def moveImagesToCommonFolder(source = sikuli.getParentFolder(), destination = ""): if destination == "": destination = _myImagesPath for foldername, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(source): for filename in filenames: file = os.path.join(foldername,filename) if source == sikuli.getBundleFolder(): folderFilter = True else: folderFilter = foldername.endswith(".sikuli") if file.endswith(".png") and folderFilter: #print file myfilename = os.path.basename(file) myhash = getHash(file) newFile = os.path.join(destination, myfilename) newHash = getHash(file) if not os.path.exists(newFile): shutil.move(file, destination) else: print "----------", myfilename," is in ", destination if newHash == myhash: #print "duplicate found, removing it" os.remove(file) else: print "cannot move :", file
def user(message): if SikuliSettings.UserLogs: if Debug.printoutuser == None: if SikuliSettings.isMacApp: Debug.printoutuser = "******" else: Debug.printoutuser = sikuli.getBundleFolder()+ "UserLog.txt" with open(Debug.printoutuser, "a") as f: if SikuliSettings.UserLogTime: text = '[{} ({})] {}'.format(SikuliSettings.UserLogPrefix,'{:%m/%d/%y %I:%M:%S %p}'.format("0").replace(" 0", " "), message) else: text = '[{}] {}'.format(SikuliSettings.UserLogPrefix, message) f.write(text+"\n")
def setUserLogFile(fileName, premake=True): if fileName == None: fileName = "" return False else: if "" == fileName: if SikuliSettings.isMacApp: Debug.printoutuser = "******" else: Debug.printoutuser = sikuli.getBundleFolder()+ "UserLog.txt" else: Debug.printoutuser = fileName if premake: try: with open(Debug.printoutuser, "a") as f: f.write("") return True except: Debug.printoutuser = None print "[Error] User logfile %s not accessible - check given path"% fileName return False
def _init(): SikuliSettings.ActionLogs = False SikuliSettings.InfoLogs = False #SikuliSettings.DebugLogs = False #print "initializing" global myOS global _sitePackages global _logToFolder global _imageUpdating global _errorFile global _artifactFolder global _partialHTML global _myImagesPath global _showHeader global _textLog global _myEvent _myEvent = threading.Event() _myEvent.set() #OS-specific variables section my_OS = sikuli.Env.getOS() splitOSVersion = sikuli.Env.getOSVersion().split('.') my_OSVersion = splitOSVersion[0]+"."+splitOSVersion[1] if my_OS == sikuli.OS.LINUX: myOS = "L" _sikuliRepo = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),".Sikulix/") _vagrantFolder = "/vagrant/" _homeFolder = os.path.expanduser('~')+"/" os_options = { "3.2": "UbuntuPrecise", "3.13": "UbuntuTrusty", "4.4" : "UbuntuXenial", "3.8" : "Wasta12", "3.16": "Wasta14" } elif my_OS == sikuli.OS.WINDOWS: myOS = "W" _sikuliRepo = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA'),"Sikulix\\") _vagrantFolder = "C:/vagrant/" _homeFolder = os.getenv('USERPROFILE')+"\\" os_options = { "6.0": "WindowsVista", "6.1":"Windows7", "6.2":"Windows8", "6.3":"Windows8.1", "10.0": "Windows10", } elif my_OS == OS.MAC: myOS = "M" _sikuliRepo = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'),"Library/Application Support/Sikulix/") _homeFolder = os.path.expanduser('~')+"/" else: myOS = "N" print "Unsupported OS." exit(1) _sitePackages = os.path.join(_sikuliRepo, "Lib/site-packages") # Determine Logging Folder # A non-existent, empty, invalid logFolder.txt or one with "image_updater" keeps all logs in the .sikuli folder of each test. # A logFolder.txt with a valid path keeps all logs in one log in that folder. # A logFolder.txt with "vagrant" keeps all logs in the default vagrant folder. # Helper scripts logs are kept in the top level folder. try: with open(os.path.join(_sitePackages, "logFolder.txt"), "r") as f: rawLogFolder = os.path.normpath((f.readline()).strip()) except IOError: rawLogFolder = "." if "image_updater" in rawLogFolder: _logToFolder = sikuli.getBundleFolder() updateImages() #setFindFailedResponse(PROMPT) #Native support for capturing in 1.1.1 elif "vagrant" in rawLogFolder: _logToFolder = _vagrantFolder else: if rawLogFolder != "." and os.path.exists(rawLogFolder): _logToFolder = rawLogFolder else: if len(rawLogFolder)>1: print "ERROR: LogFolder.txt contents not usable. Using default behavior." _logToFolder = sikuli.getBundleFolder() Debug.setUserLogFile(os.path.join(_logToFolder, "UserLog.txt"), premake=False) try: myImagesFolder = os_options[my_OSVersion] except: sikuli.popup("The version of "+str(my_OS)+" is not supported yet.") #Determing where the common immage folders are and make them (default) if they are missing. parentPath = sikuli.getParentPath() parentFolder = os.path.basename(parentPath) if os.path.basename(parentPath) == "helpers": _myImagesPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parentPath), "images", myImagesFolder) else: _myImagesPath = os.path.join(parentPath, "images", myImagesFolder) if not os.path.exists(_myImagesPath): error_message = "WARNING: The following Common Image Path is missing: "+_myImagesPath print error_message #sikuli.popup(error_message) if sikuli.Sikulix.prefLoad("cib") == "ASK": buttons = ["Make", "Cancel","Exit Program"] choice = JOptionPane().showOptionDialog(None, error_message , "Common Image Path Does Not Exist.", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, 0, None, buttons, buttons[0]) elif sikuli.Sikulix.prefLoad("cib") == "MAKE": choice = 0 elif sikuli.Sikulix.prefLoad("cib") == "SKIP": choice = 1 else: print "Common Image Behavior not correct." if choice == -1: pass #Window Closed elif choice == 0: #creat path try: os.makedirs(_myImagesPath) sikuli.addImagePath(_myImagesPath) except: sikuli.popup(_myImagesPath+" could not be created.") elif choice == 1: pass elif choice == 2: exit(1) else: #print "You added an extra button and it doesn't do anything." pass else: sikuli.addImagePath(_myImagesPath) #myProjectsPath = os.path.join(parentPath, "projects") # If a file with the given filename already exists, the Logger will # just keep writing to the end of that file. # *_errorFile* is the path to the text log. # *_logToFolder* is the path to the directory which stores the # html log and its assiocated images. _artifactFolder = os.path.join(_logToFolder, "log") _errorFile = os.path.join(_artifactFolder,"error_log") #with open(_errorFile, "a") as f: # f.write("") # Create the log folder if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(_artifactFolder): os.makedirs(_artifactFolder) _partialHTML = os.path.join(_artifactFolder, "mylog.log") # Otherwise, see if there's already a log file else: glob_result = glob.glob(_artifactFolder + "/*.log") if len(glob_result) == 1: _partialHTML = glob_result[0] else: _partialHTML = os.path.join(_artifactFolder, "mylog.log") # Add the CSS stylesheet to the log folder, if it's not there already. if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(_artifactFolder, "log.css")): shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(_sitePackages,"log.css"), os.path.join(_artifactFolder, "log.css")) if _showHeader: #if imported this header shows the filepath of the main script #if runScript this header shows the filepath of the helper script doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() with tag("tr"): with tag("td", style="text-align: center; background-color:lightskyblue", colspan="7"): text(time.strftime("%x %H:%M:%S")+": "+sikuli.getBundleFolder()) with open(_partialHTML, "a") as f: f.write(doc.getvalue()) _registerHTMLgenerator()