    hi_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(
        glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d" % hi_accel_zmax))
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(hi_accel_cands)
    if len(hi_accel_cands):
        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(hi_accel_cands,
                                                    numhits_to_fold, dmstrs,

    all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands + hi_accel_cands
    if len(all_accel_cands):
        all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        sifting.write_candlist(all_accel_cands, job.basefilenm + ".accelcands")

        cmd = "cp *.accelcands " + job.outputdir

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time

    # Fold the best candidates

    cands_folded = 0
    for cand in all_accel_cands:
        if cands_folded == max_cands_to_fold:
        if cand.sigma > to_prepfold_sigma:
            job.folding_time += timed_execute(
                get_folding_command(cand, job, ddplans))
            cands_folded += 1

    # Now step through the .ps files and convert them to .png and gzip them

    psfiles = glob.glob("*.ps")
    for psfile in psfiles:
        if "singlepulse" in psfile:
            # For some reason the singlepulse files don't transform nicely...
            epsfile = psfile.replace(".ps", ".eps")
            os.system("eps2eps " + psfile + " " + epsfile)
            os.system("pstoimg -density 100 -crop a " + epsfile)
            os.system("pstoimg -density 100 -flip cw " + psfile)
        os.system("gzip " + psfile)

    # NOTE:  need to add database commands

    # Tar up the results files

    tar_suffixes = [
        "_ACCEL_%d.tgz" % lo_accel_zmax,
        "_ACCEL_%d.tgz" % hi_accel_zmax,
        "_ACCEL_%d.cand.tgz" % lo_accel_zmax,
        "_ACCEL_%d.cand.tgz" % hi_accel_zmax, "_singlepulse.tgz", "_inf.tgz",
        "_pfd.tgz", "_bestprof.tgz"
    tar_globs = [
        "*_ACCEL_%d" % lo_accel_zmax,
        "*_ACCEL_%d" % hi_accel_zmax,
        "*_ACCEL_%d.cand" % lo_accel_zmax,
        "*_ACCEL_%d.cand" % hi_accel_zmax, "*.singlepulse", "*_DM[0-9]*.inf",
        "*.pfd", "*.pfd.bestprof"
    for (tar_suffix, tar_glob) in zip(tar_suffixes, tar_globs):
        tf = tarfile.open(job.basefilenm + tar_suffix, "w:gz")
        for infile in glob.glob(tar_glob):

    # And finish up

    job.total_time = time.time() - job.total_time
    print "\nFinished"
    print "UTC time is:  %s" % (time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # Write the job report

    job.write_report(job.basefilenm + ".report")
    job.write_report(os.path.join(job.outputdir, job.basefilenm + ".report"))

    # Copy all the important stuff to the output directory
        cmd = "cp *rfifind.[bimors]* *.ps.gz *.tgz *.png " + job.outputdir
Пример #11
candfiles = glob.glob(globaccel)
# Check to see if this is from a short search
if len(re.findall("_[0-9][0-9][0-9]M_" , inffiles[0])):
    dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split("_")[0] for x in candfiles]
    dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split(".inf")[0] for x in inffiles]
dms = map(float, dmstrs)
dmstrs = ["%.2f"%x for x in dms]

# Read in all the candidates
cands = sifting.read_candidates(candfiles)

# Remove candidates that are duplicated in other ACCEL files
if len(cands):
    cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(cands)

# Remove candidates with DM problems
if len(cands):
    cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(cands, min_num_DMs, dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)

# Remove candidates that are harmonically related to each other
# Note:  this includes only a small set of harmonics
if len(cands):
    cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(cands)

# Write candidates to STDOUT
if len(cands):
Пример #12
def main_process_bon(bon_filenm_long, cpu_id, box):

    cpu_idx = int(cpu_id)

    c = bon_filenm_long.rindex("/")
    bon_filenm = bon_filenm_long[c+1:]
    print bon_filenm


