Пример #1
def test_media_iptc_override(settings):
    img_with_md = Image('2.jpg', 'iptcTest', settings)
    assert img_with_md.title == "Markdown title beats iptc"
    # Markdown parsing adds formatting. Let's just focus on content
    assert "Markdown description beats iptc" in img_with_md.description
    img_no_md = Image('1.jpg', 'iptcTest', settings)
    assert img_no_md.title == 'Haemostratulus clouds over Canberra - ' + \
            '2005-12-28 at 03-25-07'
    assert img_no_md.description == \
            '"Haemo" because they look like haemoglobin ' + \
            'cells and "stratulus" because I can\'t work out whether ' + \
            'they\'re Stratus or Cumulus clouds.\nWe\'re driving down ' + \
            'the main drag in Canberra so it\'s Parliament House that ' + \
            'you can see at the end of the road.'
Пример #2
def test_process_image(tmpdir):
    "Test the process_image function."

    status = process_image(Image('foo.txt', 'bar', create_settings()))
    assert status == Status.FAILURE

    settings = create_settings(
        source=os.path.join(SRCDIR, 'dir2'),
    image = Image(TEST_IMAGE, '.', settings)
    status = process_image(image)
    assert status == Status.SUCCESS
    im = PILImage.open(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), TEST_IMAGE))
    assert im.size == settings['img_size']
Пример #3
def test_image(settings, tmpdir):
    settings['destination'] = str(tmpdir)
    m = Image('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.exif['datetime'] == u'Sunday, 22. January 2006'

    os.makedirs(join(settings['destination'], 'dir1', 'test1', 'thumbnails'))
    assert m.thumbnail == join('thumbnails', '11.tn.jpg')
    assert os.path.isfile(m.thumb_path)
Пример #4
def test_image(settings, tmpdir):
    settings['destination'] = str(tmpdir)
    settings['datetime_format'] = '%d/%m/%Y'
    m = Image('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.date == datetime.datetime(2006, 1, 22, 10, 32, 42)
    assert m.exif['datetime'] == '22/01/2006'

    os.makedirs(join(settings['destination'], 'dir1', 'test1', 'thumbnails'))
    assert m.thumbnail == join('thumbnails', '11.tn.jpg')
    assert os.path.isfile(m.thumb_path)
Пример #5
def test_media_orig(settings, tmpdir):
    settings['keep_orig'] = False
    m = Media('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.big is None

    settings['keep_orig'] = True
    settings['destination'] = str(tmpdir)

    m = Image('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.big == 'original/11.jpg'

    m = Video('stallman software-freedom-day-low.ogv', 'video', settings)
    assert m.filename == 'stallman software-freedom-day-low.webm'
    assert m.big == 'original/stallman software-freedom-day-low.ogv'
    assert os.path.isfile(join(settings['destination'], m.path, m.big))

    settings['use_orig'] = True

    m = Image('21.jpg', 'dir1/test2', settings)
    assert m.big == '21.jpg'
Пример #6
def test_media_orig(settings, tmpdir):
    settings['keep_orig'] = False
    m = Media('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.big is None

    settings['keep_orig'] = True
    settings['destination'] = str(tmpdir)

    m = Image('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.big == 'original/11.jpg'

    m = Video('example video.ogv', 'video', settings)
    assert m.filename == 'example video.webm'
    assert m.big_url == 'original/example%20video.ogv'
    assert os.path.isfile(join(settings['destination'], m.path, m.big))

    settings['use_orig'] = True

    m = Image('21.jpg', 'dir1/test2', settings)
    assert m.big == '21.jpg'
Пример #7
def test_media_orig(settings):
    settings['keep_orig'] = False
    m = Media('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.big is None

    settings['keep_orig'] = True
    m = Image('11.jpg', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    assert m.big == 'original/11.jpg'

    m = Video('file.ogv', 'video', settings)
    assert m.filename == 'file.webm'
    assert m.big == 'original/file.ogv'
Пример #8
def test_save_cache(settings, tmpdir):
    settings['destination'] = str(tmpdir)
    gal = Gallery(settings, ncpu=1)

    cachePath = os.path.join(settings['destination'], ".metadata_cache")

    assert os.path.isfile(cachePath)

    with open(cachePath, "rb") as cacheFile:
        cache = pickle.load(cacheFile)

    # test exif
    album = gal.albums["exifTest"]
    cache_img = cache["exifTest/21.jpg"]
    assert cache_img["exif"] == album.medias[0].exif
    assert 'markdown_metadata' not in cache_img
    assert cache_img["file_metadata"] == album.medias[0].file_metadata

    cache_img = cache["exifTest/22.jpg"]
    assert cache_img["exif"] == album.medias[1].exif
    assert 'markdown_metadata' not in cache_img
    assert cache_img["file_metadata"] == album.medias[1].file_metadata

    cache_img = cache["exifTest/noexif.png"]
    assert cache_img["exif"] == album.medias[2].exif
    assert 'markdown_metadata' not in cache_img
    assert cache_img["file_metadata"] == album.medias[2].file_metadata

    # test iptc and md
    album = gal.albums["iptcTest"]
    assert cache["iptcTest/_index"][
        "markdown_metadata"] == album.markdown_metadata

    cache_img = cache["iptcTest/1.jpg"]
    assert cache_img["file_metadata"] == album.medias[0].file_metadata
    assert 'markdown_metadata' not in cache_img

    cache_img = cache["iptcTest/2.jpg"]
    assert cache_img["markdown_metadata"] == album.medias[1].markdown_metadata

    # test if file disappears
        Image("foooo.jpg", "exifTest", settings))
    with open(cachePath, "rb") as cacheFile:
        cache = pickle.load(cacheFile)
    assert "exifTest/foooo.jpg" not in cache
Пример #9
def test_media_img_format(settings):
    settings['img_format'] = 'jpeg'
    m = Image('11.tiff', 'dir1/test1', settings)
    path = join('dir1', 'test1')
    thumb = join('thumbnails', '11.tn.jpeg')

    assert m.dst_filename == '11.jpeg'
    assert m.src_path == join(settings['source'], path, '11.tiff')
    assert m.dst_path == join(settings['destination'], path, '11.jpeg')
    assert m.thumb_name == thumb
    assert m.thumb_path == join(settings['destination'], path, thumb)
    assert m.title == "Foo Bar"
    assert m.description == "<p>This is a funny description of this image</p>"

    file_path = join(path, '11.tiff')
    assert repr(m) == f"<Image>('{file_path}')"
    assert str(m) == file_path
Пример #10
def test_load_metadata_missing(settings, tmpdir):
    settings['destination'] = str(tmpdir)
    gal = Gallery(settings, ncpu=1)
    assert gal.metadataCache

    # test if file disappears
        Image("foooo.jpg", "exifTest", settings))

    # set mod_date to -1 to force cache update
    gal.metadataCache = {
        "exifTest/_index": {
            "mod_date": -1,
        "exifTest/21.jpg": {
            "exif": "Foo",
            "mod_date": -1
        "exifTest/foooo.jpg": {
            "exif": "Foo"
        "dir1/test2/22.jpg": {
            "exif": "Bar",
            "mod_date": 100000000000,
            "meta_mod_date": -1,
            "markdown_metadata": "Bar",
    # errors should all be caught
    assert gal.albums["exifTest"].medias[0].exif != "Foo"
    assert gal.albums["exifTest"].medias[-1].exif != "Foo"

    assert gal.albums["dir1/test2"].medias[1].exif == "Bar"
    assert gal.albums["dir1/test2"].medias[1].markdown_metadata != "Bar"