def check_enc2(self, inRoot, outText): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') # tree1.SetBranchAddress('ch0',data1) tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) with open(outText, 'w') as fout: fout.write(':'.join( ['sID/I', 'ch/I', 'B/F', 'dB/F', 'idx/I', 'A/F'])) for i in range(tree1.GetEntries()): if i % 100 == 0: print(str(i) + ' entries processed') tree1.GetEntry(i) mxx = s1.measure_pulse(data1, fltParam=[500, 150, 200, -1.]) for ch in range(s1.nAdcCh): mx = mxx[ch] if isnan(mx[1]): print("xxxx") fout.write('\n' + ' '.join([ str(i), str(ch), str(mx[0]), str(mx[1]), '{0:d}'.format(int(mx[2])), str(mx[3]) ]))
def show_sample(self, fnameP='/data/Samples/TMSPlane/Dec26/sample_{0:d}.adc', Ns=10, ich=8): from ROOT import TGraph, gPad, TLatex s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() data3 = ((s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * s1.nSamples) * Ns)() dataList = [] for i in range(Ns): fname = fnameP.format(i) s1.read_data([fname, ''], data1, data2) x = array.array('f', range(s1.nSamples)) # s1.filters_trapezoidal(data1[ich], data3[i], [100,100,200,-1]) s1.filters_trapezoidal(data1[ich], data3[i], [100, 100, 100, 0.000722]) g1 = TGraph(s1.nSamples, x, data3[i]) # g1 = TGraph(s1.nSamples, x, data1[ich]) opt = 'AP' if i == 0 else "PSame" g1.Draw(opt + ' PLC PMC') dataList.append(g1) lt = TLatex() lt.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, "Chan={0:d}".format(ich)) gPad.Update() waitRootCmdX()
def check_event(self, rootfile, idxs): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() fout1 = TFile(rootfile, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) for i in idxs: tree1.GetEntry(i) mx = s1.measure_pulse(data1, fltParam=[500, 150, 200, -1.]) d = [x[3] for x in mx] self.plot_data(d) waitRootCmdX()
def get_tgraph(ch,entry,inRoot): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() fout1 = TFile(inRoot,'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc',data1) tree1.GetEntry(entry) data3 = (s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * s1.nSamples)() s1.filters_trapezoidal(data1[ch], data3, [100,100,200,10]) x1 = array('f',range(s1.nSamples)) g1 = TGraph(s1.nSamples, x1, data3) return g1
def test4(): '''Test the measure_multiple function in sp.C, which trys to locate the signal by seaching the maximum and use the period info to find others. It's used used only for calibration.''' s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) # data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() # ((ctypes.c_float * self.nSamples) * self.nAdcCh)() data1 = (s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * (s1.nSamples * s1.nAdcCh))() sp = SignalProcessor() sp.fltParam.clear() for x in [30, 50, 200, -1]: sp.fltParam.push_back(x) # sp.IO_adcData = data1 # sp.allocAdcData() sp.CF_chan_en.clear() sp.IO_mAvg.clear() for i in range(20): sp.CF_chan_en.push_back(1) sp.IO_mAvg.push_back(0.) inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/Feb28t3_data_0.root' fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) N = 2000 # 2500 Hz for ievt in range(1): tree1.GetEntry(ievt) sp.measure_multiple(data1, N) # print sp.IO_mAvg.size() print ievt, [sp.IO_mAvg[i] for i in range(20)]
def test1(): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) # data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() # data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() # data1 = ((s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * s1.nSamples) * s1.nAdcCh)() data1 = (s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * (s1.nSamples * s1.nAdcCh))() # data1 = ((s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * s1.nSamples) * s1.nAdcCh)() # print len(data1[0]) print type(data1) # print type(byref(data1[0])) print type(pointer(data1)) data1 = array('f', [0] * (16384 * 