    # Make sure the temp directory exist
    except: pass

    # Change to the specified working directory

    # Copy data
    cmd = "scp -p root@clairvaux:/data?/%s_*.fbk ."%(bon_filenm_long.rstrip(".fbk"))
    print cmd
    # Convert BON file to sigproc format - need .i file
    print "Join BON .fbk files\n"
    cmd = "taskset -c %d joinfbk %s_*.fbk"%(cpu_idx,bon_filenm.rstrip(".fbk"))
    print cmd

    fil_filenm = bon_filenm
    #fil_filenm = fil_filenm.rstrip(".fb")+".sig"

    # Get information on the observation and the jbo
    job = obs_info(fil_filenm, box)
    if job.T < low_T_to_search:
        print "The observation is too short (%.2f s) to search."%job.T

    ddplans = []
    if (job.dt<0.000048 and job.nchans==512):  # BON 32us and 0.25 Mhz or 512 channels over 128MHz band
        # The values here are:       lodm dmstep dms/call #calls #subbands downsamp
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(   0.0,   0.2,     210,     1,       512,       1))
        ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(  42.0,   0.2,     220,     1,       512,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(  86.0,   0.2,     221,     1,       512,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 130.2,   0.3,     189,     1,       512,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 186.9,   0.3,     190,     1,       512,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 243.9,   0.5,     189,     1,       512,       2))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 338.4,   0.5,     189,     1,       512,       2))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 432.9,   1.0,     211,     1,       512,       4))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 643.9,   1.0,     210,     1,       512,       8))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 853.9,   3.0,     130,     1,       512,       8))

    elif (job.dt<0.000048 and job.nchans==256):  # BON 32us and 0.25 Mhz or 256 channels over 64MHz band
        # The values here are:       lodm dmstep dms/call #calls #subbands downsamp
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(   0.0,   0.2,     210,     1,       256,       1))
        ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(  42.0,   0.2,     220,     1,       256,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(  86.0,   0.2,     221,     1,       256,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 130.2,   0.3,     189,     1,       256,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 186.9,   0.3,     190,     1,       256,       1))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 243.9,   0.5,     189,     1,       256,       2))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 338.4,   0.5,     189,     1,       256,       2))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 432.9,   1.0,     211,     1,       256,       4))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 643.9,   1.0,     210,     1,       256,       8))
	ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 853.9,   3.0,     130,     1,       256,       8))

    else: # faster option : for 64us and 1MHz or 128 channels
        # The values here are:       lodm dmstep dms/call #calls #subbands downsamp
        ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(   0.0,   0.3,     212,     1,       128,       1))
        ddplans.append(dedisp_plan(  63.7,   0.5,      75,     1,       128,       1))
        ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 101.2,   1.0,      89,     1,       128,       2))
        ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 190.2,   3.0,      81,     1,       128,       4))
        ddplans.append(dedisp_plan( 433.2,   5.0,     155,     1,       128,       8))
    job.total_time = time.time()
    # Use whatever .zaplist is found in the current directory
    #default_zaplist = glob.glob("*.zaplist")[0]
    default_zaplist = "/data/BON/BON.zaplist"

    # Make sure the output directory (and parent directories) exist
    except: pass

    # Create a directory to hold all the subbands
    if use_subbands:
        except: pass
    print "\nBeginning BON search of '%s'"%job.fil_filenm
    print "UTC time is:  %s"%(time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # rfifind the filterbank file
    cmd = "taskset -c %d rfifind -filterbank -time %.17g -o %s %s > %s_rfifind.out"%\
          (cpu_idx, rfifind_chunk_time, job.basefilenm,
           job.fil_filenm, job.basefilenm)
    if (job.dt<0.000048 and job.nchans>=256 and job.fch1<1500.0):  
	   cmd = "taskset -c %d rfifind -filterbank -zapchan 106,107,108 -time %.17g -o %s %s > %s_rfifind.out"%\
	             (cpu_idx, rfifind_chunk_time, job.basefilenm,
		                job.fil_filenm, job.basefilenm)
    job.rfifind_time += timed_execute(cmd)
    maskfilenm = job.basefilenm + "_rfifind.mask"
    # Find the fraction that was suggested to be masked
    # Note:  Should we stop processing if the fraction is
    #        above some large value?  Maybe 30%?
    job.masked_fraction = find_masked_fraction(job)
    # Iterate over the stages of the overall de-dispersion plan
    dmstrs = []
    for ddplan in ddplans:

        # Iterate over the individual passes through the .fil file
        for passnum in range(ddplan.numpasses):
            subbasenm = "%s_DM%s"%(job.basefilenm, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum])

            if use_subbands:
                # Create a set of subbands
                cmd = "taskset -c %d prepsubband -filterbank -sub -subdm %s -downsamp %d -nsub %d -mask %s -o subbands/%s %s > %s.subout"%\
                      (cpu_idx, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum], ddplan.sub_downsamp,
                       ddplan.numsub, maskfilenm, job.basefilenm,
                       job.fil_filenm, subbasenm)
                job.subbanding_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                # Now de-disperse using the subbands
                cmd = "taskset -c %d prepsubband -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -downsamp %d -numout %d -o %s subbands/%s.sub[0-9]* > %s.prepout"%\
                      (cpu_idx, ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, ddplan.dd_downsamp, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilenm, subbasenm, subbasenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)

            else:  # Not using subbands
                cmd = "taskset -c %d prepsubband -filterbank -mask %s -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -numout %d -o %s %s -downsamp %d -nsub %d > /dev/null"%\
                      (cpu_idx, maskfilenm, ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilenm, fil_filenm, ddplan.downsamp, ddplan.numsub)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)
            # Iterate over all the new DMs
            for dmstr in ddplan.dmlist[passnum]:
                basenm = job.basefilenm+"_DM"+dmstr
                datnm = basenm+".dat"
                fftnm = basenm+".fft"
                infnm = basenm+".inf"

                # Do the single-pulse search
                cmd = "taskset -c %d single_pulse_search.py -p -t %f %s > /dev/null"%\
                      (cpu_idx, singlepulse_threshold, datnm)
                #cmd = "taskset -c %d single_pulse_search.py -p -m %f -t %f %s > /dev/null"%\
                #      (cpu_idx, singlepulse_maxwidth, singlepulse_threshold, datnm)
                job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                #    shutil.copy(basenm+".singlepulse", job.outputdir)
                #except: pass

		job.nb_sp += count_sp(basenm+".singlepulse")

                # FFT, zap, and de-redden
                #cmd = "realfft %s"%datnm
                #job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                #cmd = "zapbirds -zap -zapfile %s -baryv %.6g %s"%\
                #      (default_zaplist, job.baryv, fftnm)
                #job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                #cmd = "rednoise %s"%fftnm
                #job.FFT_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                #    os.rename(basenm+"_red.fft", fftnm)
                #except: pass
                # Do the low-acceleration search
	        cmd = "taskset -c %d accelsearch -numharm %d -sigma %f -zmax %d -flo %f %s -zaplist %s -baryv %.6g > /dev/null"%\
                      (cpu_idx, lo_accel_numharm, lo_accel_sigma, lo_accel_zmax, lo_accel_flo, datnm,default_zaplist, job.baryv)
                job.lo_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                except: pass
                #try:  # This prevents errors if there are no cand files to copy
                #    shutil.copy(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.cand"%lo_accel_zmax, job.outputdir)
                #    shutil.copy(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d"%lo_accel_zmax, job.outputdir)
                #except: pass
                # Do the high-acceleration search
                #cmd = "accelsearch -numharm %d -sigma %f -zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                #      (hi_accel_numharm, hi_accel_sigma, hi_accel_zmax, hi_accel_flo, fftnm)
                #job.hi_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                #    os.remove(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.txtcand"%hi_accel_zmax)
                #except: pass
                #try:  # This prevents errors if there are no cand files to copy
                #    shutil.copy(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d.cand"%hi_accel_zmax, job.outputdir)
                #    shutil.copy(basenm+"_ACCEL_%d"%hi_accel_zmax, job.outputdir)
                #except: pass

                # Remove the .dat and .fft files
                except: pass

    # Make the single-pulse plot
    cmd = "taskset -c %d single_pulse_search.py -t %f %s/*.singlepulse"%(cpu_idx, singlepulse_plot_SNR,workdir)
    job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)

