Пример #1
def score_coded_seq_with_convolutional_filter(
        coded_seq, filt, direction):
    """Score coded sequence using the convolutional filter filt. 
    coded_seq: hot-one encoded DNA sequence (Nx4) where N is the number
               of bases in the sequence.
    filt     : the convolutional filter (e.g. pwm) to score the model with.
    direction: The direction to score the sequence in. 
               FWD: score the forward sequence
                RC: score using the reverse complement of the filter
               MAX: score in both diretions, and then return the maximum score 
                    between the two directions
    returns  : Nx(BS_len-seq_len+1) numpy array with binding sites scores
    assert direction in ScoreDirection.__slots__
    if direction == ScoreDirection.FWD: 
        return multichannel_convolve(
            np.fliplr(np.flipud(coded_seq)), filt, mode='valid')
    elif direction == ScoreDirection.RC: 
        return multichannel_convolve(
            coded_seq, filt, mode='valid')
    elif direction == ScoreDirection.MAX:
        fwd_scores = multichannel_convolve(
            np.fliplr(np.flipud(coded_seq)), filt, mode='valid')
        rc_scores = multichannel_convolve(
            coded_seq, filt, mode='valid')
        # take the in-place maximum
        return np.maximum(fwd_scores, rc_scores, fwd_scores) 
    assert False, 'Should be unreachable'
Пример #2
def score_coded_seq_with_convolutional_filter(coded_seq, filt):
    """Score coded sequence using the convolutional filter filt. 
    coded_seq: hot-one encoded DNA sequence (Nx4) where N is the number
               of bases in the sequence.
    filt     : the convolutional filter (e.g. pwm) to score the model with.

    returns  : Nx(BS_len-seq_len+1) numpy array with binding sites scores
    return multichannel_convolve(
            np.fliplr(np.flipud(coded_seq)), filt, mode='valid')[::-1]