20)) inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/Feb09b_data_581.root' fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) i = 37 tree1.GetEntry(i) # print data1[3] sp1 = SignalProcessor() sp1.nAdcCh = 20 # sp1.sRanges.clear() # sp1.sRanges.push_back((0,3000)) # sp1.sRanges.push_back((3000,8000)) # sp1.sRanges.push_back((8000,15000)) # sp1.measure_pulse(byref(data1)) # sp1.measure_pulse(pointer(data1)) # sp1.measure_pulse(data1) print sp1.nMeasParam f = 1000 a = 16384 * 0.2 * f * 0.000001 print 16384 * 0.2 * f * 0.000001 n1 = int(1 / (0.2 * f * 0.000001)) print n1 sp1.sRanges.clear() ip = 0 while ip + n1 < sp1.nSamples: iq = ip + n1 # if iq > sp1.nSamples: iq = sp1.nSamples # a = (ip, iq) sp1.sRanges.push_back((ip, iq)) ip = iq # sp1.measure_pulse(data1) for i in range(sp1.nAdcCh): # print i, sp1.measParam[sp1.nMeasParam*i], sp1.measParam[sp1.nMeasParam*i+1], sp1.measParam[sp1.nMeasParam*i+2], sp1.measParam[sp1.nMeasParam*i+3] print i, for j in range(sp1.nMeasParam): print sp1.measParam[sp1.nMeasParam * i + j], print sp1.test2()
def check_file(self, fname): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() s1.read_data([fname, ''], data1, data2) mx = s1.measure_pulse(data1, fltParam=[500, 150, 200, -1.]) d = [x[2] for x in mx] self.plot_data(d)
def take_samples(self, n=10, name="sample_{0:d}"): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() # FPGA internal fifo : 512 bit width x 16384 depth nWords = (512 // 32) * 16384 nBytes = nWords * 4 buf = bytearray(nBytes) for i in range(n): self.s.sendall(self.cmd.send_pulse(1 << 2)) time.sleep(0.5) name1 = name.format(i) ret = self.cmd.acquire_from_datafifo(self.s, nWords, buf) s1.demux_fifodata(ret, data1, data2) s1.save_data([name1 + '.adc', name1 + '.sdm'], data1, data2)
def take_samples2(self, n=10, outRootName='test_sample.root', runNumber=0): if not self.connected: self.connect() nMonitor = 20 s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() T = array.array('i', [0]) V = array.array('i', [0]) if self.fileSuffix: while os.path.exists(outRootName): outRootName += self.fileSuffix fout1 = TFile(outRootName, 'recreate') tree1 = TTree( 'tree1', "data: {0:d} channel, {1:d} samples".format( s1.nAdcCh, s1.nSamples)) tree1.Branch('T', T, 'T/i') tree1.Branch('V', V, 'V/I') tree1.Branch('adc', data1, "adc[{0:d}][{1:d}]/F".format(s1.nAdcCh, s1.nSamples)) # FPGA internal fifo : 512 bit width x 16384 depth nWords = (512 // 32) * 16384 nBytes = nWords * 4 buf = bytearray(nBytes) status = 0 try: for i in range(n): if i % 100 == 0: print(str(i) + ' samples taken.') try: with open( '/home/dlzhang/work/repos/TMSPlane2/Software/Control/src/.pulse_status' ) as f1: V[0] = int(f1.readline().rstrip()) except: V[0] = -999 self.s.sendall(self.cmd.send_pulse(1 << 2)) T[0] = int(time.time()) ret = self.cmd.acquire_from_datafifo(self.s, nWords, buf) s1.demux_fifodata(ret, data1, data2) tree1.Fill() if i % nMonitor == 1: tree1.AutoSave("SaveSelf") except KeyboardInterrupt: status = 1 fout1.Write() return status
def train_wavs(data_folder): hmm_models = [] test_set = [] for dirname in os.listdir(data_folder): # Get the name of the subfolder subfolder = os.path.join(data_folder, dirname) if not os.path.isdir(subfolder): continue # Extract the label label = subfolder[subfolder.rfind('/') + 1:] print('[*] ' + label) # Initialize variables X = np.array([]) y_words = [] # Iterate through the audio files (leaving 1 file for testing in each class) files = [x for x in os.listdir(subfolder) if x.endswith('.wav')] train_set = files[:-2] test_set.append([os.path.join(subfolder, i) for i in files[-2:]]) for filename in tqdm(train_set): # Extract Feature print filepath = os.path.join(subfolder, filename) try: mfcc_features = SigProc(filepath).MFCC().T except: pass # Append to the variable X if len(X) == 0: X = mfcc_features else: X = np.append(X, mfcc_features, axis=0) # Append the label y_words.append(label) # Train and save HMM model hmm_trainer = HMMTrainer() hmm_trainer.train(X) hmm_models.append((hmm_trainer, label)) joblib.dump(hmm_trainer, subfolder + "/ModelTrained.pkl") hmm_trainer = None return test_set