    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold
    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("%s/*ACCEL_%d"%(workdir,lo_accel_zmax)))
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(lo_accel_cands, numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)
#    hi_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d"%hi_accel_zmax))
#    if len(hi_accel_cands):
#        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(hi_accel_cands)
#    if len(hi_accel_cands):
#        hi_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(hi_accel_cands, numhits_to_fold,
#                                                    dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)

    all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands #+ hi_accel_cands
    if len(all_accel_cands):
        all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        sifting.write_candlist(all_accel_cands, job.basefilenm+".accelcands")

        cmd = "cp %s/*.accelcands "%workdir +job.outputdir
    except: pass

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time

    # Fold the best candidates

    cands_folded = 0
    for cand in all_accel_cands:
        if cands_folded == max_cands_to_fold:
        if cand.sigma > to_prepfold_sigma:
            job.folding_time += timed_execute("taskset -c %d "%cpu_idx + get_folding_command(cand, job, ddplans, maskfilenm))
            cands_folded += 1

    # Now step through the .ps files and convert them to .png and gzip them

    psfiles = glob.glob("%s/*.ps"%(workdir))
    for psfile in psfiles:
        if "singlepulse" in psfile:
            # For some reason the singlepulse files don't transform nicely...
   #         epsfile = psfile.replace(".ps", ".eps")
   #         os.system("eps2eps "+psfile+" "+epsfile)
            os.system("taskset -c %d pstoimg -density 300 -flip cw -scale 0.9 -geometry 640x480 "%cpu_idx +psfile)
   #         try:
   #             os.remove(epsfile)
   #         except: pass
            os.system("taskset -c %d pstoimg -density 100 -flip cw -scale 0.9 -geometry 640x480 "%cpu_idx +psfile)
         #os.system("gzip "+psfile)
    # Compress Single-pulse data
    cmd = "tar cfj %s_sp.tar.bz2 *.singlepulse *_singlepulse.ps *.inf "%job.basefilenm

    # Compress Cands data
    cmd = "tar cfj %s_accel.tar.bz2 *ACCEL_0"%job.basefilenm
    cmd = "tar cfj %s_accel_bin.tar.bz2 *ACCEL_0.cand"%job.basefilenm

    # Compress RFI data
    cmd = "tar cfj %s_rfifind.tar.bz2 %s_rfifind*"%(job.basefilenm,job.basefilenm)

    # Compress Candidates PostScript 
    cmd = "tar cfj %s_pfd_ps.tar.bz2 *pfd.ps"%job.basefilenm

    # NOTE:  need to add database commands

    # And finish up

    job.total_time = time.time() - job.total_time
    print "\nFinished"
    print "UTC time is:  %s"%(time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # Write the job report

    job.write_report(os.path.join(job.outputdir, job.basefilenm+".report"))

    # Copy all the important stuff to the output directory
        cmd = "cp *.png *.bz2 "+job.outputdir # Not enough space to save .pfd file
        #cmd = "cp *rfifind.[bimors]* *.pfd *.ps.gz *.png "+job.outputdir
    except: pass
    # Send results to clairvaux
    cmd = "scp -rp %s root@clairvaux:/data6/results/%s/."%(job.outputdir,box)
    print cmd
    # Remove all temporary stuff
    cmd = "cd; rm -rf %s"%workdir
    # Return nb of cands found
    return len(all_accel_cands)
def main(filename, workdir):

    # Change to the specified working directory

    # Get information on the observation and the jbo
    job = obs_info(filename)
    if job.T < low_T_to_search:
        print "The observation is too short (%.2f s) to search."%job.T
    job.total_time = time.time()
    # Use whatever .zaplist is found in the current directory
    default_zaplist = glob.glob("*.zaplist")[0]