def text2root(spattern, irange, outname): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() fout1 = TFile(outname, 'recreate') tree1 = TTree( 'tree1', "data: {0:d} channel, {1:d} samples".format(s1.nAdcCh, s1.nSamples)) tree1.Branch('ch0', data1, "ch0[{0:d}][{1:d}]/F".format(s1.nAdcCh, s1.nSamples)) for i in irange: s1.read_data([spattern.format(i), 'xxx'], data1, data2) tree1.Fill() fout1.Write()
def test5(): '''Test the measure_multipleX function in sp.C, which trys to locate the signal by seaching the maximum and use the period info to find others. It's used used only for calibration.''' s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = (s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * (s1.nSamples * s1.nAdcCh))() sp = SignalProcessor() sp.fltParam.clear() P = 1. / 0.006 / 2500 / 1024 * 5000000 for x in [30, 50, 200, P]: sp.fltParam.push_back(x) sp.CF_chan_en.clear() sp.IO_mAvg.clear() for i in range(20): sp.CF_chan_en.push_back(1) sp.IO_mAvg.push_back(0.) # inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/Feb28t3_data_0.root' inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/Mar05T1a_data_0.root' fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) N = 2000 # 2500 Hz Vs = array('f', [0] * (20 * 8)) # for i in range(20*8) for ievt in range(3): tree1.GetEntry(ievt) sp.measure_multipleX(data1, N, Vs) for i in range(20): print i, ':', for j in range(8): # print i*8+j, print Vs[i * 8 + j], print
def check_enc(self, filePattern): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() files = glob.glob(filePattern) with open('test1bbb.dat', 'w') as fout: fout.write(':'.join( ['sID/I', 'ch/I', 'B/F', 'dB/F', 'idx/I', 'A/F'])) for fname in files: s1.read_data([fname, ''], data1, data2) mxx = s1.measure_pulse(data1, fltParam=[500, 150, 200, -1.]) for ch in range(s1.nAdcCh): mx = mxx[ch] fout.write('\n' + ' '.join([ fname[fname.find('_') + 1:-4], str(ch), str(mx[0]), str(mx[1]), '{0:d}'.format(int(mx[2])), str(mx[3]) ]))
def show_signal(self): s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() # FPGA internal fifo : 512 bit width x 16384 depth nWords = (512 // 32) * 16384 nBytes = nWords * 4 buf = bytearray(nBytes) self.s.sendall(self.cmd.send_pulse(1 << 2)) time.sleep(0.5) ret = self.cmd.acquire_from_datafifo(self.s, nWords, buf) s1.demux_fifodata(ret, data1, data2) mx = s1.measure_pulse(data1, fltParam=[500, 150, 200, -1.]) for x in mx: for i in range(len(x)): print x[i] d = [x[1] for x in mx] self.plot_data(d)
from sigproc import SigProc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import array if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-c", "--control-ip-port", type=str, default="", help="main control system ipaddr and port") args = parser.parse_args() s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = s1.generate_adcDataBuf() data2 = s1.generate_sdmDataBuf() data_source = 0 if data_source == 0: ctrlipport = args.control_ip_port.split(':') s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((ctrlipport[0], int(ctrlipport[1]))) cmd = Cmd() # reset data fifo s.sendall(cmd.send_pulse(1 << 2)) time.sleep(0.5)
def tune_check(): '''The same configuration as the tune''' be1 = bkgEstimator() # be1.show_data() s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = (s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * (s1.nSamples * s1.nAdcCh))() data1 = array('f', [0] * (16384 * 20)) # pTag = 'Feb09b' pTag = 'Feb25a' tagA = 'data/fpgaLin/' + pTag + '_data_' inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/' + pTag + '_data_1138.root' if len(sys.argv) > 1: if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): inRoot = sys.argv[1] elif os.path.exists(tagA + sys.argv[1] + '.root'): inRoot = tagA + sys.argv[1] + '.root' else: files = sorted([f for f in glob(tagA + '*.root')], key=lambda f: os.path.getmtime(f)) a = -1 try: a = int(sys.argv[1]) except TypeError: pass if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(files[-1]) < 10: print "dropping the latest file, which probably is still being written:", files[ -1] if a != 0: files.pop() else: a = -1 if abs(a) < len(files): inRoot = files[a] else: print "Index {0:d} out of range:{1:d}".format(a, len(files)) return print "Using file:", inRoot fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) print "Entries in the tree:", tree1.GetEntries() run = -1 runPattern = '.*_data_(\d+).root' if runPattern is not None: m = re.match(runPattern, inRoot) if m: try: run = int( except ValueError: print "Run number not exatracted for file", iRoot i = 56 ich = 1 sp1 = SignalProcessor() print "using configuration:", apply_config(sp1, 'Helium') for i in range(sp1.nAdcCh): sp1.CF_chan_en[i] = 1 if i == ich else 0 plt.ion() # fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(28, 10)) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 5)) # fig.set_size_inches(11,8) ax1.set_xlabel('time index') ax1.set_ylabel('U [V]', color='b') ax1.tick_params('y', colors='b') ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('U [V]', color='r') ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r') # for ievt in range(tree1.GetEntries()): NMax = tree1.GetEntries() ievt = 0 NVAL = 8 t_values = array('f', [0] * (sp1.nAdcCh * NVAL)) while ievt < NMax: print "Event:", ievt tree1.GetEntry(ievt) va = data1[ich * sp1.nSamples:(ich + 1) * sp1.nSamples] # be1.correct(data1, ich) # apply_wiener_filter(data1, ich) # sp1.measure_pulse2(data1, ich) sp1.measure_multipleX(data1, 2000, t_values) vx = np.array([sp1.scrAry[i] for i in range(sp1.nSamples)]) vo = data1[ich * sp1.nSamples:(ich + 1) * sp1.nSamples] ax1.clear() ax2.clear() ax1.plot(va, label='Raw', color='b') # ax1.plot(vo, label='Wiener', color='g') ax2.plot(vx, label='Filtered', color='r') # ax2.plot([vo[i]-va[i] for i in range(sp1.nSamples)], label='Correction', color='k') ylim1 = ax1.get_ylim() ylim2 = ax2.get_ylim() x1 = min(ylim1[0], ylim2[0] + vo[0]) x2 = max(ylim1[1], ylim2[1] + vo[0]) # print x1,x2 ax1.set_ylim(x1, x2) ax2.set_ylim(x1 - vo[0], x2 - vo[0]) # print sp1.signals[ich].size() x1 = [] y1 = [] iss = 0 for x in t_values[ich * NVAL:(ich + 1) * NVAL]: print x # if len(sp1.signals[ich])>0: # print "idx: iMax iMidian A w0 w1 w2" # print '-'*30 # for s in sp1.signals[ich]: # print iss,':', s.idx,, s.Q, s.w0, s.w1, s.w2 # x1.append( # y1.append(s.Q) # plt.axvline(, linestyle='--', color='black') # iss += 1 plt.text(0.04, 0.1, 'run {0:d} event {1:d}, ch {2:d}'.format(run, ievt, ich), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax2.transAxes) plt.xlim(auto=False) if x1: ax2.scatter(x1, y1, c="g", marker='o', s=220, label='Analysis') fig.tight_layout() plt.draw() plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.pause(0.001) while True: x = raw_input("Next:") if x == 'q': sys.exit() elif len(x) > 0 and x[0] == 's': for name in x.split()[1:]: dirx = os.path.dirname(name) if not os.path.exists(dirx): os.makedirs(dirx) plt.savefig(name) print "saved figure to", name elif len(x) > 2 and x[:2] == 'ch': try: ich = int(x[2:]) for i in range(sp1.nAdcCh): sp1.CF_chan_en[i] = 1 if i == ich else 0 print "Switching to channel:", ich break except ValueError: continue elif len(x) > 0 and x[0] == 'p': ievt -= 1 break else: try: ievt = int(x) except ValueError: ievt += 1 break