    # Create a directory to hold all the subbands
    if use_subbands:
        except: pass
    print "\nBeginning NUPPI search of '%s'"%job.filename
    print "UTC time is:  %s"%(time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # rfifind the psrfits file
    cmd = "rfifind -zapchan %s -psrfits -timesig %.2f -freqsig %.2f -time %.17g -o %s %s > %s_rfifind.out"%\
          (bad_chans, rfifind_timesig, rfifind_freqsig, rfifind_chunk_time, job.basefilename,
           job.filename, job.basefilename)
    job.rfifind_time += timed_execute(cmd)
    # Find the fraction that was suggested to be masked
    # Note:  Should we stop processing if the fraction is
    #        above some large value?  Maybe 30%?
    job.masked_fraction = find_masked_fraction(job)
    # Iterate over the stages of the overall de-dispersion plan
    dmstrs = []
    for ddplan in ddplans:

        # Iterate over the individual passes through the .fil file
        for passnum in range(ddplan.numpasses):
            subbasenm = "%s_DM%s"%(job.basefilename, ddplan.subdmlist[passnum])

            if use_subbands:
                # Create a set of subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -psrfits -sub -subdm %s -downsamp %d -nsub %d -mask %s -o subbands/%s %s > %s.subout"%\
                      (ddplan.subdmlist[passnum], ddplan.sub_downsamp,
                       ddplan.numsub, job.maskfilenm, job.basefilename,
                       job.filename, subbasenm)
                job.subbanding_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                # Now de-disperse using the subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -psrfits -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -downsamp %d -numout %d -o %s subbands/%s.sub[0-9]* > %s.prepout"%\
                      (ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, ddplan.dd_downsamp, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilename, subbasenm, subbasenm)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)

            else:  # Not using subbands
                cmd = "prepsubband -psrfits -downsamp %d -mask %s -lodm %.2f -dmstep %.2f -numdms %d -numout %d -o %s %s"%\
                      (ddplan.downsamp, job.maskfilenm, ddplan.lodm+passnum*ddplan.sub_dmstep, ddplan.dmstep,
                       ddplan.dmsperpass, job.N/ddplan.downsamp,
                       job.basefilename, filename)
                job.dedispersing_time += timed_execute(cmd)
            # Iterate over all the new DMs
            for dmstr in ddplan.dmlist[passnum]:
                basenm = job.basefilename+"_DM"+dmstr
                datnm = basenm+".dat"
                infnm = basenm+".inf"

                # Do the single-pulse search
                cmd = "single_pulse_search.py -p -m %f -t %f %s"%\
                      (singlepulse_maxwidth, singlepulse_threshold, datnm)
		#if float(dmstr) < MAX_DM_2_ZAP_SP:
		#    cmd += " -z"
		if use_fast_SP:
		    cmd += " -f"
                job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)

                # Do the low-acceleration search
                cmd = "accelsearch -harmpolish -zaplist %s -baryv %.6g -numharm %d -sigma %f -zmax %d -flo %f %s"%\
                      (default_zaplist, job.baryv, lo_accel_numharm, lo_accel_sigma, lo_accel_zmax, lo_accel_flo, datnm)
                job.lo_accelsearch_time += timed_execute(cmd)
                except: pass
                # Remove the .dat and .fft files
                except: pass

    # Make the single-pulse plots
    basedmb = job.basefilename+"_DM"
    basedme = ".singlepulse "
    # The following will make plots for DM ranges:
    #    0-120, 90-340, 280-1000+
    dmglobs = [basedmb+"[0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[12][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
               basedmb+"[3-9][0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9]"+basedme +
    dmrangestrs = ["0-120", "90-340", "280-1000+"]
    psname = job.basefilename+"_singlepulse.ps"
    for dmglob, dmrangestr in zip(dmglobs, dmrangestrs):
        cmd = 'single_pulse_search.py -t %f -g "%s"' % \
              (singlepulse_plot_SNR, dmglob)
        job.singlepulse_time += timed_execute(cmd)
        except: pass