def test2a(): # be1 = bkgEstimator() # be1.show_data() s1 = SigProc(nSamples=16384, nAdcCh=20, nSdmCh=19, adcSdmCycRatio=5) data1 = (s1.ANALYSIS_WAVEFORM_BASE_TYPE * (s1.nSamples * s1.nAdcCh))() data1 = array('f', [0] * (16384 * 20)) # pTag = 'Feb09b' pTag = 'Feb25a' tagA = 'data/fpgaLin/' + pTag + '_data_' inRoot = 'data/fpgaLin/' + pTag + '_data_1138.root' if len(sys.argv) > 1: # import os if os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): inRoot = sys.argv[1] elif os.path.exists(tagA + sys.argv[1] + '.root'): inRoot = tagA + sys.argv[1] + '.root' else: files = sorted([f for f in glob(tagA + '*.root')], key=lambda f: os.path.getmtime(f)) a = -1 try: a = int(sys.argv[1]) except TypeError: pass if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(files[-1]) < 10: print "dropping the latest file, which probably is still being written:", files[ -1] if a != 0: files.pop() else: a = -1 if abs(a) < len(files): inRoot = files[a] else: print "Index {0:d} out of range:{1:d}".format(a, len(files)) return print "Using file:", inRoot fout1 = TFile(inRoot, 'read') tree1 = fout1.Get('tree1') tree1.SetBranchAddress('adc', data1) print "Entries in the tree:", tree1.GetEntries() run = -1 runPattern = '.*_data_(\d+).root' if runPattern is not None: m = re.match(runPattern, inRoot) if m: try: run = int( except ValueError: print "Run number not exatracted for file", iRoot i = 56 ich = 1 sp1 = SignalProcessor() sp1.fltParam.clear() # P is the constant using 0.2 ps as unit wit # 0.006 is the constant using 1/2500/1024 as unit 1/0.006 T = 1/0.006 * 1/2500/1024 s = 1/0.006 *1/2500/1024* 5000000 pts # for x in [500, 500, 700, 2500]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # for x in [500, 5, 15, 2500]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # for x in [500, 50, 150, 2500]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # for x in [30, 15, 50, 2500]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # for x in [30, 50, 250, 2500]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) P = 1. / 0.006 / 2500 / 1024 * 5000000 for x in [30, 50, 200, P]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # for x in [50, 100, 500, -1]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # for x in [30, 5, 100, 2500]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # for x in [30, 250, 350, 2500]: sp1.fltParam.push_back(x) # sp1.x_thre = 0.002 # for i in range(20): sp1.ch_thre[i] = 0.002 # sp1.ch_thre[19] = 0.05 thre = [0.002] * sp1.nAdcCh thre[19] = 0.05 sp1.ch_thre.clear() for x in thre: sp1.ch_thre.push_back(x) plt.ion() fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=20, ncols=1, sharex=True, sharey=False, squeeze=True, figsize=(13, 12.5), dpi=72) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.98, top=0.98, bottom=0.05, hspace=0, wspace=0) # fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(28, 10)) # fig.set_size_inches(11,8) # ax1.set_xlabel('time index') # ax1.set_ylabel('U [V]', color='b') # ax1.tick_params('y', colors='b') # ax2 = ax1.twinx() # ax2.set_ylabel('U [V]', color='r') # ax2.tick_params('y', colors='r') # for ievt in range(tree1.GetEntries()): NMax = tree1.GetEntries() ievt = 0 while ievt < NMax: print "Event:", ievt tree1.GetEntry(ievt) for ich in range(sp1.nAdcCh): va = data1[ich * sp1.nSamples:(ich + 1) * sp1.nSamples] sp1.measure_pulse2(data1, ich) vx = np.array([sp1.scrAry[i] for i in range(sp1.nSamples)]) vo = data1[ich * sp1.nSamples:(ich + 1) * sp1.nSamples] axs[ich].clear() axs[ich].plot(vo) tx = axs[ich].twinx() tx.clear() tx.plot(vx, color='r') plt.draw() plt.grid(True) plt.pause(0.001) while True: x = raw_input("Next:") if x == 'q': sys.exit() elif len(x) > 0 and x[0] == 's': for name in x.split()[1:]: dirx = os.path.dirname(name) if not os.path.exists(dirx): os.makedirs(dirx) plt.savefig(name) print "saved figure to", name elif len(x) > 2 and x[:2] == 'ch': try: ich = int(x[2:]) print "Switching to channel:", ich break except ValueError: continue else: try: ievt = int(x) except ValueError: ievt += 1 break