    # Sift through the candidates to choose the best to fold
    job.sifting_time = time.time()

    lo_accel_cands = sifting.read_candidates(glob.glob("*ACCEL_%d"%lo_accel_zmax))
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(lo_accel_cands)
    if len(lo_accel_cands):
        lo_accel_cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(lo_accel_cands, numhits_to_fold,
                                                    dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)

    all_accel_cands = lo_accel_cands 
    if len(all_accel_cands):
        all_accel_cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(all_accel_cands)
        # Note:  the candidates will be sorted in _sigma_ order, not _SNR_!
        sifting.write_candlist(all_accel_cands, job.basefilename+".accelcands")

    job.sifting_time = time.time() - job.sifting_time

    # Fold the best candidates

    cands_folded = 0
    for cand in all_accel_cands:
        if cands_folded == max_cands_to_fold:
        if cand.sigma > to_prepfold_sigma:
	    print get_folding_command(cand, job, ddplans)
            job.folding_time += timed_execute(get_folding_command(cand, job, ddplans))
            cands_folded += 1

    # Now step through the .ps files and convert them to .png and gzip them

    psfiles = glob.glob("*.ps")
    for psfile in psfiles:
        if "singlepulse" in psfile:
            # For some reason the singlepulse files don't transform nicely...
            epsfile = psfile.replace(".ps", ".eps")
            os.system("eps2eps "+psfile+" "+epsfile)
            os.system("pstoimg -density 100 -crop a "+epsfile)
            except: pass
            os.system("pstoimg -density 100 -flip cw "+psfile)
        os.system("gzip "+psfile)
    # And finish up

    job.total_time = time.time() - job.total_time
    print "\nFinished"
    print "UTC time is:  %s"%(time.asctime(time.gmtime()))

    # Write the job report

Пример #14
def ACCEL_sift(zmax):

  globaccel = "*ACCEL_%d" % zmax
  globinf = "*DM*.inf"
  # In how many DMs must a candidate be detected to be considered "good"
  min_num_DMs = 2
  # Lowest DM to consider as a "real" pulsar
  low_DM_cutoff = 2.0
  # Ignore candidates with a sigma (from incoherent power summation) less than this
  sifting.sigma_threshold = 8.0
  # Ignore candidates with a coherent power less than this
  sifting.c_pow_threshold = 100.0
  # If the birds file works well, the following shouldn't
  # be needed at all...  If they are, add tuples with the bad
  # values and their errors.
  #                (ms, err)
  sifting.known_birds_p = []
  #                (Hz, err)
  sifting.known_birds_f = []
  # The following are all defined in the sifting module.
  # But if we want to override them, uncomment and do it here.
  # You shouldn't need to adjust them for most searches, though.

  # How close a candidate has to be to another candidate to
  # consider it the same candidate (in Fourier bins)
  sifting.r_err = 1.1
  # Shortest period candidates to consider (s)
  sifting.short_period = 0.0005
  # Longest period candidates to consider (s)
  sifting.long_period = 15.0
  # Ignore any candidates where at least one harmonic does exceed this power
  sifting.harm_pow_cutoff = 8.0

  # Try to read the .inf files first, as _if_ they are present, all of
  # them should be there.  (if no candidates are found by accelsearch
  # we get no ACCEL files...

  inffiles = glob.glob(globinf)
  candfiles = glob.glob(globaccel)
  # Check to see if this is from a short search
  if len(re.findall("_[0-9][0-9][0-9]M_" , inffiles[0])):
    dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split("_")[0] for x in candfiles]
    dmstrs = [x.split("DM")[-1].split(".inf")[0] for x in inffiles]
  dms = map(float, dmstrs)
  dmstrs = ["%.2f"%x for x in dms]

  # Read in all the candidates
  cands = sifting.read_candidates(candfiles)
  # Remove candidates that are duplicated in other ACCEL files
  if len(cands):
    cands = sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates(cands)
  # Remove candidates with DM problems
  if len(cands):
        cands = sifting.remove_DM_problems(cands, min_num_DMs, dmstrs, low_DM_cutoff)
  # Remove candidates that are harmonically related to each other
  # Note:  this includes only a small set of harmonics
  if len(cands):
    cands = sifting.remove_harmonics(cands)

  # Write candidates to STDOUT
  if len(cands):
    #for cand in cands[:1]:
       #print cand.filename, cand.candnum, cand.p, cand.DMstr
  return cands